
SE Illinois News

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Righter says Pritzker's budget plan isn't responsible governance


Sen. Dale Righter | dalerighter.com

Sen. Dale Righter | dalerighter.com

State Sen. Dale Righter (R-Mattoon) said that, while Gov. J.B. Pritzker referred to austerity during his budget address last week, the Governor's budget proposal did not reflect that.

"The governor is proposing an increase in spending of a little over $2 billion and that’s a big number," Righter said. "What’s more troublesome about that is two-thirds of that is predicated on his tax increase plan—which hasn’t been approved by voters."

Righter said the governor delivered a nice speech, but his reference to austerity is not something that can be taken from the budget proposal. 

"This governor harshly criticized his predecessor for holding what he referred to as critical interest hostage in order to get what he wanted and that’s exactly what this governor is doing," Righter said. "The Governor has a provision in his budget plan that says increases to K through 12 education, infrastructure spending and tax returns for small business owners are all on the chopping block unless voters approve the tax increase plan and that’s not responsible governance."

Righter said he hopes Democrats in the General Assembly will reject this proposal just as they rejected former Gov. Bruce Rauner’s approach to his spending plan.