
SE Illinois News

Monday, September 30, 2024

City of Mount Carmel City Council met August 12

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City of Mount Carmel City Council met Aug. 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Invocation was given by Reverend Tony Hodgson.

Present on Roll Call: Mayor Joe Judge Commissioners -

Tom Meeks, Eric Ikemire,

Justin Dulgar, Rod Rodriguez

Also, Present: City Administrative Assistant Rudy Witsman


Mayor Judge requested a motion to approve the minutes of the last council meeting.

Commissioner Ikemire motioned and Commissioner Dulgar seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting held on July 29th, 2019. All present voted Aye by Voice Vote.


Mayor Judge brought the city council meeting to order.

Mayor Judge acknowledged Jake Wirth, who was in attendance seeking council approval for the use of the West Fourth Street ball fields for co-ed softball games. Mr. Wirth stated any profit revenues would be used to benefit youth baseball/softball teams. After a brief discussion, the council decided to grant approval for the use of the fields.

Mayor Judge stated school will be starting this Wednesday, August 14th and asked residents to be cautious when driving near school busses as well as being on the lookout for the children returning to school.

Mayor Judge reported unfortunately at this time there are no updates on City Hall facility at 219 N. Market Street.

Mayor Judge reiterated he had attended the Cannabis and County meeting in Springfield, IL and he has provided the council as well as City Administrative Assistant Witsman and Police Chief Turner a copy of the paperwork he was given at the meeting for their review.

Mayor Judge presented to the council for discussion golf cart and UTV usage on city streets. Mayor Judge stated he has a map of the city which shows the areas that would be prohibited as well as the five crossing areas. Mayor Judge reported the state statues are relatively clear on what is required for golf cart and UTV use within city limits. Mayor Judge also presented to the council for review sample ordinances from other communities. Mayor Judge acknowledged City Administrative Assistant Witsman, who reported the state statues have stipulations to the “cart” itself as far as lights, horns, signals, etc. and the driver must have proof of insurance as well as a valid driver’s license, which is required for any type of non-highway vehicle that would be allowed to be on the city streets. City Administrative Assistant Witsman also addressed the council in regard to where residents would be allowed to ride the “carts”, as he had been asked if residents could ride on the sidewalks. Mayor Judge stated he has been advised by the Illinois State Police that usage on city streets is currently illegal because the City of Mount Carmel has not taken a stand on the state statue and so that puts the city in a position to make a decision to allow or not allow golf carts and UTVs on city streets. City Administrative Assistant Witsman clarified the golf carts and/or UTVs are not allowed on state highways at all, however they can cross the highways at the designated intersections. After discussing the pros and cons, the council decided to table a decision and will revisit the issue at the next council meeting.



Commissioner Meeks reported in the last two weeks the street department had been filling potholes in preparation of this summer’s chip/seal program; mowed city properties; hauled tables, lemonade stand, trash totes, electrical tables uptown for the Ag Days Festival and hauled the items back to storage after the festival; put the barricades up on Market Street for Ag Days and then removed the barricades when Ag Days ended; cleaned the streets after Ag Days was over; and mowed with the arm mower around the golf course.

Commissioner Meeks stated most of the yield signs in the city need to be replaced with stop signs as well as the installation of stop signs at the intersection of East Fourth Street and Golden Aces Way. Commissioner Meeks acknowledged City Administrative Assistant Witsman, who stated the council will have to pass an ordinance before any signs can be replaced or before any new signs can be installed and City Attorney Storckman would have to compile a list of the signs for the proposed ordinance.


Statement of Receipts and Expenditures – See attached agenda with financials.

Commissioner Ikemire reported the WC Cafeteria and Senior Center is down one staff member temporarily but has been operating well otherwise.

Commissioner Ikemire stated the city’s finances have been holding steady and the swimming pool’s receipts have shown an increase since the last council meeting. Commissioner Ikemire acknowledged Mayor Judge, who reported the swimming pool will remain open through Labor Day, Monday, September 2nd, on weekends only and added every remaining Friday, Saturday, Sunday evening has been booked with pool parties. Mayor Judge stated this will definitely increase revenues for the pool.


Commissioner Dulgar reiterated it has been decided to have Hydromax conduct smoke testing from Illinois Route One North by Parkview Church to Easy Street as a “trial run” to possibly move forward in alleviating some of the sewer issues. Commissioner Dulgar stated the smoke testing will be done in the next three to four weeks and Hydromax will notify the affected homeowners prior to the testing.

Commissioner Dulgar reported the final workshop meeting with Donahue and Three I Design will be held on August 23rd, which is the last step before the council will review and decide what direction the city will need to go in regard to the future of the city’s water treatment facility.

Commissioner Dulgar asked the council to consider the installation of a public water fountain near the intersection of Oak and Poplar Streets. Commissioner Dulgar reported he had discussed with Water/Sewer Maintenance Lead Operator Bill Reed regarding the installation and stated the monies would be taken from the city’s water department funds.


Commissioner Rodriguez reported in the last two weeks the fire department had four runs and will conduct a safety meeting this evening.

Commissioner Rodriguez thanked Sue and Brad Thompson for allowing the fire department to use one of their houses for training purposes last Saturday. Commissioner Rodriguez stated the fire departments represented were Mount Carmel, Keensburg, Allendale and Bellmont.


City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated the time has come to order salt for the city streets in preparedness of the coming winter. City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported one hundred and fifty ton was ordered from the supplier, Posey County Co-op.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman reiterated the farm lease contracts at the airport and the industrial site west of the city were finalized this year and the farm land auction for new lease contracts was held at 4:00 pm this afternoon. City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported Ivers Farms presented the highest bid for the airport farm land at $315.00, per acre and Timberlake Farms presented the highest bid for the industrial site farm land at $215.00, per acre.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman presented Ordinance 2018 to the council, the proposed fee increases for the garbage/brush service to keep up with the contract increase from Republic Services. City Administrative Assistant Witsman reiterated the fee the city pays to Republic Services for trash pick-up has increased and was presented at the last council meeting for discussion. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated a “cushion” was built in that supported the city’s brush and grass pick up service as well as supporting the brush harbor site on Golden Aces Way. City Administrative Assistant Witsman affirmed, if the city chooses to not increase the garbage fee charged on the water bills, the brush pick-up program could not continue as there would not be enough money in the general fund to support the service. After discussing different options, the council decided to table a decision at this time and address the issue at the next council meeting.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman presented to the council for approval the expenditure to allow Hydromax to conduct smoke testing of the sanitary sewers. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated the $24,300.00 expenditure is not a budgeted item and had been discussed at the previous council meeting.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman reiterated the city currently has in place an extension agreement with Wabash County regarding the dispatch service. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated a tentative agreement is in place with the county, however by the time the agreement is finalized the current contract extension will have expired. City Administrative Assistant Witsman presented to the council for approval another extension to allow more time to finalize the contract agreement.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported the city has received a sign application from McPherson Outdoor Signs for the placement of a sign at 818 N. Market Street. City Administrative Assistant Witsman presented Mr. McPherson’s proposal to the council for approval.


City Attorney Storckman no report.


City Inspector Gidcumb absent.


Street Department Superintendent Dave Easter reported the chip/seal program is tentatively scheduled to begin August 20th, weather permitting and stated residents who have vehicles parked in the street will be notified the day before the program begins to please have their vehicles moved.


Police Chief Turner thanked Commissioner Rodriguez and Mayor Judge for the cookout at the National Night Out Event on Tuesday, August 6th at the city swimming pool. Mayor Judge reiterated the Mount Carmel Police Department along with Ace the Canine, Wabash County Sheriff Office, Illinois State Police, Mount Carmel Fire Department, Wabash County Health Department, and Wabash General Hospital Ambulance Service were in attendance.


Fire Chief Speth no report.


Commissioner Meekes motioned and Commissioner Ikemire seconded to approve the expenditure of not more than $24,300.00 for smoke testing of the sanitary sewers in selected areas of town. Hydromax is the contractor that will complete the work. All present voted Aye by voice vote.

Commissioner Dulgar motioned and Commissioner Rodriguez seconded to approve the extension of the agreement with Wabash County regarding dispatch for police, fire and ambulance. All present voted Aye by voice vote.

Commissioner Ikemire motioned and Commissioner Rodriguez seconded to approve the sign application for 818 N. Market Street presented by McPherson Outdoor Signs. All present voted Aye by voice vote.

Commissioner Meeks motioned and Commissioner Ikemire seconded to approve the construction of a water fountain along Oak Street near the intersection of Poplar Street. Water Department funds will be used to pay the expenses. All present voted Aye by voice vote.

Commissioner Dulgar motioned and Commissioner Rodriguez seconded to pay all bills bearing the proper signatures. All present voted Aye by voice vote.

Meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m.