
SE Illinois News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Community Unit School District 200 Board of Education met February 12

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Community Unit School District 200 Board of Education met Feb. 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The first regular meeting of the month of February of the Board of Education of Community Unit School District 200, DuPage County, Illinois, was called to order at the Monroe Middle School, 1855 Manchester Rd, Wheaton, IL, by Board President Brad Paulsen, on Wednesday, February 12, 2020, at 7:00 PM.


Upon the roll being called, the following were present:

Board Members: Brad Paulsen

Chris Crabtree

Susan Booton

Ginna Ericksen

Dave Long

Absent: Rob Hanlon

Jim Mathieson

Also in Attendance: Dr. Jeff Schuler, Superintendent

Mr. Bill Farley

Dr. Charlie Kyle

Mrs. Erica Loiacono

Mr. Rodney Mack

Mrs. Melissa Murphy

Dr. Chris Silagi


Sandburg Elementary School student Charlie Castino led the Board and community in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Sandburg Elementary School student Charlie Castino led the Board and community in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Principal Bryan Buck thanked all for coming to Monroe. It is the 50th year celebration for Monroe this year. Mr. Buck shared information on Monroe’s advisory period – the background of how and why it was started, where the idea came from, how the idea has been supported by staff and the administration, and how the advisory period works for the building. Mr. Buck also shared a PowerPoint that the students put together about the advisory period featuring what staff and students have focused on during this time, including making mistakes and school challenges, friendship challenges, values and decisions unit, a teambuilding event, celebrating a “Friendsgiving”, and sending valentines to a Veteran.




This standing item has been added to all regular business meetings and will give the Board an opportunity to recognize accomplishments within the District and community. The following recognitions and achievements were noted:

 WWSHS Tiger Speech Team is the Regional champion and qualified for Sectionals.

 The Wheaton Wings Booster fundraiser raised almost $10,000 with an event at Aurelio’s.

 Wheaton North INCubator group “Team Charge Card” came in 2nd at the IL Tech Innovation Challenge.

 Seven members of Dan Nielsen’s Boy Scout troop from Franklin have earned their Eagle Scout rank.

 ALICE training – Dr. Kyle was acknowledged for all of the work he has done with ALICE.

 Visits were also made to the following schools or events were noted:

o PTA sponsored 1st grade family math night at Bower o Whittier 2nd grade math lesson

o Wiesbrook Science Olympiad program

o Whittier INCubator program

o Matt Quinn community workshops “Legal Marijuana: Now What?” o ALICE parent workshops


Public comments are valuable and important to Board Members. We welcome the opportunity to listen to the concerns and issues that are important to our community.

Please be aware that it is the Board’s practice, not to directly discuss, ask questions or take action on Public Comments until the time has been taken to gather adequate information. We are here to listen. Lack of action or a direct response following Public Comments does not imply any lack of interest in what is being said.

In addition, to preserve confidentiality, the Board and its President reserve the right to request that items relating to either personnel or students be provided to the Board privately or in writing for consideration in a future closed session if necessary.

The Board must protect the civility and decorum of the meeting. Please be respectful for the duties of the Board, our District Leadership Team, and the democratic process in your comments tonight:

 Please use the microphone, state your name, and address your comments to the Board

 Please limit your comments to 3 minutes. A Board member will be timing the comments and raise his/her arm as the time limit is approaching

 Please be factual and courteous, and do not include statements that are personally disrespectful or condescending to members of the Board or staff

If you feel your matter needs to be discussed in more detail, please attend the Board’s next “Chance to Chat” on Apr 7, 2020, or present your comments in writing via email to the Board.


Dr. Schuler reported the following:

 This has been a busy month in terms of community engagement opportunities with more than 600 community members attending events, including the Matt Quinn parent workshops on the dangers of marijuana and vaping, the PTA council sponsored the showing of Screenagers 2 at Studio Movie Grill which featured a hosted talk following the screening, and the two ALICE parent workshops. It was noted that first responders have embraced ALICE as a community initiative.

 As of last night, all D200 schools have hit the 20% required parent participation mark on the 5Essentials survey. This will allow the District to access the data to help understand the feedback, identify areas of strength, as well as guide opportunities for improvement.

 The Jefferson ECC has begun accepting applications for the tuition program for the 2020-21 school year. Jefferson is home to the District’s high-quality early childhood preschool program for all children ages 3-5. This will be the first year in the new Jefferson building.


1. Acceptance of Gifts from Lowell Elementary School PTA – Recommend acceptance of the gifts from Lowell PTA as presented.

2. Acceptance of Gift to Monroe Middle School – Recommend acceptance of the gift to Monroe as presented.

3. Approval of Revised Policy 5:50 Drug- and Alcohol-Free Workplace; E-Cigarette, Tobacco, and Cannabis Prohibition – Recommend approval of revised policy 5:50 as presented.

4. Approval to Post Business Education Textbook for Community Review – Recommend approval to post the Business Education textbook for community review as presented.

5. Approval to Post My Perspectives: English Language Arts Textbook for Community Review – Recommend approval to post the My Perspectives: English Language Arts textbook for community review as presented.

6. Approval to Post Bien Dit! Level 3 Textbook for Community Review – Recommend approval to post the Bien Dit! Level 3 textbook for community review as presented.

7. Approval to Post Asi Se Dice! Level 3 Textbook for Community Review – Recommend approval to post the Asi Se Dice! Level 3 textbook for community review as presented.

8. Approval to Post Housing Interior Textbook for Community Review – Recommend approval to post the Housing Interior textbook for community review as presented.

9. Approval of Changes to the Student Handbooks – Recommend approval of the changes to the student handbooks as presented.

10. Approval of SIP Phone Agreement with Call One – Recommend approval of the SIP phone agreement with Call One as presented.

11. Approval to Open Previously Closed Minutes – Recommend approval to open the previously closed minutes as presented.

12. Approval of Settlement and Mutual Release – Recommend approval of the settlement and mutual release as presented.

13. Approval of Bills Payable and Payroll – Recommend approval of the bills payable and payroll as presented.

14. Approval of Minutes – January 8, 2020, Open and Closed, January 22, 2020 Committee of the Whole Open and Approval to Destroy Recordings of Closed Sessions Prior to September 2018 As Allowable by Law – Recommend approval of the minutes as presented and approval to destroy recordings of closed sessions prior to September 2018 as allowable by law.

15. Approval of Personnel Report to Include Employment, Resignation, Retirement, and Leave of Absence of Administrative, Certified, Classified and Non-Union Staff – Recommend approval of the personnel report as presented.

There was additional information/discussion on the following:

 # 15 Personnel Report – Dr. Schuler introduced Ms. Stacey Bailey, candidate for Principal of Sandburg Elementary School, and Mr. Scott McDermott, candidate for Principal of Wheaton Warrenville South High School. Both candidates are replacing administrators that will be retiring at the end of the 2019-20 school year. Dr. Schuler thanked both Mr. Aaron Bacon and Mr. Dave Claypool for their years of service to the District.


Member Ericksen moved, Member Crabtree seconded to accept the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: AYE 5, NAY 0.

The motion carried 5-0.


1. Approval to Post Revised Policy 2:20 Powers and Duties of the Board of Education for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 2:20 for public review and comment as presented.

2. Approval to Post Revised Policy 2:70 Vacancies on the Board of Education – Filling Vacancies for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 2:70 for public review and comment as presented.

3. Approval to Post Revised Policy 4:15 Identity Protection for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 4:15 for public review and comment as presented.

4. Approval to Post Revised Policy 4:30 Revenue and Investments for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 4:30 for public review and comment as presented.

5. Approval to Post Revised Policy 4:60 Purchases and Contracts for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 4:60 for public review and comment as presented.

6. Approval to Post Revised Policy 4:80 Accounting and Audits for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 4:80 for public review and comment as presented.

7. Approval to Post Revised Policy 5:10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 5:10 for public review and comment as presented.

8. Approval to Post Revised Policy 5:20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 5:20 for public review and comment as presented.

9. Approval to Post Revised Policy 5:30 Hiring Process and Criteria for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 5:30 for public review and comment as presented.

10. Approval to Post Revised Policy 5:90 Abused and Neglected Child Reporting for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 5:90 for public review and comment as presented.

11. Approval to Post Revised Policy 6:20 School Year Calendar and Day for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 6:20 for public review and comment as presented.

12. Approval to Post Revised Policy 6:60 Curriculum Content for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 6:60 for public review and comment as presented.

13. Approval to Post Revised Policy 7:20 Harassment of Students Prohibited for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 7:20 for public review and comment as presented.

14. Approval to Post Revised Policy 8:30 Visitors to and Conduct on School Property for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 8:30 for public review and comment as presented.

15. Approval to Post Revised Policy 2:100 Board Member Conflict of Interest for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 2:100 for public review and comment as presented.

16. Approval to Post Revised Policy 2:105 Ethics and Gift Ban for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 2:105 for public review and comment as presented.

17. Approval to Post Revised Policy 2:110 Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 2:110 for public review and comment as presented.

18. Approval to Post Revised Policy 2:200 Types of Board of Education Meetings for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 2:200 for public review and comment as presented.

19. Approval to Post Revised Policy 2:220 Board of Education Meeting Procedure for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 2:220 for public review and comment as presented.

20. Approval to Post Revised Policy 2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 2:260 for public review and comment as presented.

21. Approval to Post Revised Policy 4:150 Facility Management and Building Programs for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 4:150 for public review and comment as presented.

22. Approval to Post Revised Policy 5:100 Staff Development Program for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 5:100 for public review and comment as presented.

23. Approval to Post Revised Policy 5:120 Employee Ethics; Conduct; and Conflict of Interest for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 5:120 for public review and comment as presented.

24. Approval to Post Revised Policy 5:200 Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 5:200 for public review and comment as presented.

25. Approval to Post Revised Policy 5:220 Substitute Teachers for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 5:220 for public review and comment as presented.

26. Approval to Post Revised Policy 5:250 Leaves of Absence for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 5:250 for public review and comment as presented.

27. Approval to Post Revised Policy 5:290 Employment Termination and Suspensions for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 5:290 for public review and comment as presented.

28. Approval to Post Revised Policy 5:330 Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 5:330 for public review and comment as presented.

29. Approval to Post Revised Policy 6:150 Home and Hospital Instruction for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 6:150 for public review and comment as presented.

30. Approval to Post Revised Policy 6:300 Graduation Requirements for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 6:300 for public review and comment as presented.

31. Approval to Post Revised Policy 7:150 Agency and Police Interviews for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 7:150 for public review and comment as presented.

32. Approval to Post Revised Policy 7:180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 7:180 for public review and comment as presented.

33. Approval to Post Revised Policy 7:270 Administering Medicines to Students for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 7:270 for public review and comment as presented.

There was additional information/discussion on the following:

 The Board was reminded that the HR/Policy Committee reviewed all of the changes.

 The revised changes are an update from PRESS, and are derived from changes in school code or law, and are best practice.

 All are recommended for approval to post for public review and comment.

 #30 Policy 6:300 – FAFSA: how will the District be checking on that? Waivers?

 #14 Policy 8:30 – checking identification for visitors: will this be implemented in all buildings?

 #12 Policy 6:60 – at what grade in MS will civics education be covered?

 Policy 6:10 (Educational Philosophy and Objectives) was asked to be reviewed by Board Member Booton to review language that was dropped when the District converted to PRESS. The meeting notes from the HR/Policy Committee reflect that review took place. This policy is not recommended for revision. It was noted the Teaching & Learning Committee will review how Civics will be introduced and taught at the MS level.


Member Booton moved, Member Ericksen seconded to accept the Policy Posting Consent Agenda as presented. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: AYE 5, NAY 0. The motion carried 5-0.


Student Learning Feature

The Board of Education is committed to providing learning experiences that ensure high literacy and math skills while also developing creativity, collaboration, problem-solving, and communication skills. Mrs. Melissa Murphy and staff provided an update on student learning opportunities in math and reading for elementary students and provided an overview of the Title I extended day program, which included information on the participating schools, program length, allocation of grant funds, transportation, content focus, grades served, and the number of students served. An update on curriculum work for foundational skills at grades K and 1 was also provided to the Board. This included a PowerPoint Foundational Skills Update which included information on the following:

Vision 2022 Goal – Foundational Skills Curriculum Focus for Grades K-1

Educational Services Dept. 2019-20 Goals and Priorities

What are Foundational Skills?

K-1: Print Concepts; Phonological Awareness

K-5: Phonics & Word Recognition; Fluency

 What is a Reading Framework?

o Determine how we can support explicit/intentional instruction

 Research and Development Year for K-1

o Tiers 1, 2, and 3

o Content Focus Area by Grade

 Current Progress

o EAB Study

o Reading Framework Coaches

o Reaching Teachers/Specialists and Principals with Literacy Consultant

o Institute Day Training for K-1 Teachers

o Foundational Skills Next Steps

 Phase 1: Print Concepts & Phonological Awareness

 Phase 2: Phonics & Word Recognition

 Phase 3: Fluency

 Phase 4: Comprehension

There was additional information on the following:

 A reading framework is a model for organizing daily literacy instruction that is not dependent on a particular program.

 Examples of foundational skills.

There were questions/discussion on the following:

 Reading framework coaches vs. reading specialists.

 Is phonics being approached differently in different buildings? Are materials standardized?

 Explicit intentional instruction.

 Identification of students who are ready for Kindergarten vs. those who are not ready for Kindergarten.

 The assessment given to students in the first 45 days of school that is provided by the state.

 Identification of dyslexia in children.

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Feature

The Board of Education is committed to providing students with social-emotional learning that enhances students’ abilities in school, careers, and life. The Board of Education has identified social-emotional learning as a priority. In an effort to recognize the work of our schools in this area, a social-emotional learning feature will be reported on at many of our meetings. A report focused on how we are utilizing a research-based resource to support our social-emotional learning framework. A PowerPoint was shared on EAB as a resource which included

information on the following:

 Extensive Resource Bank

o Research Articles

o Best Practice Studies

o Best Practice Districts

o Toolkits

 What the Research Tells Us

o 15 Practices in the Following Areas:

 I – Prevent Misbehavior Through Early Intervention

 II – Create Conditions for Positive Classroom Behavior

 III – Promote the Social-Emotional Well-Being of Students & Teachers

 IV – Enhance Support for Higher-Needs Students

 Implemented, Researched or In the Works

o Relationship Mapping

o Trauma-Informed Perspective

o Positive Behavior and Supports

o Behavioral Guidelines

o Direct SEL Instruction

o Universal Screening

o Cross-Functional Teaming

o Reintegration Classroom

There was additional information/questions on the following:

 How the District has used EAB and how we are using it for SEL.

 Access to on-demand studies and support through EAB staff.

 The difference between CASEL vs. EAB – CASEL is specifically focused on SEL, while

EAB is a broader piece and a much more exhaustive research process.

 Any D200 school can access toolkits on the school improvement level.


Discussion of Spanish Language Arts

The Illinois State Board of Education has new rules and regulations for school districts regarding the use of Spanish Language Arts Standards. Districts with bilingual Spanish programs are required to instruct students using the Spanish Language Arts standards with the goals of acquisition of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills (biliteracy) and understanding and appreciation of cultures. This fall, staff convened a Spanish Language Arts Exploratory Committee to evaluate Spanish Language Arts instructional models and provide recommendations.

Mrs. Melissa Murphy and the staff provided an update on the findings of the exploratory committee after researching two programming models. A Spanish Language Arts Exploratory Committee Update PowerPoint presentation was shared with the Board, which included information on the following:

 Why Spanish Language Arts?

 CUSD 200 Spanish Language Arts Student Goals

o English Language Proficiency

o Spanish Bilingual Proficiency

o Cultural Advocacy

 Possible Spanish Language Arts Programming Models

o Dual Language (One-way and Two-way Immersion)

o Bilingual Spanish (Enhanced TBE)

o Foreign Language Elementary School (FLES)

 Exploratory Committee Purpose and Goals

 Exploratory Committee: Timeline for Work

 Dual Language Exploration

o One-way Immersion/Two-way Immersion

o Exploratory Committee Questions for Dual Language Programming

o Buildings Enrollment Analysis for Dual Language

 Johnson, Pleasant Hill, Washington, Sandburg, Hawthorne, Bower

o Johnson Dual Language Staffing Analysis (by grade level)

o Pleasant Hill Dual Language Staffing Analysis (by grade level)

o Districtwide Considerations with Dual Language

 FLES Exploration

o Elementary Foreign Language Programming


o Exploratory Committee Questions for FLES

o FLES Programming Considerations

o What is Content-based FLES?

o 5-Year Projection of Staff Analysis for Bilingual Sites

 Johnson, Pleasant Hill, Washington, Hawthorne, Bower, Sandburg

 In Summary

 Next Steps

There were additional comments on the following:

 The group has analyzed two of the three programming models thus far.

 Most DuPage County Schools Districts are using the Two-way Immersion model for

Dual Programming.

 The presentation focused on enrollment and staffing information; other questions will be answered at a later time.

 Building enrollment analysis for Dual Language – must have 20 or more students that are bilingual and need EL services; a few of the buildings are sometimes a site and sometimes not a site, depending on their student mix.

 The two buildings that are a viable option for dual language programs are Johnson and Pleasant Hill – this is based on Kindergarten enrollment that could support dual language.

 Other Districtwide considerations with Dual Language include: if just two buildings run a program, multiple other programming models would be required across the district; Bilingual teachers would teach all content areas in Spanish; additional costs for curriculum and Professional Development.

 Seven Districts in DuPage offer dual-language – six of the seven have it offered in only one building.

 FLES – meets ISBE guidance; weekly time allocation – 90 to 120 minutes per week.

 FLES programming considerations include participants, clustered classrooms, bilingual buildings, time allotment, content focus, and curriculum and instruction.

 The 5-year projection of staff analysis for the six bilingual sites includes the current number of bilingual teachers, the number of additional bilingual teachers needed for clustered FLES classrooms and the number needed for all students to participate in FLES.

 Enhanced TBE will be explored next by the committee.

 Additional input has been solicited from the Bilingual Advisory Committee and a Spanish Bilingual consultant to support program design. Student input is also being captured from the Hubble Spanish bilingual students

There were questions/discussion on the following:

 The makeup of the exploratory committee.

 How many spots would be available to the general public to participate after the bilingual students are placed in a given building?

 Would current programs continue to run in addition to dual language programming at Johnson and Pleasant Hill?

 The number of languages (67) that are unique to District 200 students.

 Clarification – the other four schools (Washington, Bower, Sandburg, and Hawthorne) do not have the numbers to support dual language classrooms based on the numbers.

 What happens to students outside of the six schools? Would this require permissive transfers to participate?

 Productive struggle (content-based instruction) and learning curves in FLES vs. dual language.

 Spanish is the only language that bilingual programming is required for in District 200 based on the numbers.

 Staying in contact with the parents that have expressed interest in this subject.

The Board was reminded the committee is still understanding the programs and the options and this will not be for the 2020-2021 school year.

Discussion of Board Parking Lot and Priorities

At the January Committee of the Whole Meeting, the Board reviewed the current Board Parking Lot as a part of the 5-Year Financial Forecast and FY21 Budget Development Process. The Parking Lot was added to this agenda to bring clarity around all items on the Parking Lot and identify those we want to incorporate in budget discussions or study plan discussions for the 2020-2021 school year. The discussion was built around the following goals or steps:

1. Review the purpose of our Board Parking Lot identified in our Board Operating Principles.

2. Bring Clarity around all items on the Parking Lot and the Board Member interest that brought them to the Parking Lot.

3. Briefly review the Parking Lot items that are incorporated in a current work plan and when those topics will be discussed with the full Board.

4. Discuss Parking Lot items that are not part of current work and attempt to determine if they should be a part of the budget discussion for FY21 or incorporated in a study plan for next year.

5. Review administrative strategic budget considerations for next year. These will all be discussed in future Board Meetings but will be reviewed in the context of this broader future planning discussion.

There was no formal action associated with this agenda item. It is an item intended for discussion and may need to continue in future meetings if additional information is needed to provide feedback or direction.

The Board of Education discussed items on the Board of Education Parking Lot and provided direction on those items we want to incorporate in budget discussions or study plan discussions for the 2020-2021 school year.

There were additional comments on the following:

 The Board was reminded of the origin of the parking lot as a concept and wanted to provide an update of those items that are on the parking lot, those that are currently part of a study and those that are not, and feedback on items the Board is asking to look at in terms of study plans or budget.

 Board Principles of operation and development of parking lot.

 The decision to collect feedback from various sources and add to the working document to raise the issue to help the administration to plan accordingly.

 Information added to the working document for each topic to reflect the cost impact, time for implementation, whether it is a key budget priority for FY 21, and whether a study of the topic should be in a work plan for FY 21.

 The items were identified that are currently connected to District work plans and those that are not part of current discussions.

 The Board was provided with Administrative Strategic Budget Considerations for several topics that are currently part of a work plan or part of a current study group.

There were questions/discussion on the following:

 The items that are currently part of a specific conversation include foreign language/dual language for elementary, expanding universal access program to 1:1, balancing facility capital improvements with space modernization to support learning, restoring activity buses to HS, exploring after-hours bus for after school support at elementary level, and security camera additions to buildings.

 The items that are not currently part of a specific conversation include HS start times, full-day Kindergarten, evaluate PE exemption policy, explore basic life/adult skills class, and evaluate class size targets/caps at the elementary level.

 The timeline of when the Board is setting goals and priorities for the upcoming year.

 A lot of work and discussion on topics is being done in Board Committees or will be in future presentations to the Board.

 The Board will visit the Parking Lot again in July or August.


Monthly Financial Reports

FOIA Report

ELC Construction Update

Board Communication Log

Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) Report


Board Committee Reports

Meeting notes were attached to the Board report for the Board Human Resources/Policy Committee.

Other Reports from Board Members

 Member Ericksen provided information on an extracurricular program that is related to SEL - Girls on the Run - what the program entails, which D200 schools participate, etc.


Other Board Member Requests

Master Technology Plan and Future of Instruction and Technology (FIT) Plan


February 26, 2020 - Committee of the Whole, 7:00 PM, SSC


March 11, 2020, 7:00 PM, Wheaton Warrenville South High School

PUBLIC COMMENTS – Non-Agenda Items




There being no further business to come before the Board in Open Session, Member Paulsen moved, Member Booton seconded to adjourn the meeting. Upon a voice call being taken, all were in favor and the motion carried 5-0.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:31 PM.




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