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Fairfield Public School District #112 Board of Education Met November 16

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Fairfield Public School District #112 Board of Education met Nov. 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of Fairfield Public School District No. 112, Wayne County, Illinois, held in the District Board Room, 200 West Center, Fairfield, Illinois, on Monday, November 16, 2020.

AGENDA #1 – Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by President Dan Coomer, who directed the Secretary to call the roll.

AGENDA #2 – Roll Call – The Secretary called the roll and the following members answered to their names as called and were found to be present:

Carrie Newman, Scott Foster, Angie Koontz, Jason McCulley, Amy Sager, Shane Neuman, Dan Coomer

Members Absent: None

There being a quorum present, the President declared the Board of Education to be in session for the transaction of business.

OTHERS PRESENT: E. Scott England, Superintendent; April Smith, Center Street Principal; Kristina Gardner, North Side Principal; Tim King, Kings Financial; Tom Mathews, Jr., Wayne County Press; Rhonda Clark, employee.

AGENDA #3 – Citizens – Non-Agenda Items. None.

AGENDA #4 – Approval of the Minutes – A motion was made by member Jason McCulley that the Board of Education minutes for the Regular Meeting held on Monday, October 19, 2020 be approved as prepared and made available to all Board of Education members. The motion was seconded by member Amy Sager, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Dan Coomer, Scott Foster, Carrie Newman, Jason McCulley, Shane Neuman, Angie Koontz, Amy Sager

Members Absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

AGENDA #5 – Financial Reports

5.1 Treasurer’s Report – The Treasurer’s Report, dated October 31, 2020, was presented as follows:

Education Fund                       $3,430,300.24

Building Fund                             $453,831.14

Debt Services Fund                     $52,047.84

Transportation Fund                  $118,473.84

IMRF Fund                                   $63,039.27

Working Cash Fund                   $183,938.15

Tort Fund                                   $300,729.53

Fire Prevention/Safety Fund     $195,908.89

Total                                       $4,798,268.90

5.2 Salaries – Member Shane Neuman made a motion that the salaries for the District for the month of November 2020, be approved and ordered paid. The motion was seconded by member Carrie Newman, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Shane Neuman, Carrie Newman, Amy Sager, Angie Koontz, Dan Coomer, Scott Foster, Jason McCulley

Members Absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

5.3 Bills – Current bills, as listed, were presented for payment. After examination of the listed bills, Member Scott Foster made a motion to approve the bills for payment. The motion was seconded by member Jason McCulley, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Shane Neuman, Angie Koontz, Jason McCulley, Dan Coomer, Carrie Newman, Scott Foster

Members Absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

AGENDA #6 – Superintendent’s Report

6.1 Revenue Expenditure Report

Dr. England reported to the Board that 22% of revenue has been taken in while we have had 35% expenditures.

6.2 Food Service Report

Dr. England reported to the Board that the food service balance is a little over $43,000 in the black.

6.3 Transportation Report

Dr. England reported that only one bus had significant repairs for the month of October.

6.4 Parent/Teacher Conference Results

Dr. England reported on the number of conferences held compared to number of appointments that were not kept. The Board also had a chance to view survey data and feedback from parents and staff regarding conferences.

6.5 School Report Card/School Rating

Dr. England presented the school report card and school rating update. Since mandated testing was not held last year, everything for the report card and school rating was a carry over.

6.6 Tentative Tax Levy

Dr. England presented the tentative tax levy with an increase of 4.77%.

6.7 IMRF 6.72 Resolution

Dr. England explained a recent IMRF audit found that we did not have the IMRF 6.72 resolution on file to do proper Section 125 deductions. He recommended the Board adopt this resolution.

6.8 Insurance Renewal

Dr. England presented the insurance renewal to the Board which is a $6,239 increase to the premium, an increase of 8.61%.

6.9 Resolution of Intent to Issue Working Cash Fund Bonds

Dr. England invited Tim King to talk to the Board on the issuance of new bonds for the total amount of $2.5 million Working Cash Fund Bonds.

AGENDA #7 – Principals’ Reports 7.1 North Side School

Mrs. Gardner reported that parent teacher conferences went well. Picture Day was last Friday and included in person and distant learners. PTO is planning on having the Santa Shop in December with new provisions to accommodate the pandemic.

7.2 Center Street School

Mrs. Smith reported that the Christmas Choir and Band concert will be recorded to be broadcasted at a later date. Parent Teacher conferences were a success. Center Street has been hosting AR parties for 4th-6th grade students. There are currently 29 students on distant learning and another 30 in quarantine. Finally, Mrs. Smith congratulated Ella Sager for winning state in Cross Country this year.

AGENDA #8 – Board Members Request/Report

Shane Neuman will attend the WOVSED board meeting on Tuesday, November 17, 2020.

AGENDA #9 – Action Items

9.1 A motion was made by member Shane Neuman to approve the tentative tax levy as presented by the Superintendent and place it on display in the District office until the December board meeting. The motion was seconded by member Jason McCulley, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Scott Foster, Jason McCulley, Dan Coomer, Carrie Newman, Shane Neuman, Angie Koontz

Members Absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

9.2 A motion was made by member Amy Sager to approve the insurance as presented to the Board by the Superintendent. The motion was seconded by member Carrie Newman, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Shane Neuman, Amy Sager, Dan Coomer, Jason McCulley, Angie Koontz, Scott Foster, Carrie Newman

Members Absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

9.3 A motion was made by member Amy Sager to approve the IMRF 6.72 Resolution as presented. The motion was seconded by member Shane Neuman, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Dan Coomer, Scott Foster, Angie Koontz, Jason McCulley, Carrie Newman, Amy Sager, Shane Neuman

Members Absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

9.4 A motion was made by member Jason McCulley to approve the said resolution as presented and read by title to be adopted. The motion was seconded by member Shane Neuman, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Angie Koontz, Scott Foster, Jason McCulley, Dan Coomer, Shane Neuman, Carrie Newman

Members Absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

AGENDA #10 – Closed Session to Discuss Information Regarding Appointment, Employment, Retirement, or Dismissal of an Employee, Labor Relations, Collective Negotiations, Litigation, and Student Discipline (5ILCS 120/2a) A motion was not made that the Board enter Closed Session.

AGENDA #13 – Information Items.

Dr. England read a thank you card from a former employee who had a mother pass away. Dr. England informed the Board he was engaging in talks with an architect now that the bond issuance was underway.

AGENDA #14 – Adjournment

A motion was made by member Shane Neuman that the meeting adjourn at 6:46 P.M. The motion was seconded by member Amy Sager, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Scott Foster, Amy Sager, Carrie Newman, Angie Koontz, Dan Coomer, Shane Neuman, Jason McCulley

Members Absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.
