
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Harrisburg City Council Met October 1


City of Harrisburg City Council met Oct. 1.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The Harrisburg City Council met at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Room of City Hall, Harrisburg IL.

Mayor John McPeek called the meeting to order. Mayor John McPeek presided over the meeting with Commissioners Rupert Johnson, Roger Angelly, and Ron Morse answering roll call. Commissioner Raymond Gunning was absent.

Pastor Jerry Wells from Dorrisville Social Brethren Church led the group in prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Ron Morse made the motion to approve the consent agenda.

Public Hearing Minutes – September 17, 2020

Regular Meeting Minutes – September 17, 2020

Warrant Reports & Check Register – September 2020

Bryant Construction - $118,403.00 – 2014 Watermain Phase I – Final

Brown & Roberts Inc. - $5,217.91 – 2014 Watermain Phase I – Design Engineering Bill

Brown & Roberts Inc. - $2,799.69 – GIS Updating

Wiggs Excavating Inc. - $86,151.76 – 2014 Watermain Phase II

Brown & Roberts Inc. - $11,353.01 – 2014 Watermain Phase II

Van Ewell - $1,400.00 – #696715 - Water/Sewer Office – TIF

D & S Heating and Air Inc. - $850.00 - Water/Sewer Office – TIF

Barnes Lumber - $5,396.23 - #505767 - Water/Sewer Office – TIF

Barnes Lumber - $83.15 - #505844 - Water/Sewer Office – TIF

Barnes Lumber - $18.30 - #505952 - Water/Sewer Office – TIF

Barnes Lumber - $17.99 - #506137 - Water/Sewer Office – TIF

Barnes Lumber - $69.98 - #506056 - Water/Sewer Office – TIF

Sargent Electric - $3,509.11 - #0941 - Water/Sewer Office – TIF 

Harrisburg Lake:

Relinquish – Ryan Prather – 4th Addition, Lot 15

Petition – Steve & Sadie Quertermous – 4th Addition, Lot 15

Petition – Steve Quertermous & Sam Brazell – 4th Addition, Lot 16

Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek opened sealed bids for surplus property from the Police Department. For the 2004 Ford Crown Victoria, a sealed bid from Dakota McGowen was received for $150.00 and a sealed bid from Ron Shadix was received for $651.00. Commissioner Ron Morse made the motion to accept the bid from Ron Shadix for the 2004 Ford Crown Victoria for $651.00. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek opened sealed bids for surplus property from the Police Department. For the 2009 Ford Crown Victoria, a sealed bid from Dakota McGowen was received for $200.00 and a sealed bid from Ron Shadix was received for $1,001.00. Commissioner Roger Angelly made the motion to accept the bid from Ron Shadix for the 2009 Ford Crown Victoria for $1,001.00. Seconded by Commissioner Ron Morse. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek stated the bid for the 2007 Ford Crown Victoria has been pulled. This vehicle will be used for parts.

Mayor John McPeek stated the City has six properties that still need to be demolished. Commissioner Roger Angelly said he will get with Superintendent Kenny Mayhall to get those properties demolished. Commissioner Roger Angelly said the property at Hobson/Longley has held up the other projects. The City is waiting to hear back from IEPA for the approval of the demolition permit.

Mayor John McPeek and Council discussed the brick street at Vine Street. There was a small portion that had to be dug up by Wiggs Excavating for the 2014 Watermain Phase II project. After a discussion, the Council agreed to replace the portion with colored concrete to match the bricks. This area is a walk way/cross walk so replacing it with smooth concrete will be more beneficial rather than replacing the area with bricks.

Jim Brown with Brown and Roberts Inc. presented Council with a final change order from Bryant Construction. This change order is an adjustment of quantities and is a decrease of ($5,964.11). Commissioner Roger Angelly made the motion to accept final Change Order 19-035-11 in the amount of ($5,964.11). Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Attorney Kolby Smithpeters presented a resolution from Illinois Department of Transportation. This resolution is in conjunction with the previous purchase of property at Feazel and US 45. They are requesting this parcel in order to install the new culvert and they will then maintain this area. Commissioner Roger Angelly made the motion to approve Resolution 20-1001 for Parcel 9033216 at US 45 and Feazel. Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Alex Watkins presented Ordinance for the Local Cure Program. The City of Harrisburg is eligible to participate in this program. The City can be reimbursed for items pertaining to COVID-19. Commissioner Ron Morse made the motion to approve Ordinance 1817 pertaining to the Local Cure Program. Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek stated Kyle Wahl from the Town Square Pub has applied for the Façade Improvement Program. The East wall of his building needs tuck pointing and his will be fixing the exterior door and framing. Once the work is completed, he will submit his receipts and the City will reimburse him up to $2,500.00 for the work done to his building. This is a great program for business owners. Commissioner Roger Angelly made the motion to approve the Façade Improvement Program Grant Application from the Town Square Pub. Seconded by Commissioner Ron Morse. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek stated the Police Officer Recognition will be held during the next council meeting.

Mayor John McPeek stated as we all know, Malan Junior High School has been a thorn in the community’s side for a significant amount of time. In discussions with John Southerland, we have determined that the roof will not make it through the winter. This means when the roof collapses, it could send asbestos and other hazardous substances to other parts of the building. This will in turn increase the overall cost of remediation. We need to act now as this will only cause the City to incur greater financial and legal responsibility.

The cost for asbestos and hazardous material abatement is $288,500.00. The project coordination will cost $26,000.00. The total cost for remediation, excluding demolition will be $314,500.00. The City can utilize funds from its Downtown TIF District to finance the project and complete in 2020. This will likely deplete the account with only $377,000 currently in the account. The newly established Harrisburg Business District will allow for funds to be allocated to the area and businesses within the area when the situation warrants. The new Business District will reimburse the Downtown TIF for this project.

Commissioner Roger Angelly asked if this project had been bid. Mayor John McPeek stated this projected was bid in 2018 and this is the bid which was accepted. They are going to honor the bid dollar for dollar from 2018.

John McPeek made the motion to approve to have the asbestos and hazardous material removed from Malan Junior High at the price of $314,500.00. Seconded by Commissioner Ron Morse. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Roger Angelly announced the Water/Sewer Office has been moved from City Hall to 120 Veterans Drive. Everything went really well. Mayor John McPeek stated they moved the payment office to the existing Water/Sewer Maintenance building. The City did not build a new building.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson reminded citizens about Fall Clean Up. It started September 28 and will continue until October 10, 2020. Items can be put out on the curb or drop off at the end of Veterans Drive. Please call 618-252-4302. After October 10, the dumpster will be removed it and it will return to yard/tree limb site only.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson discussed the Mill Street extension with council. He would like to extend to road out to Park Street. He asked Jim Brown from Brown and Roberts Inc. to give different options with this extension. Mayor John McPeek stated Superintendent Kenny Mayhall will get with Jim Brown to show him a map of what needs to be done. Commissioner Roger Angelly would like to see where the building will sit. If the City is going to do the work, he would like to see where the building will go. He does not want to spend the money if the building is not going to be sitting on Mill Street. Citizen Wes Sherrod said the property has been purchased and he is happy to show him the plans.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson made the motion to authorize Brown & Roberts, Inc to compile the project estimates and funding options for the street improvements regarding the Mill Street extension up to Park Street. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson announced Illinois Youth Center donated 14.2 acres to the City of Harrisburg. They have asked we designated 10-12 cemetery plots for the facility. Commissioner Rupert Johnson thanked Senator Dale Fowler for his help in getting this property donated to the City of Harrisburg. Mayor John McPeek thanked the Illinois Youth Center for the donation. Commissioner Ron Morse said those plots are designated to inmates who do not have any family to bury them.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson made the motion to authorize Brown & Roberts Inc. to finalize a detailed survey of the Illinois Youth Center Property. Seconded by Commissioner Ron Morse. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek stated some new trash cans have been place on the square. He asked the citizens to Step-Up and Clean-Up our town.

Mayor John McPeek announced the City, along with Harrisburg Medical Center, will be hosting their third movie night on October 02, 2020. We will be showing Hocus Pocus at 7:00 p.m. There will be live entertainment starting at 6:00 p.m. Social Distancing requirements will be enforced.

Mayor John McPeek said the City is partnering with area businesses and organizations to grow the City’s community engagement movement forward. We will be hosting Boo in the Burg on October 29, 2020.

The City of Harrisburg will be having trick-or-treat on October 31 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The new guidelines will be posted on the City Facebook page.

Citizen Sharon Vandenburg asked about her sidewalk. She stated that if she does not have the sidewalk in a couple of weeks, she is going to take her sledge hammer out there and bust it up, and she will contact the news media. Mayor John McPeek said several people have looked at the sidewalk and it does not seem to be in bad shape and it is was not damaged due to the water project. Commissioner Rupert Johnson said he has her on the list to replace her portion of the sidewalk. She was asked not to damage the sidewalk. She asked that something be done about the dog on Granger and O’Gara Street.

Commissioner Roger Angelly made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Adjourn: 6:32 p.m.
