Carrier Mills-Stonefort Unit #2 Board of Education met May 17.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
I) Call to Order by: Mr. Scott Figg at 6:56 p.m.
II) Roll Call by: Mr. Clay Nolen
Present: Issac Craig, Rhonda Felty, Scott Figg, Ryan Lewis, Clay Nolen, Kassi Reeves, and Zach Rister.
Absent: None.
III) Recognition of Visitors: Mr. Steve May. Mr. May, an architect from DART Design, discussed the High School roof warranty and issues, and the Grade School roof issues.
IV) Approve Consent Agenda: Motion by Mr. Lewis, 2nd by Mr. Nolen.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Reeves, and Mr. Rister.
Nay: None
Absent: None.
V) Reports
1.High School Principal Report – Mr. Jerrell
Mr. Jerrell reported that all upcoming events through the end of the school year, May 19, have now been canceled.
Mr. Jerrell also encouraged the Board to personally thank our entire faculty, staff, and administration. Our teachers have continued to create our E-Learning packets through the end of April, several of them have signed up for times when no one else is in the building to create these packets and make copies for their students. Our secretaries continue to report to the office in order to answer parent/student questions, handle deliveries, and pass out and collect student packets. Our cooks are working in shifts each day to prepare breakfast and lunch for our students. Our staff continues to work in shifts in Carrier Mills and Stonefort to assist the kitchen staff with handing out food and they are keeping track of who the food is delivered to. Our custodians continue to deliver meals to Stonefort, and students that cannot make it to a pick up location, get the mail, assist in the kitchen, and clean the buildings. The administration team continues to take the latest ISBE and state government information and get this info to the faculty and staff each day, along with answering student, parent, and teacher questions in regards to the E-Learning Packets and grading the packets. None of this would be possible if it weren’t for a truly dedicated group of people who want our students taken care of during this pandemic.
2. Grade School Principals Report - Mrs. McGuire
Mr. Absher reported that the outside cooler and freezer are becoming more and more outdated. The last repair Crick’s Refrigeration mentioned that parts were getting harder to find. This may be a project for the summer since there is little to no stock left during these months.
Mr. Absher also reported that the March and April Breakfast and Lunch menus are posted on the school website. For the month of March (only 10 actual school days) the cooks served 1,282 breakfasts and 2,541 lunches. Of those lunches, 331 lunches were delivered to the high school students. Since we have been on remote learning days, the staff has prepared and served 1,869 breakfasts and 2,029 lunches through April 9. We have also been receiving donations from Heaven’s Kitchen to give out to families in need during this crisis as well.
VI) Action Items
A) Place FY21 Amended Budget on Display.
Mr. Jerrell explained that the budget is always a work in progress. Mr. Jerrell sat down with Mrs. Debbie Moore and Mrs. Megan Cain to go over all the revenue and expenditure for the entire year. Once we approve the amended budget, it goes on display for 30 days, and at the next board meeting we approve the FY21 Amended Budget and Resolutions.
Motion: To place the FY21 Amended Budget on display.
Motion by Mrs. Felty, 2nd by Mr. Rister.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Reeves, and Mr. Rister.
Nay: None
Absent: None.
B) Consider Contract Extension with Robinson Transport, Inc.
Mr. Jerrell explained that our bus company, Robinson Transport, would like to extend their current contract for one year. This year, they are asking for the following: 1) A 5% increase for Regular Bus Routes (last year was a 6%), 2) A 5% increase for Special Education Routes, 3) $1.11 per mile on Extra-Curricular Trips (last year was a $1.06 per mile), 4) $24.30 per hour on Extra-Curricular Trips (last year was $23.43), and 5) A minimum charge of $50.00 on Extra-Curricular Trips (last year was $48.00 minimum).
Motion: To approve the contract extension with Robinson Transport, Inc. for the 2021-2022 school year.
Motion by Mrs. Reeves, 2nd by Mr. Figg.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Reeves, and Mr. Rister.
Nay: None
Absent: None.
C) Consider Contract with QNS.
Mr. Jerrell explained that at the last Board Meeting, Mr. Kerley and Mr. Jerrell spoke about the technology needs of the district. With Mr. Manier retiring, we need someone to replace him as technology coordinator. Mr. Kerley can handle a few of our technology needs, but it would be beneficial to utilize an outside company to manage most of our technology needs moving forward. QNS has made a three year proposal for the district. The total cost for using their company in Year 1 is around $32,000, Year 2 is around $33,000, and Year 3 is around $34,000. We will utilize ESSER II and/or ESSER III funds to pay for this service.
Motion: To approve the Contract with QNS.
Motion by Mr. Nolen, 2nd by Mr. Craig.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Reeves, and Mr. Rister.
Nay: None
Absent: None.
D) Approve Board Policy (2nd Reading & Adoption- Section 6: Instruction).
Mr. Jerrell explained that last month we had our 1st Reading of these board policies and this month we need to approve them.
Motion: To approve the 2nd Reading and Adoption of Board Policy Section 6: Instruction (Policy 6:10, 6:15, 6:20, 6:30, 6:40, 6:50, 6:60, 6:65, 6:70, 6:80, 6:100, 6:110, 6:120, 6:130, 6:135, 6:140, 6:145, 6:1506:160, 6:170, 6:180, 6:185, , 6:190, 6:210, 6:220, 6:230, 6:235, 6:240, 6:250, 6:255, 6:260, 6:270, 6:280, 6:290, 6:300, 6:310, 6:315, 6:320, 6:330, and 6:340).
Motion by Mr. Figg, 2nd by Mr. Nolen.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Reeves, and Mr. Rister.
Nay: None
Absent: None.
E) Approve Board Policy (2nd Reading & Adoption- Section 7: Students.
Mr. Jerrell explained that last month we had our 1st Reading of these board policies and this month we need to approve them.
Motion: To approve the 2nd Reading and Adoption of Board Policy Section 7: Students (Policy 7:10, 7:15, 7:20, 7:30, 7:40, 7:50, 7:60, 7:70, 7:80, 7:90, 7:100, 7:130, 7:140, 7:150, 7:160, 7:165, 7:170, 7:180, 7:185, 7:190, 7:200, 7:210, 7:220, 7:230, 7:240, 7:250, 7:260, 7:270, 7:275, 7:280, 7:285, 7:290, 7:300, 7:305, 7:310, 7: 315, 7:325, 7:330, 7:340, and 7:345).
Motion by Mr. Figg, 2nd by Mrs. Felty.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Reeves, and Mr. Rister.
Nay: None
Absent: None.
F) Approve Board Policy (1st Reading- Section 8: Community Relations).
Mr. Jerrell explained that just like the last four months, we have a Board Policy Manual that has been put together over the years. As laws change or new laws are added, PRESS (Policy Reference Education Subscription Service) releases the updated policies. This month we are continuing with Section 8: Community Relations.
Motion: To approve the 1st Reading of Board Policy Section 8: Community Relations (Policy 8:10, 8:20, 8:25, 8:30, 8:70, 8:80, 8:90, 8:95, 8:100, and 8:110).
Motion by Mr. Rister, 2nd by Mr. Lewis.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Reeves, and Mr. Rister.
Nay: None
Absent: None.
G) Consider Grade School Playground.
Mr. Jerrell explained that as part of the ESSER II Grant, we would like to make the back of the school a playground for K-2nd grade. The survey will cost $3,500.00, the fencing will cost $21,111.00, and the equipment and materials will cost us around $60,000, depending on the equipment we decide to purchase. This will be paid for from the ESSER II Grant
Motion: To approve the Grade School Playground Project.
Motion by Mr. Nolen, 2nd by Mr. Rister.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Reeves, and Mr. Rister.
Nay: None
Absent: None.
H) Consider Hytek Systems Proposal.
Mr. Jerrell explained that we have a quote from Hytek Systems on a classroom microphone and audio system for $91,512.00. We can use ESSER II or ESSER III grants.
Motion: To approve the Hytek Systems Proposal.
Motion by Mr. Craig, 2nd by Mr. Figg.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Reeves, and Mr. Rister.
Nay: None
Absent: None.
VII) Non Action Items
Grade School & High School Summer Projects.
Mr. Jerrell and Mrs. McGuire went through their lists of summer projects.
B) June Board Meeting: Monday, June 28, 2021 at 6:45 pm.
Mr. Jerrell reminded the Board that due to the Amended Budget being placed on display for 30 days, and our need to account for every bill from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, our next Board Meeting is scheduled for the final Monday of the month. We will have the Amended Budget Hearing at 6:40 pm and the Regular Meeting will start when that is completed.
VIII) Closed Session
Closed Session
Motion to move to closed session at 8:12 pm for #1, 2, 9, 10, 11, and 14 from the closed meetings act (see attached) by Mr. Rister, 2nd by Mr. Lewis.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen.
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Reeves, Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Move to Closed Session Minutes
Motion to return to open session at 8:54 pm by Mr. Craig, 2nd by Mr. Figg.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen.
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Reeves, Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion to approve the closed meeting minutes as read by Mr. Lewis, 2nd by Mrs. Reeves.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen.
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Reeves, Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Absent: None.
IX) Action on Closed Session Items
A) Motion: To Table the Motion to hire a High School Basketball Coach.
B) Motion: To Table the Motion to hire a Part Time High School Math Teacher due to no applicants.
C) Motion: To hire Mrs. Donna Robinson as a Jr. High Teacher for the 2021-2022 school year.
Motion by Mr. Rister, 2nd by Mr. Craig.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen.
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Reeves, Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Absent: None.
D) Motion: To hire Mrs. Sara DeNeal as an Art Teacher for the 2021-2022 school year.
Motion by Mrs. Felty, 2nd by Mr. Lewis.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen.
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Reeves, Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Absent: None.
E) Motion: To approve the Retirement Letter of Mrs. Kathy Mathews effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year.
Motion by Mr. Nolen, 2nd by Mr. Figg.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen.
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Reeves, Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Absent: None.
X) Adjourn
Motion: To Adjourn at 8:58 p.m. by Mrs. Felty, 2nd by Mr. Lewis.