
SE Illinois News

Sunday, September 29, 2024

City of Mount Carmel City Council Met November 30

Meeting 06

City of Mount Carmel City Council Met Nov. 30.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Present on Roll Call: Mayor Joe Judge 

Commissioners – Tom Meeks, Eric Ikemire,   Justin Dulgar, Chandler Madden 

Also, Present: City Administrative Assistant Rudy Witsman, City Attorney Kelli Storckman   


Mayor Judge requested a motion to approve the minutes of the last council meeting. 

Commissioner Ikemire motioned and Commissioner Dulgar seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting held on November 16, 2020. All present voted Aye by voice vote.  


Mayor Judge announced Disney books sets will be given away to children of the community this  Saturday, December 5th from 9:00 am to noon. Mayor Judge stated the event will be a “drive  through” scenario at the city swimming pool and signs as well as barricades will be put in place. Mayor Judge reported the book sets were donated from a company in Lebanon, Indiana and are all  brand new Disney products. Mayor Judge encouraged residents to please attend the event. 

Mayor Judge stated the Christmas Parade will be also held this Saturday, December 5th at 5:00 pm.  Mayor Judge reported the event will be a “drive by” parade with the entries/floats parked along  Market Street and citizens will drive down Market Street to observe the parade. Mayor Judge stated  the event is being held in this manner to keep everything as contactless and COVID safe as  possible.  

Mayor Judge thanked Kevin and Jessie List for everything they do for this community as they play  an important role especially during this holiday season. Mayor Judge emphasized how much their  community efforts are greatly appreciated.  

Mayor Judge reminded golf cart/UTV sticker renewals will be announced soon as it has been over a  year since the program was started. Mayor Judge stated the few months of 2019 were free and the  sticker purchase was for the 2020 year. Mayor Judge reported the police department will be doing  re-inspections of the golf carts/UTVs to ensure everyone is compliant and will be issuing the sticker  renewals along with a list of the rules/regulations.  

Mayor Judge reminded residents when the city has a holiday weekend the brush harbor is also  closed. Mayor Judge stated the brush harbor will be closed on Friday as well as Saturday for the Christmas and New Year holiday weekends.  

Mayor Judge thanked Wabash Valley College for graciously donating items from their pool that will  hopefully be put to use at the city swimming pool this summer.  

Mayor Judge reported City Administrative Assistant Witsman as well as himself have been contacted by several restaurants and bars in the city regarding liquor license renewals. Mayor Judge  stated the state liquor license works in conjunction with the city liquor license. Mayor Judge clarified  businesses have to have a City of Mount Carmel liquor license first and continue to have that city  license in order to obtain a State of Illinois liquor license. Mayor Judge stated, with the pandemic  and several establishments being closed, the decision was proposed that January 1st 2021 through  June 30th, 2021 there will be no charge for liquor licenses for any business in the City of Mount  Carmel and City Administrative Assistant Witsman will present that resolution to the council for  approval at tonight’s meeting. Mayor Judge added before July 1st, 2021 businesses will pay half of  the fee for the remaining 2021 year for those licenses. Mayor Judge stated the city is in hopes this  helps the restaurant and bars that have been devasted by the closures due to COVID. 

Mayor Judge thanked Kelli Storckman for her service to the City of Mount Carmel as city attorney.

Mayor Judge stated he has enjoyed working with Ms. Storckman over the past several years and  the city looks forward to working with her as the Wabash County State’s Attorney. Mayor Judge  presented Brady Waldrop to the council as the newly appointed city attorney. Mayor Judge stated  the council is excited to bring Brady aboard and thanked everyone who expressed interest in  serving as city attorney. Mayor Judge acknowledged Ms. Storckman, who stated she has  appreciated her time as city attorney and thanked the council for allowing her to serve.  

Mayor Judge reported, currently, all city facilities are closed to the public and will remain closed until  further notice. Mayor Judge encouraged residents to wear a mask, wash their hands, and practice  social distancing.  



Commissioner Meeks stated there has been some flooding issues on South Drive and after looking into some different options, it has been determined to place larger openings at the intakes to  alleviate future issues. After a brief decision, the council agreed to have the street department  enlarge the intakes in hopes of stopping any future flooding problems.  

Commissioner Meeks reported in the last two weeks the street department cleaned intakes;  replaced a broken brake line and serviced the street sweeper; performed repair work on the  backhoe; put the Christmas decorations up along Market Street; repaired a broken cable that is  used for the Christmas decorations; worked with Kieffer Brothers Construction on repairing a sewer  line on West Third Street near the Tastee Freez; repaired the leaf truck; performed maintenance work on the skid steer and the jack hammer. 


Statement of Receipts and Expenditures – See attached agenda with financials. 

Commissioner Ikemire reported in the last two weeks the city received $22,673.00 in receipts, with  most of the monies coming from utility tax and video gaming tax revenues.  

Commissioner Ikemire apologized for any inconveniences with the WC Cafeteria and Senior Center  being closed, hopefully, just until December 7th and stated an announcement will be given to the  media when the center does reopen. Commissioner Ikemire reported MRE meals were delivered to  area homebound senior citizens. City Administrative Assistant Witsman interjected by stating some  part time employees are cleaning the whole senior citizen facility, while it is closed. City  Administrative Assistant Witsman added it was an unfortunate case of having several employees  test positive for COVID and no other employee having the proper license to continue to  cook/prepare the meals.  


Commissioner Dulgar reported the digestor project at the wastewater plant is near completion and  the digestor lid is scheduled to be placed at the end of February, 2021.  

Commissioner Dulgar stated all water/sewer facilities are closed to the public unless there is a  scheduled meeting. Commissioner Dulgar reported the prep of the primary and final clarifiers have  been cleaned for the dry rebuild with the work starting in the next few days. Commissioner Dulgar  reported the quarterly cleaning of the inside filters has been scheduled at the water treatment plant.  

Commissioner Dulgar reported tasks for the proposed new water treatment facility are ongoing and  Terry Boyer with Donohue will be submitting permitting to the EPA for their approval.  


Commissioner Madden reported in the last two weeks the fire department responded to sixteen runs and the Mount Carmel Fire Department is closed to the general public until further notice.

Commissioner Madden thanked Fireman Tyler Jefferson along with Fireman Elijah Hadra for  stepping up and working extra hours while other firefighters were off work for various reasons.

Commissioner Madden reminded motorists to please slow down in winter weather and be safe.  Commissioner Madden stated not only is the driver putting themselves as well as their passengers  at risk but also endangering first responders in the event of an accident. 


City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated this meeting constitutes the first reading of the city’s  tax levy. City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported the levy, as proposed, shows an increase  of $46,210.00 over last year due to mandated increases. City Administrative Assistant Witsman  asked the council to review the tax levy as he will present it at the next meeting for council approval. 

City Administrative Assistant Witsman presented Resolution 678 to the council for approval; the resolution reduces the liquor license fees by half for the 2021 year in order to help the businesses  that have been affected by COVID, as was discussed earlier in the meeting by Mayor Judge.  

City Administrative Assistant Witsman asked residents for patience regarding their leaves being  picked up as there has been some issues with the leaf vac machine and employees being off work  sick. City Administrative Assistant Witsman affirmed leaves will be picked for the next couple weeks.  


City Attorney Storckman no report. 


City Inspector Gidcumb absent. 


Street Department Superintendent Easter absent. 


Police Chief Turner absent. 


Fire Chief Speth absent. 


Commissioner Meeks motioned and Commissioner Dulgar seconded to approve Resolution 678 – setting liquor license fees for 2021. Those voting Yes by voice vote were: Dulgar, Meeks, Madden,  Judge. Ikemire abstained from voting. 

Commissioner Madden motioned and Commissioner Ikemire seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. The consent agenda approval of the paying of all bills bearing the proper signatures. All present voted Aye by voice vote.
