
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Community Unit School District 200 Board of Education Met September 9


Community Unit School District 200 Board of Education met Sept. 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The first regular meeting of the month of September of the Board of Education of Community Unit School District 200, DuPage County, Illinois, was called to order at the Hubble Middle School, 3S600 Herrick Rd, Warrenville, IL by Board President Brad Paulsen at 7:00 PM.


Upon the roll being called, the following were present:

Board Members:      Mr. Brad Paulsen

Mrs. Chris Crabtree

Mr. Rob Hanlon

Mrs. Susan Booton

Mrs. Ginna Ericksen

Mr. Dave Long

Mr. Jim Mathieson

Also in Attendance:  Dr. Jeff Schuler, Superintendent

Mr. Bill Farley

Dr. Charlie Kyle

Mrs. Erica Loiacono

Mr. Rodney Mack

Mrs. Melissa Murphy

Dr. Chris Silagi


Board Member Dave Long led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.


It was noted this meeting originally was to be held at Jefferson ECC. While all meetings in the short-term have been relocated to Hubble Middle School, the Board will continue to receive updates/presentations from Administrators as part of the “Communication with the Host School” portion of the agenda. Mrs. Stephanie Mangini, Principal of Jefferson Early Childhood Center welcomed the Board and Administrative Team. The ribbon-cutting ceremony which was held in August would not have been possible without the support of all those present. Mrs. Mangini shared a short video featuring Jefferson students who were asked to tell what they loved about school or what they wanted to see in their new school building. Members of the Board and the Senior Leadership Team were given a brick from the old Jefferson building, symbolizing the thousands of students that went through Jefferson and District 200.


Vice-President Crabtree requested that the three Discussion Items and the one Oral Report be presented before the Consent Agenda. Additionally, it was requested that the order of the Discussion Items be changed, with D200 School Reopening 20-21 being first, followed by the

Open Session Minutes – September 9, 2020 Page 1

Equity/Proactive Practices Work Plan, and the 2020-21 Citizens Advisory Committee being third. All Board Members agreed to the modifications to the agenda.


President Paulsen noted it was the first regularly scheduled Board meeting since the District adjusted the plans to reopen schools for the 2020-21 school year and it had been six days since the start of the school year. The District has been focused on having a successful start across all levels, including 15 of the 21 schools that have in-person learning taking place. The Board recognized families were anxious to hear what the plans were to bring middle and high school students back for in-person learning and noted the importance of the Board having the opportunity to review and comment on plans before they are shared as it is the Board’s responsibility to do so. An update would be shared tonight, with more information to be shared at the September 23rd meeting. It was noted the DuPage County Health Department released a Return to School Framework on August 28th, as well as the associated dashboard metrics that indicate when and how those plans can be implemented. Specific plans for students with disabilities and English Learners will also be heard. Town Halls were also being discussed in coordination with the high schools so that information can be shared directly with the school community on the rules, guidelines, metrics, considerations, planning strategies, and how they are tied together. This is important as all want the students back in school.

PUBLIC COMMENTS – Procedures for Public Comments for September 9, 2020 Due to the ongoing pandemic and continued interest in news and discussion on the reopening plans for schools, the Board again temporarily amended their public comment procedures for this meeting to allow comments to be emailed to the Board and acknowledged in the meeting. In accordance with Board Policy 2.230, members of the public attending in person will have the opportunity to make public comments during this meeting.

As with all comments, the community was made aware that it is the Board’s regular practice, to not directly discuss, ask questions, or take action on public comments until the time has been taken to gather adequate information. The Board is there to listen. Lack of action or a direct response following public comments does not imply any lack of interest in what is being shared.

Per Board Policy, 30 minutes is allocated for public comments, and comments on any one subject may be limited to 20 minutes. The Board may shorten the time allocation for each person to less than 3 minutes to allow the maximum number of people the opportunity to speak. President Paulsen noted an adjustment would be made and the Board would allocate up to 45 minutes for public comments at this meeting and asked individuals who were present to comment in person to limit their remarks to 2 minutes per person. Those wishing to provide public comment in person were reminded to keep their masks on when speaking.

In addition, to preserve confidentiality, the Board and its President reserve the right to request that items relating to either personnel or students be provided to the Board privately or in writing for consideration in a future closed session, if necessary.

The Board must protect the civility and decorum of the meeting. Please be respectful for the duties of the Board, our District Leadership Team, and the democratic process in your public comment:

- Please include your name and whether you are a resident of the District. - Please limit your comments to 2 minutes. Mrs. Crabtree will time the comments and raise her hand when the 2-minute mark is up at which time we ask you to wrap up your comments. - Please be factual and courteous, and do not include statements that are personally disrespectful or condescending to members of the Board or staff.


Eric Brown

Dave Ruggles

Becca Hauenstein

Jeff Weston

Kellen Brown

Amber Brown

Patrick McCoyd

Mike Brown

Bart Bonga

Kelley Gillenwater

Brad Clousing

Leslie Escobar

Harold Lonks


School Opening

Community members not attending this meeting in person, and who wanted to provide comments to the Board of Education, had the opportunity to send an email to the Board between the posting of this Agenda and 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept 9, 2020. All Board Members received and read these emails.

It was noted on the posted agenda that these emails were to include in the subject line that they were intended for acknowledgment at the September 9, 2020 Board of Education Meeting.

The community was thanked for their understanding of the need for this temporary procedure for the September 9, 2020 meeting and for their interest in providing feedback to the Board of Education.

The Board had received public comment emails from the following individuals which were acknowledged, but not read, during the meeting. These were documented in the Board Communications Log as a matter of public record.

Emails Sent By:

Traci Kantowski

Shawna Smith

Lex Burda


Reopening Feedback


Dr. Schuler reported the following:

∙ The ribbon-cutting at the new Jefferson Early Childhood Center took place at the end of last month. Principal Stephanie Mangini and her team were thanked for the amazing work they do.

∙ An email was received from the American Heart Association acknowledging Emerson staff member Jen Wecker and Principal Debby Klein, as well as Jefferson staff member Terri Donahue and Principal Stephanie Mangini for their support of the American Heart Association Kids Heart Challenge program at their schools during the 2019-20 school year.

∙ Dr. Schuler thanked everyone for getting the school year started in D200, as opening fifteen facilities for in-person instruction was no small feat. The start has not been without some issues, but we will continue to work through them. There has been an incredible effort from the entire district. It was noted there are 1300 students participating in the Virtual Academy at the elementary level.

There were questions or comments on the following:

∙ Without the community, Jefferson ECC would not be possible.

∙ The students showing up and advocating for different sides of issues have been impressive.


District 200 School Reopening 2020-21

The 2020-2021 school year resumed on September 1st, consistent with adjustments that were made to the District 200 Reopening Plan on August 14th. Elementary students began the school year with the option of in-person instruction on a modified day or the Virtual Academy. Middle and High School students started the year remotely. The adjustments to the original plan were made based on updated guidance from the Illinois Department of Public Health that adjusted the definition of close contact for contact tracing, adjusted the requirement for a return to school for a student or staff member with a symptom, adjusted cleaning protocols and response following an asymptomatic or confirmed case of COVID-19, and adjusted expectations for school exclusions. For many schools and districts, the adjusted expectations did not change the ability to open a school, but created serious challenges with the ability to remain open.

District 200 did open 15 schools on September 1st, along with welcoming students to instructional level special education programs. On Wednesday, the reopening update included a report of the first six days of school for the in-person programs. District Administrators also reviewed a Return to School Framework released by the DuPage County Health Department and the associated dashboard of the metrics identified in this plan. Administrators also discussed the impact of the first two items on Reopening Plans at the middle and high school and the specific planning being updated at those levels.

Dr. Schuler and the senior administrative staff presented an update on the District 200 School Reopening Update, which included information on the following:

∙ Background/Timeline

∙ The focus of the Update Tonight

o Timeline/criteria for return to in-person at the secondary level

o Update on current in-person experiences

o DuPage County Health Dept. Return to School Framework

o Plan adjustments in District 200

∙ Elementary In-Person School Update

o Thank you to the entire D200 team

o Elementary In-person – current day; in-person vs. virtual percentages shift o Welcome back to students on September 1st

o A focus on classroom community – relationships, health and safety expectations, learning

o Movement and show your smile breaks

o Responding and managing health-related issues

o By the numbers – Number of students: sent home requiring alternative diagnosis or negative test, quarantined due to close contact outside of school, certified staff quarantining due to close contact outside of school, confirmed positive COVID 19 cases

o Gratitude, hard work, kids first, love, joy, connection

∙ DuPage County Health Department Return to School Framework

o Released on 8/28/2020

o Interim Guidelines for DuPage County Schools

o DuPage County COVID-19 School Metric Guidance (minimal, moderate, substantial community transmission levels)

o DuPage County COVID-19 School Metrics (metrics being tracked, value, trend, and community transmission level by the metric)

∙ A Return to In-Person Learning at the Secondary Level – What needs to be reworked from original plans and why?

∙ Illinois Dept. of Public Health (IDPH) August 12 FAQ – impact on the hybrid model planned for secondary levels

∙ DuPage County School Metrics – Moderate community transmission level (orange) and guidance based on this level

∙ What Needs to be Reworked? – based on new guidance from IDPH FAQ and DuPage County Return to School Framework Moderate Community Transmission Level ∙ Additional Planning Elements

o Rework plans for Virtual Academy at HS level

o Fully preparing teachers for any instructional model used

∙ Secondary In-Person Assessment Date: Sept 23, 2020 Committee of the Whole Meeting 

o Assessing plan at the elementary level

o Reviewing current community transmission metrics

o Presenting new plans for secondary schools

There was additional information/comments on the following:

∙ There has been a lot of information, opinions, discussions on the reopening of schools. ∙ The goal has always been to reopen schools at all levels.

∙ Following the guidance of ISBE and IDPH as we rebuild reopening plans. ∙ The ability to open schools vs. the ability to keep schools open.

∙ The legitimate hurdles to keep schools open that were presented based on updated IDPH guidance that came out on August 12.

∙ The focus on getting the school year started after the revised plan on August 14. ∙ The decision to go to remote learning at the secondary level in August was a local decision, as are decisions to reopen those buildings in the future.

∙ Elementary in-person learning students are with their classroom for most of the day. ∙ The strong collaboration and continuous conversation between health staff, principals, teachers, and facilities staff to manage health-related issues.

∙ Starting in-person at the elementary level – one of the important hurdles to clear is to know this can be done as relates to dealing with a student who leaves with COVID symptoms – moving classroom so that it can be cleaned before students can return to that setting.

∙ Working with Assistant Principals and staff to reconnect with students that are not dialed in to ensure we are engaging all students.

∙ Metrics that are being specifically monitored – cases per 100,000, weekly case count trend, weekly youth (< 20 years old) case count trend, weekly test positively, and neighboring/regional indicator level.

∙ The dashboard is updated by the county every Friday afternoon.

∙ The health department would like to see a 2-week trend moving downward.

∙ The letter sent to the health department from the District/Board on August 10 asking if the community transmission metrics tell us if it is safe to reopen schools. The District has not received a response.

∙ Advocacy around the understanding of health metrics.

∙ According to the most recent DuPage County School Metrics – we are sitting at the moderate community transmission level (orange).

∙ The benefit of having our elementary schools in person for experience before going in person at the secondary level.

∙ Dashboard – there is a tool built in to search case levels by zip code.

There were comments and/or questions on the following:

∙ If a class has to be moved to clean, where are we moving them to?

∙ When can students and/or staff return after being sent home with a symptom(s)? ∙ How to ensure the District has enough substitutes?

∙ Providing coverage for specific/specialist subjects (i.e.: AP subjects at the HS level). ∙ The additional million dollars that were allocated to address these issues. ∙ Contact tracing process.

∙ Any redeployment of staff when other levels open for in-person instruction? How will this impact all levels?

∙ Health and mental health concerns; technology concerns.

∙ How to deal with mental health concerns for virtual academy students – teachers working hard to make connections; social work services are allocated.

∙ There will continue to be an aspect of virtual learning if we go to hybrid / in-person learning at the HS level.

∙ Have there been any issues with kids wearing masks/keeping masks on at the elementary level?

∙ Of the students that have been sent home at the elementary level, how is that distributed among the buildings?

∙ Clarification on “alternative diagnosis or COVID test” vs “alternative diagnosis and COVID test”.

∙ Proactive pieces to aid in alternative diagnosis.

∙ “Adaptive pause” – when should this occur as defined by specific metrics in the Return to School Framework?

∙ Request to reach out to other schools that have been open, particularly at the secondary level, to see how in-person instruction is going.

∙ Any collective effort with other local Superintendents/Districts to work together and advocate at the state level regarding this topic/reopening guidelines and decisions? ∙ DuPage vs other local counties – similar dashboards?

∙ The big picture – what we are all trying to do is to prevent the continuance/spread of COVID.

∙ Based on what needs to be reworked due to new guidance and current metrics, is the original hybrid model the starting point?

∙ Implementation turnaround based on Sept 23 presentation to the Board. ∙ Does Edgenuity remain a possibility at the HS level?

∙ Guidelines – following all, modifying some, and the ramifications of not following the guidelines (legal and other).

∙ Responsibility of the District vs. ignoring guidelines – and potential exposure. ∙ Building plans to comply with guidance – that is what was done at the elementary level.

Open Session Minutes – September 9, 2020 Page 6

∙ The potential phase-in approach of grade levels – requires the revision of the current remote bell schedule?

∙ This year is not going to be business as usual, it is going to be a moving thing – the need to ensure we are actively asking what is working and what is not working. ∙ Can you effectively track and trace and quarantine students with passing periods? ∙ Is there a tipping point if you have full participation at the hybrid level? ∙ Thinking out of the box – what can we learn from other school districts, not just in this local area, but other states as well?

∙ Block schedule – is this an option? Other potential ways to reduce the movement within buildings?

∙ 3-step process: When (information from the DuPage County Health Dept. tells us when), How (IDPH tells us how and what we have to do to live within that world), and How We Get There (the process of developing the plan and sharing with the Board how we get to that plan).

∙ Committed as a District and School Board to getting all levels to in-person learning.

The Board of Education received an update on the proactive practice and equity work at the June Board of Education Meeting. The work is aligned with the District Mission Statement to inspire, educate, challenge, and support all students to reach their highest level of learning and personal development. Additionally, the Board of Education heard the action steps that have been identified for 2020-2021. The District 200 Equity/Proactive Practices Work Plan priorities and timeline were reviewed at the July Board meeting. The Board recommended moving the discussion from the August agenda to the September agenda due to the importance of the subject and the late hour.

The Board and Administration continued discussion of the Equity/Proactive Practices Work Plan which was attached to the board report. The discussion included the following: 

∙ Dr. Schuler asked at the end of the July discussion some questions that needed direction: 

o The opening statement on the work plan – what is going to be done with that? 

o Does the Board want to revisit their belief statements and incorporate some reference to equity and proactive practices?

∙ The Administration has continued to move forward on elements of the work plan that has able to be put in place. Some are specifically tied to training opportunities in the future.

There were comments and/or questions on the following:

∙ Referencing gender identity in the opening statement of the work plan, as well as being explicit in calling out race and discrimination as an issue in the work plan? ∙ Is the equity task force going to be studying the work plan?

∙ The task force has started their work with a focus on the book “Suddenly Diverse: How School Districts Manage Race and Inequality” by Erica O Turner.

∙ Equity divide in a remote learning setting. The work plan was built when we were operating on a different premise of a school year.

∙ The strategies in place to ensure that the District crosses that digital divide in a remote setting – purchasing additional technology; moving to a 1:1 tech environment at all levels; purchasing additional hot spots and providing internet access.

∙ The role of the Board Equity/Proactive Practices Committee – overseeing progress in the entire equity plan, including finalization of the work plan document.

∙ How to bridge the gap that exists in the education environment?

Open Session Minutes – September 9, 2020 Page 7

∙ Scheduling an IASB Board Governance Workshop – the belief statements can be reviewed at that workshop.

∙ Communicating on the District 200 website that this work is happening. ∙ Communicating to students and the entire community that this is the ongoing work of the District and the Board.

∙ The opening statement is an umbrella way of tying all of the work together that is happening in the plan.

∙ Ensuring the Principals communicate to the students that we are aware of the concern over social justice and that there is work happening.

∙ Request for the Board to receive periodic updates as to where we are with the work plan. ∙ Potential town hall topic?

∙ The focus of this work must be on our students.

2020-21 Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC)

The Citizen’s Advisory Committee has been in existence for the last five years in District 200. It is an advisory committee comprised of members of the community, District staff, and Board of Education. CAC meets monthly and follows all requirements of the Open Meetings Act as it discusses and receives community input on topics identified by the Board of Education and Members of CAC. The group has always met in person at the School Service Center. The format of CAC will have to be considered for this year given the guidelines for physical distancing and school operations in place at the current time. Three options have been considered for the operation of CAC this year.

1. Meet In-Person - The meeting format and logistics would need to be adjusted for this option to maintain physical distancing and ensure all requirements inside of our school buildings are followed.

2. Meet Electronically - Given the requirements under OMA, meeting electronically would mean that all expectations under the temporary guidance for meeting absent a physical quorum would need to be followed.

3. Delay Start of CAC - The start date for CAC could be delayed until concerns with either of the first two options could be addressed.

The administration surveyed returning and new members of CAC on the three options identified above. Dr. Schuler summarized the feedback and solicited the Board’s feedback for the operation of CAC this year, which included the following:

∙ CAC has not met this year.

∙ If the decision is made to meet in person, the logistics to do so would have to be solved. It would not be possible to meet in the Board room of the SSC due to the size of the committee and the room.

∙ Committee members have expressed a willingness to meet in person, socially distant. ∙ If the decision is made to meet via Zoom, the link would need to be made available and published.

∙ Delaying the start – to see if we arrive at a time when restrictions are lifted? ∙ It is clear from the survey results that the committee wants to work.

There were comments and/or questions on the following:

∙ What topics are going to be addressed? Dr. Schuler noted that last year’s committee got two-thirds of the way through the equity discussion before the COVID shutdown; and imagining the reopening of schools would be a topic.

Open Session Minutes – September 9, 2020 Page 8

∙ This committee brings people together and feels strongly that it should be kept intact, even if that means keeping meetings via electronic means.

∙ Some hesitation over the in-person vs. the remote option.

The consensus of the board was to move forward with the committee, most likely starting in an electronic environment.


Reopening Update: Focus on Special Populations

E-Learning was implemented by District 200 schools beginning on March 17, 2020, in response to the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. On April 17, in-person instruction was suspended for the remainder of the school year by Governor Pritzker. In May, District 200 formed a reopening team comprised of administrators, teachers, and a member of the Board of Education to develop

plans for reopening school in 2020-2021. The reopening team contains eight sub-teams each dedicated to the many facets to reopening school in 2020-2021. On June 23 the Illinois State Board of Education released requirements and recommendations for schools to resume in-person learning this fall while keeping students, and staff safe and healthy. The guidance continues to evolve through clarification provided by ISBE, the Illinois Department of Public Health, and the DuPage County Health Department. The reopening plans were presented to the Board of Education on July 8, 2020, July 29, and August 12, 2020 meetings.

Plans developed by the administrative team for students with disabilities and English Learners were reviewed and presented by Ms. Erica Ekstrom, Director of Special Education, and Dr. Limaris Pueyo, Director of English Learner Program & Equity. This Reopening Update: Focus on Special Populations presentation included information on the following:

∙ Five Guiding Questions

∙ 1) What is the instructional guidance from the IL State Board of Education for students with disabilities and English Learners?

o ISBE Guidance – documents provided to school districts through the summer 

∙ 2) How did District 200 prepare for 2020-2021 for these special populations? 

o Special Education summer reopening committee

o English Learners summer reopening committee

∙ 3) What are District 200’s plans for instruction for students with disabilities? o Programming for Special Education

o Early Childhood Services

o Elementary Special Education In-Person Services

o Middle & High School Specialized Instructional In-Person Services

o Transition Building In-Person Services

o Out-of-District Programming

o Remote Learning/Virtual Academy

∙ 4) What are District 200’s plans for instruction for English Learners?

o Programming for English Learners

o Early Childhood English Learners In-Person

o Elementary English Learners In-Person

o Middle School In-Person Planning

o High School In-Person Planning

o Implementation Timeline

o Virtual Academy/Remote Learning

∙ 5) What are the next steps in our planning for 2020-2021?

o Next Steps

o Questions?

There was additional information/comments on the following:

∙ All Illinois school districts are required to continue to meet all timelines and mandates related to the Individuals with Disabilities Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, and Title III.

∙ The makeup of both the Special Education and the English Learners (EL) summer reopening committees and sub-committees.

∙ Recognizing that the “one size fits all” model will not meet the needs of all students with disabilities.

∙ Families can expect both increased synchronous and asynchronous services for interventions, special education instruction, and related services.

∙ Ensuring our students receive best practices special education services for those students in a remote learning/Virtual Academy environment.

∙ Teachers using ACCESS or screener scores to differentiate instruction and create instructional plans based on students’ linguistic needs.

∙ Communicating with parents/guardians in their native language.

∙ EL students who are enrolled in Virtual Academy are clustered with teachers who hold an ESL or Bilingual endorsement.

There were questions or comments on the following:

∙ The process for teachers (and parents) to bring up concerns to a team regarding a student and to determine if a 504 plan is needed – are there systems in place for that process in the current remote/virtual academy environment?

∙ It was noted the Virtual Academy teachers are continuing to meet collaboratively – weekly PLC meetings, etc.

∙ The criteria and state eligibility for the various categories.

∙ Synchronous vs. Asynchronous instruction for services provided – this depends and families will know the exact breakdown of services based upon IELP for the individual student.

∙ Outplaced students – obligation to make sure the needs are being met whether in person or therapeutic out-of-district placements.

∙ Impressed by the services that are being offered and delivered by the staff.


1. Acceptance of Gifts from Hubble Middle School PTA – Recommend acceptance of gifts from Hubble PTA as presented.

2. Approval of the Renewal of Scantron Achievement Series & Analytics Subscriptions – Recommend approval of the renewal of Scantron Achievement Series & Analytics subscriptions as presented.

3. Approval of Occupancy Permit for the ROE for Jefferson Early Childhood Center – Recommend approval of occupancy permit for the ROE for Jefferson ECC as presented. 4. Approval of Annual Vendor Contracts Generating Revenue – Recommend approval of annual vendor contracts generating revenue as presented.

5. Approval of Modification to the Tuition-Based Fees – Recommend approval of a modification to the tuition-based fees as presented.

6. Approval of Change Orders for 2020 Summer Construction Projects – Recommend approval of change orders for 2020 summer construction projects as presented.

7. Approval of Change Order for Furniture for the new Jefferson Early Childhood Center – Recommend approval of change order for furniture for the new Jefferson ECC as presented.

8. Approval of Statements of Completion for Summer 2020 Capital Improvement Work throughout the District – Recommend approval of statements of completion for summer 2020 capital improvement work as presented.

9. Approval of Bills Payable and Payroll – Recommend approval of the bills payable and payroll as presented.

10. Approval of Minutes – August 12, 2020, Open, August 19, 2020, Special Meeting Open, and Approval to Destroy Recordings of Closed Sessions Prior to April 2019 As Allowable by Law – Recommend approval of the minutes as presented and approval to destroy recordings of closed sessions prior to April 2019 as allowable by law.

11. Approval of Personnel Report to Include Employment, Resignation, Retirement, and Leave of Absence of Administrative, Certified, Classified and Non-Union Staff – Recommend approval of the personnel report as presented.

There were no questions and/or discussion.


Member Hanlon moved, Member Long seconded to accept the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: AYE 7, NAY 0.

The motion carried 7-0.


1. Approval of Revised Policy 4:150 Facility Management and Building Programs – Recommend approval of revised policy 4:150 as presented.

2. Approval to Post Revised Policy 2:220 Board of Education Meeting Procedure for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 2:220 for public review and comment as presented.

3. Approval to Post Revised Policy 2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 2:260 for public review and comment as presented.

4. Approval to Post New Policy 2:265 Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post new policy 2:265 for public review and comment as presented.

5. Approval to Post Rewritten Policy 4:180 Pandemic Preparedness; Management; and Recovery for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post rewritten policy 4:180 for public review and comment as presented.

6. Approval to Post Revised Policy 5:10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 5:10 for public review and comment as presented.

7. Approval to Post Revised Policy 5:20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 5:20 for public review and comment as presented.

8. Approval to Post Revised Policy 5:100 Staff Development Program for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 5:100 for public review and comment as presented.

9. Approval to Post Revised Policy 5:220 Substitute Teachers for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 5:220 for public review and comment as presented.

10. Approval to Post Revised Policy 5:330 Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 5:330 for public review and comment as presented.

11. Approval to Post Revised Policy 7:10 Equal Educational Opportunities for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 7:10 for public review and comment as presented.

12. Approval to Post Revised 7:20 Harassment of Students Prohibited for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 7:20 for public review and comment as presented.

13. Approval to Post Revised Policy 7:180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 7:180 for public review and comment as presented.

14. Approval to Post Revised Policy 7:185 Teen Dating Violence Prohibited for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 7:185 for public review and comment as presented.

15. Approval to Post Revised Policy 7:190 Student Behavior for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 7:190 for public review and comment as presented.

16. Approval to Post Revised Policy 7:340 Student Records for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 7:340 for public review and comment as presented.

17. Approval to Post New Policy 7:345 Use of Educational Technologies; Student Data Privacy and Security for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post new policy 7:345 for public review and comment as presented.

There were questions and/or discussion on the following:

∙ The Board HR/Policy committee met and reviewed the recommended policy updates/new policies.

∙ #5 Rewritten Policy 4:180 Pandemic Preparedness – the remote learning plan going forward will need to be approved by the Board.

∙ #6 Policy 5:10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment – this does not mention gender identity as policy 7:10 does; suggestion to contact PRESS. ∙ #17 New Policy 7:345 Use of Educational Technologies; Student Data Privacy and Security – footnote mention on staff cybersecurity training.


Member Hanlon moved, Member Booton seconded to accept the Policy Posting Consent Agenda as presented. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: AYE 7, NAY 0. The motion carried 7-0.


Approval of Resolution to Adopt the 2020-21 Budget

The Illinois School Code, ch. 105, ILCS 5/17-1, requires the Board of Education to adopt an annual budget within the first quarter of each fiscal year (by September 30). A 30-day public inspection period and a public hearing must precede the budget adoption. The 2020-21 tentative budget has been available for public inspection since July 8, 2020, and a public hearing was held on August 12, 2020.

The final 2020-21 Budget document to be filed with the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) and Regional Office of Education was attached to the board report. The ISBE Budget Form includes the TRS on-behalf payments made by the state and the activity accounts as now required. The 2020-21 operating budget is balanced.

Dr. Schuler introduced Mr. Bill Farley, Assistant Superintendent for Business Operations, who provided the Board with an update on the budget. The following was noted: ∙ The adoption of the budget by the Board is the final step in a process that began in January 2020 with the passing of a resolution to begin the budget cycle.

∙ Since the time of the posting, a lot has happened. Mr. Farley detailed final budget changes that were made to the transportation fund, operations and maintenance fund, education fund, and the operating budget.

∙ This marks the 11th consecutive year with a balanced budget in District 200.

There were questions/comments/discussion on the following:

∙ Clarification/definition of EBF (evidence-based funding) – former General State Aid (GSA).

∙ Salaries – projections used; the impact of going to full in-person learning (one-year staff hires).

∙ Contingency Costs – included in the Operations and Maintenance Fund and the Education Fund, total of $1.6 million has been added to cover additional expenses related to COVID-19.

It was recommended that the Board approve the resolution to adopt the final 2020-21 Budget as presented.


Member Mathieson moved, Member Ericksen seconded that the Board of Education approve the resolution to adopt the final 2020-21 budget as presented. Upon a roll call being taken, the vote was: AYE 7, NAY 0. The motion carried 7-0.


Monthly Financial Reports

FOIA Report

ELC Construction Update

Board Communication Log

Teacher and Administrator Compensation Reports


Board Committee Report

Meeting notes were attached to the Board report for the Board Human Resources/Policy Committee.

Other Reports from Board Members

∙ The Board has received its 5th consecutive School Board Governance Award. Thank you to all those sitting around the table. The Board will be honored at the virtual IASB DuPage Division Dinner in November.

∙ Thank you to our local law enforcement staff – there was an officer at elementary buildings on the first day of school. Illinois Central Bus Co. also had a staff member at buildings to assist with the first day of school.

∙ It was great to see kids on the first day of school – they were happy to be there. ∙ Memorial Park Rally – informative; impressed by the students that spoke. ∙ Equity Task Force had their second meeting last week. There was a good discussion.

There is also a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Council that is a community-led group that Member Long has participated in. There is some crossover with members.

Open Session Minutes – September 9, 2020 Page 13

∙ The “Suddenly Diverse” book that is being used by the Equity Task Force was brought to the committee by Dr. Marcus Croom.


District 200 Reopening Plans 2020-21


September 23, 2020, Committee of the Whole, 7:00 PM, Hubble Middle School


October 14, 2020, 7:00 PM, Hubble Middle School

PUBLIC COMMENTS – Non-Agenda Items




There being no further business to come before the Board in Open Session, Member Crabtree moved, Member Ericksen seconded to adjourn the meeting. Upon a voice call being taken, all were in favor and the motion carried 7-0.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:47 PM.
