
SE Illinois News

Sunday, September 29, 2024

City of Mount Carmel City Council met June 29

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City of Mount Carmel City Council met June 29.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Judge brought the City Council meeting to order.

Present on Roll Call: Mayor Joe Judge

Commissioners - Tom Meeks, Justin Dulgar, Chandler Madden

Also, Present: City Administrative Assistant Rudy Witsman, City Attorney Kelli Storckman


Mayor Judge requested a motion to approve the minutes of the last council meeting

Commissioner Dulgar motioned and Commissioner Madden seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting held on June 15th, 2020. All present voted Aye by voice vote.


Mayor Judge acknowledged Wabash County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Lesley Hipsher, who was in attendance to announce the smaller Ag Days Events for the summer in lieu of the normal Ag Day Festival. Ms. Hipsher stated the first event which was held uptown last Friday, June 26th, went smoothly and thanked Mayor Joe Judge, City Administrative Assistant Rudy Witsman along with Street Department Superintendent Dave Easter for their assistance. Ms. Hipsher announced the schedule for the upcoming events with Friday, July 10th being the next event followed by another event on Friday, July 24th. Ms. Hipsher added a Walk-Up Wednesday event will be held on July 29th, which would have been the traditional start of the Age Days Festival. Ms. Hipsher reported lemon shake ups, food and entertainment will be available at each of the events, however there will be no rides as the State of Illinois is not inspecting rides. Ms. Hipsher stated she was very pleased with the event last Friday as all necessary rules and guidelines were followed.

Mayor Judge stated he is required to announce the CDC COVID 19 recommendations prior to the Fantastic Fourth Celebration events. Mayor Judge read those recommendations and stated the CDC as well as the IDPH highly recommends the wearing of face masks, however it is not mandatory. Mayor Judge encouraged anyone attending the events for the July 4th weekend to please wear a mask and be safe.

Mayor Judge reported the city has received an engineering project estimate for the proposed swimming pool upgrades and improvements. Mayor Judge stated the project total costs are $1,126,000.00 that are committed to the Rebuild Illinois Grant. Mayor Judge further stated this is a one hundred percent grant with no matching of funds and no expense at all to the City of Mount Carmel. Mayor Judge anticipates receiving notice of the grant award sometime in July, if the city’s grant application is successful.

Mayor Judge stated he has heard the Wabash Valley College pool is closing and he has had several people reach out to him regarding the closure. Mayor Judge added citizens have asked that the city take over the pool or redirect grant monies intended for the city’s pool and build a new pool at WVC. Mayor Judge reported, as much as there is a need for an indoor pool facility, the city does not have the finances to make the necessary improvements needed at the college pool and the grant application deadline has passed therefore the grant application cannot be changed to assist the pool at WVC.

Mayor Judge stated the City of Mount Carmel wishes to thank the Pickleball Club for all their work as well as everyone who made a donation. Mayor Judge reported once the courts are finished there is potential for a national magazine article to written as the Mount Carmel Pickleball Courts could be the best tournament courts in the Midwest. Mayor Judge stated the courts are a huge asset to the parks and to the community.

Mayor Judge reported the city is working with several groups for possible improvements to the main city park, which could be the remodeling of the basketball courts; new “real” bathrooms in the park; and new playground equipment. Mayor Judge stated he hopes to announce in the near future that the projects are underway once commitments have been made.

Mayor Judge stated the Fantastic Fourth Celebration will be a lot different this year than last year. Mayor Judge presented to the council the seating arrangements at the football stadium for the fireworks display. Mayor Judge reported Phase Four of the Restore Illinois Plan states multiple groups of fifty in outdoor locations are allowed as long as there is at least a ten-foot separation in between the groups. Mayor Judge clarified the blocked off areas of the stadium are more than ten foot in spacing and asked citizens to be please do not sit in the “taped off” areas. Mayor Judge stated the city is doing what it has to do to in order to provide the fireworks display and everyone’s

cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Mayor Judge announced the activities for the Fantastic Fourth weekend: Walk-Up Wednesday will be held on July 1st with R’Z providing the food for lunch; The Freedom Celebration with Heartland Worship Center will also be held on July 1st at the Merchants Park from 7:00 to 8:00 pm; the public fish fry with carry-out only, will be held at WC Cafeteria and Senior Center on Thursday, July 2nd; the 21st Annual Retail Merchants Duck Race will be held live on Facebook beginning at 6:00 pm on Thursday, July 2nd; all day Friday, July 3rd , Saturday July 4th and Sunday, July 5th, West Berwick Golf Course waives the fees for veterans and active duty military; on Friday, July 3rd, a free concert will be held beginning at 6:00 pm at Merchants Park and Harris Insurance Pavilion with Bill Stone performing followed by Clayton Mann at 8:00 pm; on Saturday, July 4th the fireworks will be held beginning at 8:45 with the Star Spangled Banner; the 56th Annual Rotary Corn Day event will be from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm with drive-thru service, only. Mayor Judge stated he is excited to be having the fireworks and thanked the council for their support on moving forward in order to have the event.

Mayor Judge thanked Commissioner Madden for assisting him last Friday, June 26th with the handing out of FEMA meals to citizens sixty and older at the WC Cafeteria and Senior Center. Mayor Judge stated over four hundred boxes were handed out and each box contained seven days of shelf stable food. Mayor Judge announced the meals will be handed out again on Thursday, July 2nd at the senior center fish fry.



Commissioner Meeks reported in the last two weeks the street department continued to perform yard abatements; mowed city properties and parks; repaired the guard rail on Park Road; cleaned up a downed tree from the recent storm; repaired sink holes along South Mulberry Street; repaired the hydraulic hose on the backhoe; and cleaned off the boat ramp due to the rising and falling of the Wabash River.


Statement of Receipts and Expenditures – See attached agenda with financials. Commissioner Ikemire absent.


Commissioner Dulgar reminded residents Little League is starting tonight and stated the league is following the social distancing guidelines.

Commissioner Dulgar reported the communications system as well as the tank mixer went down at the Risley Avenue water tower and the repair parts are on order; Water Treatment Plant Lead Operator Keith Reed visited an area water facility to observe the operations as well as learn the pros and cons of that new facility to give insight for the design of the city’s proposed water treatment facility. Commissioner Dulgar stated the anerobic digestor project at the wastewater plant had a setback, however that project should be completed in the next few months.


Commissioner Madden reported in the last two weeks the fire department responded to twelve runs; the ladder truck was inspected and serviced.

Commissioner Madden reiterated items that are accepted at the recycling center are plastic, cardboard, paper and aluminum.

Commissioner Madden asked residents to please be safe and use fireworks appropriately over the July 4th Holiday. Commissioner Madden encouraged citizens also to be safe on the water if they are boating this weekend.

Commissioner Madden reiterated for residents to please eliminate any standing water on their property to help cut down on mosquitos.

Commissioner Madden announced Elijah Hadra has completed his training for firefighter one and is now employed by the city as a full-time firefighter. Commissioner Madden stated Elijah replaced Glen Markle who retired.


City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported Boyd Chamberlain is seeking council approval to hold a cruise in car show on Saturday, July 25th to be held along Market Street between Third and Fifth Streets. City Administrative Assistant Witsman asked council approval to close the streets during the event, as well. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated a band will also perform from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. The council approved the event with the understanding that the social distancing guidelines are followed.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman reminded city offices will be closed Friday, July 3rd in observance of the July 4th holiday. City Administrative Assistant stated the city dump site and brush harbor will be open on Thursday, July 2nd to accommodate residents due to being closed Friday and Saturday for the holiday.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated Vick Singh is requesting that he continue to be allowed to have seating outside in front of his café and is willing to put up a portable fence during business hours. The council gave approval with the understanding the sidewalk area cannot be blocked.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman thanked everyone who has been gracious enough to donate to the fireworks display and stated their contributions are greatly appreciated. City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported donations are still being accepted as it helps offset the cost of the fireworks and anyone wishing to donate is encouraged to do so.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported within the consent agenda is a resolution of support for the Excel Gymnastics Club LLC’s Downstate Grant application.


City Attorney Storckman no report.


City Inspector Gidcumb absent.


Street Department Superintendent Easter no report.


Police Chief Turner reminded residents that fireworks are not allowed in the State of Illinois and the department has starting receiving several complaints. Police Chief Turner asked residents to “let off” their fireworks on July 4th only, instead of all week long and not late at night.

Police Chief Turner announced a new police officer will be starting the police academy tomorrow. Police Chief Turner reported the officer is Paris Pennington, who is originally from this area and recently retired from the US Army as a Chief Warrant Officer with twenty-two years of service.


Fire Chief Speth absent.


Commissioner Meeks motioned and Commissioner Madden seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. The consent agenda included approval of Resolution 669 – Grant application for Excel Gymnastics Club, LLC and the paying of all bills bearing the proper signatures. All present voted Aye by voice vote.

Meeting adjourned at 5:33 pm
