Galatia Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met March 28.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
0.0 Call to order
1.0 Pledge
2.0 Approval of Consent Agenda
2.1 Approve minutes of previous meeting
2.2 Approve bills and payroll
2.3 Approve Treasures report/co-mingled account
3.0 Audience to Visitors
3.1 Cheryl Stallings
4.0 Old Business
4.1 Accept Bids: Fuel, Mowing, Pest Control, Waste Service
5.0 New Business
5.1 Approve Field Trips
5.2 QNS Proposal
5.3 Futiva 5 year Contract
5.4 Press Policy Reading
5.5 Approve Consolidated District Plan
5.6 High School Kitchen Stove
6.0 Committee Reports
6.1 Transportation
6.2 Building and Grounds
6.3 Athletic Report
7.0 High School Principal Report
8.0 Superintendent Report
9.0 Executive Session (Closed) to discuss employment, compensation, hiring, firing, discussion of aides & coaches, and review Executive Session minutes
11.0 Adjourn