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City of Albion City Council met July 15

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City of Albion City Council met July 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The Albion City Council met in regular session on July 15, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. in the Albion City Hall. Mayor John Henze called the meeting to order and led Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Present- Pat Hemming, Eric Eirikson, Eric Schmidt, Kim Dostal, and absent Jordan Hinkle.

Dostal moved to approve the agenda, Schmidt seconded it. Motion passed 4-0

Hemming moved to approve the consent agenda and was seconded by Dostal. The consent agenda consisted of regular minutes from June 17, special meeting minutes June 26, approval claims for payment, and financial reports. Motion passed 4-0.

Deputy Elenbecker gave the sheriff’s report.

Public Safety had nothing to report.

Aaron Betts, Fire Chief, stated they’ve had a quiet month.

Ryan McRill, EMS Chief, sent their report to be read.

Rhonda Guy, POM, gave the water/wastewater report. The City received from the IDNR a letter of violation for not having 2 sources of water. A meeting was set up for Wed July 17, 2019 with the IDNR, Bob Veenstra, and Rhonda Guy. The City of Albion also has a water loss problem. NutriJect will come to sludge judge on July 16, 2019 and will be pulling samples to test.

Julia Ohrt, Librarian, stated that they are in a Summer of Space. Wed July 17, 2019 they will have telescopes at 5:00 pm.

Eric Schmidt, P&R, reported that the City will be rewriting the golf cart, atv, utv, off road vehicle ordinance. However, it was voted to be tabled until next month. Motion passed 4-0

Eric Eirikson, streets, reported he has calls in for street repair.

Russell Keefer, city maintenance, stated there are concerns of people speeding along E George St. Citizens have requested stop signs.

Dostal motioned and Eirikson seconded to open public hearing. Motion passed 4-0 Public hearing opened 6:54.

There was a written letter from Growing Albion Inc. also asking that the council not approve the sale of the land. There were also community members present that stated their opinions on why the City should not sell this portion of city property. Resolution 2019-03 Proposal to convey real property to Russell Pump & Engineering. Eirikson motioned and Dostal seconded to approve resolution 2019-03. Resolution passed 3-1. Hemming voting no.

Eirikson motioned and Schmidt seconded to close the public hearing. Motion passed 4-0. Public hearing closed 7:18.

Dostal motioned and Schmidt seconded to approve Resolution 2019-05 approving the Street Finance Report from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. Resolution passed 4-0.

A motion by Schmidt and seconded by Hemming to approve the rewriting of the City of Albion nuisance ordinance using Ahlers & Cooney. Motion passed 4-0.

On July 22, 2019 the Clerk Jody Wallen, Marty Wymore – Region 6, and volunteers will be out going door to door for the City’s water survey to complete a recommendation for funding of the drilling of the new well.

A reminder for General Election – Candidate filing begins Aug 26, 2019 and expires Sept 19, 2019. Anyone interested in running for city council may pick up paperwork at City Hall or Marshall Co Courthouse.

Kim Dostal met with John Cook with the 2020 Census. There are employment opportunities for those seeking full time, part time, or temporary employment.

More discussion was held regarding the City’s plow truck. The council wants to have a special meeting regarding the topic.

Schmidt moved to approve the resignation of Mayor, John Henze and Hemming seconded it. Motion passed 4-0.

Eirikson moved to approve Kim Dostal as Mayor and Schmidt seconded it. Motion passed 3-0.

A motion by Schmidt and a second by Hemming to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed 3-0 Meeting adjourned at 7:50pm.

John Henze, Mayor; Attest: Jody Wallen, City Clerk
