
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Hamilton County Community Unit School District 10 Board of Education met August 21.

Webp meeting 07

Hamilton County Community Unit School District 10 Board of Education met Aug. 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Board of Education of Hamilton County Community Unit District No. 10 met in regular session on the evening of August 21, 2018 at 7:00 p.m., in the Unit Office.

The meeting was called to order by Board President Dennis Lynch. Roll Call was as follows: Present – Steve Becker, Bob Gray, Jeff Lueke, Tim Millenbine, Clint Ragan, Ellen Rubenacker, and Dennis Lynch.

Motion by Ragan, second by Lueke to approve the following items under the Consent Agenda: The minutes from the June 19, 2018 Special board meeting, and minutes from the July 16, 2018 Regular board meeting, Treasurer’s Report, Budget report, District bill listing, and the destruction of Executive Session Audio Recordings older than 18 months per Code. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Ragan, Lueke, Becker, Gray, Millenbine, Rubenacker, and Lynch. Motion carried.

CORRESPONDENCE- The Board received a thank you from Janice Crow, PI Coordinator, thanking the Board for their consideration of the financial backing of the 0-3 Baby Prevention Initiative.

VISITORS/Public Comment- Civics students were present for a classroom assignment. Principals welcomed and introduced new staff from their respective buildings, and enjoyed a cake and punch reception.


Mr. Fetcho updated the Board on the following:

Mr. Fetcho read the official letter received from ISBE informing the District that the FY’19 Prevention Initiative

Grant has been awarded $210,900 allowing them to serve 37 Children/Families in Hamilton County. A reminder that there is an IASB meeting October 4, 2018 at Pinckneyville HS. Mr. Fetcho and Dennis Lynch attended a city council and county board meeting thanking them for appointing a Resource Officer, and offering them the opportunity to help provide financial support for this program. State disbursements owed $351,093.

The Board reviewed the FY 19 Tentative Budget. The activity bus will be here on Thursday. The Board was reminded of the IASB Convention in Chicago on November 15-17, 2018.

CURRICULUM- Mr. Fetcho told the Board that there was a new staff orientation on August 8th and 10th , 2018. Also a District wide teacher inservice was August 14th and 15th. First day of enrollment was 1134 down 16 students from last year at this time.


Motion by Millenbine, second by Becker to set the Budget Hearing date and time as September 18, 2018 at 6:45

p.m. just prior to the regular September meeting at 7 p.m. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

The Board discussed Dahlgren School upgrades, including electrical issues in the Dahlgren kitchen. The Board

wants to get estimates of installing air conditioning in all the District schools before making decisions. Member Rubenacker asked if the Board would be willing to reimburse the Dahlgren PTO for the recent purchase of a window air conditioning unit that they were unable to use at the school.

Motion by Gray, and second by Ragan to purchase the air conditioning unit from the Dahlgren PTO since it could be used somewhere in the District. Roll Call Vote – Voting yes – Gray, Ragan, Becker, Lueke, Millenbine, Rubenacker, and Lynch. Motion carried.


Motion by Millenbine, second by Ragan to approve the 2018-2019 School Calendar Handbook/Student

Handbooks and Athletic Policy Handbook. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Lueke, second by Becker to approve the renewal with Country Financial to provide the Districts

various insurance coverages from September 1, 2018 through August 31, 2019. The School Board Legal Liability is with Darwin Insurance Group. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Lueke, Becker, Gray, Millenbine, Rubenacker, and Lynch. Abstain Voting- Ragan. Motion carried.

Motion by Ragan, second by Becker to approve the estimate in the amount of $5,800 from Craven’s Painting Service for work at the Jr/Sr High School. Roll Call Vote- Voting Yes – Ragan, Becker, Lueke, Ragan, and Lynch. Voting No – Gray and Rubenacker. Motion carried.

Motion by Ragan, second by Becker to approve the Agreement for PRESS Plus Policy Customization Services with IASB. The amount of $6,400 is for the first year, and the annual fee going forward is $1,700. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Ragan, Becker, Gray, Lueke, Millenbine, and Lynch. Voting No – Rubenacker. Motion carried.

Motion by Lueke, second by Becker to convene in executive session at 8:35 p.m. to discuss appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of a specific employee(s) or office of the public body, purchase of investments, and pending litigation pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)&(7). Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Lueke, Becker, ray, Millenbine, Ragan, Rubenacker, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Gray, second by Lueke to come out of executive session at 11:10 p.m. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Gray, Lueke, Becker, Millenbine, Ragan, Rubenacker, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Becker, second by Rubenacker to approve the minutes from executive session. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Ragan, second by Lueke to approve a medical leave request from a non-certified employee beginning August 13, 2018 and continuing for 8 to 10 weeks. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Becker, second by Rubenacker to approve a medical leave request from a certified employee beginning approximately October 11, 2018 and continuing for 8 weeks. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Ragan, second by Rubenacker to accept a letter of resignation form Shannon Brown, 7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach, effective July 27, 2018. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Becker, second by Ragan to accept a letter of resignation from Lonnie Benbrook, Bus Driver, effective August 12, 2018. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Lueke, second by Becker to accept a letter of resignation from Robin LaBuwi, assistant football coach, effective August 17, 2018. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Ragan, second by Gray to employ Kristi McMurtry as a bus driver, contingent upon successful completion of a background check and completion of necessary paperwork, effective August 22, 2018. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Ragan, Gray, Becker, Lueke, Millenbine, Rubenacker, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Becker, second by Ragan to employ Emilea Kelly as a part-time tutor, on an hourly basis, assigned to East Side, contingent upon successful completion of a background check and completion of necessary paperwork, effective with the start of the 2018-2019 school year. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Becker, Ragan, Gray, Lueke, Millenbine, Rubenacker, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Lueke, second by Rubenacker to recall the following Aides, effective with the start of the 2018-2019 school year: Chasiti Phelps, Bessie Millenbine, and April Schaefer. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Lueke, Rubenacker, Becker, Gray, Millenbine, Ragan, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Rubenacker, second by Gray to increase the employment days of Kristin Rogers and Deidra Traylor, PI Baby Talk Specialists, from 180 days to 200 days due to the awarding of the PI 0-3 Grant, effective August 1, 2018. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Rubenacker, Gray, Becker, Lueke, Millenbine, Ragan, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Gray, second by Becker to increase the employment days of Janice Crow, PI Coordinator, from 180 days to 220 days due the awarding of the PI 0-3 Grant, effective August 1, 2018. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Gray, Becker, Lueke, Millenbine, Ragan, Rubenacker, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Becker, second by Ragan to increase the Technology Network Specialist salary by $2,741.36 to accommodate additional assigned duties, effective with the 2018-2019 school year. Roll Call Vote –Voting Yes – Becker, Ragan, Gray, Lueke, Millenbine, Rubenacker, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Lueke, second by Rubenacker to re-employ Jacquelyn Anselment as a grant funded, certified Early Childhood Teacher, effective with the start of the 2018-2019 school year. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Lueke, Rubenacker, Becker, Gray, Millenbine, Ragan, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Ragan, second by Millenbine to approve a stipend for dual credit instructors for the delivery of dual credit courses in the amount of $10 per student, per semester for the 2018-2019 school year. Roll Call Vote- Voting Yes- Ragan, Millenbine, Becker, Gray, Lueke, Rubenacker, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Lueke, second by Gray to authorize to post for a 7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Becker, second by Millenbine to authorize to post for a Child Care Worker (s). Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Millenbine, second by Gray to increase hourly rate for part-time and seasonal employees from $8.25 per hour to $8.75 per hour, effective August 13, 2018. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Millenbine, Gray, Becker, Lueke, Ragan, Rubenacker, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Gray, second by Ragan to adjourn. Vote was taken by voice, motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 11:20 p.m.
