
SE Illinois News

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Hamilton County Community Unit District No. 10 Board of Education met June 16

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Hamilton County Community Unit District No. 10 Board of Education met June 16.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Consent Agenda

A. Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 19, 2020

B. Treasurer’s Report

C. Budget Reports

D. Bill Listing

E. Destruction of Executive Session Audio Recordings Older than 18 Months as per Code

F. First Reading: Policies: 2:125, 2:160, 4:50, 5:150, 5:280, 5:60, 6:135, 6:280, 7:70, 7:90, 7:130, 7:325, 8:10, 8:80, 8:110, 8:30, 2:125-E1, 2:125-E2, 2:160-E, 5:60-E1, 5:60-E2.

IV. Correspondence

V. Recognition of Visitors/Public Comment

VI. Superintendent’s Report

A. Status Report

B. School Improvement/Curriculum Updates

VII. Old Business

A. Approval of a Resolution to Declare Excess Property and to Declare the Sale of the Same (action possible)

B. Approval of Final 2019-2020 School Calendar (action possible)

VIII. New Business

A. Approval to Establish FY’21 Imprest Funds (action possible)

B. Approval of Section 125 Cafeteria Plan with American Fidelity Assurance Co. (action possible)

C. Approval to Maintain Membership in IASB for FY’21 (action possible)

D. Approval of Proposed Childcare Fees for 2020-2021 (action possible)

E. Recommendation to Approve the IHSA Stage I Return to Play (action possible)

F. Executive Session

1. Consider Accepting Letters of Resignation from Certified & Non-certified Staff

2. Consider Accepting 4-Year Notice of Retirement from Non-certified Staff

3. Consider Employment of a Part-time Computer Tech Support Employee

4. Consider Salary Increases for Non-Certified Employees

E. Open Session: Action Following Executive Session (if any)

1. Consider Accepting Letters of Resignation from Certified & Non-certified Staff (action possible)

2. Consider Accepting 4-Year Notice of Retirement from Non-certified Staff (action possible)

3. Consider Employment of a Part-time Computer Tech Support Employee (action possible)

4. Consider Salary Increases for Non-Certified Employees (action possible)

IX. Adjournment
