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Community Unit School District 200 Board of Education Committee of the Whole Met September 23

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Community Unit School District 200 Board of Education Committee of the Whole met Sept. 23.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Committee of the Whole meeting of the Board of Education of Community Unit School District 200, DuPage County, Illinois, was called to order at the Hubble Middle School, 3S600 Herrick Rd Warrenville, IL, by Board President Brad Paulsen at 7:00 PM.


Upon the roll being called, the following were present:

Board Members:       Mr. Brad Paulsen

Mrs. Chris Crabtree

Mr. Rob Hanlon

Mrs. Susan Booton

Mrs. Ginna Ericksen

Mr. Dave Long

Mr. Jim Mathieson

Also in Attendance:  Dr. Jeff Schuler, Superintendent

Mr. Bill Farley

Dr. Charlie Kyle

Mrs. Erica Loiacono

Mr. Rodney Mack

Mrs. Melissa Murphy

Dr. Chris Silagi


Board Member Booton led the Board and community in the Pledge of Allegiance.



Member Crabtree moved, Member Hanlon seconded to suspend the rules and adjourn to a workshop setting. Upon a roll call vote being taken the vote was: AYE 7, NAY 0.

The motion carried 7-0.


President Paulsen noted this would be a different kind of Board Meeting than our community has likely witnessed in the past. Five times a year the Board conducts a Committee of the Whole meeting that allows the District Administration to present on topics that are central to the instructional programs and overall operation of the school district. The agenda and format for this meeting would be different than the last several meetings.

President Paulsen asked that Board Members hold off on asking questions until the presentation was complete so that Board Members could absorb the full continuity of the plan.

Community members that were attending in person were asked to respect the process and be respectful of our team members making presentations. This would help the Board have an informed and thoughtful discussion. As in all our Committee of the Whole meetings, there was an opportunity for Public Comment at the end of the agenda.

The community was thanked in advance for their understanding and appreciation of the important topic that was being discussed.

Additionally, it was noted the plan being presented has been in the works and undergoing refinement since mid-August. The District now has the benefit of learning from our own experience with 15 school sites open for in-person learning and three weeks of remote learning under our belts. That experience has been valuable and has helped inform the plans that have been refined to bring students, teachers, and staff back to our middle schools and high schools.


Update on District 200 School Reopening Plans

The 2020-2021 school year resumed on September 1st, consistent with adjustments that were made to the District 200 Reopening Plan on August 14th. Elementary students began the school year with the option of in-person instruction on a modified day or the Virtual Academy. Middle and High School students started the year remotely. At the September 9th Board of Education meeting, administrators provided an update on the elementary in-person experience, the DuPage County Health Department Return to School Framework, and specific work tasks being completed as a return to school plan was revised. The revised plan and timeline were presented for the return of middle and high school students to the hybrid model. Updates were also provided for the continued support and service of our Virtual Academy students at both the middle and high schools.

Dr. Schuler and members of the Senior Leadership Team presented the District 200 School Reopening Update PowerPoint which included the following information:

· Foundational Beliefs That Have Guided Planning

o Protecting the health and safety of all students and staff to the greatest extent possible is a top priority.

o Safely bringing students and staff back to school, and ensuring practices keep students in school.

o Ensuring appropriate rigor to promote student academic and social-emotional growth; strengthen interventions to address any skill deficiencies that may have emerged due to disruption in the educational process.

o Re-establish relationships and ensure the SEL needs of students and the basic wellness needs of families are prominent in learning, resource allocation, and decision-making processes.

o Creating a reopening plan that complies with state and local directives and guidance while incorporates agility and flexibility to adjust for the potential of rapidly changing environments and expectations.

· Updated Information on August 12 Guidance from Health Departments

o IDPH (IL Dept. of Public Health) – revised decision tree for symptomatic individuals.

o DCHD (DuPage County Health Dept.) – further clarification on cleaning rooms. o IDPH & DCHD – close contact/contact tracing clarification as it applies to passing periods.

· Elementary Data for 9/14-9/18 – Number of students and staff isolating due to positive COVID case and number quarantining due to close contact or international travel.

· Key Considerations to Return to In-Person Learning

o IDPH Updated Guidance since Aug 12.

o Elementary in-person success with protocols.

o Foundational beliefs built on the desire to offer in-person and remote learning. options with appropriate social distancing, face coverings, and enhanced sanitation measures. · Middle School (MS)

o Timeline for return to in-person learning. o In-person hybrid schedule.

o Bell schedule starting October 13.

o MS Virtual Academy.

· Adjustments to High School (HS) Planning

o HS timeline for a return to in-person learning. o HS in-person hybrid schedule.

o HS schedule – M, T, Th, F.

o HS Virtual Academy instructional updates.

o HS Virtual Academy planning update.

· Special Education HS and MS Updates

o 504, resource, and direct services. o Instructional services.

· Health and Safety Protocols

o Self-certification for students and staff.

o Response to symptomatic students at school.

o Return to school, return to work (IDPH Decision Tree).

o Response to positive COVID-19 case and contact tracing.

· Cleaning & Disinfecting Protocols

· Classroom Disinfecting Protocols

· Mechanical System Protocols

· Adaptive Pause Metrics

o Community transmission metrics.

o Operational metrics. · Summary

o MS in-person transition beginning Oct 13 with 6th-grade hybrid; then 6,7,8 grades in full hybrid Oct 19.

o HS in-person transition beginning Oct 14 with 11 & 12th grades SAT/PSAT Testing; then 9th-grade hybrid Oct 15-16; then full hybrid for ALL grade levels Oct 19.

Information was added on the following:

· All recommendations presented tonight are in alignment with the foundational beliefs.

· Clarification provided on the amount of time a room/school space has to remain vacant before the cleaning process can begin.

· Clarification provided as it applies to passing periods – a large number of students not likely to be deemed “close contact” during passing period.

· Important to note – there has been no quarantine in elementary as a result of close contact in a school.

· There have been positive COVID cases, but the protocols that have been put in place in the elementary buildings to ensure physical distancing and to avoid close contacts within the school buildings have worked.

· 3.670 students are attending in person daily at the 13 elementary and the early childhood center buildings.

· The District is monitoring daily the number of COVID cases within the regions, as well as within the individual zip codes of the area.

· At the MS level – the phase-in approach to in-person learning plan, beginning with the 6th grade.

· There will be two cohorts at the middle school level, one being in person on Monday and Thursday, and the other being in-person on Tuesday and Friday.

· Modifications to the MS bell schedule – important due to the fact multiple teachers work with multiple grade levels, and multiple teachers will work with students in the Virtual Academy, as well as in-person students.

· There will be additional electives (Spanish and French) offered to Virtual Academy (VA) students at the MS level.

· Requests can be submitted for those families that wish to change from VA to in-person learning for 2nd semester

· The complexity of scheduling for both in-person learning, as well as the VA.

· At the HS level – when the decision was made to start the year in remote learning, those students that registered for VA were folded into regular classes – therefore there are currently students that registered for hybrid and registered for VA in the same classes.

· Teachers can be working simultaneously with students in person and with remote (VA) students using Google Meets or Zoom. This represents an instructional change for the HS teaching staff.

· The timeline for return to in-person learning at the HS level is impacted by the above- noted change, which will require preparation as well as some additional technology purchases which will be coming in and need to be installed.

· There will be two cohorts at the high school level, one being in person on Monday and Thursday, and the other being in-person on Tuesday and Friday.

· It was noted that Wednesdays will now be asynchronous remote learning (with office hours for students).

· A survey will be sent to all HS families with an opportunity to change their decision for in-person or remote learning from the one chosen earlier this summer.

· Special Ed HS and MS Updates – IEP vs IELP and the information provided.

· Working on a plan to convert those students receiving in-person instructional services from a shortened day to full-day services by the end of the 1st quarter.

· All students will continue to self-certify daily; there will be a COVID-19 symptom assessment room in each building; students or staff exhibiting a new symptom not attributed to allergies or pre-existing conditions will be sent home.

· IDPH Decision Tree – while the information on the decision tree did not change, there were some definitions on the symptoms that give more latitude in working with those situations.

· Contact tracing when dealing with a positive COVID case – the District has developed some good protocols with DCHD which allows our health services staff to take the lead while working with them.

· The definition of close contact – within 6-feet for 15 minutes or longer.

· Notification letters when there is a positive case – to the building, to the classroom, and to those deemed to be “close contact”.

· Will continue to maintain 6-feet physical distancing in D200 classrooms at all levels and reminders about physical distancing will be communicated outside of the classroom.

· Marked hallways at the secondary level that will direct traffic and keep directional traffic flowing.

· PPE for staff and students has come in and been distributed.

· Review of the cleaning and disinfecting protocols and what has been put in each classroom, building, high traffic/common areas.

· The District facilities department replaced all filters in the mechanical systems in D200 buildings with upgraded filters; all systems were started early and have been running at full operation since early August.

· Setting dampers to introduce maximum outside air to continue to circulate fresh air; encouraging staff to open windows when possible and practical to increase outside air in classrooms.

· IDPH introduced the “adaptive pause” concept – what are the things that could put us in a place to introduce an adaptive pause? – includes a significant change in DuPage County return-to-school metrics, and change in operational metrics (the ability of schools to implement key mitigation strategies, staff all classrooms, and readiness to execute all new technologies and tools).

· The site through Northwestern which allows you to zero in specifically on data coded by zip code – cases per 100,000 and positivity rates.

There were questions, comments, and/or discussion on the following:

· IL Dept. Governor Jesse Ruiz commended the District on the opening of all 13 elementary buildings and the early childhood center, as well as for taking all of the right practices and following the procedures which ISBE is mandating.

· Other District Superintendents visiting D200 elementary locations to see how in-person instruction is being done.

· Thank you to the staff for the huge effort that has taken place.

· Have had discussions with other school districts that have begun in-person learning (Geneva, Kaneland, St. Francis) and have talked with other Superintendents all over the country – most of the high schools contacted are going forward with the Livestream model.

· Foundational beliefs of the board have always been to get our students in school for in- person instruction.

· Appreciate the flexibility of staff members – there have been a lot of changes since March; what can be done to help staff members?

· If numbers shift due to a new survey going out, how to ensure we comply with the six- foot physical distancing requirement.

· Providing help for students that need it on the days they will be working remotely.

· The ability to use Livestream at the HS level will mean students can access instructional experience should they need to miss in-person days or need to be quarantined.

· At the HS level, there will ideally be no adjustments in student schedules – the only difference being some will be in person, and others participating remotely via Livestream.

· This is going to be another new model that is going to take some refining and some evolution – it is not going to be perfect on day one.

· Medical leaves and increase in permanent subs in buildings as a result of this?

· Will the same plan/options apply to the second semester? Will have to see what works and does not work on a daily and weekly basis.

· Lunch at both the MS and HS levels; the use of multiple locations – how will this work?

· Sanitizing work/classroom spaces – recommendations regarding time to dry or be wiped down.

· Types of activities used during an asynchronous class period.

· What is needed to get us to in-person instruction five days per week for students?

· Network traffic – what will it look like in this model vs. today’s environment? Both Google meets and Zoom being available; tech issues, user support, refreshing of machines/devices.

· Ability to carry out mitigation strategies and the impact on students/staff.

· Potential staffing impact if there is significant migration at the MS level between VA and in-person/hybrid instruction.

· Communication plan on survey going out to HS families and the need to ensure all know this survey is out there, particularly with our hard-to-reach populations.

· “Adaptive pause” and potential impact on all levels.

· “Show your smile breaks” at elementary and impact of colder weather.

· Painting a picture of what the technology will look like in an HS classroom.

· Piloting the live streaming at the HS level.

· VA at the MS level – assumption to continue in the second semester.

· MS/HS mask breaks.

· Band, orchestra, choir – how will these operate?

· Livestream students vs in-person students – priority is both.

· It will take time for teachers to adapt to new opportunities and new strategies.

· Taking attendance every day – including Wednesdays; navigating as to how this will work.

· The availability of Edgenuity should we need it second semester at the HS level?

· Plan for special education & special populations students returning to in-person instruction.

· Self-certification forms – options if you have students show up for in-person instruction that have not self-certified.

· Instructional minutes – current remote model vs. hybrid model.

· The mental health of students and staff; employee assistance program for staff; reminding students and parents of staff available in schools to assist – counselors, psychologists, etc.

· Staff/teachers and getting them what is needed based on the new environment.

· Changes in the way the technology is utilized from last Spring to now; the use of instructional tech specialists, department chairs.

· The need to get everyone onboard – staff, parents, students.

· Equity issue and the opportunity/potential for some students to be in-person full-time every day?

· Reopening planning core team and sub-teams – representation of several groups; approximately 175 people that have been involved with the planning.

· Rolling out this plan in the timeframe presented vs end-of-quarter.

· Ensuring we are projecting the right attitude to our students; patience and grace.

· Ensuring all students have internet access – hotspots issued to MS/HS and VA students that requested, ordered additional supply, and working on distributing these; entered into an agreement with Comcast to provide Xfinity at home for families and getting reimbursed from DuPage ROE to provide six months of service.

· Have we connected with all of our students by now? Checking to see that all have logged in; keeping track of those students with IEP, 504, those with internet issues, ACES issues, etc.?

· Status of how sports have been going at HS level for those that are currently running.

· “Survey” vs. “registration recount” terminology.

· Sharing information that was presented tonight with the staff at the end of last week.

· Building level transition/reopening teams – at the elementary level were critical in terms of personalizing details on health and safety protocols for each school; the same will be true at the MS and HS levels.

· Giving HS families a choice again– in-person/hybrid vs. remote learning.

· The District is still guided by health metrics.

· We can only control what happens in our schools – the sustainability of these plans will depend on students and parents understanding their roles in making this work outside of our schools.

· Impressed by the leadership of our students that want to be back in school; the importance that those students and their leadership skills help make their fellow students aware of the need to follow the guidelines so all can stay in school.

The consensus of the board was to move forward with the reopening plan that was presented.

Community Engagement

Discussion of Board Delegate for IASB Delegate Assembly

The Delegate Assembly which normally takes place at the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB) Joint Annual Conference in November, will take place virtually this year. While the resolutions for consideration have just been released and will be discussed at a future meeting, there is a training coming up at the end of this month which will be beneficial for the individual designated to represent the Board at the Delegate Assembly. The Board discussed the selection of a Delegate to represent the District at the virtual meeting.

There were comments and/or discussion on the following:

· The IASB Delegate Assembly will take place virtually on Saturday, November 14.

· Delegate Assembly description and process – members of the IASB get requests from school districts across the state on policy and legislative issues – the vote at the Delegate Assembly suggests whether they should lobby on behalf of IL schools on the issues.

· The delegate assembly will review and vote on the proposed resolutions, affirmations, and belief statements that will be presented on this date.

· The need to choose the Board delegate tonight as there is a webinar for the selected delegate next Monday, Sept 28 to understand the procedures and process.

· The Board will review the resolutions at an upcoming meeting to give direction to the delegate on the voting of the individual resolutions.

· Board Member Booton volunteered to be the delegate on behalf of the Board at this year’s Delegate Assembly.

PUBLIC COMMENTS – Non-Agenda Items

Due to the ongoing pandemic and continued interest in news and discussion on the reopening plans for schools, we are again temporarily amending our public comment procedures for this meeting to allow comments to be emailed to the Board and acknowledged in the meeting. In accordance with Board Policy 2.230, members of the public attending in person will have the opportunity to make public comments during this meeting.

As with all comments, the community was made aware that it is the Board’s regular practice, to not directly discuss, ask questions, or take action on public comments until the time has been taken to gather adequate information. The Board is there to listen. Lack of action or a direct response following public comments does not imply any lack of interest in what is being shared.

Per Board Policy, 30 minutes has been allocated for public comments, and comments on any one subject may be limited to 20 minutes. The Board may shorten the time allocation for each person to less than 3 minutes to allow the maximum number of people the opportunity to speak. To preserve confidentiality, the Board and its President reserve the right to request that items relating to either personnel or students be provided to the Board privately or in writing for consideration in a future closed session, if necessary.

The Board must protect the civility and decorum of the meeting. Please be respectful for the duties of the Board, our District Leadership Team, and the democratic process in your public comment:

- Please include your name and whether you are a resident of the District.

- Please limit your comments to 3 minutes. Mrs. Crabtree will time the comments and raise her hand when the 3-minute mark is up at which time we ask you to wrap up your comments.

- Please be factual and courteous, and do not include statements that are personally disrespectful or condescending to members of the Board or staff.


Jessica Banaszek

Samantha Campen

Skip Brown

Bryce Cann

Bella Cuggino

Elliana Hamsho

Lex Burda

Rowan Smith

Harold Lonks

Susan Wach

Vicki Sommerdyke

TJ Frey


Reopening Plan Feedback

Community members not attending this meeting in person, and who wanted to provide comments to the Board of Education, had an opportunity to send an email to board@cusd200.org between the posting of this Agenda and 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 23, 2020. All Board Members received and read these emails.

It was noted on the posted agenda that to be acknowledged, emails were to include in the subject line that the email was intended for acknowledgment at the September 23, 2020 Board of Education Meeting.

The Board had received public comment emails from the following individuals which were acknowledged, but not read, during the meeting. These were documented in the Board Communications Log as a matter of public record.

Emails Sent By:

Shauna Smith

Mary Crawford

Lisa Doherty

Hillary Mann

Clint Fransen

Stephanie Miller

Denise Bezick

Mary Ellen Schwartzhoff

Heather Beck

Allyson Baron

Traci Kantowski

Leila Krzyzewski

JT Johns

Bryce Cann

Mollie O’Connor

Claire Annes

Jay Mehta


Reopening Plan Feedback



There being no further business to come before the Board in Open Session, Member Booton moved, Member Hanlon seconded to adjourn the meeting. Upon a voice call being taken, all were in favor and the motion carried 7-0.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:46 PM.



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