City of Albion City Council met March 19.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The Albion City Council met in regular session on Mar 19, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. in the Albion City Hall. Mayor John Henze called the meeting to order and led Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Present- Pat Hemming, Eric Eirikson, Kim Dostal, and absent Eric Schmidt, Jordan Hinkle.
Before approval Eirikson moved and Dostal seconded to amend the agenda to include Mar 14th, 2019 Spec Budget hearing minutes. Motion passed 3-0.
Dostal moved to approve the agenda and Hemming seconded it. Motion passed 3-0
Hemming moved to approve the consent agenda and was seconded by Dostal. The consent agenda consisted of regular minutes from Feb 19, 2019 minutes, and Feb 26 & Mar 8, 2019 spec meeting minutes, and approval claims for payment, and financial reports. Motion passed 3-0.
Deputy Dean gave the sheriff’s report.
Public Safety and Parks & Rec – nothing to report.
Aaron Betts, Fire Chief, stated they had been on 7 calls the month of Feb. The F.D. is hopeful for warmer weather to continue work on the new addition.
Ryan McRill, EMS Chief, stated they had been on 3 medical calls for Feb.
Hemming, water chairman, gave the water report. Hemming also reviewed his minutes from the water committee’s meeting held on Mar 5, 2019. Attendees were: Pat Hemming, Kim Dostal, Jordan Hinkle, Marty Wymore, Julie Winter, Rhonda Guy, Bob Veentra, and Diane Reeves with public comments. Topics of water committee meeting: 1) sign with Rural water, 2) Seek FRS funding to repair well #3, drill a deep well and address our water loss, 3) looking at previous identified locations in July 2010, 4) Advantages a) piping and electrical in place b) study identified a location to achieve a deep well c) SRF request had been sent and confirmed, 5) talked about meter system and the need to address no matter which way proceed 6) discussed if we knew percentages of people in town that use water softening, 7) How do we figure water bill if we go with fixing well #3 and drill through SRF funding or go to rural water.
Dostal, sewer chairman, suggested the city start slip lining sewer lines to cut down on INI. File for disadvantaged community with IDNR for future sewer plans.
Julia Ohrt, Librarian, gave out a handout on how our Municipal library serves our 1) senior population, 2) Provides special activities, 3) Preserves Albion area memorabilia, 4) teaches skill and expands horizons a) Master Gardner b) Travelogues, 5) Utilizes volunteers to expand budget.
Eirikson, street chairman, he will be out on the streets looking for potholes and water leaks. Still waiting on bids to repair plow truck wing.
Keefer, city maintenance, stated as the frost leaves the ground he will watch for leaks. Also he is preparing for spring.
The proposal by Jared McRill was tabled due to the need for posting for bids.
Discussion item #2: Many interested people from the Albion community were available for the council to ask questions of and for the council to receive questions by. The council is pressed with a difficult decision with their choice of hooking onto Rural Water or drilling a new well. Bob Veenstra, City Engineer from V&K, was available to help with questions. This was a proud moment for the City as a whole, as the meeting had standing room only, and many citizens left the meeting after being able to voice their opinions. A big THANK YOU goes out to our Community! Please continue to make your voice heard as we continue working on our water crisis.
A motion by Dostal and a second by Hemming to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed 3-0 Meeting adjourned at 8:09pm