
SE Illinois News

Sunday, September 29, 2024

City of Mount Carmel Zoning Board of Appeals Met July 14

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City of Mount Carmel Zoning Board of Appeals met July 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Mt. Carmel Zoning Board of Appeals met in Regular Session in the Meeting Chambers at City Hall Building, 631 Market Street.

Present on Roll Call: Chairman Tony Bowles, Tim Raibley, Bob McGregor, Bill Mabry, Jeff Parker, Patricia Bramlet.

Also Present: City Inspector Michael Gidcumb, Justin Dulgar, Terry Boyer, Nicholas Knapp.

Absent: Harold Bailey.

Zoning Board Chairman Tony Bowles brought the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. roll call was taken.

A motion was made by Jeff Parker, and seconded by Tim Raibley to approve the minutes of the last meeting, dated June 09, 2020. All present voted Aye.

Oath was administered to petitioners Justin Dulgar (The City of Mt Carmel), Terry Boyer (Donohue Engineering), and Nicholas Knapp (Architectural Project Manager).

An application was pulled from consideration by petitioner Iris Ann Spade.

1) Application for Special Use 060920201SU requesting that a trailer located in a residential R-3 District at 430 W 2nd Street be allowed to remain in Iris Ann Spades names in the City of Mt. Carmel, county of Wabash State of Illinois. Was withdrawn by the petitioner prior to meeting. Prior to the scheduled meeting Iris said she decided not to purchase the property and wanted to pull her application.

Chairman Tony Bowles explained that the first application had been pulled by the petitioner and no discussion on this application would take place at this time.

Chairman Tony Bowles then moved to the next applications on the agenda.

2) Application for a Variance for applications 061120201V and 061120202V a reduction in the required front yard setback from 25’ to 4’ and a Variance to allow the construction of a new water plant on the existing site of the current water treatment plant.

Chairman Bowles as the petitioners to explain who they represented. Terry Boyer explained he was the engineer doing the studies on the new water plant project. Nicholas Knapp explained he was the Architectural Project Manager on the new water plant project, and Justin Dulgar explained he was the Water/Sewer Commissioner for the City of Mount Carmel.

Chairman Bowles then turned the floor over to the petitioners to present the proposed new water treatment plant, and the reasons for the requested variances.

Terry Boyer explained these variances were needed to be able to construct the new water treatment plant. Terry explained we hoped to have everything ready so the project could possibly be taken out to bid in the summer of 2021. Terry then turned the floor over to Nicholas Knapp to explain the setback requests and locations of the proposed new construction.

Nicholas explained this site is within R-3 zoning district. The required setback in this district is 25’ in the front but they are requesting the variance be made for a 4’ setback. Nicholas said they feel they will be able to leave it at 5 to 6 feet setback but wanted to cover their bases and request the 4’ setback.

Nicholas explained the proposed site location to Hinde street which would be the front of the proposed construction. Due to the arrangement of the new facility which is driven by the requirement to keep the existing structure and facility running while the new construction is taking place.

Board member Tim Raibley asked so the new construction will take place in an R-3 Residential District will the board need to vote to allow a variance so the commercial structure can be built in the residential district?

City Inspector Michael Gidcumb explained that the current water treatment plant was built prior to zoning. According to our zoning ordinances that makes the current water treatment plant a non-conforming use. He said the subsequent remodeling of the facility in the 1990’s should have had a variance requested to allow the remodeling of the non-conforming use to take place but was not done. He stated we will need to vote on a variance to allow the proposed commercial facility to be built in a residential district and also the variance for the reduction in the setback requirements on the proposed construction.

Board member Patricia Bramlet asked if we want to vote for both the setback reduction and the commercial in a residential on the same variance of two different variances. City Inspector Michael Gidcumb stated we would have two votes, one for allowing the proposed construction of a commercial facility in a residential district, and one for the reduction in front yard setback from 25’ to 4’.

Patricia Bramlet asked where the parking would be located. Nicholas Knapp explained the parking would come in on the existing entrance off of Cherry Street.

City Inspector asked what will happen with the existing structure once the proposed water treatment facility would be completed. Nicholas Knapp explained the current structures would be demolished and green space would take its place.

Board Member Jeff Parker asked if the proposed facility would be a whole new structure? Nicholas explained yes, the facility would be a completely new facility once completed.

Nicholas Knapp explained the facility was built in 1932, an addition in 1953, an addition in 1996, an addition in 1998.

Chairman Tony Bowles asked the board if there were any other questions concerning the applications. No other questions were asked. Tony then asked for a motion to approve the requested setback variance.

Board member Tim Raibley made the motion to recommend the reduction in setback from 25’ to 4’ application 061120201V. Board member Patricia Bramlet seconded the motion. All present voted Aye.

Board member Tim Raibley made the motion to recommend the approval of the commercial building to be built in an R-3 Residential District application 061120202V. Board member Patricia Bramlet seconded the motion. All present voted Aye.

Chairman Tony Bowles explained the zoning board is an advisory committee and someone will need to be present at the next council meeting on July 27th for a council vote on both of the variances.

Chairman Tony Bowles asked if there was any old business. City Inspector said he would like to discuss special uses for trailers.

City Inspector Michael Gidcumb, detailed the ordinance on a special use for a trailer and how all special uses are recorded at the court house for special uses. He also explained that just because they are recorded does not mean that all the trailers that have them will always be caught when sold. He explained a lot of the trailers are being sold now through quit claim deeds. That without research people are buying trailers and not realizing those trailers are only allowed on that property for the person that the Special use was approved.

City Inspector asked the zoning board to think about ways that we could resolve the issue of tracking special uses, especially the ones that were approved in the 1970’s and 1980’s. After some discussion on the issue and after all the paperwork was signed and there being no further business, a motion was made by Patricia Bramlet to adjourn the meeting at 5:45 PM and seconded by Jeff Parker. All present voted Aye.
