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Community Unit School District 200 Board of Education Met July 8

Meeting 06

Community Unit School District 200 Board of Education met July 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The first regular meeting of the month of July of the Board of Education of Community Unit School District 200, DuPage County, Illinois, was called to order at the Hubble Middle School, 3S600 Herrick Rd, Warrenville, IL by Board President Brad Paulsen at 7:00 PM.

ROLL CALL Upon the roll being called, the following were present:

Board Members:       Brad Paulsen

Chris Crabtree 

Rob Hanlon 

Susan Booton 

Ginna Ericksen 

Dave Long 

Jim Mathieson

Also in Attendance:  Dr. Jeff Schuler, Superintendent

Mr. Bill Farley 

Dr. Charlie Kyle 

Mrs. Erica Loiacono 

Mr. Rodney Mack 

Mrs. Melissa Murphy 

Dr. Chris Silagi


Mr. Bill Farley led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.


President Paulsen noted the Board carefully considered how to make this meeting available to as many people as possible. This meeting was streamed live through the District’s You Tube channel. This approach was being taken for this meeting because of the unique circumstances and because of the re-opening plans for schools on the agenda

It was also noted that public comment procedures were adjusted for this meeting. The Board received several emails over the last few days and will only be reading or summarizing the ones that were clearly noted they were for public comment. It was noted to the public if they sent an email to the Board that was not read, please know that all Board Members have already received it.



PUBLIC COMMENTS – Procedures for Public Comments for July 8, 2020

Due to the ongoing pandemic and anticipated strong interest in re-opening plans for schools, the Board temporarily amended public comment procedures for this July 8, 2020 meeting only and allowed both in person and email comments.

As in the past, members of the public attending in person had the opportunity to provide public comments in accordance with Board Policy 2.230. Our practice is for public comments at the beginning of the meeting to be reserved for agenda items with another opportunity later in the agenda for public comments on non-agenda items.

Community members who were not able to attend this meeting in person, and who wished to provide public comment, were asked to send an email to the Board of Education at board@cusd200.org between the time the Board Packet was released and 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 8, 2020. Emails were asked to include in the subject line that the email was intended for public comment at the July 8, 2020 Board of Education Meeting.

Members of the public attending in person had the opportunity to provide comments first, then any remaining time would be allocated to comments provided by email. These emails were read in full or summarized as time allowed during the public comment portion of the agenda in the order in which they were received. The delineation between agenda and non-agenda items applied as outlined above to any comments provided through email.

As with all comments, please be aware that it is the Board’s regular practice, to not directly discuss, ask questions or take action on public comments until the time has been taken to gather adequate information. The Board is there to listen. Lack of action or a direct response following public comments does not imply any lack of interest in what is being shared.

Per Board Policy, we have allocated 30 minutes for public comments, and comments on any one subject may be limited to 20 minutes. The Board may shorten the time allocation for each person to less than 3 minutes to allow the maximum number of people the opportunity to speak. Board Vice President Mrs. Crabtree timed comments.

In addition, to preserve confidentiality, the Board and its President reserve the right to request that items relating to either personnel or students be provided to the Board privately or in writing for consideration in a future closed session, if necessary.

The Board must protect the civility and decorum of the meeting. The public was reminded to please be respectful for the duties of the Board, our District Leadership Team, and the democratic process in public comment: 

- Please include your name and whether you are a resident of the District in your statement. 

- Please limit your comments to a length that can be read in 3 minutes. 

- Please be factual and courteous, and do not include statements that are personally disrespectful or condescending to members of the Board or staff.

The public was thanked for their understanding of the need for this temporary procedure for the July 8, 2020 meeting and for their interest in providing feedback to the Board of Education.

Speaker Crystal Landers 

Topic Reopening Plan Feedback

Speaker Harold Lonks 

Topic Reopening Plan Feedback

It was noted the Board had received public comment emails from the following individuals which were read and/or summarized by Dr. Schuler and President Paulsen.

Emails Sent By: Heather Barilla

Sarah Miller 

Becky Dandy 

Rosario Luttenberger 

Rachel Padron 

Patrick McCoyd 

Angela & Steven 

Stephenson Ruth 

Miller Lynn Kadel

Topic: Reopening Plan Feedback


Dr. Schuler reported the following:

• At the June Board Meeting, an update was shared on IHSA (IL High School Association) – Phase 1 of “Return to Play”. IHSA has now provided guidance on Phase 2. There are some discrepancies with IHSA and IDPH (IL Department of Public Health). There are ongoing discussions. Phase 2 of IHSA plan could begin as early as next week, but will not happen for the District until clarification is received from the two organizations.

• There were a number of emails received today from both inside and outside of the District regarding the contract custodial employees from ABM. It was noted this is a contracted third-party service. The school district is not a part of the collective bargaining process, however values and respects the contract custodial employees.

• Mrs. Murphy highlighted the summer learning opportunities which had started for the District – including the freshman summer bridge program, online summer school for the high schools, tutoring/summer reading and math learning skills, and the ESY (extended school year) for special education.

There were questions and/or discussion on the following:

• The custodial contract with ABM.

• Summer learning enrollment – this year vs. last year.

• Athletics and face coverings/masks – requirements/how will that work?


1. Acceptance of Gifts from Lowell Elementary School PTA – Recommend acceptance of gifts from Lowell PTA as presented. 

2. Acceptance of Gifts from Madison Elementary School PTA – Recommend acceptance of gifts from Madison PTA as presented. 

3. Acceptance of Gifts from Wiesbrook Elementary School PTA – Recommend acceptance of gifts from Wiesbrook PTA as presented. 

4. Acceptance of Gifts from Monroe Middle School PTA – Recommend acceptance of gifts from Monroe PTA as presented. 

5. Acceptance of Gift to WWSHS Football Program – Recommend acceptance of gift to WWSHS football program as presented.

6. Acceptance of Gifts from WWSHS Tiger PAWS – Recommend acceptance of gifts from WWSHS Tiger PAWS as presented. 

7. Approval of Flexibility for Board Policy 7:100 Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students – Recommend approval of the flexibility for Board policy 7:100 as presented. 

8. Approval of the High School, Middle School, and Elementary School Handbooks for the 2020-21 School Year – Recommend approval of the handbooks as presented. 

9. Approval to Open Previously Closed Minutes – Recommend approval to open the previously closed minutes as presented. 

10. Approval of the IASB 2020-21 Annual Dues – Recommend approval of the 2020-21 IASB annual dues as presented. 

11. Approval to Increase Paid Lunch Price – Recommend approval to increase the paid lunch price for K-8 to $3.05 for the 2020-21 school year as presented. 

12. Approval of Copier Lease and Associated Maintenance Renewal Agreement – Recommend approval of the copier lease and associated maintenance renewal agreement as presented. 

13. Approval of Xerographic Bond Paper Bid – Recommend approval of the xerographic bond paper bid as presented. 

14. Approval of Printshop Paper Bid – Recommend approval of the print shop paper bid as presented. 

15. Approval of Bills Payable and Payroll – Recommend approval of the bills payable and payroll as presented. 

16. Approval of Minutes – June 10, 2020, Open and Closed and Approval to Destroy Recordings of Closed Sessions Prior to February 2019 As Allowable by Law – Recommend approval of the minutes as presented and approval to destroy recordings of closed sessions prior to February 2019 as allowable by law. 

17. Approval of Personnel Report to Include Employment, Resignation, Retirement, and Leave of Absence of Administrative, Certified, Classified and Non-Union Staff – Recommend approval of the personnel report as presented.

There were questions and/or discussion on the following:

• #1-6: Accepting gifts in excess of $100,000. The District continues to be appreciative of support from their community partners.

• #7: Flexibility in board policy 7:100 – anticipating flexibility for other policies in August, as well as a few areas where adoption of different practices will be needed for the upcoming school year. This is not a change in policy, but flexibility for the current policy.

• #8: Student handbooks

o Thank you to the board for reorganizing handbooks last year, as there were a few minor changes needed for the upcoming year. 

o Showing of identification when entering school buildings – either need to enforce the policy at all levels or review the current policy. 

o Including a note on the handbooks that changes may be included due to current pandemic.

• #15: Bills payable – payment to IL state police is for background checks for new hires.

MOTION Member Crabtree moved, Member Ericksen seconded to accept the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: AYE 7, NAY 0. The motion carried 7-0.


1. Approval to Post Revised Policy 2:125 Board Member Compensation; Expenses for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 2:125 for public review and comment as presented. 

2. Approval to Post Revised Policy 2:160 Board Attorney for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 2:160 for public review and comment as presented. 

3. Approval to Post Revised Policy 5:60 Expenses for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 5:60 for public review and comment as presented. 

4. Approval to Post Revised Policy 5:150 Personnel Records for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 5:150 for public review and comment as presented. 

5. Approval to Post Revised Policy 5:280 Duties and Qualifications for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 5:280 for public review and comment as presented. 

6. Approval to Post Revised Policy 6:135 Accelerated Placement Program for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 6:135 for public review and comment as presented. 

7. Approval to Post Revised Policy 7:70 Attendance and Truancy for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 7:70 for public review and comment as presented. 

8. Approval to Post Revised Policy 7:90 Release During School Hours for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 7:90 for public review and comment as presented. 

9. Approval to Post Revised Policy 8:10 Connection with the Community for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 8:10 for public review and comment as presented. 

10. Approval to Post Revised Policy 8:30 Visitors to and Conduct on School Property for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 8:30 for public review and comment as presented. 

11. Approval to Post Revised Policy 8:110 Public Suggestions and Concerns for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 8:110 for public review and comment as presented.

There were questions and/or discussion on the following:

• The Board Human Resource/Policy Committee reviewed the recommended revised policies. These policies reflect the most recent update of PRESS from IASB (IL Association of School Boards).

• #6: Accelerated placement program – providing notification on the District website.


Member Booton moved, Member Hanlon seconded to accept the Policy Posting Consent Agenda as presented. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: AYE 7, NAY 0. The motion carried 7-0.


Approval to Post the Tentative Budget and Set the Public Hearing on the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget 

Section 17-1 of the School Code requires boards of education to adopt an annual school district budget before or during the first quarter of each fiscal year (by September 30). Prior to adoption, the Board must make a tentative budget available for inspection by the public for at least 30 days. Additionally, a public hearing regarding the budget must be conducted.

The tentative budget for posting was attached to the Board report. Staff provided background on the FY21 Tentative Budget for the 2020-21 school year. It was noted the tentative budget will be made available for inspection by the public at the School Service Center and also will be posted on the District website.

A public notice was attached regarding the availability of the Tentative Budget for inspection and will be published in the Daily Herald newspaper, which has a circulation within the local communities. The Public Notice also included the date of the Public Hearing, which will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at Hubble Middle School, 3S600 Herrick Rd., Warrenville, IL, 60555.

Dr. Schuler introduced Mr. Bill Farley, Assistant Superintendent for Business Operations, who presented information regarding the 2020-21 tentative budget, which included the following:

• Budget Calendar

• Budget Posting

• Operational Revenues (the last five years)

• Operational Expenses (the last five years)

• Operating Expense Per Pupil (D200 and benchmark districts)

• Fund Balance History (the last five years)

• 2020-21 Budget Highlights

o Revenues 

o Expenditures

• COVID Budget Impact – Contingency Funding

• Fund Highlights

o Education Fund – Revenues & Expenditures 

o Operations & Maintenance – Revenue & Expenditures 

o Debt Services – Bond & Interest – Revenue & Expenditures 

o Transportation Fund – Revenues & Expenditures 

o IMRF/Social Security – Revenue & Expenditures 

o Capital Projects Fund o Working Cash

• Revenue by Source - All Funds

• Revenue by Source – Operating Funds

• Expenditure Type – All Funds

• Expenditure Allocation by Object – All Funds

• Expenditure Type – Operating Funds

• Expenditure Allocation by Object – Operating Funds

• All Funds Summary

• Revenue by Fund – All Funds

• Expenditure Allocation by Fund – All Funds

• Operating Budget Summary

• Operating Budget Comparison

• 2020-21 Budget – Contingency Funding

There were questions/comments/discussion on the following:

• Unusual year for building a budget.

• The impact of COVID-19 on the budget process.

• Operating expense per pupil – D200 is below the state average and 2nd lowest of all benchmark districts.

• The impact of 2019 CPI (2020 Levy) on the 20-21 budget.

• CARES Act – discussion remains at the congressional level in terms of breakdown of distribution to school districts.

• The use of CARES funds for COVID related expenses (including 1:1 technology for students and Educational Services budget related items – digital subscriptions, stipends for tutoring students, extended day programs).

• The future impact of COVID on NIHIP cooperative claims.

• The big 3 potential cost impacts of COVID on budget – includes salaries, contracted services and supplies.

• Keeping a resource of supplies that will be needed for cleaning buildings.

• Board Policies – Balancing the budget (4:10) and fund balance level (4:20).

• No known discussion at the state level regarding passing pension costs onto the District.

• Impact from COVID on the 19-20 year we just closed on should be known by the fall.

• Will update the tentative budget document to break out the Jefferson lease payment in the correct line item.

• Contingency line item – ability to spend it down and helps you to not have to amend your budget.

• Funding for Capital Projects.

• Other options besides contingency line item in budget.

• The finance committee would like to post the budget with the contingency built into the budget.

It was recommended that the Board of Education post the Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 2021, and set the Public Hearing for said Budget on Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 7:00 pm at Hubble Middle School, 3S600 Herrick Rd., Warrenville, IL, 60555.


Member Mathieson moved, Member Hanlon seconded that the Board of Education approve the posting of the tentative budget for the 2020-21 fiscal year, and set the Public Hearing on the 2020-21 Budget for Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 7:00 pm at Hubble Middle School as presented. Upon a roll call being taken, the vote was: AYE 7, NAY 0. The motion carried 7-0.

Approval of the Resolution Authorizing Transfer of Monies from Operations and Maintenance Fund to Capital Projects Fund 

At the March 11, 2020 and April 8, 2020 meetings, the Board of Education approved a number of projects to be completed this summer as identified in both the Facilities Master Plan as well as the Capital Facilities Plan. The committee recommended using Operations and Maintenance Fund balance for roofing, paving, flooring, and tuckpointing work at several of our buildings. Therefore, funds are requiring transfer from the Operations and Maintenance Fund to Capital Projects Fund.

The auditors have requested that going forward all capital projects be paid out of Fund 60, therefore this transfer includes both the operating dollars and fund balance necessary to cover all capital projects for FY21. In the past, this transfer only included the committed fund balance portion and the remaining capital project expenditures were paid out of Fund 26.

In order to complete the transfer, a resolution must be approved by the Board of Education. There is no cost for this transfer. The transfer is included in the FY 2021 Budget document.

It was recommended that the Board of Education approve the resolution which was attached to the Board report.


Member Mathieson moved, Member Ericksen seconded to approve the resolution authorizing the transfer of monies from the operations and maintenance fund to the capital projects fund as presented. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: AYE 7, NAY 0. The motion carried 7-0.


Reopening of Schools: Presentation of District 200 Roadmap to Reopening 

E-Learning was implemented by District 200 schools beginning on March 17, 2020 in response to the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. On April 17, in-person instruction was suspended for the remainder of the school year by Governor Pritzker. In May, District 200 formed a reopening team comprised of administrators, teachers, and a member of the Board of Education to develop plans for reopening school in 2020-2021. The reopening team contains eight sub-teams each dedicated to the many facets to reopening school in 2020-2021. On June 23 the Illinois State Board of Education released requirements and recommendations for schools to resume in-person learning this fall while keeping students, and staff safe and healthy. The guidance continues to evolve through clarification provided by ISBE, the Illinois Department of Public Health and the DuPage County Health Department.

The Board of Education was provided an update on current plans for reopening school for 2020- 2021. The plans were developed in consultation with DuPage County School Districts, state organizations, health experts, and legal counsel. This presentation highlighted physical distancing, health and safety, and student learning plans. Plans will continue to evolve as guidance is updated. This D200 school reopening plan update was provided by several members of the Senior Leadership Team and included information on the following:

• Background from March 17, 2020 to current

• Restore Illinois – Phases 1 to 5

• Ongoing Challenges

• Phase 4 Key Guidelines

• Core Reopening Team and Sub-Teams

• Foundational Beliefs that have Guided Planning

• The 4 Different School Operation Plans in Phase 4

• Resources and Partnerships

• Health and Safety Protocols

• The Physical Distancing Impact

• Explored Hybrid Models & Other Scenarios at the Elementary Level

• In-Person Daily: EC (Early Childhood) and Elementary

• In-Person vs. Hybrid at EC & Elementary

• In-Person Daily: Transition Center

• Hybrid Model: Middle School and High School

• Seamless Transition to Intermittent E-Learning

• E-Learning Due to Family Choice: Virtual Academy

• Comprehensive Planning for 2020-21 Student Learning

• Lunch and Food Service

• Transportation

• Cleaning/Disinfecting and Mechanical (HVAC)

• Communications

• Staff Communication Plan

• Family Communication Plan

• Registration Questions

• Educational Terminology Included in this Presentation

There was additional information/comments on the following:

• There is no guarantee that something will not shift in guidance.

• Based on the parent survey conducted in early June and the 70-75% interest of families to return to in-person instruction, the district worked on designing a system for in-person instruction. The district also recognized there are families that desire to have an E- learning option in the fall.

• Ongoing challenges include conflicting needs, constant change, scope, time crunch and virtual planning.

• Non-negotiables based on ISBE guidelines include face coverings inside of buildings, limit on size of gatherings (no more than 50 people), symptom screenings, physical distancing protocols, and increased cleaning and disinfecting.

• The makeup of the core reopening team.

• The impact of physical distancing on classroom capacity and configuration, scheduling, instructional practice, human resources, school operations, and quarantining and keeping schools open.

• Exploring of options at all levels – including EC, elementary, middle school, high school and transition.

• New ISBE guidance requiring five clock hours on a daily basis.

• Will be using one platform for communication – Google classroom.

• E-learning due to family choice – virtual academy: District-wide program vs. school specific program.

• Role of students, parents, teachers in virtual academy.

• Representatives on the communications & community engagement sub-committee includes representatives from our key community partners including Outreach Community Center in Carol Stream, World Relief, Peoples Resource Center, and Warrenville Youth and Family Services.

• Establishing a central location for questions – communications@cusd200.org.

• A District reopening plan document will be pushed out with a communication on July 9th.

• Parents will be asked three key questions as a part of registration – this will officially open up in the next couple of days.

Dr. Schuler noted there is a lot of information being delivered and it is impossible to develop a plan to meet everyone’s expectations.

There were questions or comments on the following:

• Asynchronous learning vs. synchronous learning.

• Hybrid model (A/B schedule) – will this schedule stay the same or change throughout the time of the plan?

• Middle school vs. elementary plans – considerations for the difference in plans offered for in-person at the different levels.

• HS and MS – any consideration to not have students move around for each class?

• Quarantining of students should someone test positive – protocols.

• Face coverings/masks – enforcement; accommodations plan for individual students.

• Remote learning – state law requirement vs. district choice.

• Staff with underlying health issues – priority for virtual academy instruction?

• Staff survey will be going out by end of the week.

• The need for staff help and engagement as plans are finalized.

• 50-person allowance in one space – food service vs. transportation (inside vs. outside difference)?

• Conversations as to how you define a space – working with local health dept. vs. state.

• Certifying health of kids – parent responsibility – daily vs. block of time?

• The need for active health protocols to be in place in response to problems that arise.

• Location of lunch periods – elementary, middle school, high school.

• The need to be agile; make adjustments; to adapt to circumstances as they arise.

• Will the district offer BASP and co-curriculars in addition to athletics?

• Communication protocols as related to positive cases.

• Offering PACE at elementary level?

• Traditional grading at all levels?

• The impact of going 1:1 on the technology department.

• Guidance vs. requirements offered by the state.

President Paulsen asked the Board to put a placeholder on July 29th for a Committee of the Whole meeting to further discuss the reopening plans since the next regular Board meeting is not scheduled until August 12, 2020.

Equity/Proactive Practices: Presentation of Work Plan and Discussion of Board of Education Equity Statement 

The Board of Education received an update on the proactive practice and equity work at the June Board of Education Meeting. The work is aligned with the District Mission Statement to inspire, educate, challenge, and support all students to reach their highest level of learning and personal development. Additionally, the Board of Education heard the action steps that have been identified for 2020-2021.

At the meeting, the Administration was provided an update on the priorities identified in a work plan with timeline for the 2020-21 school year. This included a draft of an equity statement for District 200 and included the following areas:

• Professional Learning

• Restorative Practices

• Curriculum and Programming

• Social Emotional Learning

• Commitment to Diverse Hiring Practices

• Family and Community Engagement

There were comments and/or questions on the following:

• Partnerships with Dr. Tyrone Howard and Dr. Marcus Croom.

• Assigning an existing board committee to oversee work plan vs. development of a new board committee to manage work plan?

• The context of the equity statement.

• Action steps will continue to change and evolve.

• Review the statement of beliefs on the website that are part of the mission and vision of the District.

• Dr. Limaris Pueyo is the new Director of EL and Equity for District 200 – broadened job description.

• Development of the District 200 Equity task force with Dr. Croom will include the book, “Suddenly Diverse: How School Districts Manage Race and Inequality” by Erica O. Turner.

• Restorative practices; the use of a peer mediation group.

• Measuring participation of added class at WWSHS – African American History.

The board will create a dedicated board committee to oversee the D200 equity/proactive practices work plan.


Monthly Financial Reports 

FOIA Report 

ELC Construction Update 

Board Communication Log


Board Committee Report 

Meeting notes were attached to the Board report for the Board HR/Policy Committee.

Other Reports from Board Members 



2020-21 Budget – Public Hearing 

Continue Discussion of 2020-21 School Year


August 12, 2020, 7:00 PM, Hubble Middle School

PUBLIC COMMENTS – Non-Agenda Items 

It was noted the same guidelines apply as were stated previously for Public Comments – Agenda Items.

There were no in-person public comments. The Board had received public comment emails from the following individuals which were read and/or summarized by Dr. Schuler and President Paulsen.

Emails Sent By: Emilie Molidor 

Topic American Heart Association – Emerson & Jefferson Schools

Emails Sent By: Ellen Joyce Tomes 

Topic ABM (American Building Management)

Dr. Schuler noted emails were sent with the same content as the email sent by Ms. Ellen Joyce Tomes. The following individuals sent emails:

Speaker/Sender Natalie Tomes Roberta James Tyler Miksanek Bette Klein Lex Burda Topic ABM



There being no further business to come before the Board in Open Session, Member Crabtree moved, Member Hanlon seconded to adjourn the meeting. Upon a voice call being taken, all were in favor and the motion carried 7-0.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:43 PM.



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