City of McLeansboro City Council met March 11.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Following the Pledge of Allegiance, City Clerk Fred Vallowe called the regular meeting of the McLeansboro City Council to order, Roll call; Jim Mason, Tom Maulding, Don Cox, Billy Glenn, Richard Lasswell, and Dale Biggerstaff, present. Mayor Deitz was regrets. Attorney David Garavalia was in attendance.
Mr. Lasswell made the MOTION TO APPOINT ALDERMAN JIM MASON AS MAYOR PRO TEMPORE, second Mr. Maulding. Roll call: Lasswell, Maulding, Biggerstaff, Cox, Glenn, Ayes - 5. Nay-0. Motion passed.
Mr. Cox made the MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 12, 2020, second Mr. Biggerstaff, Roll call: Cox, Biggerstaff, Lasswell, Maulding, Glenn, Biggerstaff. Ayes - 5. Nay-0. Motion passed.
Mr. Lasswell made the MOTION TO APPROVE THE COLLECTOR'S AND TREASURER'S REPORTS FOR THE MONTHS OF FEBRUARY, second Mr. Glenn. Roll call: Lasswell, Glenn, Cox, Biggerstaff, Glenn. Ayes - 5. Nay -0. Motion passed.
Mr. Lasswell made the MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS AND TRANSFERS, second Mr. Cox. Roll call: Lasswell, Cox, Glenn, Maulding, Biggerstaff. Ayes - S. Nay – 0. Motion passed.
During Aldermen's Comments Mr. Cox reported on work completed by Big-D Electrical Contractor in replacing bad poles for the electric department, that the digger new truck ordered by the City was scheduled for delivery by the end of the week, and that attention needed to be paid to the guardrails at the corners of Heard and Randolph, and Memory Lane and Sunset. Also mentioned was the condition of Hull Street and the hope that proposed 2020 MFT street repairs would correction the problem. Alderman Maulding reported on the recent truck purchase from Teffertiller Motors and the continued search for a mowing tractor, Alderman Biggerstaff expressed his appreciation to the City crews who had been clearing alleys, reported he is currently researching for sponsors to assist with improvements at the City Pool, gave an update on the ordered UTV for mosquito abatement and weed control, noted the progress being made with the concrete pad replacement at the fire station, and questioned whether there was a policy in place to appoint an acting mayor.
There were 16 members of the public present. During Public Comments Amy Draper, Hamilton/White County Career Planner of Wabash Area Development Incorporated addressed the board about working with the city on a program to help youth job seekers access employment, education, training and support services and match employers with workers. Letitia Wiggins, Hamilton County Chamber of Commerce Board Member, spoke on the Hamilton County MAPPING Initiative (through Western Illinois University) in working with McLeansboro and the county to improve economic development, and locally developing plans to achieve it. Doug Pollux, Shawnee Engineering, delivered an update to the Council regarding the start of construction for the new water tower. It was stated that earlier in the afternoon he had met with Water Superintendent Scott Schuster, and later with Mayor Deitz to discuss change orders and USDA funding opportunities, Police Chief John Nathan Taylor reported that while no cases of COVID-19 had been reported in the County, the hospital, Hamilton County Health Department, senior care facilities and Hamilton County Emergency Services were meeting and coordinating efforts to ensure public safety. Taylor reported that Officer Partain was currently enrolled in the Illinois Police Academy with a projected graduation date of June 12, 2020. He also noted the requests from Deep South Restaurant for partial closing of Cherry Street, between Marshall and Heard Streets, was being reviewed with Windell Bowman, Street Superintendent. Mark Elliot, Public Information Officer of the Hamilton and Wayne County Health Departments talked about the importance of everyone being counted in the 2020 Census. He said after the last census, Hamilton County was undercounted by 1,400 people causing $1,4 million in lost revenue. Elliot said he would work closely with them to get the word out about getting people to fill out their census forms.
Mrs. Cindy Inboden, Accounts Payable Clerk, reported on the bad debt being held by the City from unpaid utility bills. She stated there were 11 accounts unpaid in the amount of $4355.11, and 18 judgements unpaid in the amount of $9798.32. Mr. Biggerstaff made the MOTION TO WRITE-OFF FOURTEEN THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-THREE DOLLARS AND FORTY-THREE CENTS ($14,153.43) IN BAD DEBT, second Mr. Lasswell. Roll call: Biggerstaff, Lasswell, Cox, Maudling, Glenn. Ayes – 5. Nay -0. Motion passed.
Mrs. Pat Stevens, Zoning Administrator, reported on the judgement against Tina Brown for the demolition of a burned house located at 304 South Marshall Street. Stevens stated the judge had ordered an April 1, 2020 deadline for the demolition of the house and asked that, since no demolition application had been requested or received, she be authorized to have the building razed and lot cleared if the deadline passes with no remediation. She went on to report she had contracted several demolition companies about the property, and the lowest proposal was from Kyle Poore in the amount of $3,800.00.
Mr. Biggerstaff made the MOTION TO HIRE THE SERVICES OF KAY STINSON, STINSON APPRAISAL SERVICE, IN THE AMOUNT OF ONE THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($1500.00) TO ASSESS 10 EXCESS CITY LOTS FOR SALE, second Mr. Glenn. Roll call: Biggerstaff, Glenn, Cox, Lasswell, Maulding. Ayes – 5. Nay -0. Motion passed.
At the request of Attorney Garavalia, Mr. Lasswell made the MOTION TO TABLE ACTION OF ACCEPTING BIDS FOR THE 2020 MOWING SEASON, second Mr. Cox. Roll call: Lasswell, Cox, Maulding, Biggerstaff, Glenn. Ayes - 5. Nay -0. Motion passed.
Mr. Lasswell made the MOTION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 2015 EDITION OF THE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION'S LIFE SAFETY CODE, second Mr. Cox, Roll call: Lasswell, Cox, Maulding, Biggerstaff, Glenn. Ayes - 5. Nay -0. Motion passed.
Mr. Biggerstaff made the MOTION TO SEND TWO MEMBERS OF THE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT TO LINCOLN, ILLINOIS FOR TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION IN WORKING WITH FIREWORKS, second Mr. Glenn. Roll call: Biggerstaff, Glenn, Lasswell, Maulding, Cox, Ayes - 5. Nay -0. Motion passed.
Mr. Lasswell made the MOTION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A NET METERING POLICY FOR THE ELECTRICAL SERVICES IN MCLEANSBORO, second Mr. Cox, Roll call: Lasswell, Cox, Maulding, Biggerstaff, Glenn, Ayes-5. Nay -0. Motion passed.
Mr. Lasswell made the MOTION TO PURCHASE AND/OR LEASE A NEW TRUCK FOR METER READING FROM TEFFERTILLER MOTORS IN THE AMOUNT OF TWENTY THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS OR BETTER LEASE DEAL, second Mr. Cox. Roll call: Lasswell, Cox, Maulding, Biggerstaff, Glenn. Ayes - 5. Nay -0. Motion passed.
Mr. Biggerstaff made the MOTION TO AUTHORIZE THE PUBLICATION OF PART-TIME SUMMER JOB OPENINGS AT THE CITY POOL-LIFE GUARDS AND CONCESSION WORKERS, second Mr. Glenn. Roll call: Biggerstaff, Glenn, Lasswell, Cox, Maulding. Ayes – 5. Nay-0. Motion passed.
Aaron Dauby, Shawnee Engineering, presented the Council with the 2020 proposed Motor Fuel Tax funded street repairs and/or improvements which had been developed through meetings with Windell Bowman, Streets Superintendent, and Mayor Deitz. Alderman Biggerstaff discussed his concern that the annual repairs and improvements should be part of a greater, overall plan which would include all streets being in a rotation for upkeep and improvement. The Main and Market Streets bridges were also discussed. Clerk Vallowe asked for clarification from H.C.E.M.S. director Nathan Taylor as to whether there had been an update on funding from I.E.M.A. or F.E.M.A. on seismic updating of the bridges through the proposed mitigation program now being developed in the county. Taylor was unsure, and it was the consensus of the Council to defer bridge replacement discussions until later in the year when more funding information would be available. Dauby stated the delay would not pose an immediate danger in using the bridges.
TWELVE THOUSAND, NINE HUNDRED TWENTY NINE DOLLARS AND EIGHTY CENTS ($112,929.80) FOR THE 2020 MOTOR FUEL TAX EXPENDITURES ON STREET REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS, second Mr. Cox. Roll call: Lasswell, Cox, Maulding, Biggerstaff, Glenn. Ayes - 5. Nay -0. Motion passed.
Mr. Biggerstaff made the MOTION TO TABLE DISCUSSION AND/OR ACTION ON THE RENOVATION AND/OR RELOCATION OF CITY HALL, second Lasswell. Roll call; Biggerstaff, Lasswell, Cox, Maulding, Glenn. Ayes-5. Nay -0. Motion passed.
Mr. Biggerstaff made the MOTION TO APPOINT A MCLEANSBORO ARTS COUNCIL, second Mr. Lasswell. Roll call: Biggerstaff, Lasswell, Cox, Maudling, Glenn. Ayes - 5. Nay --- 0. Motion passed.
At 7:54 P.M. Mr. Biggerstaff made the MOTION TO CONVENE IN EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER SECTION 2(C)(1) OF THE OPEN MEETINGS ACT FOR DISCUSSION ON EMPLOYMENT OF A SPECIFIC INDIVIDUAL, second Mr, Lasswell, Roll call: Biggerstaff, Lasswell, Cox, Maulding, Glenn. Ayes - 5. Nay -0. Motion passed.
Clerk Vallowe reported he had reserved the Hamilton County Court Room for the April 14,2020 City Council meeting if formal, social distancing is imposed. He also noted that 4 deer stands had been found in Rogers-DeWitt Park, and inquired whether a special archery permit for using the 58 acre park to hunt deer was of interest to the Council.
Having completed City Business, at 9:07 P.M. Mr. Lasswell made the MOTION TO ADJOURN, second Mr. Cox. A voice vote was taken without dissent.