City of Fairfield City Council met July 9.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Meeting called to order by Mayor Maguire at 6:00 P.M.
Prayer led by Pastor Robert Koker followed by the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
City Clerk Tina Hutchcraft called the roll:
Mayor: Brent Maguire
City Clerk: Tina Hutchcraft
City Treasurer: Julie Duncan
City Attorney: Darrin Rice
Aldermen: Ralph Barbre; Brett Coale; Tyler Lampley; Jerry Lisenbee; Terry Stahl; Gary Moore
Absent: Jim Griffith; Eugene McGill
Also Present: Tom Mathews, Wayne County Press; Ken Otey, WFIW Radio; Keith Colclasure, Police Chief; Andrew Miller, Fire Chief; Silas Eckleberry, Assistant Police Chief; Dian Downs; Flo Simpson; Kevin Leonard, Water Distribution; Tyler Lashbrook, Electric Distribution; Robert Koker; Collin Dunn; and other citizens from the community.
Mayor Maguire asked the people in attendance to keep their discussions to a minimum and not interrupt the meeting. The Council needs to be able to focus on the topics being brought before them.
The minutes of the meeting of June 25, 2019, agendas and bills of July 9, 2019 were sent out to those entitled to receive them. Mayor Maguire asked for approval of the minutes for the June 25, 2019 meeting. Motion by Alderman Stahl, seconded by Alderman Lampley to approve the minutes of the meeting of June 25, 2019.
Vote yes: Lampley; Lisenbee; Moore; Stahl; Barbre; Coale
Vote no: none
Absent: McGill; Griffith
Mayor Maguire declared motion carried.
Mayor Maguire asked for approval to pay the bills for the July 9, 2019 meeting. A motion was made by Alderman Barbre, seconded by Alderman Coale to approve the bills for payment.
Vote yes: Lisenbee; Moore; Stahl; Barbre; Coale; Lampley
Vote no: none
Absent: McGill; Griffith
Mayor Maguire declared motion carried.
Award Bid for Wastewater Treatment Plant Energy Efficiency Upgrades – We received one bid for this project. Loyd Electric & Ag Supply, LLC submitted a bid in the amount of $176,001.00. We did apply for and received a grant from the EPA and it will pay approximately $147,000.00 toward the cost of this project. A motion was made by Alderman Lampley, seconded by Alderman Lisenbee to award the bid to Loyd Electric & Ag Supply, LLC in the amount of $176,001.00.
Vote yes: Moore; Stahl; Barbre; Coale; Lampley; Lisenbee
Vote no: none
Absent: McGill; Griffith
Mayor Maguire declared motion carried.
Discussion of Progress on Flooding Study by HLR – Collin Dunn with HLR Egineering addressed the Council and provided an update concerning our flooding issues the city has been experiencing. He stated the firm’s surveys and data collection were complete and the next step would be to calculate the capacity of the flood control system in Fairfield. He stated that no system could handle a four to five inch rain in a short period of time so their focus is how our system handles a one to two inch rain. He explained that cleaning drains and culverts would help to alleviate the strain on the system. He did discover that an area near the ball diamonds has a three-cell structure with only one of the cells able to move water. The other two cells were blocked with sediment and debris. To completely alleviate the flooding issues Dunn stated it will require a multi-faceted approach. In two weeks they will have a report prepared on our system’s capacity and in August they will present a draft report including their initial recommendations and get more input from the Council on the direction they should go to try and mitigate the flooding issues. After that the engineering firm will have a cost estimate prepared.
Resolution No. 19-0709-317/Approving a TIF Redevelopment Agreement with DiMaggios – DiMaggios recently completed an expansion and remodeling project at their restaurant. Mayor Maguire asked for Council to approve a TIF Redevelopment Agreement to help with the improvements to this property. A motion was made by Alderman Barbre, seconded by Alderman Stahl to adopt this resolution approving a TIF Redevelopment Agreement between DiMaggios and the City of Fairfield.
Vote yes: Moore; Stahl; Barbre; Coale; Lampley; Lisenbee
Vote no: none
Absent: Griffith; McGill
Mayor Maguire declared motion carried and Resolution No. 19-0709-317 approved and duly adopted.
Resolution No. 19-0709-318/Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing a Tax Increment Financing Public Works Improvement Project for the City of Fairfield and Other Actions in Connection Therewith – This resolution is in regards to the water line project along Main and Delaware. The Council has already accepted a bid and entered into an agreement for the work to be completed. We need to pass this resolution to authorize the City to utilize TIF funds to pay for this project. A motion was made by Alderman Lampley, seconded by Alderman Coale to approve this resolution.
Vote yes: Stahl; Barbre; Coale; Lampley; Lisenbee; Moore
Vote no: none
Absent: Griffith; McGill
Mayor Maguire declared motion carried and Resolution No. 19-0709-318 approved and duly adopted.
Resolution No. 19-0709-319/Street Closing Request for Fall Fun Fest – The Council needs to approve this resolution for the street closing for the Fall Fun Fest. The Fun Fest is scheduled for September 11th – 14th. Alderman Stahl made a motion, seconded by Alderman Moore to adopt Resolution No. 19-0709-319 approving the street closing for the Fairfield Fall Fun Fest.
Vote yes: Barbre; Coale; Lampley; Lisenbee; Moore; Stahl
Vote no: none
Absent: Griffith; McGill
Mayor Maguire declared motion carried and Resolution No. 19-0709-319 approved and duly adopted.
Ordinance No. 19-0709-176 – Downtown Food Vendor Agreement – This agreement is related to food vendors who set up in front of the Courthouse. The agreement will include a fee to pay for the electricity used in all areas that are not metered. The agreement also states that waste, such as grease and oil, that is generated by the food vendor is not to be disposed of in City trash cans. The ordinance states the fee to be collected would be $50 per day but aldermen agreed the fee should only be $25 per day. This fee would not apply to not-for-profit organizations.
A motion was made by Alderman Barbre, seconded by Alderman Coale to approve this ordinance and to instruct the City Attorney to change the fee from $50 to $25.
Vote yes: Coale; Lampley; Lisenbee; Moore; Stahl; Barbre
Vote no: none
Absent: Griffith; McGill
Mayor Maguire declared motion carried and Ordinance No. 19-0709-176 approved and duly adopted.
Ordinance No. 19-0709-177/Amendment to Trailer Ordinance – Aldermen were previously given copies of the proposed amendments to the trailer ordinance. Alderman Lampley highlighted some of the changes being made to the current trailer ordinance. The new ordinance provides for increased penalties and fines, a 15 year age limit that was increased from 5 years, a swap out option that allows for a newer trailer to replace an older one, and also states that inspections must be completed on the mobile homes. The new ordinance also states that older trailers cannot be converted to storage units. A motion was made by Alderman Lisenbee, seconded by Alderman Lampley to adopt this ordinance amending and revising the Code of Ordinances Regulating Mobile Homes and Manufactured Homes.
Vote yes: Lampley; Lisenbee; Moore; Stahl; Barbre; Coale
Vote no: none
Absent: McGill; Griffith
Mayor Maguire declared motion carried and Ordinance No. 19-0709-177 approved and duly adopted.
Ordinance No. 19-0709-178/Amendment to Offenses Against Morals Related to Public Drinking – We had a discussion at our last meeting concerning an ordinance that states that public drinking is not allowed anywhere in public view. At that time it was the consensus of the Council remove the language that says “public view” and to allow restaurants that have a Class C liquor license to serve liquor to patrons at an outdoor seating area. This new ordinance takes out the language prohibiting public drinking in these areas and would accommodate patrons who consume alcohol at the golf course as well as patrons of the Elks that might drink on the balcony or the premises of the other clubs. We have previously given permission to Jovalou to use the alley next to their building for outdoor seating so this ordinance would allow patrons to consume alcohol in this area. It would still be unlawful for any person to drink any intoxicating liquor in any park, street, alley, cemetery, or public grounds. The prohibition shall not apply to drinking intoxicating liquor outdoors at a table as a patron of a restaurant that has a Class C Liquor License. This prohibition shall not apply to consumption of intoxicating liquor on the premises of the golf course as a patron of the golf course. Alderman Stahl asked why we couldn’t just do away with the ordinance all together. The other aldermen did not want to completely do away with the ordinance. Alderman Stahl also asked for clarification to be added to the ordinance making it more clear concerning drinking in alleys. The City Attorney will change the language to say, “this prohibition shall not apply to drinking intoxicating liquor outdoors at a table in an alley or any public ground as a patron of a restaurant that has a Class C Liquor License”. A motion was made by Alderman Coale, seconded by Alderman Barbre to approve this ordinance with the additional language added.
Vote yes: Lampley; Lisenbee; Moore; Barbre; Coale
Vote no: Stahl
Absent: McGill; Griffith
Mayor Maguire declared motion carried and Ordinance No. 19-0709-178 approved and duly adopted.
Discussion of Ordinance to Allow Golf Carts/Side-by-Sides on City Streets – Mayor Maguire, Chief Colclasure, Attorney Rice and Kevin Leonard met previously and a proposed ordinance was drafted to allow golf carts and side-by-sides to be driven on the City streets. They tried to consider everything that was discussed at the last Council meeting. The proposed ordinance listed possible streets that could be used as crossing areas for the highways. These proposed streets were considered the safest areas to cross. Alderman Moore was concerned that the limited crossings would cut off the ability to get to many businesses and he felt that more crossing areas should be allowed. Chief Colclasure told the Council that he has spoken with the Illinois Department of Transportation and they would be willing to make recommendations on the best areas to have for crossing the highways. The Council discussed the crossing options and several other issues such as child safety seats in these vehicles and signage in the City to alert other motorists that we are a golf cart community. Alderman Coale stated that we could approve an ordinance with limited crossings and always make amendments to the ordinance at a later time. The Council did agree that the police department should be the ones responsible for inspections and licensing of these vehicles.
Miscellanous – Mayor Maguire told the Council that we have the option now to allow residents to receive their utility bill electronically. If interested, residents need to provide the billing office with their email address.
Adjourn Meeting – Motion by Alderman Lampley, seconded by Alderman Barbre to adjourn the meeting.
Vote yes: 6
Vote no: 0
Absent: 2
Mayor Maguire declared meeting adjourned at 7:38 p.m.