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Carmi White County Community Unit School District 5 Board of Education Met September 21

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Carmi White County Community Unit School District 5 Board of Education met Sept. 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the board of education of Carmi-White County Community Unit District No. 5 was held at the Carmi-White County Junior/Senior High School cafeteria. The meeting was called to order by President Andy Acord at 7:00 p.m.


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present.

Those present were board members Acord, Fulkerson, Hammell, Hoskins, Mitchell and Scates. Others present were Superintendent Brad Lee; Amy Atteberry, Washington Attendance Center principal; Dr. Amy Dixon, Jefferson and Lincoln Attendance Centers principal; Bart King, junior high school principal; Jarrod Newell, high school principal; Kathy Price, Brownsville principal; Lacey Moore, Elementary Dean of Students; Todd Haley, Junior/Senior High School Dean of Students; Rachel Blazier, unit secretary; Scott Mareing (WROY), Robert Beskow (The Carmi Times) and Len Wells (The Carmi Chronicle).

Board President Acord informed the group that he received an email at 6:00 p.m. from Board Member Chapman stating that she resigned her position as a Carmi-White County School Board of Education Member effective immediately. The board of education will address this vacancy at a later date.


Consent agenda items were presented to the board for its approval as follows:

1. Minutes of the August 17, 2020 regular board meeting

2. Serious safety hazard resolutions

Article 5/29-3 requires school boards with Illinois Department of Transportation serious safety hazard approvals to annually certify that the serious safety hazards still exist. A proposed resolution was presented for the board’s approval listing the district’s current serious safety hazard approvals. It was recommended that the board adopt the resolution.

3, New Board Policies

The district needs to adopt Board Policies 2:265 Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure and 7:345 Use of Educational Technologies; Student Data Privacy and Security. It was recommended that the board adopt Board Policies 2:265 Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure and 7:345 Use of Educational Technologies; Student Data Privacy and Security with final action set for the regular October meeting of the board of education.

4. Board Policy Updates

Upon the recommendation of the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB), the district needs to update the following board policies: 2:220 Board of Education meeting, 2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure, 4:180 Pandemic Preparedness; Management; and Recovery, 5:10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment, 5:20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited, 5:100 Staff Development Program, 5:220 Substitute Teachers, 5:330 Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays and Leaves, 7:10 Equal Educational Opportunities, 7:20 Harassment of Students Prohibited, 7:180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment, 7:185 Teen Dating Violence Prohibited, 7:190 Student Behavior, and 7:340 Student Records.

It was recommended that board policies: 2:220 Board of Education meeting, 2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure, 4:180 Pandemic Preparedness; Management; and Recovery, 5:10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment, 5:20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited, 5:100 Staff Development Program, 5:220 Substitute Teachers, 5:330 Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays and Leaves, 7:10 Equal Educational Opportunities, 7:20 Harassment of Students Prohibited, 7:180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment, 7:185 Teen Dating Violence Prohibited, 7:190 Student Behavior, and 7:340 Student Records be preliminarily adopted, as amended, with final action set for the regular October meeting of the Board of Education.

5. Board Policy Five Year Reviews

Upon the recommendation of the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB), every policy is reviewed on a five year cycle. The following policy is up for review and approval: 7:40 Nonpublic School Students, Including Parochial and Home-School Students.

It was recommended that board policy 7:40 Nonpublic School Students, Including Parochial and Home-School Students be approved, with no changes. One reading is only required by the board when a policy is reviewed and no changes are made.

6. Settlement Agreement with Certified Employee

A Settlement Agreement between a C-WC #5 certified employee and the C-WC #5 Board of Education is attached to these minutes. There was a disagreement in the salary calculations for the employee for the 2020-2021 school year. The Settlement Agreement constitutes that both parties have agreed to a base annual salary for the FY21 school year.

It was recommended that the board approve the Settlement Agreement with the certified employee.

7. Resignations

Kendra Fisher has submitted a letter of resignation as a Noon Supervisor at Jefferson Attendance Center effective August 17, 2020.

Justin Simmons has submitted a letter of resignation as the 6th Grade Girls’ Basketball Coach effective immediately.

Amy Buchanan has submitted a letter of resignation as a Special Education Classroom Aide at the Carmi-White County Junior High School effective September 2, 2020.

Vanessa Kiser has submitted a letter of resignation as a Special Education Individual Aide and Breakfast Supervisor at Lincoln Attendance Center effective September 14, 2020.

Joshua Girten has submitted a letter of resignation as the 6th Grade Boys’ Basketball Coach effective immediately.

Ben Bradshaw has submitted a letter of resignation as the 5th Grade Boys’ Basketball Coach effective immediately.

Michael Flechs has submitted a letter of resignation as a Part Time Building Custodian during the school year at Brownsville Attendance Center effective immediately. He will retain his Part Time Building Custodian position at Brownsville Attendance Center during the summer.

It was recommended that the board accept the letter of resignation of Kendra Fisher as a Noon Supervisor at Jefferson Attendance Center effective August 17, 2020; the letter of resignation of Justin Simmons as the 6th Grade Girls’ Basketball Coach effective immediately; the letter of resignation of Amy Buchanan as a Special Education Classroom Aide at the Carmi-White County Junior High School effective September 2, 2020; the letter of resignation of Vanessa Kiser as a Special Education Individual Aide and Breakfast Supervisor at Lincoln Attendance Center effective September 14, 2020; the letter of resignation of Joshua Girten as the 6th Grade Boys’ Basketball Coach effective immediately; the letter of resignation of Ben Bradshaw as the 5th Grade Boys’ Basketball Coach effective immediately; and the letter of resignation of Michael Flechs as a part time Building Custodian during the school year at Brownsville Attendance Center effective immediately and retaining his part time Building Custodian position at Brownsville Attendance Center during the summer.

8. Donations

Brownsville Attendance Center has been the recipient of the following donations in memory of Glenn Lankford and in support of its programs:

Mr. and Mrs. Carson Everett.$30.00 

Mr. and Mrs. Greg Mann.$25.00 

Ms. Melissa Harrison.$25.00


In line with board, policy it was recommended that the board of education accept the donations noted above.

Motion by Mitchell, second by Scates, that recommendations for consent agenda items as follows:

1. Minutes of the August 17, 2020 regular board meeting

2. Serious safety hazard resolutions

3. New Board Policies

4. Board Policy Updates

5. Board Policy Five Y ear Reviews

6. Settlement Agreement with Certified Employee

7. Resignations

8. Donations

be approved. Roll call votes: Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Acord, yes. Motion approved.


An additional listing of bills that came in late was presented to the board for its review and approval.

Motion by Hoskins, second by Fulkerson, that the bills for the month of August 2020 be approved as listed. Roll call vote: Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Acord, yes.


The treasurer’s report for the month of August 2020 was read as follows: Education Fund, $2,874,280; Building Fund, 78,993; Debt Service Fund, $535,988; Transportation Fund, $499,296; Municipal Retirement Fund, ($35,132); Capital Projects, $818,725; Working Cash Fund, $101,534; Tort Fund, $449,697; Fire Prevention and Safety Fund, $192,624; and Imprest Fund, $7,500. Investments by Fund: Education Fund, $4,000,000; Building Fund $600,000; Municipal Retirement Fund, $475,000; Capital Projects, $1,000,000; and Working Cash Fund, $425,000.

Receipts in August 2020 for the Education Fund included $518,620 from the Evidenced Based Funding and money that was owed from the State last year for a total of $809,560. The Transportation Fund received $79,454, which was the last quarter payment of FY20. The 1% Sales Tax received $45,086. Local taxes from the previous year was $136,928. The total for all funds for the month of August 2020 was $1,100,955.

Motion by Hammell, second by Fulkerson, that the treasurer’s report for the month of August 2020 be approved as read. Roll call vote: Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Acord, yes. Motion carried.



The district’s sixth day enrollment for the 2020-2021 school year was 1,332 – down 38 students from last year’s sixth day enrollment of 1,370.


Superintendent Lee thanked Wabash Valley FS for donating 1,500 water bottles for Unit #5 students,


Martin and Bayley and the Carmi Schools Foundation were thanked for donating Student Desk Dividers used by the district’s Early Childhood, PreK, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Grade students. Approximately 425 dividers were donated.


On September 3, the National School Lunch program, through the U.S Department of Agriculture and the Illinois State Board of Education, announced that they have approved a waiver for all students to receive a free breakfast and a free lunch each day through the end of December. All C-WC #5 schools will be participating in the Summer Food Service Program allowing all enrolled students, whether face-to-face or remote, to receive theses meals during school days. This does not include any a la carte, extra milk, or food items outside the standard meal.


The updated administrator and teacher compensation report will be on the district website by October 1, 2020.


According to County Treasurer, Pam Armstrong, the revenue for local taxes will once again be a couple of months behind. The first installment will be due November 15 and the second installment will be due December 15.


Superintendent Lee told the board that he received news today that Governor Pritzker had awarded more than $80 million to Illinois schools to close the digital divide. Unit #5 will receive $103,222 from this grant. This money is to be used to help with technology whether that is towards devices or connectivity. He thanked Robin Huggins, District Technology Coordinator, for applying for this grant.

Building principals gave an update on how the first four weeks of school has gone in their respective buildings.

Dr. Dixon expressed thanks to board members and Superintendent Lee for opening the schools during this year. She said that it has been fantastic having the students back in the schools. This is the fifth week with face-to-face learning. She said that she couldn’t say enough about the staff for pulling together as they have. It has been good for everyone.

She said that Lincoln and Jefferson Attendance Centers have 15% remote learning students. The district will send out a survey next week to see which type of learning students will choose for the next nine weeks.

Mr. Newell also expressed his thanks to the board for its support for the school year. The school year has gone better than they had every thought that it would. Everyone is adapting to the changes. The high school has 68% face-to-face learners and 32% remote learners. He also expressed his thanks for the remote Wednesdays in September. These days have been excellent for students and staff in helping to plan what might happen in the future. He has been receiving good feedback from students and staff. He hopes to keep building on these remote learning days for the next two weeks. They have been able to identify some technology needs.

Mr. King said that it has been amazing just to watch everybody (students, faculty and staff) adapt. He said that it is humbling to be part of a community that have either volunteered or made donations just to help out during this time. The junior high has 78% face-to-face learners and 22% remote learners.

Mrs. Atteberry said that everyone at Washington Attendance Center has been pulling together and have worked extremely hard to rise to the challenges. Student behavior has been excellent. Many remote students are not completing assignments. The 6th grade teachers are very thankful for the remote learning days in case they need to go to a remote learning day. She commended the students for hanging in.

Mrs. Price said that Brownsville Attendance Center has 72% face-to-face learners and 28% remote learners. Even with its medically fragile students, the students are wearing masks better that you would think. Even the students that struggle are making progress.

Board President Acord told the administrators that the board appreciates everything that they have done and trust them to give their best for the students.


Attached is the line item budget for FY21. In front of the line item budget is a summary of the budget that summarizes each fund. The figures vary slightly from those presented in July due to some revenue and expenditure changes and audit adjustments.

The education fund budget has projected receipts of $12,289,740 and expenditures of $12,311,681. The cash balance for July 1, 2021 is projected to be $7,639,461.

The building fund begins the year at $810,385 and is projected to complete the year at $795,147.

The debit service fund (formerly bond and interest fund) begins at $494,350 and is projected to finish the year at $494,350 as the district continues to pay down existing school district bonds. This includes $235,000 in revenue from the 1% sales tax that the district has projected to receive in 2020-2021.

The transportation fund begins with a cash balance of $519,508 and is projected to complete the year with a balance of $608,525.

The IMRF budget begins the year with a $390,819 cash balance and is projected to complete the year with a balance of $326,489.

The Capital Outlay fund begins with a cash balance of $1,789,556 and is projected to complete the year with a balance of $2,154,556.

The working cash fund starts the year with $539,617 and is projected to end the year with $609,617.

The tort immunity fund begins with a cash balance of $609,331 and is projected to end the year with a $570,404 balance. Each year the district levies for these dollars that are used to fund risk management costs to the district such as insurance and other related expenditures.

The fire prevention and safety fund shows a beginning balance of $190,694 and is projected to end the year with a project balance of $190,694.

Total receipts for all funds are projected at $16,383,325 with expenditures of $15,999,744. This results in a 2020-2021 balance of $383,581 in receipts vs. expenditures.

This budget continues to allow the district to maintain the programs that are expected from the community while providing dollars to maintain the positive teaching and learning environment that our teachers and students deserve.

Motion by Scates, second by Hammell, that the FY21 budget for Carmi-White County Community Unit District No. 5 be adopted. Roll call vote: Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Acord, yes. Motion carried.


At the December 2019 board meeting, the board of education approved applying for the FY20 School Maintenance Project Grant. This is a dollar for dollar state matching grant program providing awards up to $50,000 to grantees exclusively for educational purposes. In April, the district was notified that it received the grant.

Lunsford Architects has sought bids for Junior/Senior High School Security Lighting Replacement. The district received the following two bids for replacing all exterior security lighting with LED fixtures.

Seiler Heating/Air and Electric LLC $10,800 Healy Electric $11,175

It was recommended that the board of education approve the bid of $10,800 from Seiler Heating/Air and Electric for the Junior/Senior High School Security Lighting Replacement.

Motion by Fulkerson, second by Mitchell, that the board of education approve the bid of $10,800 from Seiler/Heating/Air and Electric for the Junior/Senior High School Security Lighting Replacement. Roll call vote: Scates, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Acord, yes. Motion carried.


Motion Scates, second by Fulkerson, that the board meet in closed session at 7:31 p.m. for purposes of discussing the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of an employee or officer. Roll call vote: Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Acord, yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Hoskins, second by Mitchell, that the board return to open session at 8:41 p.m. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.


Motion by Scates, second by Hammell, that the board approve closed session minutes of the August 17, 2020 regular board meeting. Roll call vote: Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Acord, yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Hoskins, second by Mitchell, that the board employee Susan Healy as a Special Education Individual Aide at Brownsville Attendance Center for the 2020-2021 school year to fill the vacancy created by the reassignment of Robin Winters. Roll call vote: Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Acord, yes. Motion carried.


Motion Fulkerson, second by Hammell, that Rachel Essary be reassigned from a Dishwasher at Jefferson Attendance Center to a Special Education Individual Aide at Lincoln Attendance Center and Part-Time Unit #5 Bus Driver for the 2020-2021 school year. The Part- Time Unit #5 Bus Driver position fills the vacancy created by the resignation of Riley Cantrell. Roll call vote: Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Acord, yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Acord, second by Hoskins, that Robin Winters be employed as the P.M. Crossing Guard at Lincoln Attendance Center for the 2020-2021 school year to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Janet Childers. Roll call vote: Scates, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Acord, yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Mitchell, second by Fulkerson, that Brittany McGarrh be employed as the P.M. Crossing Guard at Washington Attendance Center for the 2020-2021 school year to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Carrie Carpenter. Roll call vote: Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Acord, yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Scates, second by Hammell, that Drake Patton be employed as the Junior High School 7th Grade Boys’ Basketball Coach for the 2020-2021 school year to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Justin Stubblefield. Roll call vote: Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Acord, yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Fulkerson, second by Acord, that Cassie Hunsinger be employed as a Special Education Individual Aide at the Carmi-White County High School for the 2020-2021 school year to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Riley Cantrell. Roll call vote: Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Acord, yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Hoskins, second by Mitchell, that the meeting be adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.
