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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Fairfield Public School District No. 112 Board of Education Met July 20


Fairfield Public School District No. 112 Board of Education met July 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of Fairfield Public School District No. 112, Wayne County, Illinois, held in the District Board Room, 200 West Center, Fairfield, Illinois.

AGENDA #1 – Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by President Dan Coomer, who directed the Secretary to call the roll.

AGENDA #2 – Roll Call – The Secretary called the roll and the following members answered to their names as called and were found to be present:

Carrie Newman, Angie Koontz, Jason McCulley, Amy Sager, Shane Neuman, Dan Coomer

Members Absent: Scott Foster

There being a quorum present, the President declared the Board of Education to be in session for the transaction of business.

OTHERS PRESENT: E. Scott England, superintendent; April Smith, Center Street Principal; Kristina Gardner, North Side Principal; Stephen Prizer, citizen

AGENDA #3 – Citizens – Non-Agenda Items None.

AGENDA #4 – Approval of the Minutes – A motion was made by member Jason McCulley that the Board of Education minutes for the Regular Meeting held on Monday, June 22, 2020 be approved as prepared and made available to all Board of Education members. The motion was seconded by member Shane Neuman, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Dan Coomer, Carrie Newman, Jason McCulley, Shane Neuman, Angie Koontz, Amy Sager

Members Absent: Scott Foster

The President declared the motion passed.

AGENDA #5 – Financial Reports

5.1 Treasurer’s Report – The Treasurer’s Report, dated June 30, 2020, was presented as follows:

Education Fund $3,792,208.05

Building Fund $580,337.29

Debt Services Fund $31,025.95

Transportation Fund $178,745.60

IMRF Fund $166,859.26

Working Cash Fund $273,731.56

Tort Fund $310,201.19

Fire Prevention/Safety Fund $248,907.93

Total $5,582,016.83

There being no additions or corrections, the President declared the Treasurer’s Report will stand approved as presented.

5.2 Salaries – Member Shane Neuman made a motion that the salaries for the District for the month of July 2020, be approved and ordered paid. The motion was seconded by member Amy Sager, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Shane Neuman, Carrie Newman, Amy Sager, Angie Koontz, Dan Coomer, Jason McCulley

Members Absent: Scott Foster

The President declared the motion passed.

5.3 Bills – Current bills, as listed, were presented for payment. After examination of the listed bills, Member Amy Sager made a motion to approve the bills for payment. The motion was seconded by member Jason McCulley, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Shane Neuman, Angie Koontz, Jason McCulley, Dan Coomer, Carrie Newman

Members Absent: Scott Foster

The President declared the motion passed.

AGENDA #6 – Superintendent’s Report

6.1 Revenue Expenditure Report

Dr. England reviewed the Revenue to Expenditure Report as of June 30, 2020 with the Board.

6.2 Food Service Report

Dr. England reviewed the end of the year Food Service Report with the Board.

6.3 Transportation Report

Dr. England reviewed the end of the year Transportation Report with the Board.

6.4 Return to Learn Framework

Dr. England, Mrs. Smith, and Mrs. Gardner reviewed the Return to Learn Framework with the Board detailing plans to resume school in the fall with multiple options for instruction.

6.5 Fuel Bids for FY21

Dr. England reviewed the Fuel Bid from Wabash Valley FS with the Board.

6.6 School District Depositories

Dr. England recommended the Board keep Peoples National Bank and Fairfield National Bank as the District’s depositories.

6.7 Establish Petty Cash for FY21

Dr. England recommended the Board re-establish petty cash for FY21.

6.8 Establish Board of Education Dates for FY21

Dr. England presented dates for future Board of Education meetings for FY21.

6.9 Alternative School Slot Allocation

Dr. England recommended to the Board they approve a temporary payment to be reimbursed by the ROE to start up the school year

AGENDA #7 – Principals’ Reports

7.1 Center Street School

Mrs. Smith reported on the maintenance going on at Center Street. She reported that 232 students registered out of 343 students. Orientation was very positive with the incoming teachers. Mrs. Smith attended an Admin Academy.

7.2 North Side School

Mrs. Gardner reported that all classrooms have been cleaned. Only the teachers’ lounge, gym, kitchen, and hallways are left to clean. Partitions will be constructed for the bathrooms and other high trafficked areas. Some room changes have been made to support returning to school guidelines. New teacher orientation was last week. Mrs. Gardner and Mrs. Smith went over handbooks, gave building tours, and answered questions. North Side had 167 students register online out of an expected 248 K-3.

AGENDA #8 – Board Members Request/Report

Shane Neuman reported he went to WOVSED’s quarterly meeting. Nothing has been decided on the upcoming year as of the time of his meeting.

AGENDA #9 – Action Items

9.1 A motion was made by member Jason McCulley to approve the Return to Learn

Framework as presented and authorize the superintendent to complete the Return to Learn Plan for the FY21 school year. The motion was seconded by member Carrie Newman, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Jason McCulley, Dan Coomer, Carrie Newman, Shane Neuman, Angie Koontz

Members Absent: Scott Foster

The President declared the motion passed.

9.2 A motion was made by member Shane Neuman to accept the fuel bids from Wabash Valley FS at the Firm Price for Gasoline at 1.767 and Open Price for Diesel at 1.789. The motion was seconded by member Amy Sager, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea: 

Shane Neuman, Amy Sager, Dan Coomer, Jason McCulley, Angie Koontz, Carrie Newman

Members Absent: Scott Foster

The President declared the motion passed.

9.3 A motion was made by member Amy Sager to approve Peoples National Bank and Fairfield National Bank as depositories for the FY21 school year. The motion was seconded by member Carrie Newman, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea: 

Dan Coomer, Jason McCulley, Carrie Newman, Amy Sager, Shane Neuman 

Member Abstaining: Angie Koontz

Members Absent: Scott Foster

The President declared the motion passed.

9.4 A motion was made by member Shane Neuman to establish petty cash for the FY21 school year as follows: Administration, $25; Center Street School, $25; North Side School, $100. The motion was seconded by member Amy Sager, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Angie Koontz, Jason McCulley, Dan Coomer, Shane Neuman, Carrie Newman

Members Absent: Scott Foster

The President declared the motion passed.

9.5 A motion was made by member Jason McCulley to approve the FY21 Board of Education meeting dates as presented. The motion was seconded by member Shane Neuman, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Angie Koontz, Dan Coomer, Shane Neuman, Carrie Newman, Jason McCulley

Members Absent: Scott Foster

The President declared the motion passed.

9.6 A motion was made by member Shane Neuman to approve the Alternative School Slot Allocation for FY21 for the amount of $7,277. The motion was seconded by member Amy Sager, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Angie Koontz, Jason McCulley, Dan Coomer, Shane Neuman, Carrie Newman

Members Absent: Scott Foster

The President declared the motion passed.

AGENDA #10 – Closed Session to Discuss Information Regarding Appointment, Employment, Retirement, or Dismissal of an Employee, Labor Relations, Collective Negotiations, Litigation, and Student Discipline (5ILCS 120/2a)

10.1 A motion was made by member Shane Neuman that the Board enter Closed Session at the hour of 7:04 P.M. The motion was seconded by member Jason McCulley, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Shane Neuman, Carrie Newman, Jason McCulley, Angie Koontz, Dan Coomer, Amy Sager

Members Absent: Scott Foster

The President declared the motion passed.

10.2 A motion was made by member Shane Neuman that the Board end the Closed Session at the hour of 7:15 P.M. The motion was seconded by member Jason McCulley, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Angie Koontz, Amy Sager, Dan Coomer, Shane Neuman, Jason McCulley, Carrie Newman

Members Absent: Scott Foster

The President declared the motion passed.

AGENDA #11 – Action Items

11.1 A motion was made by member Jason McCulley to accept the resignation of Stacey Lane as a paraprofessional. The motion was seconded by member Amy Sager, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Shane Neuman, Jason McCulley, Carrie Newman, Dan Coomer, Angie Koontz, Amy Sager

Members Absent: Scott Foster

The President declared the motion passed.

11.2 A motion was made by member Amy Sager to approve a one-year unpaid leave of absence to Angela Vaughan. The motion was seconded by member Shane Neuman, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Shane Neuman, Dan Coomer, Angie Koontz, Carrie Newman, Amy Sager, Jason McCulley

Members Absent: Scott Foster

The President declared the motion passed.

11.3 A motion was made by member Shane Neuman to accept the intent to retire at the end of the 2023-2024 school year by Debbie Dallas. The motion was seconded by member Jason McCulley, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Dan Coomer, Jason McCulley, Shane Neuman, Carrie Newman, Amy Sager, Angie Koontz

Members Absent: Scott Foster

The President declared the motion passed.

11.4 A motion was made by member Amy Sager to employ Sheila Massie as a paraprofessional for the FY21 school year. The motion was seconded by member Jason McCulley, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Dan Coomer, Angie Koontz, Carrie Newman, Jason McCulley, Shane Neuman

Members Absent: Scott Foster

The President declared the motion passed.

11.5 A motion was made by member Shane Neuman to employ Heather Laird as a paraprofessional for the FY21 school year. The motion was seconded by member Amy Sager, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Carrie Newman, Angie Koontz, Dan Coomer, Jason McCulley, Amy Sager, Shane Neuman

Members Absent: Scott Foster

The President declared the motion passed.

11.6 A motion was made by member Amy Sager to employ Tina Johnson as a paraprofessional for the FY21 school year. The motion was seconded by member Shane Neuman, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Angie Koontz, Shane Neuman, Jason McCulley, Dan Coomer, Amy Sager, Carrie Newman

Members Absent: Scott Foster

The President declared the motion passed.

AGENDA #12 – Information Items.

Dr. England read a thank you card from an employee who lost a family member. Dr. England informed the board he would be engaging an architect to discuss future potential projects.

AGENDA #13 – Adjournment

A motion was made by member Shane Neuman that the meeting adjourn at 7:27 P.M. The motion was seconded by member Jason McCulley, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Carrie Newman, Angie Koontz, Dan Coomer, Shane Neuman, Jason McCulley
