
SE Illinois News

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

City of Harrisburg City Council met June 20

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City of Harrisburg City Council met June 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The Harrisburg City Council met on April 19, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Room, City Hall, in Harrisburg, Illinois. Mayor Pro-Tem Ron Morse presided over the meeting with Commissioners Raymond Gunning, Roger Angelly and Rupert Johnson answering roll call. Mayor John McPeek was absent.

Pastor Paul Taylor from the Land Street Church of God led the group in prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to approve Ordinance 1779, the sale of 203 Vine Street. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Roger Angelly made the motion to approve Ordinance 1780, the sale of 912 Granger Street. Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Attorney Kolby Smithpeters requested Collections to be discussed in Executive Session.

Jim Brown from Brown and Roberts presented the MFT 10-00088-00-BT for the improvement under the Illinois Highway Code. There was a project in 2010 for the restroom facility on Feazel Street which was in conjunction with tourism. Some MFT funds were expended for that project and it was the only expenditure made to the entire project. This was done without a resolution and IDOT audits the MFT expenditures annually. They informed the Treasurer that either the amount will need to be reimbursed or pass a resolution to show the expenditure has occurred. This was paid with MFT money without a resolution being passed. Commissioner Roger Angelly made the motion to approve Resolution 19-0620 for the MFT expenditure of 10-000-88- 00-BT. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Eric Fodor with Southeastern Illinois Regional Planning asked the City Council to pass Resolution 19-0620B regarding the public hearing which was held at 5:50 on June 20, 2019 in support for the partially funded new pump and station to optimize the City’s sewage treatment system. Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to pass Resolution 19-0620B. Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Fire Chief John Gunning came before Council and discussed Ordinance 1449. He would like Council to consider making some changes to Amendment 1449 requesting Recreation Motor Homes inside the City. There is an out-of-state individual who still has family here. She would like to bring her motor home here to visit anywhere from two weeks to thirty days and then move on. According to the Ordinance, Section 4-103, state recreation vehicles are prohibited as a dwelling base. This is a temporary basis. He would like to see if this can be amended or if Council has any suggestions. She is willing to purchase a lot within the City. Fire Chief Gunning stated he would get her a listing of the vacant lots that are available for purchase from the City. She will contact the City Clerk and have the list emailed to her to see if there were any she was interested if this proposed change passes. Currently, if a family comes in to visit from out-of-state in a motor home or fifth-wheel trailer, they are sent to Crab Orchard Lake or Rend Lake as it is a camping facility. Commissioner Raymond Gunning made a motion authorizing Attorney Kolby Smithpeters to amend Ordinance 1449 to state “any out-of-town resident that would like to visit our community in a motorhome or camper and owns a lot in Harrisburg is allowed to stay on their specific lot for a period of up to 30 days while visiting”. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning gave an update on the 4th of July Fireworks donations. Several donations have been received, but we are still a little short. It appears that we still need about $4500.00. If anyone would like to contribute to this event, we are still accepting donations which can be given to the City Treasurer David Cox at 110 E. Locust Street.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated that on August 10, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. at the Saline County Fairground there will be an event called Impact 2019. This is a Christian function headed by a local pastor with Christian bands, kid’s activities, food vendors and a lot of mission work. This pastor hosted this in his hometown in Missouri of only fifteen hundred. He started it to do mission work and around 10,000 people attended. If this a big draw for our town, it will help our businesses, hotels, and will be good for us. This will be a blessing for our town. There are flyers at the Little Chapel Church. It is similar to Liberty Fest, but held in Harrisburg.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to amend Ordinance 1778 regarding Non- Highway Vehicles. Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to approve Ordinance 1781 regarding Non- Highway Vehicles. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried. This ordinance will now read that anyone who purchases a UTV sticker will pay a fee of $60.00 per year with a renewal date of May 01.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning requested to discuss Collective Bargaining and Litigation in Executive Session.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson discussed possible grants for the potential campground site at Harrisburg Lake. There is an Open Lands Acquisition and Development Grant which is a 50/50 grant up to $750,000. There is also a Land and Water Fund Grant which is up to $400,000. Commissioner Rupert Johnson made the motion to allow Southeastern Illinois Regional Planning and Development and Brown and Roberts to apply for those grants. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Roger Angelly had an open discussion about the City owned dilapidated buildings that need to be demolished. He feels that privately owned contractors can demolish these houses cheaper than we can with our own employees. He would like Council to consider this option.

He has asked Fire Chief John Gunning to help him look at those buildings. He does not want to do anything with these buildings until there is further discussion with Council. The City Council members are okay with him to look at those properties to see what options are best for the City.

Commissioner Roger Angelly talked about a couple of County ditches on Ogara and Sloan Street. These ditches may need replaced with retaining walls. He has talked with Superintendent Mike Owens to discuss options, but something needs to happen. A citizen is about to lose her garage on Ogara Street due to all the rain and the ditch has not been taken care of. Commissioner Roger Angelly will present more information to Council once a good assessment has been completed.

Nathan Taborn from the Samurai Riders Club gave an overview of the organizations history, their outlook, youth task and their charity task. He read a statement that he had prepared and it is attached to the minutes. The main goal is to give back to the community. He apologized if the noise had ever gotten too loud and will continue to accommodate the neighbors. Three of the surrounding neighbors had provided Nathan Taborn with written statements that he read aloud and are attached to the minutes. The letters were from Linnea Hodge, Pastor Ronald Williams, and Tommy Stephens.

Danny Gibbs asked Council that the agenda be more specific. Please provide the title of the Ordinances which are being discussed. This allows the citizens to know what topics are being discussed. He thank Commissioner Roger Angelly for considering doing bids on the demolition of houses again.

Nathan Hayes from Jo-Jo's approached Council regarding the water main that was hit during drilling of the electric pole. He asked what happened. He is still shut down. Commissioner Roger Angelly stated the drill hit a water main. It was marked incorrectly because there was no tracer wire in the pipe. We did our best to mark it and missed it. Commissioner Roger Angelly said we are at fault. He said he is wanting to blame anyone, but his business will be taken care of either by the City or by insurance. Commissioner Roger Angelly said he went down to the business, talked to Service Pro, and he apologizes but things do happen. It was not done on purpose and the City will take responsibility for it. Nathan Hayes asked if he could get it in writing. He was told that this would be in the minutes. Commissioner Roger Angelly said he was hoping they could get the back of his business opened, but due to the use of City water, he is unable to open right now.

Mayor Pro-Tem Ron Morse made the motion to go into Executive Session to discuss Collections, Collective Bargaining and Litigation. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Adjourn: 6:37 p.m. Reconvened: 7:05 p.m.

Mayor Pro-Tem Ron Morse presided over the reconvened meeting with Commissioner Raymond Gunning, Roger Angelly, and Rupert Johnson present and answering roll call. Mayor John McPeek was absent.

Mayor Pro-Tem stated no action was taken with Collective Bargaining or Litigation.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion that the City of Harrisburg enter into an agreement with Credit Collection Partners a debt collection agency. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning read for the record that be it resolved that Board of Fire and Police Commissioners is authorized to hire one fireman effective July 01, 2019 in connection with a settlement of pending litigation provided there is an executed settlement agreement with the respect to pending litigation prior to July 01, 2019.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Adjourn: 7:13 p.m.
