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Carmi White County Community Unit School District 5 Board of Education Met November 16

Webp meeting 06

Carmi White County Community Unit School District 5 Board of Education met Nov. 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the board of education of Carmi-White County Community Unit District No. 5 was held via conference call. The meeting was called to order by President Andy Acord at 7:00 p.m.


Those present were board members Acord, Fulkerson, Hammell, Hoskins, Mitchell, and Scates. Others present were Superintendent Brad Lee; Amy Atteberry, Washington Attendance Center principal; Dr. Amy Dixon, Jefferson and Lincoln Attendance Centers principal; Bart King, junior high school principal; Jarrod Newell, high school principal; Kathy Price, Brownsville Attendance Center Principal; Lacey Moore, Elementary Dean of Students; Todd Haley, Junior/Senior High School Dean of Students; Krista McLaren, Kemper CPA; Justin Miller, School Financial Services; Jessica Lamont, parent; Rachel Blazier, unit secretary; J.C. Tinsley (WROY); Len Wells (The Carmi Chronicle), and Robert Beskow (Carmi Hometown Register).


Consent agenda items were presented to the board for its approval as follows:

1. Minutes of the October 19, 2020 regular board meeting.

2. Leave of Absence Request

Danielle Kuhlmann has requested a leave of absence beginning March 22, 2021 through the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year. She will be utilizing accumulated sick days and plans to return to work on the first day of the 2021- 2022 school year.

It was recommended that the board of education approve the request of Danielle Kuhlmann for a leave of absence beginning March 22, 2021, utilizing accumulated sick days. She plans to return to work on the first day of the 2021- 2022 school year.

3. Resignations

Cassandra Hunsinger has submitted a letter of resignation as a Special Education Individual Aide at the Carmi-White County High School effective November 3, 2020.

Bailey Winters has submitted a letter of resignation as the Carmi-White County High School Assistant Softball Coach effective immediately.

It was recommended that the board of education accept the letter of resignation of Cassandra Hunsinger as a Special Education Individual Aide at the Carmi- White County High School effective November 3, 2020 and accept the letter of resignation of Bailey Winters as the Carmi-White County High School Assistant Softball Coach effective immediately.

4. Donations

Carmi-White County C.U.S.D. #5 has been the recipient of the following donation in support of the purchase of ActivPanels for the district:

Absher Charitable Foundation Inc.. $66,470.00 

TOTAL DONATION. $66,470.00

Brownsville Attendance Center has been the recipient of the following donation in support of its program:

Knights of Columbus

c/o Dean Dietz. $500.00



In line with board policy, it was recommended that the board of education accept the donations noted above.

Motion by Hammell, second by Fulkerson, that recommendations for consent agenda items as follows:

1. Minutes of October 19, 2020 regular board meeting

2. Leave of Absence

3. Resignations

4. Donations

be approved. Roll call vote: Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Acord, yes. Motion carried.


An additional list of bills was presented to the board of education for its consideration and approval.

Motion by Hoskins, second by Mitchell, that the bills for the month of October 2020 be approved as listed. Roll call vote: Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Acord, yes. Motion carried.


The treasurer’s report for the month of October 2020 was read as follows: Education Fund, $2,320,568; Building Fund, $563,373; Debt Service Fund, $176,373; Transportation Fund, $490,007; Municipal Retirement Fund, $340,064; Capital Projects, $888,603; Working Cash Fund, $101,636; Tort Fund, $375,494; Fire Prevention and Safety Fund, $192,816; and Imprest Fund, $7,500. Investments by Fund: Education Fund, $4,000,000; Capital Projects, $1,000,000; and Working Cash Fund, $425,000.

Superintendent Lee provided board members a breakdown of revenue for October 2020 by fund account. The Education Fund received $518,620 in Evidence Based Funding and included revenue from Title programs, special education tuition, and Corporate Replacement Tax for a total of $901,950 in the Education Fund. The Transportation Fund received $89,232. The 1% Sales Tax received $53,495. The grand total of revenue in October was $1,044,677.

Motion by Fulkerson, second by Hammell, that the treasurer’s report for the month of October 2020 be approved as read. Roll call vote: Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Acord, yes. Motion carried.


Superintendent Lee reported the following items to the board:


Once again this year, evening parent/teacher conferences were held during October. We appreciate the extra efforts by our staff to conduct the conferences this year and give parents and guardians the opportunity to talk with their child’s teacher(s).


The fall meeting of the Wabash and Ohio Valley Special Education District governing board is scheduled for Tuesday, November 17, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at the Hood Center in Norris City. Each school district in the nine-county WOVSED cooperative is represented by one member of the board of education. The Carmi-White County Unit 5 representative is Mrs. Barb Mitchell.


This fall our student athletes were able to compete in boys’/girls’ cross country, boys’/girls’ golf, and girls’ tennis. The fall school sports seasons are officially completed. Congratulations were extended to all of the fall athletic teams and coaches for their efforts and positive representation of the district.


Students at Washington Attendance Center participated in a service project leading up to Veteran’s Day. This was the 4th year for the “Sweats for Vets Drive”. Students and staff collected approximately one thousand two hundred ninety-four items, including sweatshirts, sweatpants, socks, thermal underwear, slippers, gloves, hats, pajamas, blankets and t-shirts. These items are to be delivered to the VA Hospital in Marion.


The Illinois State Board of Education Nutrition Department recently shared that the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced a waiver extension that will allow schools to operate Summer Meals Programs through the end of the 2020-2021 school year. This will allow free meals for all students through June 30, 2021.


Each year November 15 is recognized as “School Board Members Day” in Illinois. This day was to recognize these public servants for their commitment and contributions. Mr. Lee thanked the Unit #5 board members for their service and dedication to our schools and community.


The Absher Charitable Foundation donated $66,470 to C-WC #5 for the purchase of 20 ActivPanels. These will replace active boards and smart boards throughout the district that are no longer functional. Superintendent Lee thanked First Bank President Nikki Roser and CEO Al Fritschle for their role in helping secure this donation.

8. 2020 TAX LEVY

To date, the district has only received an approximate EAV for property values in 2019. Therefore, Superintendent Lee hopes to have final numbers at the December meeting in order to set a levy for 2020.


Due to the decline of state revenues during this pandemic, along with the graduated income tax not passing in the November election, the district is being told to expect a decrease in State Funding for FY21 and FY22. The district can expect a 5% cut in funding for this year and a 10% decrease for next year.


Superintendent Lee gave an update concerning the recent conflicting guidance from the IHSA and IDPH regarding participation in the basketball season. The IHSA sanctions all activity sports. On October 28, the IHSA opted to go forward with the basketball season, about 24 hours after Governor Pritzker held a board meeting to discuss the subject and decreed that basketball season should be delayed on grounds of it becoming a high-risk sport. Governor Pritzker has stated that school districts that decide to continue with the basketball season could face legal liability. The ISBE sent out a letter that implied school districts that opted to play could face the loss of funding and opens schools up to liability. Governor Pritzker said that basketball should move to the spring. This would be the same season that football and volleyball are scheduled to be played.

The Illinois High School Association (IHSA) Board of Directors held a virtual meeting on November 11, 2020 to review recent developments related to the IHSA basketball season ahead of the Board’s regularly scheduled meeting on November 19, 2020. The Board announced that they are formally inviting representatives from Governor Pritzker’s Office and the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) to attend the IHSA Board meeting on November 19. Additionally, the IHSA will also seek representation at the meeting from the Illinois Principals Association (IPA), the Illinois Association of School Administrators (IASA), and a coalition of nearly 200 school superintendents who recently contacted the Governor regarding school sports during the 2020-21 school year.

Superintendent Lee contacted the school attorney who responded that his advice is that school districts follow the IDPH guidelines and any relevant ISBE guidance. So long as the district is doing what those agencies recommend, the risk of liability is low. Failure to follow that guidance, however, could have serious negative consequences.

Superintendent Lee said that he feels like all the other districts in the area to put this decision on hold until the meeting on November 19. Mr. Newell agreed that the district should wait and see what decisions are made at the November 19 meeting.


Superintendent Lee opened the meeting up for any building administrators that wanted to address the board. Mr. Newell reiterated how much his team appreciates the students, staff and families in doing what it takes to make a school day successful. Mr. King discussed the absence of seven bus drivers at the same time with notification not until 10:30 a.m. on a school day. Building administrators, teachers and staff all began making phone calls to parents asking if anyone could pick up their own student(s) that day to please do so. He was very thankful for all the parents’ support. Superintendent Lee commended the district’s staff. He said that everybody has really gone above and beyond during these difficult times.


Kemper CPA is in the process of completing the audit of FY20 for the school district. Krista McLaren was present to review the audit with the Board of Education at this point in the agenda. She said that the reason that the audit is not complete is because she is waiting on the final levy computation from the County Clerk’s Office. She said the district’s financial report is of clean opinion of the Illinois State Board of Education’s requirements.

Each board member received a draft copy of the FY20 Annual Financial Report and Supplementary Information. Mrs. McLaren reviewed the “Report Presentation Summary” with the board members to summarize the audit.

Mrs. McLaren reported that the district’s Financial Profile Score remained at 3.90 in FY2020 (Recognition). The area of “Days Cash on Hand” raised from 237 to 276. This means the district would be able to operate 276 days if there was no revenue coming in.

Mrs. McLaren reviewed comments and suggestions that were made by Kemper CPA. She then asked the board if any member had a question regarding the audit. There were no questions, and Superintendent Lee thanked Mrs. McLaren for her report.


To date, the district has received fifty-nine months of revenue from the County Schools Facility Tax that passed in November 2014. The Board of Education conveyed to the tax payers that Unit #5 would take one-third of the revenue each year to pay down the existing bonds. A total of $640,375 was received from the 1% tax for the past twelve months, therefore, Mr. Lee requested that the board pass a resolution abating $213,000 of the General Obligation School Refunding Bonds Series 2011.

Motion by Fulkerson, second by Scates, that the board pass a Resolution Authorizing Abatement of Bond Levy for bond issue in levy year 2020 by the total amount of Two Hundred Thirteen Thousand Dollars ($213,000.00). Roll call vote: Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Acord, yes. Motion carried.


Dr. Amy Dixon, Director of Instruction, provided an overview of the 2020-2021 school improvement plans (SIP) that are developed each school year. These data driven documents developed by the school improvement teams in each building are the blueprints that guide the teaching and learning process throughout the year.

Dr. Dixon explained the one-page School Improvement Plans for 2020-2021 compared to the lengthy bound documents in the past. Through a grant/scholarship, the district was able to send Mrs. Lacey Moore to a “Building Schools Newtwork” last year. One idea that came out of these meetings was a one-page School Improvement Plan. The one-page School Improvement Plans will get everyone headed in the same direction.

Per Illinois School Code, since 1987 all public schools are required to write school improvement plans. Brownsville Attendance Center is not required to write a school improvement plan because it is a serving school only.

The State waived all state mandated assessments for this school year so they are not included on the district improvement plan.

Motion by Mitchell, second by Acord, that the board approve the 2020-2021 School Improvement Plans as well as the district improvement plan. Roll call vote: Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Acord, yes. Motion carried.


At an earlier board of education meeting, the board authorized the administration to seek bids for the purchase of one (1) 7-9 passenger driver’s education vehicle and the purchase or five-year lease-to-purchase of one (1) 23 passenger mini bus. Two companies submitted bids for the purchase of one (1) 7-9 passenger driver’s education vehicle and three companies submitted bids for the purchase or five-year lease-to-purchase of one (1) 23 passenger mini bus. Mr. King and Mr. Hite reviewed the details of the bids to determine if all bid specifications had been met and recommend that the board accept the bid of Jansen Ford & Chrysler for the purchase of one (1) 7-9 passenger driver’s education vehicle and that the board accept the bid of Midwest Bus Sales for the five-year lease-to-purchase of one (1) 23 passenger mini bus. Recaps of the bus bids are included for review.

Mr. King recommended that the board accept the bid of Jansen Ford & Chrysler to purchase one (1) 7-9 passenger driver’s education vehicle at a price of $25,887.00, plus applicable license and title fees and accept the bid of Midwest Bus Sales for the five-year lease- to-purchase of one (1) 23 passenger mini bus in the amount of $15,782.93 per year, plus applicable license and title fees.

Motion by Hammell, second by Mitchell, that the board of education accept the bid of Jansen Ford & Chrysler to purchase one (1) 7-9 passenger driver’s education vehicle at a price of $25,887.00, plus applicable license and title fees and accept the bid of Midwest Bus Sales for the five-year lease-to-purchase of one (1) 23 passenger mini bus in the amount of $15,782.93 per year, plus applicable license and title fees. Roll call vote: Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Acord, yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Mitchell, second by Hoskins, that the board meet in closed session at 7:50 p.m. for purposes of discussing the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of an employee or officer. The selection of a person to fill a public office, as defined in this Act, including a vacancy in a public office, when the public body is given power to appoint under law or ordinance, or the discipline, performance or removal of the occupant of a public office, when the public body is given power to remove the occupant under law or ordinance. Roll call vote: Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Acord, yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Fulkerson, second by Hoskins, that the board return to open session at 9:13 p.m. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.


Motion by Mitchell, second by Hammell, that the board approve closed session minutes of the October 19, 2020 regular meeting of the board of education. Roll call vote: Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Acord, yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Hoskins, second by Scates, that Mike Zaranti be employed as the 6th Grade Girls’ Basketball Coach for the 2020-2021 school year to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Justin Simmons. Roll call vote: Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Acord, yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Fulkerson, second by Mitchell, that Katharine Stewart be employed as the High School Assistant Volleyball Coach for the 2020-2021 school year to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Chris Lucas. Roll call vote: Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Acord, yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Scates, second by Fulkerson, that Kelly Ackerman be appointed to fill the current vacated Carmi-White County CUSD #5 board member position. Roll call vote:

Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Acord, yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Fulkerson, second by Acord, that the meeting be adjourned at 9:16 p.m. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
