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North Wayne Community Unit School District 200 Board met May 13

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North Wayne Community Unit School District 200 Board met May 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The first regular meeting of the month of May of the Board of Education of Community Unit School District 200, DuPage County, Illinois, was called to order by Board President Brad Paulsen at 7:00 PM. To maintain social distancing practices during COVID-19, this meeting was held virtually through ZOOM as permitted by Governor Pritzker’s Executive Orders 2020-07 and 2020-33.


Upon the roll being called, the following were virtually present:

Board Members: Brad Paulsen

Chris Crabtree

Rob Hanlon

Susan Booton

Ginna Ericksen

Dave Long

Jim Mathieson

Also in Attendance: Dr. Jeff Schuler, Superintendent

Mr. Bill Farley

Dr. Charlie Kyle

Mrs. Erica Loiacono

Mr. Rodney Mack

Mrs. Melissa Murphy

Dr. Chris Silagi


Board President Paulsen led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.


President Paulsen noted that due to the current social distancing guidelines and the Stay at Home Order, the Board Meeting was being conducted via Zoom. The community was able to view and listen to the meeting via the link that was provided to the public on the District 200 website. The members of the audience were reminded there was no opportunity for live comment or interaction with the Board. The public was thanked for their understanding of the need for the meeting to be conducted in this format.



PUBLIC COMMENTS – Agenda and Non-Agenda Items during Virtual BOE Meeting

Due to current social distancing guidelines and the Stay at Home Order, The Board of Education temporarily modified public comment procedures for Board Meetings. There was one opportunity for public comment on both agenda and non-agenda items at the beginning of the meeting.

Community members who wished to provide public comment could send an email to the Board of Education at board@cusd200.org between the time the packet was released and 6:58 p.m. on Wednesday, May 13, 2020. The emails were read during the virtual Zoom Board Meeting during the public comment portion of the agenda in the order in which they were received. A copy of each email was also sent to each member of the Board of Education.

Public comments are valuable and important to the Board of Education. We welcome the opportunity to listen to concerns and issues that are important to our community.

Please be aware that it is the Board’s regular practice, to not directly discuss, ask questions, or take action on public comments until the time has been taken to gather adequate information. The Board is there to listen. Lack of action or a direct response following public comments does not imply any lack of interest in what is being shared.

In addition, to preserve confidentiality, the Board and its President reserve the right to request that items relating to either personnel or students be provided to the Board privately or in writing for consideration in a future closed session, if necessary.

The Board must protect the civility and decorum of the meeting. Please be respectful for the duties of the Board, our District Leadership Team, and the democratic process in your public comment:

- Please limit your email comments to a length that can be read in 3 minutes.

- Please be factual and courteous, and do not include statements that are personally disrespectful or condescending to members of the Board or staff.

The public was thanked for their understanding of the need for this temporary procedure and for


Dr. Schuler reported the following:

· Upcoming Graduation Plans for both Wheaton North and Wheaton Warrenville South High

Schools on Saturday, May 23rd include live virtual graduation ceremonies which will be aired on the District 200 YouTube Channel. Ceremonies will include student and staff speeches, musical selections, and individual recognition of each graduate. Senior Honors Ceremonies for each high school will be on May 20th. Senior survey feedback was used to identify the elements that were most important to students to bring closure to their D200 experience.

· Survey feedback – four surveys are currently launched to obtain valuable feedback from the parent community (telephone survey), staff (electronic survey) as well as elementary and MS/HS students (electronic surveys) of the District. A summary of the feedback will be brought to the Board at the June meeting. The feedback will be used for the planning of Summer and Fall 2020.

· Employee retirement recognition will happen virtually this year. Thank you packages will be delivered to the District 200 forty-eight retirees, with the help of Board members.

· Summer programs will be featured in a later report by Mrs. Murphy, which includes Extended School Year (ESY) and remote summer school programs. High School summer camps scheduled in June will not happen and the District will continue to monitor the conditions and guidance for programs scheduled later in the summer.

· COVID-19 Reopening Planning – the District has begun work to engage in comprehensive planning for the 2020-21 school year with reopening options in mind (Plans A, B, and C) allowing the District to move from mobilization to stabilization. Guidance from the CDC, the IL Dept. of Public Health (IDPH), and IL State Board of Education (ISBE) will continue to be reviewed. A chart reviewing each of the plan options, as well as the seven core work teams established by the District was attached to the Board Superintendent Report. The seven core work teams feed into the pandemic reopening team which will communicate with building Principals and team representatives, school leadership teams, and PLC/department communication.

There were questions and/or discussion on the following:

· The potential impact on SAT scores as a result of extended e-learning.

· Meeting of 2020 goals – a higher level of achievement - and impact of e-learning on goals.

· Other opportunities that have opened up that are not measured by test scores.


1. Acceptance of Gift from Longfellow Elementary School PTA – Recommend acceptance of gift from Longfellow PTA as presented.

2. Acceptance of Gift to Franklin Middle School – Recommend acceptance of gift to Franklin MS as presented.

3. Approval of Consolidated District Plan - Recommend approval of consolidated district plan as presented.

4. Appointment of the District Representative to the DuPage Area Occupational Education System (DAOES) (TCD) Board of Directors for the 2020-21 School Year - Recommend appointment of the district representative to DAOES Board of Directors for the 2020-21 school year as presented.

5. Approval of IHSA Annual Renewal - Recommend approval of the IHSA annual renewal as presented.

6. Approval of ROE Permit Applications for Scheduled 2020 Summer Work – Recommend approval of the ROE permit applications for scheduled 2020 summer work as presented.

7. Adoption of the Board of Education Meeting Calendar for 2020-2021– Recommend adoption of the Board of Education meeting calendar for 2020-21 as presented.

8. Approval of Contract Amendment with Organic Life, LLC – Recommend approval of contract amendment with Organic Life, LLC as presented.

9. Approval of Organic Life, LLC K-8 Food Service Management Contract Renewal – Recommend approval of Organic Life, LLC K-8 food service management contract renewal as presented.

10. Approval of Resolution Appointing Treasurer and Approving the Treasurer’s Bond – Recommend approval of resolution appointing Treasurer and approving the Treasurer’s bond as presented.

11. Approval of Treasurer’s Bond Coverage – Recommend approval of Treasurer’s bond coverage as presented.

12. Approval to Dispose of Surplus Technology Assets – Recommend approval to dispose of surplus technology assets as presented.

13. Approval to Renew Classlink Software Solution – Recommend approval to renew Classlink software solution as presented.

14. Approval of Blackboard Connect and Web Hosting Renewal – Recommend approval of Blackboard Connect and web hosting renewal as presented.

15. Approval to Purchase SmartBoards and Mounts for Jefferson Early Childhood – Recommend approval to purchase smartboards and mounts for Jefferson ECC as presented.

16. Approval of Bills Payable and Payroll – Recommend approval of the bills payable and payroll as presented.

17. Approval of Minutes – April 8, 2020, Open and Approval to Destroy Recordings of Closed Sessions Prior to December 2018 As Allowable by Law – Recommend approval of the minutes as presented and approval to destroy recordings of closed sessions prior to December 2018 as allowable by law.

18. Approval of Personnel Report to Include Employment, Resignation, Retirement, and Leave of Absence of Administrative, Certified, Classified and Non-Union Staff – Recommend approval of the personnel report as presented.

There were questions and/or discussion on the following:

· #15 – Jefferson ECC SmartBoards and Mounts: the cost was allocated in the post- construction costs for technology of the new building and does not represent a new cost.

Post-construction costs budgeted for the project totaled $1.2 Million.

· Dedication planning for the new Jefferson ECC.

· Jefferson playground fundraising and recognition of donors.

· #5 – IHSA Annual Renewal: there is no cost associated with the renewal.


Member Ericksen moved, Member Booton seconded to accept the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: AYE 7, NAY 0.

The motion carried 7-0.


1. Acceptance of the Resolution Designating Depositories - Recommend acceptance of the resolution designating depositories as presented.

It was noted Board Member Mathieson is on the Board of Directors of one of the depositories and will abstain.


Member Crabtree moved, Member Hanlon seconded to accept the Consent Agenda 2 as presented. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: AYE 6 (Crabtree, Hanlon, Booton, Ericksen, Long, Paulsen), NAY 0 ABSTAIN 1 (Mathieson).

The motion carried 6-0-1.


Approval of Flexibility for Board Policy 6:300 Graduation Requirements

Executive Order 2020-31 and ISBE emergency rules suspended certain statutory graduation requirements such that students scheduled to graduate in 2020, who through no fault of their own, were unable to complete certain graduation requirements due to the suspension of in-person instruction.

Community Unit School District 200 Board of Education Policy 6:300 Graduation Requirements requires students to have 24 credits to graduate from high school. Executive Order 2020-31 allows local boards of education to amend policies to reduce any local graduation requirements.

The administration is recommending that the Board of Education provide flexibility by requiring the class of 2020 to earn a minimum of 20.5 credits to graduate. The minimum number of credits that are usually needed to graduate as mandated by the State of Illinois is 16.75.

There were questions/comments/discussion on the following:

· This flexibility does not diminish what it means to achieve a high school diploma.

· This acknowledges that some students have a difficult time engaging in e-learning and there are challenges being faced outside of school.

· This does not represent a change in policy and is only for the current school year.

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the flexibility for Board Policy 6:300 Graduation Requirements.


Member Long moved, Member Ericksen seconded to approve the flexibility for Board Policy 6:300 Graduation Requirements as presented. Upon a roll call being taken, the vote was: AYE 7, NAY 0.

The motion carried 7-0.


Update on Financial Impact of COVID19

Mr. Bill Farley, Assistant Superintendent of Business Operations, updated the Board of EducationontheimpactofcurrenteventsonthecurrentfiscalyearandFY21. Adocumentwas attached to the Board Report which included the financial implications of COVID-19. This update included the following:

· Revenue Items - 2020 Impact and Potential 2021 Impact

o Property Taxes


o Student/Registration Fees

o Rental Fees

o Food Services

o Interest Revenue

o State Funding

o National School Lunch Program

o Medicaid

o Title Funds/Other Federal Funds

· Expense Items - 2020 Impact and Potential 2021 Impact

o Health Insurance

o Substitute Teachers

o Energy Costs

o COVID-19 Supplies

o Capital Projects

o Transportation

o Technology

· Other Potential Issues – FY 2021

o Facilities

§ Cleaning/Disinfecting

§ Additional Safety Supplies

§ Communication/Signage

§ Social Distancing in Buildings

§ Visitor Access

o Transportation

§ Social Distancing on Buses

o Food Services

§ Social Distancing in Cafeterias

o Staffing

§ Staffing of Buildings

There were additional comments on the following:

· The impact the price of gasoline has on CPI.

· Reimbursing fees for ADK, spring athletics, and certain activities.

· Registration fees for 20-21: the staff recommendation is to push this out to September to offer the community some respite.

· The uncertainty regarding summer rentals of D200 buildings/facilities.

· The way the District provides/serves meals has changed. The end date may be extended for providing meals.

· The significant reduction of interest rates.

· The timing of the remaining payments from the state and the potential for the state to draw back more money.

· Waiting on guidance from the State on CARES/Title I funding.

· Anticipate additional supplies needed due to COVID-19 (masks, PPE, cleaning, etc.).

· Future operating scenarios for 20-21 may impact transportation costs.

There were questions or comments on the following:

· The impact of delay in real estate taxes being paid.

· Meals for low-income students – reimbursement from state and NSLP (National School Lunch Program).

· Health Insurance – spousal surcharge fee and the impact of the economy on this fee.

· Professional learning experiences for staff related to remote and digital learning – microcredentials.

· Technology and 1:1 device implementation – numbers and funding.

· Purchase of supplies – being proactive due to demand for these supplies.

· Providing transportation for hybrid learning (option B).

· The implications of physical distancing requirements.

· Board fund balance and the use of this related to state funding.

· Recognition of the current and former Boards of Education as related to fund balance and budget conversations for next year.

Providing Closure to the School Year for Students, Staff, and our School Community District 200 is committed to providing appropriate closure for students, staff, and our school community for the 2019-2020 school year.

District 200 has identified five key areas to focus on as we commit ourselves to provide successful closure to the school year for our students, staff, and our school community. A team of administrators and specialists has collaborated to develop resources and guidance relative to each goal area. Dr. Chris Silagi, Assistant Superintendent for Student Services, provided an update which included the following:

· Team Structure

o Closure Team (16 team members)

o Goal Focused Teams

o School Level Communication

· Goals

o Goal #1 – Demonstrating empathy in all communication and action with students, staff, and families

§ Stages of Grief Learning

§ Goal Team

o Goal #2 – Ensure classroom teachers provide closure for students

§ Developed guidance and resources for staff

§ Goal Team

o Goal #3 – Ensure important ceremonial events are considered and implemented

§ Focus on transition points and student recognitions

§ Goal Team

o Goal #4 – Ensure successful facility closure and material return process

§ The process to allow for the return of materials to families

§ Adhere to safety and health guidelines

§ Goal Team

o Goal #5 – Provide academic closure to the school year

§ Developed guidance and resources for staff to ensure successful closure to the academic year

§ Goal Team

There were additional comments and/or discussion on the following:

· Transition points for student recognition include 5th, 8th, and 12th grades.

· Any opportunity for expanding participation for others in the District to be part of teams would be beneficial.

· Goals 2 & 3 – will be important going forward as students are transitioning into new schools/levels.

· The D200 Service Awards and Retirement Celebration will be live-streamed on May 20th at 4:00 p.m.

Update on Student Learning for Summer 2020 and Fall 2020

The Board of Education is committed to building effective systems of support for students and staff that promote quality learning experiences for every student.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, District 200 has continued to engage in strategic planning to provide high-quality student learning experiences. This work includes ongoing planning related to curriculum and instruction for the remainder of this school year, summer learning opportunities, and programming for the next school year. Mrs. Melissa Murphy, Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services, provided an update on the 2020 summer and fall programming. This update included the following:

· 2020 Summer and Fall Programming

o Summer 2020

§ High School Online Summer School

§ Freshman Bridge

§ AP Inspiring Excellence Bridge

§ Extended School Year (ESY)

§ K-5 Summer Bridge

§ Family Enrichment Experiences

o Fall 2020 (2020-21 School Year)

§ Additional Resource Periods and Credit Recovery Courses for HS Students

§ Locally Created Online Math Modules to Address Learning Gaps (Gr 6-8)

§ After School Extended Day Opportunities for Special Education Students and Students Receiving Intensive Interventions (Gr K-12)

There were additional comments on the following:

· The transition from the eLo consortium to online HS summer classes.

· Freshman Bridge Program – teams at both HS are working on this.

· ESY will be e-learning and will continue to work on individual student goals.

· The concentration will be on reading for Grades K-2 and math for Grades 3-8.

· The family enrichment experiences represent a collaboration with District administrators and community partners to design family engagement experiences.

· Instructional planning for 20-21: The need to provide additional support for students.

· Funding for these opportunities – some stipends built into the budget and some reallocation of costs.

There were questions or comments on the following:

· Interaction with other local School Districts to review programming opportunities.

· E-learning – comparing D200 to other Districts.

· Drivers Education for Summer 2020 and Fall 2020.

· Thank you to Administrative Team for all of the work.


Monthly Financial Reports

FOIA Report

ELC Construction Update

Board Communication Log

· Update on Jefferson project – the existing building has been cleaned out, the new building is near completion with furniture expected soon; the abatement work has been moved up on the calendar; tear down of the existing building is expected for the last day of school (May 29).


Other Reports from Board Members

· The Board will by trying for their fifth consecutive IASB School Board Governance Recognition this summer. Members Booton and Ericksen have volunteered to assist Vice-President Crabtree with this process.

· Member Booton has drafted a resolution for consideration for the IASB Delegate

Assembly at the 2020 Joint Annual Conference scheduled in the Fall. This resolution was attached to the Board item and the item should be reviewed by the Board and members should be prepared to discuss at the June meeting. Board members were asked to provide any feedback to President Paulsen.

· Member Mathieson attended the Student Excellence Foundation meeting – topics addressed include the Food Insecurity Crisis Fund and the finalization of grant requests from District teachers/staff.

· Member Mathieson was asked to be involved with a City Task Force with regard to the impact of these last few months as related to the school district, the business community and local government and what steps can be taken to get things done on a local level. He will provide updates as needed as to any impact on our District.

· President Paulsen has been dialoguing every week with School Board Presidents representing six districts (Districts 203, 204, 205, 220, 303, and U46). This has been a productive process.

· Member Long (parent of two HS students) commented on e-learning, senior events, and graduation, as well as the communication and outreach of District administration during these unprecedented circumstances.


FY21 Tentative Budget

Student Handbooks

Continue Discussion of 2020-21 School Year


June 10, 2020, 7:00 PM, SSC


Closed Session Items are Listed for Possible Action - The Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal of Specific Employees, Specific Individuals who Serve as Independent Contractors in a Park, Recreational, or Educational Setting, or Specific Volunteers of the Public Body or Legal Counsel for the Public Body, including Hearing Testimony on a Complaint Lodged Against an Employee, a Specific Individual who Serves as an Independent Contractor in a Park, Recreational, or Educational Setting, or a Volunteer of the Public Body or Against Legal Counsel for the Public Body to Determine its Validity 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1).


Member Paulsen moved, Member Mathieson seconded to adjourn the meeting to closed session for the purpose of discussing The Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal of Specific Employees, Specific Individuals who Serve as Independent Contractors in a Park, Recreational, or Educational Setting, or Specific Volunteers of the Public Body or Legal Counsel for the Public Body, including Hearing Testimony on a Complaint Lodged Against an Employee, a Specific Individual who Serves as an Independent Contractor in a Park, Recreational, or Educational Setting, or a Volunteer of the Public Body or Against Legal Counsel for the Public Body to Determine its Validity 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1). The motion carried 7-0.

There was no action expected following the Closed Session.

The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 9:12 PM



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