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White County Board met April 10.


White County Board met April 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

A special meeting of the White County Board begun and holden this 10th day of April 2018 in the Courtroom of the White County Courthouse in the City of Carmi.

Chairman Dosher called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Clerk Dozier called the roll with McAnulty, Usery, Trout and Dosher all present. Mr. Puckett was recorded absent.

Mr. Usery led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Chairman Dosher asked the Board if they had received the minutes to the previous meeting and were there any additions, changes or deletions. Mr. Usery made a motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting and approve the minutes of the previous meeting as proposed in writing. Motion seconded by McAnulty. Motion passed 4-0-1 on roll call vote with Puckett recorded absent.

Chairman Dosher asked for a motion to pay all current bills. Mr. Usery made a motion to pay all current bills, seconded by Trout. Motion carried 4-0-1 on roll call vote with Puckett recorded absent.

Mr. Adam Allen, White County Ambulance Director, stated that the Department had a profit of around $20,000.00 and the deficit was only around $3,500.00 dollars. Chairman Dosher stated that the County had been trying to secure an ambulance grant and that he had pulled the plug on that last week.

Mr. Marsh, Coroner had submitted his report in writing.

Chairman Dosher stated that the Illinois Association of Elected Officials was going on in Springfield and that is where the most of the officials were tonight.

Ms. Lora Arneberg was going to be a little late because she had to travel to Indianapolis for a funeral. Chairman Dosher stated that

Chairman Dosher stated that the next item on the agenda was to consider an amendment to the Illinois Public Risk Fund Amendment to Pooling Agreement and Bylaw. Clerk Dozier stated that she had sent this to State’s Attorney and everything she has looked at it is to clear up language because of the new enacted legislation. Mr. Aud agreed. Mr. Trout made a motion to adopt the amendment to the Pooling Agreement with the Illinois Public Risk Fund, seconded by Usery. Motion passed 4-0-1 on roll call vote, Puckett recorded absent.

Chairman Dosher asked the Board to consider a new County Food Ordinance being presented by the Egyptian Health Department. Chairman Dosher asked the representatives from the Health Department why were they submitting the new ordinance? They replied to bring it up to date with the new FDA food code. The representatives of the Health Department stated that the last time the food ordinance had been adopted was 2001. Chairman Dosher asked them to email a copy to the County Clerk so that they could compare the new with the old ordinance. Chairman Dosher stated that since some members only received their packets he would like to ask that this ordinance be tabled to the May meeting. Mr. Usery made a motion to table the food ordinance to the May meeting. Motion seconded by Trout. Motion passed 4- 0-1 on roll call vote with Puckett recorded absent.

Chairman Dosher stated that the next item on the agenda was to consider a sewer ordinance. Chairman Dosher asked that this also be tabled until the May meeting and if the representatives of the Egyptian Health Department could mail the latest adopted sewer ordinance to the County Clerk the Board would appreciate it. The Health Department representatives stated that the last ordinance was passed in 1988 and the State has modified the sewer code prompting this ordinance. Mr. Usery made a motion to table the Sewer Ordinance until the May meeting. Motion seconded by McAnulty. Motion carried 4-0-1 on roll call vote, Puckett recorded as absent.

Chairman Dosher stated that the next item on the agenda was to consider the approval of the resolution for the sale of real estate by the Trustee Program. Chairman Dosher stated that Parcel 01-20- 151-012 and 013 would be sold to James W. Witwer and Parcel 05-21-109-001 be sold to Tommy J. Wilhite. Mr. Trout made a motion to approve the resolutions for sale of real estate through the trustee’s program to James W. Witwer and Tommy J. Wilhite. Motion seconded by Usery. Motion passed4-0-1 on roll call vote, Puckett recorded as absent.

Chairman Dosher stated that the Board and the State’s Attorney had been reviewing ordinances of other counties to try and develop a zoning ordinance for solar energy farms. Chairman Dosher stated that it has not been completed and asked that this be tabled until May. He stated that the Board needed to get this ordinance right before being presented so that it would not hinder the development of the solar farms. He stated that one particular avenue which was creating problems was a bond amount for clean-up in case the project would be abandoned. Mr. McAnulty made a motion to table the solar energy zoning ordinance until May, seconded by Usery. Motion passed 4-0-1 on roll call vote, with Puckett recorded absent.

Chairman Dosher stated that the next item on the agenda was to consider adopting an ordinance to allow video gaming at Chuck Wagon Charlies (located at the Burnt Prairie exit). Mr. Denton Aud, State’s Attorney stated that he had been speaking with individuals from the Illinois Gaming Board and they are of the opinion that it is not necessary for the County Board to do anything. Mr. Aud stated that Chuck Wagon Charlie’s will not be selling alcohol so there would not be any reason for The Board to take action. Chairman Dozier stated that he would have Chuck Wagon Charlie’s contact Mr. Aud for the name and number of the individual they should be dealing with at the Gaming Board to try and expedite their licensing.

Chairman Dosher stated that the next item on the agenda is to consider the placing of a referendum on the November ballot for public safety tax which would increase the sales tax for support of the Ambulance Service. Chairman Dosher stated that he had requested an estimate of what the public safety tax could raise. He stated that for every.25 % that the tax rate would increase would be $263,845.00. Mr. Trout stated that he just voted against David Reis because he voted for a 32 per cent State Income Tax increase. Mr. Trout stated therefore he would be against the referendum. Chairman Dosher stated that they would consider this again maybe as quickly as next month but it would have to be passed and certified to the Clerk by the July meeting.

Chairman Dosher stated that the Board needs to consider the following resolution for fund appropriation on Section 14-03120-00-BR. This is a bridge over a drainage ditch in Emma Township. The resolution is as follows:

Resolution For Fund Appropriation

Section 14-03120-00-BR

Whereas, the State of Illinois and White County believe it would be beneficial to the public if a bridge is constructed on TR 0267 (County Road 1000N), approximately 3.5 miles N of Emma over a Drainage Ditch, and;

Whereas, the State of Illinois, Emma Township and White County are desirous of entering into an agreement to utilize STR, TBP and MFT funds for the above construction, setting forth the terms and obligations to each agency, a copy of which is attached hereto; and

Now, Therefore Be It Resolved By The White County Board, that the Board Chairman and County Clerk of White County are authorized, and are directed to execute an agreement and any subsequent amendments thereto, pertaining to the financing of the above-named improvement; and

Be It Further Resolved, that there is appropriated $9,200 from Emma Township’s Motor Fuel Tax Fund and $36,800 from White County’s Township Bridge Program as the local share for the construction of Section 14-03120-00-BR, and

Be It Further Resolved, that there is appropriated $400 from Emma Township’s Motor Fuel Tax Fund and $1,600 from White County’s Township Bridge Program as the local share for the construction engineering of Section 14-03120-00-BR,

Be It Furhter Resolved, that this agreement and any amendments, when executed in the final form, be submitted to the Illinois Department of Transportation for their approval and final processing, after which each party shall be bound by the terms set forth in the agreement and any subsequent amendment thereto.

State Of Illinois

County Of White

I, Paula Dozier, County Clerk in and for the County of White in the State of Illinois, and a keeper of the records and files thereof, as provided by statute, do hereby certify the forgoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the County Board of the County of White, at its adjourned meeting held at the White County Courthouse on April 10, 2018.

In Testmony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at my office in Carmi, Illinois, this 10th day of April 2018.

Paula Dozier

White County Clerk

Mr. Trout made motion to approve the Fund Appropriation resolution for Section 14-03120-00-BR, motion seconded by McAnulty. Motion passed 4-0-1 on roll call vote with Puckett recorded absent.

Chairman Dosher asked the Board for approval of a federal aid agreement on Section 14-03120- 00-BR a bridge 3.5 miles North of Emma at a Drainage Ditch on (1000N). Mr. Trout made a motion to approve the federal aid agreement for a bridge known as Section 14-03120-00-BR. Motion seconded by Usery. Motion carried 4-0-1 on roll call vote with Puckett recorded absent.

Chairman Dosher asked the Board to consider a resolution for a fund appropriation on Section 09-08141-00-BR a bridge in Indian Creek over 300N, 4 miles SE of Norris City. The resolution is as follows:

Resolution For Fund Appropriation

Section 09-08141-00-BR

Whereas, the State of Illinois and White County believe it would be beneficial to the public if a bridge is constructed on TR 0403 (County Road 300N), approximately 4 miles SE of Norris City over an Unnamed Creek, and;

Whereas, the State of Illinois, Indian Creek Township and White County are desirous of entering into an agreement to utilize STR, TBP and MFT funds for the above construction, setting forth the terms and obligations to each agency, a copy of which is attached hereto; and

Now, Therefore Be It Resolved By The White County Board, that the Board Chairman and County Clerk of White County are authorized, and are directed to execute an agreement and any subsequent amendments thereto, pertaining to the financing of the above named improvement; and

Be It Further Resolved, that there is appropriated $10,400 from Indian Creek Township’s Motor Fuel Tax Fund and $41,600 from White County’s Township Bridge Program as the local share for the construction of Section 09-08141-00-BR, and

Be It Further Resolved, that there is appropriated $400 from Indian Creek Township’s Motor Fuel Tax fund and $1,600.00 from White County’s Township Bridge Program as the local share for the construction engineering of Section 09-08141-00-BR,

Be It Further Resolved, that this agreement and any amendments, when executed in the final form, be submitted to the Illinois Department of Transportation for their approval and final processing, after which each party shall be bound by the terms set forth in the agreement and any subsequent amendment thereto.

State Of Illinois

County Of White

I, Paula Dozier, County Clerk in and for the County of White in the State of Illinois, and a keeper of the records and files thereof, as provided by statute, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the County Board of the County of White, at its adjourned meeting held at the White county Courthouse on April 10, 2018.

In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at my office in Carmi, Illinois, this 10th day of April 2018.

Paula Dozier, County Clerk

Mr. Brian Ray stated that this was the appropriation resolution for the Federal Aid agreement that was signed last month. He stated that he had forgotten to add this resolution to the agenda last month. Mr. McAnulty made a motion to approve the resolution, seconded by Usery. Motion passed 4-0-1 on roll call vote with Puckett recorded absent.

Chairman Dosher asked the Board to give Brian Ray permission to advertise for bid for new rural reference signs and make a decision on funding of that project. Chairman Dosher stated that the original plan was to buy half now and half next year. Mr. Ray stated that they could save around $6,000.00 if they ordered all of the signs. Also it would make it less confusing if they were all purchased at once. Mr. Ray stated that he had a place to store the signs. Chairman Dosher also stated that with the new tariffs the cost of metal may increase over the next couple of years and the County would be better to purchase all of them. Mr. Ray stated that he thought some of the funding or about $30,000.00 could be paid out of Federal Aid matching. Mr. Dosher stated that around $65,000.00 was put in the current budget to pay for the signs. Mr. McAnulty made a motion that Mr. Ray be authorized to advertise for bids on the rural reference signs and 1/3 of the cost be taken out of Federal Aid Matching funds and 2/3 out of Miscellaneous General Fund. Motion seconded by Trout. Motion passed 4-0-1 on roll call vote, Puckett recorded as absent.

Ms. Lora Arneberg , Mr. Eric Henning and Spud Egbert gave an update on the progress of opening the Harmony Way Bridge to either one lane traffic, a foot bridge or a combination. Ms. Lora Arneberg, explained Lexington, Kentucky had about the exact same dilemma with a bridge in their area. Ms. Arneberg said that they had finally been able to open the bridge as a foot bridge. She stated that they have come back to Indiana and tried to model the Harmony Way Project like the Kentucky project. She stated that the fund raising began so that they could have the bridge inspected and proposals put together of how the bridge should be opened. Cost studies were done to open the bridge one of three ways. Foot traffic, foot traffic with one lane for vehicles, and restoration back to normal. After the study was completed they approached the legislator and had a Port authority created. Ms. Arneberg stated so this group has two missions in mind. One to bring the County Board up to date and two to ask them for a resolution of support in helping them to establish a port authority in Illinois to take over the operations of the bridge. By creating an actual authority, they would become tax exempt, it would protect the authority against liability and also they could receive private funding and grants from the State and Federal government. Mr. Mike “Spud” Egbert stated that the White County Bridge Commission was a commission created by Federal legislation in the 30’s. Bonds were sold to build the bridge and members of the Bridge Commission were Federal appointments. Mr. Egbert stated that there were 7 bridges built this way in the United States and this was the only one left in existence. Mr. Egbert stated that the Bridge Commission consisted of three members and he was the only member who was currently on that commission. He stated one member had resigned and the other member has dementia. Mr. Egbert stated that he stayed on the commission in hopes of one day being able to reopen the bridge in some form. Mr. Egbert stated that he wanted to be in a position that he could transfer the Illinois property if necessary. Mr. Egbert stated that he was meeting with Representative Reis on Wednesday and that he was going to feel him out on his feelings about the Harmony Way Bridge. Mr. Henning, Ms. Arneberg and Mr. Egbert asked the Board for a letter or resolution of support to go to Senator Righter and Representative Reis. Chairman Dosher stated that they would have that added to next month’s agenda.

Chairman Dosher stated that when they were discussing the video gaming at Chuck Wagon Charlie’ in Burnt Prairie, the Board did not mention where the monies received would go. Mr. McAnulty made a motion that the monies derived from the video gaming at Chuck Wagon Charlie’s go directly to the White County Ambulance Fund. Mr. Usery seconded the motion. Motion passed 4-0-1 on roll call vote, Puckett recorded absent.

Chairman Dosher stated that the next meeting would be on Tuesday, May 8, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.

Mr. Usery made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Trout. Motion passed 4-0-1 on roll call vote, Puckett recorded absent.




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