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City of Mount Carmel City Council met July 29

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City of Mount Carmel City Council met July 29.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Invocation was given by Aaron Musgrave.

Present on Roll Call: Mayor Joe Judge Commissioners - Tom Meeks, Eric Ikemire, Justin Dulgar, Rod Rodriguez

Also, Present: City Administrative Assistant Rudy Witsman


Mayor Judge requested a motion to approve the minutes of the last council meeting.

Commissioner Dulgar motioned and Commissioner Ikemire seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting held on July 15th, 2019. All present voted Aye by Voice Vote.


Mayor Judge brought the city council meeting to order.

Mayor Judge thanked the First Christian Church Disciples of Christ for awarding a $2500.00 grant for a new swing set for the city park. Mayor Judge stated he applied for the grant in March and the monies were received today.

Mayor Judge gave a follow-up report regarding the concerns of the burning of cardboard by Rural King, which was brought up by Linda Lowery at the last council meeting. Mayor Judge reported the city had spoken with Illinois EPA as well as Mount Carmel Rural King about the issue at hand and the issue will be corrected in the near future. Mayor Judge affirmed IEPA and Rural King Management have discussed two options to remedy the issue, however Rural King will make the determination on which option will work best for them.

Mayor Judge announced on Thursday, August 1st, he will be attending the Cannabis and County Seminar in Springfield, IL and stated this seminar is the first of the two seminars regarding the recreational marijuana law impacted by the State of Illinois, which will be effective January 1st, 2020.

Mayor Judge reported, unfortunately, at this time there is no update regarding the city hall building at 219 N. Market Street. Mayor Judge stated the council is still waiting on notification from the insurance company as what direction should be taken in regards to the building.

Mayor Judge reiterated at the last council meeting an ordinance regarding golf cart and UTV use within the city limits was addressed. Mayor Judge stated, this evening, a golf cart and UTV are located outside the building for those in attendance to look over as well as a representative from “Carts Gone Wild” is in attendance to answer any questions.

Mayor Judge announced on Tuesday, August 6th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm a National Night Out Event will be held at the city swimming pool. Mayor Judge stated the public is invited for free swimming as well as free hot dogs and drinks. Mayor Judge added the Mount Carmel Police Department along with Ace the Canine, Wabash County Sheriff Office, Illinois State Police, Mount Carmel Fire Department, Wabash County Health Department, and Wabash General Hospital Ambulance Service will be in attendance.



Commissioner Meeks reported in the last two weeks the street department mowed parks and ball parks; patched potholes in preparation for the upcoming chip/seal of city streets; repaired a section of road on Empire Street; assisted the brush crew with the picking up of limbs and yard waste; and burned the brush pile at the brush harbor. Commissioner Meeks reiterated summer workers were hired to assist with the mowing of the yard abatements as well as perform other duties, which has been very beneficial to the street department. Commissioner Meeks asked that residents please clean up and mow their own properties.

Commissioner Meeks stated some future projects will be the replacement of a storm sewers in the eight hundred block of West Third Street and the five hundred block of Pear Street; another project was the moving and installation of a sixty-foot pipe at the city park; and on Saturday, August 10th from 9:00 am to noon, the city will be asking for volunteers to help with the painting of playground equipment at the city park.


Statement of Receipts and Expenditures – See attached agenda with financials.

Commissioner Ikemire reported the general fund receipts increased over the past two weeks and the city’s finances are back on track. Commissioner Ikemire stated the summer chip/seal program will be starting soon and the MFT fund will offset that expense.


Commissioner Dulgar stated the switch has been delivered for the Oak Street Booster Station and will be installed later this week.

Commissioner Dulgar reported the second of three meetings for the possible new water treatment facility was held on Friday, July 26th with the engineering and architectural firms. Commissioner Dulgar stated there should be two or three options for the council to take under consideration once the meetings are finalized.

Commissioner Dulgar stated the water maintenance department back flushed the filter at the city swimming pool; installed new water service lines; painted fire hydrants and performed routine maintenance.

Commissioner Dulgar reported the waste water department has been moving sludge from one temporary drying pad to another temporary drying area in preparation for the upcoming work on the anaerobic digestor. Commissioner Dulgar stated the aeriation project is ninety-nine percent complete.

Commissioner Dulgar reiterated Hydromax had installed sensors in the city’s sanitary sewer system at various locations and the data from that installation had been reviewed. Commissioner Dulgar stated it was decided to have Hydromax conduct smoke testing at a few of the locations as a “trial run” to possibly move forward in alleviating some of the sewer issues.


Commissioner Rodriguez reported in the last two weeks the fire department had ten runs; held a safety meeting on July 22nd; filled the water tank three times for the animals at the Wabash County Youth Foundation Fair; and were onsite for the Demolition Derby at the fair for safety purposes.

Commissioner Rodriguez stated mosquito spraying is still ongoing when the weather permits.


City Administrative Assistant Witsman presented to the council for approval Ordinance 2017, which authorizes the contract agreement with Republic Services for trash collection. City Administrative Assistant Witsman reiterated at a previous council meeting bids for trash collection within the city limits had been submitted and Republic Services had the low bid. City Administrative Assistant Witsman asked for a motion for the approval and stated the second reading is waived.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated for approximately the past twenty years the City of Mount Carmel has collected a fee, which was added onto the water/sewer bills for the garbage service. City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported whatever the fee was that the city paid to Republic Services, an extra amount was added to the garbage fee on the water/sewer bill to offset the cost of the brush collection service throughout the city. City Administrative Assistant Witsman acknowledged Mayor Judge, who stated he asked Commissioner Ikemire to do an analysis on that fee as the new trash collection bid coming in from Republic Services is much higher than it previously had been. Commissioner Ikemire reported over the past fiscal year the budget shows the garbage fund “broke even” after all expenses were paid; however, with the bid increase the budget will reflect an approximate negative amount of $180,000.00, per year. Commissioner Ikemire explained the garbage fund pays for Republic Services and the brush pick up service by the street department. Commissioner Ikemire stated the city will need to consider a fee increase for the garbage/brush service to keep up with the contract increase from Republic Services.

After further discussing the possible fee increase, the council decided to table the issue until the next council meeting. City Administrative Assistant Witsman added another alternative for consideration would be to discontinue the brush pick up service by the city but stated he felt the residents of the city would probably not be satisfied with that decision even the though the original intent for the service was for yard waste and small limbs only. City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported this meeting constitutes the first reading of the proposed Ordinance 2018.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman presented the professional services agreement with Clark Dietz for the levee study to the council, as was addressed at the July 1st, 2019 council meeting. Mayor Judge acknowledged a representative from Clark Dietz, who stated his firm will be working along side the city to ensure the levee system meets the new federal government requirements, which is being mandated throughout the entire United States as well as assisting with possible funding for the expense. City Administrative Assistant Witsman reiterated the expenditure was approved at the previous council meeting, however council approval needs to be given for the mayor to sign the agreement.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported this year finalizes the current farm land contracts at the airport and at the industrial site west of the city. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated the airport farm land acreage is approximately five hundred acres and the industrial site farm land is twenty-two acres. City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported he has prepared the publication notice for the farm land and the bidding will be held on Monday, August 12th at 4:00 pm, prior to the regularly scheduled council meeting at the temporary city hall building.


City Attorney Storckman absent.


City Inspector Gidcumb absent.


Street Department Superintendent Dave Easter no report


Police Chief Turner no report.


Fire Chief Speth absent.


Commissioner Dulgar motioned and Commissioner Meeks seconded to authorize the Mayor to sign the professional services agreement with Clark Dietz for the levee study. All present voted Aye by voice vote.

Commissioner Meeks motioned and Commissioner Rodriguez seconded to approve Ordinance 2017, an agreement with Republic Services for the collection of trash in Mount Carmel. All present voted Aye by voice vote.

Commissioner Ikemire motioned and Commissioner Rodriguez seconded to pay all bills bearing the proper signatures. All present voted Aye by voice vote.
