Hamilton County Board met April 16.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Pledge to the Flag
2. Roll Call
3. Approve the Minutes of the March 19th, 2019 Regular Hamilton County
Board Meeting as circulated
4. Acknowledgement of guest.
5. Discussion / Approval of Resolution #2019-10 and Ordinance #02-2019 General Nuisance Regulations as referenced in Resolution #2019-10
Roll Call Vote:
6. Reminder:: Retirement Reception for Ms. Connie Beck, Director Of University of Illinois Extension: Thursday, April 25th, 2019 From 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
7. Sheriff Lakin, Sheriff Department Report
8. Bellwether, LLC::Administrative Services Report
9. Mary Anne Hopfinger, Hamilton County Recorder
RE: Document Storage Fund Transfer to County General Fund
Roll Call Vote:
10. Nathan Taylor: EMA Director, EMA report
11. Dorothy Smith, ETSB Board report
12. Monica Tucker, Illinois South Tourism representative : Level of participation by
by county. Previous: Chamber Level = $225.00 (out of #1123)
13. Hamilton County Relay For Life : Request of Sponsorship. (Last year $250.) (out of #1123)
Roll Call Vote:
15. Accept check #1305 in the amount of $400.00 from the Hamilton County Extension Foundation for the sale of (16) Plat books. Loan balance = $5,400.00.
Roll Call Vote:
16. Approve the request from Southeastern Illinois Regional Planning and Development Commission for Local Dues (January – March, 2019) in the amount of $1,374.26.
Roll Call Vote:
17. Accept check # 038030 in the amount of $2,083.34 from the City of McLeansboro for the month of April 2019 for central dispatching between the City and County.
Roll Call Vote:
18. Approve Resolution #2019-11: assigning mobile home tax sale certificate #002270, Permanent Parcel #12-067 to Mark Tate for the sum of $845.00.
Roll Call Vote:
20. Approve Resolution #2019-13: assigning mobile home tax sale certificate #002263, Permanent Parcel #07-345 to the City of McLeansboro for the sum of $845.00.
Roll Call Vote:
21. Accept checks from the Hamilton County Health Department for the month of March 2019. Salaries: $7,892.42 Fringes: $993.81 Unemployment: $128.07 Insurance $962.79
22. Approve the Claims List and Late Claims with signatures of approval.
23. Hamilton County Coal, LLC; Royalty Summary Report:
Expected Income for March, 2019 = $37,749.05
24. County Clerk, Mary Anne Hopfinger: April 2nd, 2019 Consolidated Election Update.
25. Review and Discuss Letter from Lake County Board Members:
27. Appointment Request submitted by Southeastern Illinois Economic Development Authority.
28. Amend the Motion made January 15th, 2019 to approve Resolution #2019-01
Regarding the County Engineer’s Expenses for the period of January 1st, 2019 Through December 31st, 2019 in the amount of $3,500.00 And approve Resolution #2019-01-A correcting the date of passage of Resolution #2019-01.
Roll Call Vote:
29. Amend the Motion made January 15th, 2019 to approve Resolution #2019-02
Regarding the County Engineer’s Salary for the period of January 1st, 2019 through December 31st, 2019 in the amount of $45,600.00. And approve Resolution #2019-02-A correcting the date of passage of Resolution #2019-02.
Roll Call Vote:
30. Approve Resolution #2019-08 RE: Application to USDA Rural Development Community Facilities Loan & Grant Program
Roll Call Vote:
31. Approve Resolution #2019-09 RE: Blairsville, IL Road Patch Overlay and The inter-fund transfer of $40,000.00 from Culvert & Bridge Fund until Taxes are received later this year in an estimated amount of $48,000.00
Roll Call Vote:
Thursday April 25th, 2019 and Friday, April 26th, 2019
9:00a.m. to 3:00p.m. (Both Days)
Trade Industries of McLeansboro
1610 South Jackson Street
McLeansboro, Illinois
32. Public Comment: