
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Mount Carmel City Council met September 10.

City of Mount Carmel City Council met Sept. 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Invocation was given by Reverend Tony Hodgson.

Present on Roll Call: Mayor Bill Hudson Commissioners – Eric Ikemire, Joe Judge Justin Dulgar, Rod Rodriguez

Also, Present: City Administrative Assistant Rudy Witsman and City Attorney Kelli Storckman.


Mayor Hudson brought the city council meeting to order.

Mayor Hudson acknowledged Jerry Spruell, who was in attendance to announce the Eagles’ Annual Fall Fest on September 28th and 29th with their Annual Picnic being held on Sunday, September 30th. Mr. Spruell was seeking council approval as the event will be held inside the club and also outside within a secured area of the parking lot.

Mayor Hudson acknowledged Don Mains with the Mount Carmel Lions Club, who was in attendance to seek council approval for the Lions Club’s annual fundraising event to be held at the designated intersections in the city on Friday, October 12th and Saturday, October 13th.

Mayor Hudson acknowledged Marshall Thomason, who addressed the council concerning the leaf situation this year since the city no longer provides the leaf pickup service and inquired if the city would consider the burning of leaves. Commissioner Ikemire affirmed the city no longer has the leaf vac service however, bagged leaves will be picked up and stated some residents do mulch the leaves. Mayor Hudson stated leaf burning is not allowed within the city limits and reminded that residents may take their leaves to the brush harbor. Mr. Thomason stated he, as well as other residents, have too many leaves to keep up with by mulching or bagging and does not have the means to haul them to the brush harbor. Mayor Hudson and the Council acknowledged Mr. Thomason’s concerns and will look into the situation to try to resolve the issue.

Mayor Hudson reported the committee for the City of Mount Carmel’s 200th Bicentennial Celebration throughout 2018 is very pleased to announce the 200th Birthday Party Event scheduled for Friday, October 12th on Market Street with the highlights of the evening being a free concert performance by Grammy and CMA Award Winners, the Kentucky Headhunters. Mayor Hudson announced the opening act for the free concert event will be the Smoke Rings, who are well known in this region for over twenty years. Mayor Hudson reported a steak dinner will be prepared by the Mount Carmel Rotary Club and Hogg Heaven Barbeque along with other food vendors with varied menus. Mayor Hudson stated the committee is still in the process of raising funds for the birthday party celebration as well as other potential legacy projects to commemorate the bicentennial over many decades. Mayor Hudson reported more information will be released soon including a complete schedule and the price/availability of the dinner tickets. Mayor Hudson introduced the chairman of the bicentennial committee, Mr. Shawn Storckman and committee member, Ms. Lesley Hipsher. Mr. Storckman reiterated the mayor’s announcements of the events for the evening and stated the entertainment should begin at 6:30 or 7:00 pm with the dinner starting at 4:30 to 5:00 pm. Mr. Storckman stated there could be additional requests of the council as the preparations continue. Ms. Hipsher stated the Mount Carmel Bicentennial Facebook page has been setup to provide information regarding the upcoming events and citizens may call the Wabash County Chamber of Commerce, as well.

Mayor Hudson welcomed City Attorney Kelli Storckman back to the council meeting and congratulated her on the birth of her son.

Mayor Hudson thanked the public for their patience during the rain storm over the weekend. Mayor Hudson stated that is why residents are asked to not blow their grass clippings into the gutters and storm sewers, as that creates problems especially during heavy rains.

Mayor Hudson announced on Sunday, September 16th at 1:30 pm at the Wabash Valley College Brubeck Arts Center a presentation regarding the link between the Ball Jar Industry at Muncie, Indiana, the White River and the Wabash River. Mayor Hudson stated this concert is part of the various Bicentennial Celebrations.

Mayor Hudson reported the MCHS Homecoming Celebration Weekend will be held on September 21st, 22nd and the 23rd. Mayor Hudson announced on the Sunday, September 23rd a Bicentennial Jubilee Concert will be held at the Wabash Valley College Brubeck Arts Center. Mayor Hudson stated this concert will culminate the end of the homecoming weekend and the bicentennial celebrations for the month of September.



Commissioner Ikemire reported in the last two weeks the street department cleaned intakes; mowed the parks and city properties; performed maintenance on the bike path in the area of Poplar and Oak Streets; removed a section of the brick street near East Seventh and Cherry as we continue the “Adopt a Spot” Program; finished the fog sealing process which was part of the summer oil/chip maintenance program; and performed yard abatements.


Statement of Receipts and Expenditures – See attached agenda with financials.

Commissioner Judge reported the Modern Woodman of America will be donating $300.00 to the WC Cafeteria and Senior Center for an upcoming project.

Commissioner Judge reiterated a delivery truck was recently purchased for the WC Cafeteria and Senior Center Meals on Wheels Program. Commissioner Judge stated the new truck is working out well and the center has received positive feedback from clients of the program.

Commissioner Judge reported he has written fourteen different grants for fourteen different entities within the City of Mount Carmel, Wabash County and other non-profit organizations. Commissioner Judge stated more information should be forthcoming in December regarding the grants, which totaled $48,500.00 and is in hopes the proposed recipients will receive some positive news.


Commissioner Dulgar reported the West Third Street Water Tower is still being serviced; the painting of the tower and the riser replacement should begin within the next two weeks. Commissioner Dulgar anticipates the project should be complete within a month.

Commissioner Dulgar stated the wastewater plant’s outfall project is ongoing and the equipment is on order for the aeration and digester projects.


Commissioner Rodriguez reported in the last two weeks the fire department had eight runs; conducted hazmat training; and tonight, is the fire department’s regular business meeting.

Commissioner Rodriguez thanked all the city crews for their hard work and efforts during the heavy rains this past weekend.


City Administrative Assistant Witsman announced this fall’s large trash pickup week is October 1st through October 5th. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated this service is for the residents of the City of Mount Carmel only and affirmed the items are not to be set out until that week. City Administrative Assistant Witsman reminded that mattresses and box springs must be completely wrapped in plastic to be picked up by Republic Services, as this is for the protection of the drivers.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated April 2nd, 2019 will be the election for the city council. City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported the City of Mount Carmel operates under a commission form of government, which by statue the mayor and council are elected at large. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated the first day to pick up a petition to run for mayor or city council is September 19th, 2018; the first day to return the petition is December 10th, 2018 with December 17th, 2018 at 5:00 pm being the last day to file the petition.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported he has been approached by a couple of businesses along Market Street asking if the city council would renew the Façade Improvement Grant Program. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated the grants were funded with TIF monies within that area. City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported $10,000, per year is funded and the city has not yet awarded any monies this year. City Administrative Assistant Witsman explained the city will match up to $1000.00 to business owners and stated it has been a beneficial program in the past. City Administrative Assistant Witsman asked council approval for the funding as the program encourages development along Market Street. The council agreed by acclamation.

City Administrative Assistant asked council approval for a raffle license application that was submitted from the Wabash General Hospital Auxiliary to help raise money for the auxiliary. The council approved by acclamation.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated the State of Illinois Statues requires the present city council make recommendation to approve a raise for the next city council that will be elected in April of next year. City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported the recommendation must be done 180 days prior to the election and now is the time to enact a pay increase. The mayor and commissioners agreed that current pay for the future council should stay as is and did not make the recommendation.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported within the consent agenda is Ordinance 1099 – an ordinance granting the special use permit for the Merriel RV Park, which was presented at the last council meeting.


City Attorney Storckman no report.


City Inspector Gidcumb absent.


Street Department Superintendent Easter reported unfortunately the city’s storm sewer system cannot handle the massive amount of rain that was received over the weekend and there were places in the city that flooded don’t normally flood. Street Department Superintendent Easter stated he understands the issues that people had to face due to the heavy rains. Mayor Hudson gave compliments to the street department crew and stated they did an outstanding job on handling all the water.


Fire Chief Speth absent.


Mayor Hudson and the Council approved the Consent Agenda, as presented in the agenda dated September 10th, 2018. The consent agenda includes approval of Ordinance 1099 – An Ordinance Granting Special Use – Merriel RV Park; approval of the minutes for the council meeting held on August 27th, 2018 and approval of paying all bills bearing the proper signatures.

Meeting adjourned 5:30 p.m.
