
SE Illinois News

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Hamilton County Community Unit District No. 10 Board of Education Met August 18


Hamilton County Community Unit District No. 10 Board of Education met Aug. 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Hamilton County Community Unit District No. 10 met in regular session at 7:00 p.m., in the Unit Office.

The meeting was called to order by Board President Dennis Lynch. Roll Call was as follows: Present – Bob Gray, Jeff Lueke, Tim Millenbine, Clint Ragan, Ellen Rubenacker, Justin Woodrow and Dennis Lynch.

Motion by Lueke, second by Woodrow to approve the following items under the Consent Agenda: The minutes from the July 20, 2020 Regular Board Meeting, Treasurer’s Report, Budget reports, District bill listing, destruction of Executive Session Audio Recordings older than 18 months per Code. First Reading: Policies 2:220, 4:180, 7:40, 7:190, 7:340, 7:345. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Lueke, Woodrow, Millenbine, Ragan, Gray, Rubenacker, and Lynch. Motion carried.


VISITORS/Public Comment – Tammy Delong was present and asked the board to reconsider letting her son attend East Side School, even though they live outside of the school district.


Mr. Fetcho updated the Board on the following: Thank you to Dennis Lynch for mowing at the Jr./Sr. High School recently. Donations have been received from Peoples National Bank and Janis Rubenacker for COVID-19 supplies. Hamilton County Health Department has offered to pay for the recently purchased temperature screening Kiosks; First day of school was a success with a few minor issues; State Disbursements owed: $7,554; First day enrollment figures.


The FY ’21 district budget was discussed with the Board.

Motion by Ragan, second by Gray to set the budget hearing for 6:45 p.m. on September 15, 2020, just prior to our regular September meeting at 7:00 p.m. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.


Motion by Ragan, second by Millenbine to approve the handbooks for the 2020-2021 school year. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Millenbine, second by Rubenacker to approve the renewal with Country Financial to provide the Districts various insurance coverages from September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2021. The School Board Legal Liability is with Darwin Insurance Group. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Millenbine, Rubenacker, Woodrow, Lueke, Gray, and Lynch. Voting Abstain: Ragan. Motion Carried.

Motion by Rubenacker, second by Ragan to set a public hearing on Limitations on Administrative Costs Waiver for 6:30 p.m. on September 15, 2020. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Lueke, second by Rubenacker to seek bids on a new and/or used side-by-side UTV. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Lueke, Rubenacker, Gray, Millenbine, Ragan, Woodrow, and Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Lueke, second by Rubenacker to seek bids on two new zero turn mowers. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Lueke, Rubenacker, Gray, Millenbine, Ragan, Woodrow, and Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Ragan, second by Gray to convene in executive session at 7:43 p.m. to discuss appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of a specific employee(s) or office of the public body, and pending litigation pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1). Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Ragan, Gray, Millenbine, Lueke, Rubenacker, Woodrow, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Rubenacker, second by Ragan to come out of executive session at 9:21 p.m. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Rubenacker, Ragan, Lueke, Woodrow, Gray, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Rubenacker, second by Millenbine to approve the minutes from executive session. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Woodrow, second by Gray to accept a letter of resignation from Magen Miller, East Side Tutor, effective July 21, 2020. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow, Gray, Rubenacker, Ragan, Lueke, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Woodrow, second by Gray to accept a letter of resignation from Carson Prescott, Teacher Aide, effective August 13, 2020. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow, Gray, Rubenacker, Ragan, Lueke, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Woodrow, second by Gray to accept the 4-year notice of intent to retire letter from Janice Crow, Prevention Initiative Coordinator, effective at the end of the 2024-2025 school year. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow, Gray, Rubenacker, Ragan, Lueke, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Woodrow, second by Gray to approve the voluntary reassignment of Brandon Reyling as a district custodian/maintenance support staff employee, effective August 24, 2020. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow, Gray, Rubenacker, Ragan, Lueke, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Woodrow, second by Gray to approve the voluntary reassignment of Norman Lorenz as a custodian at Dahlgren Elementary School, effective August 24, 2020. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow, Gray, Rubenacker, Ragan, Lueke, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Woodrow, second by Gray to approve the voluntary reassignment of Brad Tedford as a full-time custodian, 1⁄2 time at East Side and 1⁄2 time at Preschool, effective August 18, 2020. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow, Gray, Rubenacker, Ragan, Lueke, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Woodrow, second by Gray to recall Alisha Carmickle, Aide, effective August 18, 2020. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow, Gray, Rubenacker, Ragan, Lueke, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Woodrow, second by Gray to recall Kim Kaufman, Aide, effective August 18, 2020. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow, Gray, Rubenacker, Ragan, Lueke, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Woodrow, second by Gray to re-employ Garrett Craddock, part-time, grant- funded Credit Recovery Instructor, effective August 18, 2020. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow, Gray, Rubenacker, Ragan, Lueke, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Woodrow, second by Gray to employ Elijah Smith as a Custodian, contingent upon successful completion of a background check and completion of necessary paperwork, effective August 19, 2020. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow, Gray, Rubenacker, Ragan, Lueke, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Woodrow, second by Gray to employ Nate Neal as a part-time, hourly tutor, contingent upon successful completion of a background check and completion of necessary paperwork, effective August 18, 2020. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow, Gray, Rubenacker, Ragan, Lueke, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Woodrow, second by Gray to employ Holly Gaudette as a part-time, hourly tutor, contingent upon successful completion of a background check and completion of necessary paperwork, effective August 18, 2020. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow, Gray, Rubenacker, Ragan, Lueke, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Gray, second by Rubenacker to adjourn. Vote was taken by voice, motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m.
