
SE Illinois News

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Hamilton County Community Unit District No. 10 Board of Education Met November 17

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Hamilton County Community Unit District No. 10 Board of Education Met Nov. 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting was called to order by Board President Dennis Lynch. Roll Call was as follows:  

Present – Bob Gray, Jeff Lueke, Tim Millenbine, Ellen Rubenacker, Justin Woodrow and Dennis Lynch.  

Absent: Clint Ragan.  

Motion by Millenbine, second by Lueke to approve the following items under the Consent Agenda:  The minutes from the October 20, 2020 Regular Board Meeting, Treasurer’s Report, Budget reports,  District bill listing, destruction of Executive Session Audio Recordings older than 18 months per Code.  Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Millenbine, Lueke, Gray, Woodrow, Rubenacker, and Lynch. Motion  Carried.  


VISITORS/Public Comment – None.  


Mr. Fetcho updated the Board on the following: Recognized the board for all their hard work and  dedication. November 15, 2020 was School Board Members Day; Wished the board a Happy and healthy  Thanksgiving; Mrs. Jamie Ellis has been selected as a 2020 McDonald’s Outstanding Educator; Mr. Blane  Miller was recognized as the Orthopedic Center of Southern Illinois Most Valuable Teacher; IASB  resolutions were given to each member; Options on the railing are being discussed in regards to the  mezzanine level in the High School gym. Board agreed that more information needs to be requested and  options will be discussed at that time; FY’ 20 State Disbursements Owed: $3,777; FY’ 21 State  Disbursements Owed: $15,582; Tort immunity and Country Liability coverage; Updated board on the  district’s COVID numbers. 


Motion by Millenbine, second by Woodrow to approve the resolution to abate a portion of sales  tax revenue to reduce our overall bond and interest levy for the 2020 levy year. Roll Call Vote – Voting  Yes – Millenbine, Woodrow, Lueke, Gray, Rubenacker, and Lynch. Motion Carried.  

Motion by Woodrow, second by Rubenacker to approve the FY’21 tax levy as presented. Roll  Call Vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow, Rubenacker, Lueke, Millenbine, Gray, and Lynch. Motion Carried.  


Motion by Lueke, second by Woodrow to approve the resolution to waive the competitive selection  process for the appointment of an Architect and Engineering Firm. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Lueke,  Woodrow, Gray, Rubenacker, and Lynch. Abstain: Millenbine. Motion Carried.  

Motion by Millenbine, second by Gray to approve the district and school report cards as presented.  Roll Call Vote - Voting Yes - Millenbine, Gray, Lueke, Rubenacker, Woodrow, and Lynch. Motion  Carried.  

Motion by Woodrow, second by Millenbine to approve Jeff Fetcho, Travis McCollum and Jay  Lentz as the District RIF/Recall Joint Committee representative for the 2020-2021 school year. Roll Call  Vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow, Millenbine, Gray, Lueke, Rubenacker, and Lynch. Motion Carried.  

Motion by Gray, second by Woodrow to approve Title IX Administrative duties as presented. Roll  Call Vote – Voting Yes – Gray, Woodrow, Lueke, Millenbine, Rubenacker, and Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Woodrow, second by Rubenacker to approve the purchase of a used John Deere  3225C reel mower from the City of Fairfield in the amount of $6,000. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow, Rubenacker, Gray, Lueke, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion Carried. 

Motion by Lueke, second by Gray to seek bids for district school buses. Roll Call Vote – Voting  Yes – Lueke, Gray, Millenbine, Rubenacker, Woodrow, and Lynch. Motion Carried. 

Motion by Woodrow, second by Rubenacker to convene in executive session at 6:51 p.m. to  discuss appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of a specific  employee(s) or office of the public body, and pending litigation pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1). Roll Call  Vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow, Rubenacker, Lueke, Gray, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion Carried.  

Motion by Lueke, second by Rubenacker to come out of executive session at 8:41 p.m. Roll Call  Vote – Voting Yes – Lueke, Rubenacker, Millenbine, Gray, Woodrow, and Lynch. Motion Carried.  

Motion by Rubenacker, second by Gray to approve the minutes from executive session. Roll Call  Vote – Voting Yes – Rubenacker, Gray, Lueke, Millenbine, Woodrow, and Lynch. Motion Carried.  

Motion by Woodrow, second by Gray to approve a family medical leave for a non-certified  employee beginning October 7, 2020 on an as needed basis. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow,  Gray, Lueke, Millenbine, Rubenacker, and Lynch. Motion Carried.  

Motion by Rubenacker, second by Millenbine to accept a letter of resignation from Alexis  Robertson, Childcare Worker, effective October 30, 2020. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Rubenacker,  Millenbine, Lueke, Gray, Woodrow, and Lynch. Motion Carried. 

Motion by Lueke, second by Rubenacker to accept a letter of resignation from Peyton Donelson,  Childcare Worker, effective November 2, 2020. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Lueke, Rubenacker, Gray,  Woodrow, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion Carried. 

Motion by Woodrow, second by Rubenacker to accept a letter of resignation from Chris Scott,  Archery Club Sponsor, effective November 16, 2020. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow,  Rubenacker, Lueke, Gray, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion Carried. 

Motion by Gray, second by Millenbine to accept a letter of resignation from Thomas Morgan,  High School Math Teacher, effective at the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Roll Call Vote – Voting  Yes – Gray, Millenbine, Woodrow, Rubenacker, Lueke, and Lynch. Motion Carried. 

Motion by Gray, second by Rubenacker to employ Scott Johnson as a full-time bus driver,  contingent upon successful completion of a background check and completion of necessary paperwork,  effective the first day he is able to work due to current COVID quarantine. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Gray, Rubenacker, Lueke, Woodrow, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion Carried. 

Motion by Woodrow, second by Lueke to employ Drew Imhoff as a Varsity Scholastic Bowl  Sponsor for the 2020-2021 school year. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow, Lueke, Gray,  Millenbine, Rubenacker, and Lynch. Motion Carried.  

Motion by Lueke, second by Rubenacker to pay a full stipend to Winter sport coaches regardless  of an approved IHSA or SIJHSAA sport being played for the 2020-2021 season. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Lueke, Rubenacker, Gray, Woodrow, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Millenbine, second by Gray to approve the following athletic volunteers for the 2020- 2021 season: Mike Davenport – Archery Club Sponsor. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Millenbine, Gray,  Lueke, Rubenacker, Woodrow, and Lynch. Motion Carried.  

Motion by Lueke, second by Millenbine to post for a High School Math Teacher. Roll Call Vote  – Voting Yes – Lueke, Millenbine, Gray, Rubenacker, Woodrow, and Lynch. Motion Carried. 

Motion by Lueke, second by Millenbine to post for Child Care Workers. Roll Call Vote – Voting  Yes – Lueke, Millenbine, Gray, Rubenacker, Woodrow, and Lynch. Motion Carried. 

Motion by Woodrow, second by Gray to adjourn. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow, Gray,  Lueke, Millenbine, Rubenacker, and Lynch. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
