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Monday, March 31, 2025

North Wayne Community Unit School District 200 Board of Education met May 8

Webp meeting 06

North Wayne Community Unit School District 200 Board of Education met May 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The first regular meeting of the month of May of the Board of Education of Community Unit School District 200, DuPage County, Illinois, was called to order at the School Service Center, 130 W Park Ave, Wheaton, IL, by Board President Brad Paulsen, on Wednesday, May 8, 2019, at 7:00 PM.


Upon the roll being called, the following were present:

Board Members: Brad Paulsen

Chris Crabtree

Rob Hanlon

Susan Booton

Ginna Ericksen

Dave Long

Jim Mathieson

Also in Attendance: Dr. Jeff Schuler, Superintendent

Mrs. Faith Dahlquist

Mr. Bill Farley

Dr. Charlie Kyle

Mrs. Erica Loiacono

Mr. Rodney Mack

Dr. Chris Silagi


Hawthorne Principal Danielle Moran led the Board and community in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Dr. Schuler noted the closed session would include The Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal of Specific Employees of the Public Body or Legal Counsel for the Public Body, Including Hearing Testimony on a Complaint Lodged Against an Employee of the Public Body or Against Legal Counsel for the Public Body to Determine its Validity 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1) 

PUBLIC COMMENTS – Agenda Items None 


Dr. Schuler reported the following:

 Dr. Schuler welcomed and introduced Mrs. Melissa Murphy, candidate for Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services. This will be on the personnel report for approval tonight.

 COD hosted a breakfast meeting this morning for community partners. There is interest in working more assertively with the high schools on dual credit.

 The District received notice on the initial release of the 5Essentials data (annual state instructional climate survey) which will be in the coming weeks. This data is planned to be shared at the June Board meeting.

 ACCESS data from the early learner program has shown another marked increase in the exit rate of students. This is extremely positive and will be shared at a future meeting.

 High School Graduation ceremonies will be taking place during the Memorial Day weekend. The PTA Scholarship breakfast was a great opportunity to hear stories of District 200 students and what they have accomplished. There are a lot of opportunities for Board Members in the coming weeks to attend end-of-year activities at the schools and to connect with their adopted schools.

 Dr. Schuler has asked Dr. Kyle to provide the Board with a presentation on ALICE, a new safety protocol the District will be moving to next year. The City of Wheaton is also holding a community session on ALICE. This represents an evolution of the practices in place which are currently in the District.


1. Acceptance of Gift to Emerson Elementary School– Recommend acceptance of gift to Emerson as presented.

2. Approval to Post AP US Government and Politics Textbook – Recommend approval to post AP US Government and Politics textbook as presented.

3. Approval to Post Information Technology I & II Textbooks– Recommend approval to post Information Technology I & II textbooks as presented.

4. Approval of English I Textbooks – Recommend approval of English I textbooks as presented.

5. Appointment of the District Representative to the DuPage Area Occupational Education System (DAOES) (TCD) Board of Directors for the 2019-20 School Year– Recommend appointment of the District Representative to DAOES (TCD) Board of Directors for 2019-20 as presented.

6. Approval of ROE Permit Applications for Scheduled Work at Sandburg Elementary and Franklin Middle Schools Through the Approved Guaranteed Energy Savings Contract – Recommend approval of ROE permit applications for scheduled work at Sandburg and Franklin Schools through the guaranteed energy savings contract as presented.

7. Approval of IHSA Annual Renewal– Recommend approval of IHSA annual renewal for 2019-20 as presented.

8. Approval of Resolution Appointing Treasurer and Approving the Treasurer’s Bond – Recommend approval of resolution appointing treasurer and approving the treasurer’s bond as presented.

9. Approval of Treasurer’s Bond Coverage – Recommend approval of treasurer’s bond coverage as presented.

10. Approval of Snack Vending Contract Renewal – Recommend approval of snack vending contract renewal as presented.

11. Approval of Resolution to Amend and Restate the Community Unit School District 200 Section 125 Medical Flexible Spending Account, Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account, and Pre-taxed Premium Plan (the Section 125 Plan) – Recommend approval of resolution to amend and restate the CUSD 200 section 125 medical flexible spending account, dependent care flexible spending account, and pre-taxed premium plan (the section 125 plan) as presented.

12. Approval of Bills Payable and Payroll – Recommend approval of the bills payable and payroll as presented.

13. Approval of Minutes – April 30, 2019 Special Board Reorganization Meeting, and Approval to Destroy Recordings of Closed Sessions Prior to December 2017 As Allowable by Law – Recommend approval of the minutes as presented and approval to destroy recordings of closed sessions prior to December 2017 as allowable by law.

14. Approval of Personnel Report to Include Employment, Resignation, Retirement, and Leave of Absence of Administrative, Certified, Classified and Non-Union Staff – Recommend approval of the personnel report as presented.

There was additional information on the following:

 In addition to the new Assistant Superintendent hire, the personnel report also includes the pay rates for both administrative and non-union staff – represents a 2% pay increase.

There was discussion on the following:

 Approval of contracts – the information reviewed and steps the Board has taken through the process

 ROE permit application – process, cost, approval, the role of architects


Member Hanlon moved, Member Ericksen seconded to accept the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: AYE 7, NAY 0.

The motion carried 7-0.


1. Approval of the Resolution Designating Depositories– Recommend approval of the resolution designating depositories as presented.

It was noted Board Member Mathieson is on the Board of Directors of one of the depositories and will abstain.


Member Crabtree moved, Member Booton seconded to accept the Consent Agenda 2 as presented. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: AYE 6 (Crabtree, Booton, Ericksen, Hanlon, Long, Paulsen), NAY 0, ABSTAIN 1 (Mathieson).

The motion carried 6-0-1.


Approval of a Resolution providing for the issue of not to exceed $45,000,000 General Obligation Refunding School Bonds, Series 2019, of the District, for the purpose of refunding certain outstanding bonds of the District, providing for the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, and authorizing the sale of said bonds to the purchaser thereof

On February 26, 2014, the Board of Education passed a resolution regarding the intention to restructure bond and interest debt when bonds became callable in an effort to reduce and make consistent annual payments of Principal and Interest. The process included four separate phases with the first phase approved in July of 2015. The Board approved the second phase in May 2016 and the third phase in May of 2018.

The Board Finance Committee met with Bob Lewis of PMA Securities to review refunding options for the fourth phase of the process. Based on the current interest rate environment, the Finance Committee is recommending that the Board of Education consider refunding approximately $45.0M of the 2009D Bonds. These bonds currently have an average interest rate of 5.19%. Mr. Lewis presented this information to the full Board at the April Committee of the Whole meeting.

In order to accomplish this the Board must approve a Resolution Providing for the Issue of not to Exceed $45,000,000 General Obligation Refunding School Bonds, Series 2019,

Of Community Unit School District Number 200, DuPage County, Illinois, and for the Levy of a Direct Annual Tax Sufficient to pay the Principal and Interest on said Bonds. It is anticipated that the interest rate on the refunding will be below 3%, and have an approximate net present value savings of $4.6MM.

Dr. Schuler introduced Ms. Jen Currier of PMA Securities who provided the Board with an overview of the last phase and parameters for the bond sale which is scheduled for June 10, 2019.

Board Secretary Hanlon read the Resolution:

RESOLUTION providing for the issue of not to exceed $45,000,000 General Obligation Refunding School Bonds, Series 2019, of Community Unit School District Number 200, DuPage County, Illinois, for the purpose of refunding certain outstanding bonds of said School District, providing for the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, and authorizing the sale of said bonds to the purchaser thereof.

It was recommended that the Board of Education approve the above Resolution as presented.

There were questions/comments on the following:

 The anticipated real savings to the District - $3 Million, with $3.8M in net presentn savings.

 This is based on the debt service the community would expect to pay given the way the

bonds are currently structured, therefore the community will pay $3M less than they would pay if not restructured.

 This is the 4th and final phase of bond refunding, representing a total of $7M in savings to the taxpayer.

 Levels out the debt service


Member Mathieson moved, Member Long seconded that the Board of Education adopts said Resolution as presented. Upon a roll call being taken, the vote was: AYE 7, NAY 0. The motion carried 7-0 and said resolution adopted, approved and signed the same in open meeting and the Secretary was directed to record the same in the records of the Board of Education of Community Unit School District Number 200, DuPage County, Illinois.

Approval to Post High School, Middle School, and Elementary School Handbooks for the 2019-2020 School Year

Annually, the Board must approve student handbooks. The current handbooks have been reviewed by administrators at all three levels. As is required by School Code, the Citizens Advisory Committee met on April 17, 2019 to review the changes recommended by the level administrators. The recommended revisions to the handbooks were also reviewed by the Senior Leadership Team and the Community Engagement Committee. Other than edits for clarification, the only substantive changes were a result of modifications to Board policies and Illinois School Code. The major purpose of these handbooks is to comply with the School Code or policy requirements around notifications to parents and students.

Dr. Charlie Kyle provided information on content changes to the handbooks, and Mrs. Erica Loiacono provided information on the structure and formatting changes in the handbooks.

Additional information included the following:

 Matching policy at all three (3) levels as well as updating current policies and protocols

 Readability of the handbooks – the goal is to make it easier to read

 MS and HS handbooks are located within their student planners

 Standardization of content within the handbooks

 Parents will be directed to a button stating they know where to go to access and read the handbook

There was discussion on the following:

 HS handbook – bus stops

 Ensuring the language in technology information sections matches what the District does/does not have

 Social media information/policy

 Dress code – differences in handbook information by level

 The audience for the handbooks – may vary by level

 HS code of conduct – dissemination of information; follow up for signatures; for all students or only athletic participants?

 Distribution of handbooks/planners at HS level – particularly to seniors

 Patriotism test vs. passing a specific class

 Ensuring all layout, fonts, etc. are consistent

 Ensuring the Board Community Engagement Committee members are comfortable with the final document

Dr. Schuler noted to the Board they would be approving the posting of the handbooks. Once approved, the redesign will take place and there will be a final format to the handbooks. The approval of the actual handbooks (including final format) is targeted for the June 12th agenda.

It was recommended that the Board approve the posting of high school, middle school, and elementary handbooks as presented.


Member Hanlon moved, Member Crabtree seconded to approve the posting of high school, middle school, and elementary handbooks as presented. Upon a roll call being taken, the vote was: AYE 7 NAY 0. 

The motion carried 7-0.

Approval of Proposal for 2019-2020 Guest Teacher Pay

The national shortage of guest teachers has been a challenge for school districts for many years. District 200 has felt the direct impact, along with neighboring school districts, with whom we share a vast pool of guest teachers. District 200’s guest teacher daily rate of pay is $85.00, which is the lowest rate of pay compared to not only our benchmark districts but also surrounding districts that are smaller in size.

In order to provide an incentive to attract, retain and remain competitive with our neighboring school districts, we are recommending a tier system to pay our guest teachers. The recommendation would be to implement a tier system for the 2019-2020 school year. This system will give incentive to our guest teachers to accept daily assignments on a consistent basis.

Additionally, this will help meet the daily needs of securing the coverage that is necessary for our district.

The incentive rates would be based on the tiers listed below:

0-29 days = $85.00/day

30-59 days = $95.00/day

60 days or more = $105.00/day

There were additional comments on the following:

 ”Guest teacher” term is in lieu of substitute teachers

 Current fill rate capacity is 92%

 The goal is to keep guest teachers in District 200 for a longer period of time

 Internal subs vs. guest teachers – definition, cost

 Building our brand

 The tiered system will reward guest teachers that will stay in District 200

There was discussion on the following:

 Resetting each year vs. maintaining rate from the previous year for guest teachers that have moved to a higher pay rate based on the number of days they worked in the District

 Flat rate vs. tier approach

 Enticing guest teachers to come to D200; being the lowest paying District for subs is an issue

 Surrounding districts and guest teachers

 Evaluate this system next year to determine if it is effective

 Using retired teachers as guest teachers

 Soliciting feedback from guest teachers

 Do most guest teachers work in multiple districts?

 Permanent subs

 District 200 Substitute Budget

 External subs – need to pay for minimum.5 day

 Subs for teaching assistants – pay rate; unfilled rate

 Definition of “unfilled” positions

 Is this aggressive enough? Evaluate the success of tier approach mid-year vs. end-of-year

 This is a positive first step and a decent place to start

It was recommended that the Board of Education approve the 2019-2020 Guest Teacher Proposal as presented.


Member Ericksen moved, Member Booton seconded to approve the 2019-2020 Guest Teacher Proposal as presented. Upon a roll call being taken, the vote was: AYE 6 (Ericksen, Booton, Crabtree, Hanlon, Long, Paulsen) NAY 1 (Mathieson).

The motion carried 6-1.


Student Learning Feature

Previous board reports have included examples of how we are using resources to be more agile and collaborative in our leadership. Mrs. Faith Dahlquist provided a presentation to show how the District is utilizing the Library Learning Center (LLC) Directors and the library learning center spaces in this manner to create FIT learning environments for students and staff. This presentation included the following:

 Agile and Collaborative Use of

o LLC’s in D200

o LLC Directors

o LLC Spaces

 Images were shown of LLC Spaces at:

o Madison, WWSHS, WNHS, Whittier, Lowell, Hubble, Edison, Pleasant Hill and Emerson Schools

 Agile and Collaborative Use of Space & Staff to Create FIT Learning Environments

There were additional comments and/or discussion on the following:

 LLC – environment now vs. when developing a facility master plan

 Role of the LLC Director

 Follow the D200 Twitter – LLC’s do things daily

 LLC expansions/renovations post-referendum failure – pieced here and there and dependent on how much money schools are able to raise

 Capital funding plan – include LLC’s?

 Modernizing of LLC – Board Facilities Committee level discussion down the road

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Feature

The Board of Education is committed to providing students with social-emotional learning that enhances students’ abilities in school, careers, and life. The Board of Education has identified social-emotional learning as a goal area for 2018-2019.

Dr. Chris Silagi provided a report focused on responsible decision-making, including how the District 200 high schools purposefully connect with their feeder middle schools. An assembly which took place at Hubble MS was highlighted which focused on responsible decision-making. This assembly featured the following:

 First Responders sharing stories about drug use

 Presentation by a staff member with a personal story

 Twenty (20) student leaders from WWSHS sharing insights – how to be successful in HS

 Top 10 tips for a successful HS experience

It was noted that responsible decision-making serves as a core competency aligned with socialemotional learning (SEL) standards.

There was discussion on the following:

 Kids want to hear from older students

 Hoping to bring this assembly to all of our middle schools


Discussion of Board Policies

The administration and Board HR/Policy committee have been reviewing the policy manual as the District migrates to PRESS Plus. Dr. Schuler noted that as the process moves forward, if there are minor wording changes, edits or clarifications, those policies will come before the Board in one list for the approval of revisions. As the Board committee has been reviewing policies, there are some that require feedback and discussion from the full Board. These policies were discussed at the meeting

Dr. Schuler reviewed the policy review process from February 11th with the HR/Policy Committee and Senior Leadership Team through the present date, as well as provided the definition and role of PRESS (Policy Reference Education Subscription Service) which is part of the IASB (Illinois Association of School Boards). There was additional information on the following:

 PRESS helps ensure District 200 policies are in compliance with school code

 Personalizing with individual needs of D200 community

 HR/Policy committee has reviewed all District 200 policies

 A spreadsheet of policies with substantive language changes that the HR/Policy Committee thought needed additional feedback on was distributed to the Board

 There will be additional opportunities to see these recommended policies:

o Those with substantive changes will be provided at the June meeting

o July 2019 – approval to post the newly adopted policy manual

o August 2019 – approval of the newly adopted policy manual

This included the following discussion:

 Policy language vs. implementation changes

 Policy 3.40 – Superintendent

 Policy 6.20 – School Calendar and Day

 Policy 6.300 – Graduation Requirements

 Policy 6.330 – Achievement and Awards

 Policy 8.25 – Advertising and Distributing on School Property


Monthly Financial Reports

FOIA Report

ELC Construction Report

Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) Report


Board Committee Reports

Meeting notes were attached to the Board report for the Board Human Resources/Policy Committee, Teaching and Learning Committee, Finance Committee and Community Engagement Committee.

Other Reports from Board Members

 Secretary Hanlon – the WNHS Orchestra students regularly go over to retirement center to play for residents

 Vice-President Crabtree – Technology Center of DuPage (TCD) Signing Day – any D200 students?

 Member Mathieson – June 21st Solstice Day – Downtown Wheaton Association is encouraging performances

 President Paulsen – attended WWS Fine Arts Festival – featured amazing kinds of art and performances; Committee Assignments for 2019-20 Board Committees were noted and a list is available on the CUSD 200 website under Board Member Profiles; IASB Delegate Assembly – taking former Board Member Vroman’s concerns to Districts 203, 204 and 205 to see if other Districts have similar thoughts on delegate voting.


2019-2020 Community Engagement Plan

Policy Manual Updates

Profile of a Graduate Discussion


June 12, 2019, 7:00 PM, SSC

PUBLIC COMMENTS – Non-Agenda Items

Public comments are valuable and important to Board Members. We welcome the opportunity to listen to the concerns and issues that are important to our community. However, it is the Board’s policy not to directly discuss or take action on any items until the time has been taken to gather adequate information and objectively evaluate available options. Please understand that lack of action or response tonight does not imply any lack of interest in what is being said. In addition, to preserve confidentiality, the Board and its President reserve the right to request that items relating to either personnel or students be provided to the Board privately or in writing for consideration in a future closed session.

The Board must protect the civility and decorum of the meeting. Please be respectful for the duties of the Board, our District Leadership Team, and the democratic process in your comments tonight:

 Please use the microphone, state your name, and address your comments to the Board

 Please limit your comments to 3 minutes. A Board member will be timing the comments and raise his/her arm as the time limit is approaching

 Please be factual and courteous, and do not include statements that are personally disrespectful or condescending to members of the Board or staff

If you feel your matter needs to be discussed in more detail, please attend the Board’s next “Chance to Chat” on Oct 22, 2019 or present your comments in writing via email to the Board.

Speaker Harold Lonks

Topic Substitute Pay


Closed Session Items are Listed for Possible Action - The Purchase or Lease of Real Property for the Use of the Public Body, Including Meetings Held for the Purpose of Discussing Whether a Particular Parcel Should Be Acquired. 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (5) and The Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal of Specific Employees of the Public Body or Legal Counsel for the Public Body, Including Hearing Testimony on a Complaint Lodged Against an Employee of the Public Body or Against Legal Counsel for the Public Body to Determine its Validity 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1)


Member Paulsen moved, Member Hanlon seconded to adjourn the meeting to closed session for the purpose of discussing the Purchase or Lease of Real Property for the Use of the Public Body, Including Meetings Held for the Purpose of Discussing Whether a Particular Parcel Should Be Acquired. 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (5) and Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal of Specific Employees of the Public Body or Legal Counsel for the Public Body, Including Hearing Testimony on a Complaint Lodged Against an Employee of the Public Body or Against Legal Counsel for the Public Body to Determine its Validity 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1). Upon a roll call being taken, the vote was AYE 7, NAY 0.

The motion carried 7-0.

There was no action expected following the Closed Session.

The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 9:21 PM



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