
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Mount Carmel City Council met March 25

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City of Mount Carmel City Council met March 25.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Invocation was given by Tony Hodgson.

Present on Roll Call: Mayor Bill Hudson Commissioners – Joe Judge, Rod Rodriguez

Also, Present: City Administrative Assistant Rudy Witsman, City Attorney Kelli Storckman


Mayor Hudson brought the city council meeting to order.

Mayor Hudson acknowledged Police Chief John Lockhart, who announced his official retirement will be this summer, however his last day in the office will Friday, March 29th. Police Chief Lockhart thanked the city for their support throughout his years of service. Mayor Hudson and the Council thanked Chief Lockhart and commended him for his years of service to the City of Mount Carmel.

Mayor Hudson announced, in order to facilitate an orderly transition within the police department, Ryan Turner is being appointed as Interim Police Chief and Mike McWilliams as Interim Police Detective. Mayor Hudson reported Police Officers Turner and McWilliams will serve their respective positions until Police Chief Lockhart has exhausted his accumulative vacation and sick time. Mayor Hudson stated he consulted with Commissioner Joe Judge regarding the appointments as he is his opponent in the upcoming mayoral election and Commissioner Judge was in agreement.

Mayor Hudson reported the concrete driveway is being poured at the Holly Brook Development site; the canopy construction is almost complete; the interior construction should be starting this week; the stone and façade work should begin as soon as the weather breaks.

Mayor Hudson announced Buehlers Buy-Low will be housing an Ace Hardware Store within its facility as well as a new pharmacy.

Mayor Hudson reported Shopko will be closing its doors on April 7th and everything left in the store will be removed on April 8th and 9th. Mayor Hudson stated the search for a new tenant for the building is ongoing as Shopko does not own the building.

Mayor Hudson stated employment applications for the City of Mount Carmel Swimming Pool are available at City Hall, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Mayor Hudson reported all positions are available; life guards, manager, and concessions.

Mayor Hudson reported construction of the new stage at the Merchants Park should be starting within the next three weeks. Mayor Hudson stated the new stage addition will be a nice gathering place for musical concerts, movie nights, etc.



COMMISSIONER JOE JUDGE – FINANCE AND SENIOR CITIZENS Statement of Receipts and Expenditures – See attached agenda with financials.

Commissioner Judge reported the budget for the WC Cafeteria and Senior Center for the 2019/2020 fiscal year has been reviewed and fortunately the meal prices will not be raised. Commissioner Judge commended the employees at the center for their cost saving efforts. Commissioner Judge stated the meal prices will remain at $4.25 for persons sixty and older; $6.25 for persons under sixty and $5.00 for students.

Commissioner Judge stated the majority of the departments have turned in their budgets for the new fiscal year and the results are trending high versus the newly proposed fiscal budget.

Commissioner Judge reported on Wednesday, March 6th he attended the 30th Annual Rural Community Economic Development Conference in Springfield, Illinois. Commissioner Judge stated the sessions he attended were “Merging Local Investment Tools for Economic Development”; “Framework for Creating a Small Growth Economic Development Strategy”; and “Innovative Uses of TIF and Business Districts for Commercial Redevelopment”. Commissioner Judge reported he also attended a session regarding the “$15.00 Minimum Wage by the Year 2025 and stated that increase will not affect the city’s part time/seasonal employment for the new fiscal budget. Commissioner Judge stated the minimum wage increase takes affect January 1st, 2020 and will have an impact on the 2020/2021 fiscal budget.

Commissioner Judge announced Commissioner Ikemire and himself are working with Trio Upward Bound Program, who has volunteered for a community service project at the city park. Commissioner Judge reported the proposed work date will be Friday, June 7th and volunteers will be painting playground equipment at the park. Commissioner Judge stated the city will supply the paint and paintbrushes however, the labor will be free. Commissioner Judge reported he greatly appreciates the high school students volunteering to work with the city on this project.

Commissioner Judge reported there is some playground equipment in the city park that needs to be replaced and he has applied for a local philanthropy grant in the amount of $2500 for a new swing set for the park. Commissioner Judge stated there are two neighborhood parks and the city park; Glendale Park and Lincoln Park have had ninety percent of the playground equipment replaced within the last seven years while the city park, especially on the east side, still has most of the original equipment which was built by Mr. Boss as well as some professionally built equipment and it all is starting to deteriorate due to age. Commissioner Judge clarified that is the reason for focusing on the city park rather than the neighborhood parks at this time.


Commissioner Dulgar absent.


Commissioner Rodriguez reported in the last two weeks the fire department had six runs.

Commissioner Rodriguez stated the Fix-Up/Clean-Up Week is April 1st through April 5th. Commissioner Rodriguez reiterated Republic Services will not pick up batteries, tires, paint, electronics, microwaves, stoves, refrigerators, construction lumber, mattresses and box springs unless they are totally wrapped in plastic. Commissioner Rodriguez emphasized items not picked up by Republic Services is the resident’s responsibility to remove within one week’s time after April 5th.


City Administrative Assistant Witsman gave a gentle reminder that even if a landlord has a property rented the landlord is still responsible for the property if it is left in an unsightly manner. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated a notice violation letter will be sent to the tenant as well as the property owner.


City Attorney Storckman no report.


City Inspector Gidcumb absent.


Street Department Superintendent Dave Easter asked residents to please be considerate and to not overfill trash bags with yard waste. Street Department Superintendent Easter stated the request is on behalf of his employees and not wanting them to get hurt on the job while lifting heavy bags.


Fire Chief Frances Speth requested that if an individual is putting up signs to please not put them within three or four feet of the fire hydrants as it causes a hindrance for the fire fighters.


Mayor Hudson and the Council approved the Consent Agenda, as presented in the agenda dated March 25, 2019. The consent agenda included approval of the minutes for the council meeting held on March 11th, 2019 and approval of paying all bills bearing the proper signatures.

Meeting adjourned 5:16 p.m.
