
SE Illinois News

Sunday, September 29, 2024

City of Carmi City Council met May 19

City of Carmi City Council met May 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The Carmi City Council met for its regularly scheduled meeting at 5:30 p.m. via phone conference.

Prior to opening the council meeting, Mayor Pollard asked Alderman Winkleman to give the invocation.

Mayor Pollard presided with the following Aldermen in attendance: Steve Winkleman, Mark W. Blake, Tracy Nelson, James Totten, Mike Knight, Doug Hays, Jeremy Courson, and Sheila Jo Headlee.

The minutes from the May 5, 2020, council meeting were presented. A motion was made by Alderman Winkleman to approve the May 5, 2020, council minutes. The motion was seconded by Alderman Totten. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”

The April 2020 Financial Reports for the City of Carmi and Carmi Light & Water were presented to the council for consideration. A motion was made by Alderman Headlee for approval of the April 2020 Financial Reports. The motion was seconded by Alderman Totten. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”

The vendor invoices for May 2020 for the City of Carmi and Carmi Light & Water were presented for approval. A motion was made by Alderman Winkleman to approve the May 2020 vendor invoices. The motion was seconded by Alderman Headlee. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”

For Council Consideration, discussion and possible approval:

Jim Brown from the engineering firm Brown and Roberts, addressed the Mayor and Council regarding the 8th Street/Hillsdale area water project. Mr. Brown stated this project was estimated to cost $1.5 million with $500,000 being grant funded and the remaining balance being an IEPA loan with a 60% loan forgiveness. Mr. Brown stated on May 12th, the Governor announced the Rebuild Illinois Fast Tract Project due to COVID 19. The previous project discussed along with the painting of the water tower located in the Opportunity Zone could possibly be funded with no local match. However, Mr. Brown stated the City of Carmi would be responsible for the grant administration fees and engineering, totaling approximately $205,700. Mr. Brown stated if the City proceeds as originally planned, they are looking at a $400,000 IEPA loan in addition to the grant administration fee. He stated if we go with the Fast Track Program, if we are approved, we are looking at a total cost estimated at $205.700. Mr. Brown stated the Rebuild Illinois Fast Tract grant is on a first come, first serve basis and the deadline to submit the application is May 31, 2020. Alderman Headlee made a motion to switch the 8th Street/Hillsdale area water project from being DCEO and IEPA funded, to the Rebuild Illinois Fast Track project grant. The motion was seconded by Alderman Blake. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”

Mayor Pollard asked the council for authorization to seek bids for the sale of excess property for the City of Carmi: 2001 Dodge Ram 1500 pickup, VIN #: 1B7HC16Y81S294203 with 138,112 miles, sold AS IS. Mayor Pollard stated this vehicle had previously been used in the Parks Department. Alderman Totten made a motion for authorization to seek sealed bids for the sale of 2001 Dodge Ram 1500 pickup. Alderman Knight seconded the motion. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”

Mayor Pollard announced Keely Baldwin who was requesting a change to ordinance # 918 concerning allowing swine in the City limits. Ms. Baldwin addressed the council stating she had a miniature pig at her residence but the current ordinance does not allow swine in the City limits and she is requesting it be changed. Alderman Winkleman stated he would like to table making a decision on this until the council is able to meet in person. Alderman Totten seconded this motion. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.” Mayor Pollard told Ms. Baldwin she would be allowed to keep her pig until the council is able to meet in person to discuss this issue. Ms. Baldwin was told she would be notified of the meeting.

Reports and/or updates from Mayor Pollard

Mayor Pollard announced that after long discussions with the Chamber of Commerce, the decision has been made to cancel the 4th of July fireworks due to the uncertainty of the guidelines to reopen the state by Governor Pritzker. Mayor Pollard stated unfortunately with all the tri-state area pools closing for the summer due to the pandemic, the City of Carmi reached out to the Illinois Department of Public Health for guidance on whether to open the Carmi Pool. They have strongly urged the City to keep the pool closed for the summer. Mayor Pollard also said there were long overdue repairs which could be performed over the summer.

Mayor Pollard reminded everyone of the recycling day which is still planned for May 30th at the Newton Wire and Cable Building from 9 a.m. to 12:00 noon. You will be expected to unload your own electronics. A list is available of acceptable items is located on the City website or by calling 382-8118.

Mayor Pollard reiterated he has sent letters to the Governor, Representative Bailey and Senator Righter in support of getting our town reopened. “On Monday, I sent a letter to the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules expressing that I am apposed to the proposed rule considered for the Department of Public Health Notice of Emergency Amendment” stated Mayor Pollard.

Reports from Standing Committees

Alderman Headlee asked if there would still be Summer Recreational League ball games. Alderman Courson stated the Summer Recreational League board is waiting until June 1st to make a decision. Alderman Winkleman asked when the Burrell Park Campground would be opening back up. Mayor Pollard stated possibly on June 1, 2020.


At 5:53 p.m. Alderman Headlee made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Alderman Winkleman. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman present answering “yes.”
