
SE Illinois News

Sunday, September 29, 2024

City of Mount Carmel City Council met June 15

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City of Mount Carmel City Council met June 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Judge brought the City Council meeting to order.

Present on Roll Call: Mayor Joe Judge

Commissioners - Tom Meeks, Eric Ikemire, Justin Dulgar, Chandler Madden

Also, Present: City Administrative Assistant Rudy Witsman and two members of the news media.


Mayor Judge requested a motion to approve the minutes of the last council meeting.

Commissioner Dulgar motioned and Commissioner Ikemire seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting held on June 1st, 2020. All present voted Aye by voice vote.


Mayor Judge asked council approval to appoint Mark Seaton to the Police Pension Board to fill the vacancy due to Don Price resigning. The council voted to approve the appointment.

Mayor Judge announced Paris Pennington has been hired as the newest officer to the Mount Carmel Police Department and he will be going through the required training soon. Mayor Judge stated Paris has twenty plus years in the military and welcomed him to the police department.

Mayor Judge stated, with all the uncertainties going on in the world today, he feels it is proper to implement a proclamation designating July 2nd as Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. Mayor Judge signed the proclamation in the presence of the council members. Mayor Judge invited all Wabash County Sheriff Department officers, Illinois State Police officers, Mount Carmel Police Department officers and employees to the WC Cafeteria and Senior Center for lunch on July 2nd for the annual fish fry event.

Mayor Judge reported on Friday, June 12th, the IDPH released a loose guideline for the opening of municipality swimming pools. Mayor Judge stated the guidelines called for pool operators to screen employees as well as customers for COVID 19 symptoms and to limit groups to a maximum of ten people, however group sizes may be bigger if facilities are large enough to accommodate social distancing that puts thirty square feet between each person. Mayor Judge added operators must “march” the areas to discourage interaction between groups; operators and customers should wear face coverings when not engaged in swimming activities. Mayor Judge stated the council and himself have had generalized discussions in the past two weeks, whether it is in the best interest of the city to open the pool. Mayor Judge opened the meeting to discuss the feasibility of opening the pool this summer, after extensive input by the council members, it was decided unfortunately not to open the swimming pool this summer.

Mayor Judge stated the full details for the July 4th celebration have not been released yet, however, before the pandemic a contract had been signed with Clayton Mann to perform at the Merchants Park/Harris Pavilion. Mayor Judge reported he would like to move forward with this concert and anticipates having some other performers as well as food vendors to help complete the events for the July 4th weekend.

Mayor Judge thanked the street department for getting the signs up by the “Welcome to Mount Carmel” entrances for the Lady Aces Golf Team and for Sarah McCorkle, who was the state runner up for girls’ junior high track.

Mayor Judge reported the Mayor of Albion has challenged him to a contest for the 2020 Census and encouraged residents to please fill out their census forms. Mayor Judge stated currently the City of Albion has a 66.8% respondence and the City of Mount Carmel is at 63.2%. Mayor Judge reported the census is important for funding for the health department, the city, the hospital, the school district and other entities. Mayor Judge asked residents to please take the time to complete their census forms.



Commissioner Meeks reported in the last two weeks the street department continued to perform yard abatements; continued to mow city properties and parks; painted parking lines and crosswalks along Market Street; repaired storm sewer on Park Road; poured a section of sidewalk back; repaired a section of roadway on Park Road; moved trash totes uptown for the concert Friday night; and put the guard rail back up on Park Road, which was down due to the street flooding. Commissioner Meeks stated Empire Street will be closed entirely when the much-needed repair work begins.


Statement of Receipts and Expenditures – See attached agenda with financials.

Commissioner Ikemire reported the general fund is holding steady even though receipts are down and noted the state income tax revenues as well as the sales tax revenues will continue to decline for the coming months due to COVID 19.

Commissioner Ikemire stated the WC Cafeteria and Senior Center will be receiving three thousand MRE meals from FEMA through the Southeastern Agency on Aging and the street department will be picking those meals up in Olney tomorrow.


Commissioner Dulgar reported Water Treatment Plant Lead Operator Keith Reed is collecting the quarterly water samples. Commissioner Dulgar thanked the council for agreeing to move forward with the final design stages of the new water treatment facility.

Commissioner Dulgar stated Hydromax will start using cameras in known major problem areas of the sewer system. Commissioner Dulgar reported $20,000 was budgeted this fiscal year to check those areas.

Commissioner Dulgar reported approximately $75,000 is owed for past due water bills as the city did not shut off delinquent water accounts due to COVID 19. Commissioner Dulgar stated the city has developed a plan to assist with delinquent accounts and anyone who needs assistance should come to city hall to set up the payment plan. Commissioner Dulgar emphasized anyone that signs up for the payment plan must have their water bill paid in full by September 8th otherwise, they will be subject to water shutoff. Commissioner Dulgar stated the city wishes to work with individuals in order to help them with the paying of their past due water bills. Mayor Judge interjected by stating that other municipalities in the surrounding areas did not work with people and continued with the water shut offs for past due bills. Commissioner Dulgar clarified the request from Governor Pritzker asking to not shut individuals off for past due action, did not apply to municipalities and the City of Mount Carmel just allowed individuals to be delinquent as the city realized some people would have a difficult time paying their bills due to being unemployed because of COVID 19 restrictions. Commissioner Dulgar affirmed the city is trying to help individuals get back on track with their past due accounts and encouraged them to please pay their bill by September 8th. City Administrative Assistant Witsman reiterated for individuals to please do not think because they did not have to pay their bill during the past three months that the bill will go away. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stressed individuals still have to pay the delinquent bill and the city is trying to provide a way to repay the bill without it being a total hardship. City Administrative Assistant Witsman strongly suggested that individuals please pay their water bill by September 8th. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated individuals must come to city hall to sign the form agreeing to the repayment plan and individuals must understand they are still responsible for their current water bills.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman emphasized the city is trying to work with individuals and asked that individuals work with the city by please paying their water bill in full by September 8th.


Commissioner Madden reported in the last two weeks the fire department responded to twelve runs.

Commissioner Madden stated mosquito spraying continues throughout the city and asked that residents as well as businesses to please eliminate any standing water where mosquitos can multiply. Commissioner Madden stressed anything that can be done to cut down on standing water is greatly appreciated.

Commissioner Madden reported the remodeling work is ongoing at city hall with new flooring being laid throughout the existing lobby area as well as in the offices and the work on the new addition is coming along well.


City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated there is a parcel of land adjacent to the former Shopko building and the city feels, as an incentive for anyone wishing to purchase or lease the Shopko building, it would behoove the city to purchase that piece of property to have as an enticement for the interested party. City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported the price for the property is $12,000 and the city may pay for the property using TIF funds from that area. City Administrative Assistant Witsman recommended the council consider the purchase of the property. City Administrative Assistant acknowledged Mayor Judge, who stated the property encompasses a large area of Greathouse Creek as well as the auxiliary creek that comes off of Oak Meadows Subdivision, which is another incentive for the city to purchase the property. Mayor Judge reported the city would like to change the pattern for an easier flow of the auxiliary creek to alleviate any future flooding issues. Mayor Judge added the city also owns adjacent property on the other side of Greathouse Creek in the same area.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman reminded that on the city’s website as well as the airport website are the various surplus items the airport has for sale. City Administrative Assistant reiterated the bids have to be submitted by 3:00 pm on Friday, June 26th.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported he was approached by a concerned citizen to present their concerns to the council for consideration. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated the citizen lives on West Fifth Street and as an elderly lady in the neighborhood was walking down the sidewalk, she encountered some kids on bicycles that almost knocked her down. City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported the citizen is asking the council to consider the possibility of not allowing bicycles on sidewalks. City Administrative Assistant Witsman asked the council for direction regarding the request. After discussing the concerns, the council decided to table a decision until the next council meeting.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman announced the city’s health insurance is due for renewal the first part of October. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated he is preparing a request for a proposal to present to those wishing to provide that service to the city. City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported he anticipates continuing to operate as a self-insured entity.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman acknowledged Mayor Judge, who reiterated at the last council meeting the consideration of a “Bring Your Own Bottle” ordinance was presented, per a request from a local business owner. After discussing the request, the council decided to table a decision at this time.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated, contained within the consent agenda is the approval of a Special Use Permit recommendation from the zoning board for the continuation of a mobile home located at 908 West First Street; Resolution 665 - the setting up of a payment plan for delinquent water bills for those who wish to participate; and Resolution 666 – authorizing the city to be the “clearing house” for the Fast Track Grant that Wabash General Hospital has applied for. City Administrative Assistant Witsman clarified the city itself will not commit any funds for the grant but, will bring the funds in and then dispense the funds back to the hospital as mandated per the grant requirements. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated, also within the consent agenda is Resolution 667 and Resolution 668, which are the downstate grant applications for The Attic and Little Italy’s.


Commissioner Meeks motioned and Commissioner Madden seconded to approve the appointment of Mark Seaton to the Police Pension Board. All present voted Aye by voice vote.

Commissioner Meeks motioned and Commissioner Ikemire seconded to approve the purchase of property adjacent to the former Shopko building using TIF funds for the purchase. All present voted Aye by voice vote.

Commissioner Dulgar motioned and Commissioner Meeks seconded to table the consideration of an ordinance relating to “Bring Your Own Bottle” (BYOB). All present voted Aye by voice vote.

Commissioner Ikemire motioned and Commissioner Dulgar seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. The consent agenda included Ordinance 2038 – Approving a special use for the continuation of a mobile home at 908 West First Street; Resolution 665 – COVID 19 past due water accounts; Resolution 666 – City is not committing city funds for the hospital Fast Track Grant; Resolution 667 – Approval of the Attic’s application for Downstate Grant; Resolution 668 – Approval of Little Italy’s application for Downstate Grant; and the paying of all bills bearing the proper signatures. All present voted Aye by voice vote.

Meeting adjourned at 5:41 pm
