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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Fairfield City Council met November 26


City of Fairfield City Council met Nov. 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Meeting called to order by Mayor Brent Maguire at 6:00 P.M.

Prayer led by Ralph Barbre followed by the pledge of allegiance to the flag.

City Clerk Tina Hutchcraft called the roll:

Mayor: Brent Maguire

City Clerk: Tina Hutchcraft

City Treasurer: Julie Duncan

City Attorney: Darrin Rice

Aldermen: Ralph Barbre; Brett Coale; Jim Griffith; Tyler Lampley; Eugene McGill; Jerry Lisenbee; Terry Stahl; Gary Moore

Also Present: Tom Mathews, Wayne County Press; Ken Otey, WFIW Radio; Andrew Miller, Fire Chief; Keith Colclasure, Police Chief; Silas Eckleberry, Assistant Police Chief; Dian Downs; DiElle Rogers; Tyler Lashbrook, Electric Department; Kevin Leonard, Water Distribution; Josh Boyd, Water Filtration; and other citizens from the community.

The minutes of the meeting of November 12, 2019, agendas and bills of November 26, 2019 were sent out to those entitled to receive them. Mayor Maguire asked for approval of the minutes for the November 12, 2019 meeting. Motion by Alderman Lampley, seconded by Alderman McGill to approve the minutes of the meeting of November 12, 2019.

Vote yes: Stahl; Barbre; Coale; Griffith; Lampley; Lisenbee; McGill; Moore

Vote no: none

Mayor Maguire declared motion carried.

Mayor Maguire asked for approval to pay the bills for the November 26, 2019 meeting. A motion was made by Alderman Barbre, seconded by Alderman Coale to approve the bills for payment.

Vote yes: Barbre; Coale; Griffith; Lampley; Lisenbee; McGill; Moore; Stahl

Vote no: none

Mayor Maguire declared motion carried.

Discussion of Cannabis Legislation – The Council discussed at length the new legislation concerning cannabis. Mayor Maguire stated that we have heard from several people both for and against allowing cannabis to be sold here in the city. He explained the options we have. We can do nothing, we can prohibit the sales, or we can allow the sales and place zoning restrictions on where the establishments can be located. We are also allowed to impose a tax of up to 3% on the sales. Attorney Rice was asking for guidance from the Council as to what direction they wish to take so he could prepare the ordinance or ordinances that would be needed. Alderman Griffith stated that he would like to find out what kind of revenue would be generated if we were to allow it but Mayor Maguire stated there was no way to really know. Mayor Maguire stated that he does not feel this kind of revenue is the answer for what Fairfield needs. Alderman Stahl stated it would be great to receive the tax money that would be generated. He feels it would be beneficial in many ways because the sales would be regulated. Alderman Coale stated it is going to be legal to use and we are not in a position to turn away any revenue. We have a lot of debt and we need to start running the city like a business. Alderman Barbre stated that there are more important things than revenue and stated he is not in favor of allowing the sale of cannabis in the city. Alderman Moore said he feels we need to add the 3% sales tax and we need to regulate where businesses can go. We should run this city like a business and do what’s best for the city. Alderman Barbre made a motion to opt out of legalized sales and Jerry Lisenbee seconded that motion. Those motions were withdrawn after Attorney Rice pointed out that a vote of the subject was not listed on the agenda and that he was simply looking for direction in what paperwork to prepare. After more discussion it was decided to have Attorney Rice prepare all three possible ordinances and this topic will be brought back for a vote at the next meeting.

Sanitation Contract – Our current contract for garbage collections ends in February of 2020. Republic Services and Sunrise Sanitation both submitted contract proposals. Copies of the proposals were given to the aldermen for their review and they were given the opportunity to ask questions from both companies. Sunrise Sanitation submitted the lowest price. A motion was made by Alderman Griffith to approve a three year contract with Sunrise Sanitation. Alderman Lampley said with the minimal increase in years 3, 4, and 5 he felt we should go with a five year contract. Alderman Griffith withdrew his motion for the three year option. Alderman Coale then made a motion to approve a five year contract with Sunrise Sanitation. Motion was seconded by Alderman Moore.

Vote yes: Griffith; Lampley; Lisenbee; McGill; Moore; Stahl; Barbre; Coale

Vote no: none

Mayor Maguire declared motion carried.

Appointment of Temporary Leadman in Water Filtration Department – Bruce McKibben has announced he will be retiring soon. Mayor Maguire would like to appoint Josh Boyd as temporary leadman in the Water Filtration Department. He will automatically assume the leadperson responsibility upon Bruce’s retirement. A motion was made by Alderman Barbre, seconded by Alderman McGill to approve this appointment.

Vote yes: Lampley; Lisenbee; McGill; Moore; Stahl; Barbre; Coale; Griffith

Vote no: none

Mayor Maguire declared motion carried.

Award Bids for the Sale of Vehicles and Equipment – We received a bid for the sale of 1989 Chevy truck from Mike Zurliene in the amount of $400.00. Donald E. Young submitted a bid in the amount of $20.00 for the sale of the Lincoln Arc Welder. Mayor Maguire said we did not receive any bids for the sale of the 1989 Ford 350 dump truck from Street & Bridge. He thought the minimum bid of $2,500 required for this sale might have been too high. He suggested we hold on to the truck and offer it for sale at a later date. A motion was made by Alderman Lampley, seconded by Alderman Griffith to approve the sale of the 1989 Chevy truck to Mike Zurliene and the sale of the arc welder to Donald E. Young.

Vote yes: Lisenbee; McGill; Moore; Stahl; Barbre; Coale; Griffith; Lampley

Vote no: none

Mayor Maguire declared motion carried.

Discussion of Public Works Superintendent – Mayor Maguire asked for the Council to consider the hiring of a public works superintendent. The superintendent would plan, organize, direct, and supervise the city departments. Mayor Maguire stated he spends a lot of his time in the direct supervision of the departments. He would like to have more time for economic development, policies and procedures, working with the Council members on improving the city’s ordinances, and being more involved in local businesses. He stated it is hard to be proactive in these things because of the day to day things that come up within the departments. He believes the departments deserve having someone on a regular basis that can be there to provide the support and help they need. The superintendent would be expected to be involved in long term capital improvement planning and preventive maintenance. Mayor Maguire believes the position would pay for itself in increased efficiency in the work that is being done. Alderman Lampley stated he can see a benefit of such a position but funding the position is the big question and doesn’t know if we can afford it financially. The funding would definitely have to be figured out before we could consider it. Alderman Griffith agrees the mayor needs help because it is too much for one man to handle. However, he feels we need to postpone this until after the next election. Mayor Maguire feels we shouldn’t wait and the departments deserve someone that can be available now and feels the city cannot afford to wait. He feels he needs to be more proactive in economic development. Alderman Moore said he doesn’t feel we need to burden the taxpayers with another layer of management. He said we have leadpersons in the departments and we need to hold them accountable for their department. He also stated he feels the Council should make the mayor a full time position and that we already have an economic development person that has the duty of soliciting new business. Mayor Maguire stated that even though the ordinance says it is a 32 to 36 hour position he works more than full time.

Christmas Bonuses – Last year the city gave each full time employee a Christmas bonus of $100 plus $5 for each additional year of service. This bonus excludes the Mayor and the City Clerk. Alderman McGill made a motion to approve the bonuses. Alderman Moore asked how many part-time employees work for the city. It was stated that we have one at the airport and two at the library. We also have 20 paid-on-call firemen. After some discussion it was decided to give a bonus to the part time employees as well. Alderman McGill withdrew his original motion. Alderman Moore then made a motion, seconded by Alderman Lampley to give the full time employees a $100 Christmas bonus plus $5 for each additional year of service and to give those that are classified as part time employees a bonus of $50.

Vote yes: Moore; Stahl; Barbre; Coale; Griffith; Lampley; Lisenbee

Vote no: McGill

Mayor Maguire declared motion carried.

Alderman McGill stated the reason he voted no was because he is a paid-on-call firemen and he felt he shouldn’t vote yes to give himself a bonus.

Adjourn Meeting – Motion by Alderman McGill, seconded by Alderman Griffith to adjourn the meeting.

Vote yes: 8

Vote no: 0

Mayor Maguire declared meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
