Galatia Community Unit School District No. 1 Board of Education met May 20.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The regular meeting of the Galatia Community Unit School District No. 1 Board was held in the boardroom at the Annex. Roll call was taken, and those present were Tim Pribble, Aaron Allen, Joy Richey, Bryan McCabe, and Holly Murphy. B.J. Pigg and Elaine Jackson were absent. Five (5) members present and two (2) members absent. Board President, Tim Pribble called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Also present: Superintendent, Shain Crank, HS Principal, Ashley Launius, and Recording Secretary, Michele Hankins. This meeting was during the COVID-19 pandemic.
President Pribble led the Board and attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.
VISITORS: There were no visitors.
ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: There were no additions to the agenda.
1. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Allen to approve the regular meeting minutes of April 22, 2021. Murphy-aye, Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, Allen-aye, and McCabe-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
2. A motion was made by Allen and seconded by McCabe to approve the bills and payroll as presented with the addition of invoices for Michael Ewald $8,400. Murphy-aye, Pribble-aye, Allen-aye, McCabe-aye, and Richey-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
3. A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Allen to approve the treasurer's report and co-mingled account as presented. Allen-aye, McCabe-aye, Murphy-aye, Pribble-aye, and Richey-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
OLD BUSINESS: There was no new business.
NEW BUSINESS: Amended Budget Hearing Date
4. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by McCabe to set the amended budget hearing for FY 20/21 date to June 24, 2021, at 6:45 p.m. Murphy-aye, McCabe-aye, Richey-aye, Allen-aye, and Pribble-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
Approve FY22 School Calendar
5. A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Allen to approve the FY21/22 School Calendar.
McCabe-aye, Murphy-aye, Richey-aye, Allen-aye, and Pribble-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
Advertise bids for commodities, bread, and milk
6. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by McCabe to advertise for bids for commodities, bread, and milk. Richey-aye, Allen-aye, Pribble-aye, Murphy-aye, and McCabe-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
Scoreboard for Elementary School David Morse of Country Financial would like to donate a new school scoreboard for the elementary gymnasium.
Reading & Science Curriculum The reading curriculum, Treasurer, for K-2 is no longer available. The series has been discontinued. Mr. Crank presented a 6-year curriculum subscription quote from McGraw Hill for $33,588. There is a possibility that some of this cost can be paid with grant funds.
7. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by McCabe to approve the purchase of the K-2 reading curriculum subscription from McGraw-Hill for 6 years at a cost of $33,588. Murphy-aye, McCabe-aye, Richey-aye, Allen-aye, and Pribble-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
Kitchen Equipment Mr. Crank presented a quote from Sikeston Restaurant Equipment for a reach-in freezer in the amount of $4,650, and a gravity-fed can rack for $882.70. Each school kitchen will receive a freezer, and the high school will receive one can rack. The School Nutrition Program will pay for them.
8. A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Murphy to approve the Sikeston Restaurant Equipment quote for (2) reach-in freezers at $4650/ea., and (1) gravity-fed can rack at 882.70. Equipment will be paid from the School Nutrition Program. McCabe-aye, Murphy-aye, Richey-aye, Allen-aye, and Pribble aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
Esports Mr. Crank presented a report on the startup cost of Esports. SIC costs were approximately $40,000. $5,000 for furniture, $36,000 for gaming computers/monitors. This does not include the licensing fees. Cob that does Esports. There was a discussion on the cost to the district for the start-up. It was agreed to look farther into the Esport and see if for one year we could get someone interested in becoming a coach for the Esports team. This sport would be treated like the Bass Cats and Trap Cats. The Esports team would be responsible for the costs of their equipment and fees.
TRANSPORTATION: The new buses have been ordered.
BUILDING & GROUNDS REPORT: Summer projects will be somewhat limited due to summer school at the elementary school. Mr. Crank will make a list of items that need to be done before the start of the new school year.
Playground Equipment: The new playground equipment has been ordered and should be here in July.
ATHLETICS: FY 20/21 HS Assistant Baseball Coach: The high school assistant baseball coach was tabled because the season is almost over.
9. A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Allen to employ Kolton King for the junior high baseball coach for the FY21/22 school year. Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, Murphy-aye, McCabe-aye, and Allen-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
JH Softball Coach
10. A motion was made by Allen and seconded by McCabe to employ Renee Dudley for the junior high softball coach for the FY21/22 school year. Murphy-aye, McCabe-aye, Richey-aye, Allen-aye, and Pribble-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
JH Boys Basketball Coach
11. A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Murphy to employ Kendall Hankins for the junior high boys' basketball coach for the FY21/22 school year. McCabe-aye, Murphy-aye, Richey-aye, Allen-aye, and Pribble-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
JH Boys Assistant Basketball Coach
12. A motion was made by Allen and seconded by Richey to approve Todd Lockwood for the junior high boys' assistant basketball coach for the FY21/22 school year. Richey-aye, Allen-aye, Pribble-aye, Murphy-aye, and McCabe-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
JH Cheerleading Coach
13. A motion was made by Murphy and seconded by Pribble to employ Mary Kuczynski for the junior high cheerleading coach for the FY21/22 school year. Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, Murphy-aye, McCabe-aye, and Allen-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
JH Girls Basketball Coach
14. A motion was made by Allen and seconded by McCabe to employ Renee Dudley for the junior high girls' basketball coach for the FY21/22 school year. Richey-aye, Allen-aye, Pribble-aye, Murphy-aye, and McCabe-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
JH Volleyball Coach
15. A motion was made by Allen and seconded by Pribble to employ Ayshia Johnson for the junior high volleyball coach for the FY21/22 school year. Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, Murphy-aye, McCabe-aye, and Allen-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
JH Assistant Volleyball Coach
16. A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Pribble to approve Holly Murphy for the junior high assistant volleyball coach for the FY21/22 school year. Murphy-abstain, McCabe-aye, Richey-aye, Allen aye, and Pribble-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.
JH Scholar Bowl Coach
17. A motion was made by Richey and seconded by Pribble to employ Amanda Avery for the junior high scholar bowl coach for the FY21/22 school year. McCabe-aye, Murphy-aye, Richey-aye, Allen-aye, and Pribble-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
18. A motion was made by Allen and seconded by McCabe to employ Ayshia Johnson for the high school volleyball coach for the FY21/22 school year. Richey-aye, Allen-aye, Pribble-aye, Murphy-aye, and McCabe-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
HS Assistant Volleyball Coach
19. A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Pribble to approve Holly Murphy for the high school assistant volleyball coach for the FY21/22 school year. Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, Murphy-abstain, McCabe-aye, and Allen-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.
HS Bass Fishing Coach
20. A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Murphy to employ B.J. Pigg for the high school bass fishing coach for the FY21/22 school year. Richey-aye, Allen-aye, Pribble-aye, Murphy-aye, and McCabe-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
HS Trap Shooting Coach
21. A motion was made by Allen and seconded by Pribble to employ Justin Quartana for the high school trap shooting coach for the FY21/22 school year. Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, Murphy-aye, McCabe-aye, and Allen-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
HS Cross Country Coach
22. A motion was made by Richey and seconded by Murphy to employ Kim Hankins for the high school cross country coach for the FY21/22 school year. Murphy-aye, McCabe-aye, Richey-aye, Allen-aye, and Pribble-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
HS Girls Basketball Coach
23. A motion was made by Murphy and seconded by Allen to employ Denise Clayton for the high school girls' basketball coach for the FY21/22 school year. McCabe-aye, Murphy-aye, Richey-aye, Allen-aye, and Pribble-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
HS Girls Assistant Basketball Coaches
24. A motion was made by Allen and seconded by Pribble to approve April Horning & Aaron Allen for the high school girls assistant basketball coach for the FY21/22 school year. Richey-aye, Allen-abstain, Pribble-aye, Murphy-aye, and McCabe-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.
HS Boys Basketball Coach
25. A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Allen to employ Brad Vinyard for the boys' basketball coach for the FY21/22 school year. Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, Murphy-aye, McCabe-aye, and Allen-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
HS Boys Assistant Basketball Coaches
26. A motion was made by Allen and seconded by Murphy to approve Will Pulliam and Ben Vinyard for the boys' assistant basketball coach for the FY21/22 school year, pending background checks. Richey-aye, Allen-aye, Pribble-aye, Murphy-aye, and McCabe-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
27. A motion was made by Murphy and seconded by Pribble to employ Erica Mapps for the high school cheerleading coach for the FY21/22 school year. Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, Murphy-aye, McCabe-aye, and Allen-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
HS Scholar Bowl Coach
28. A motion was made by Richey and seconded by Pribble to employ Heather Lynch for the high school scholar bowl coach for the FY21/22 school year. Murphy-aye, McCabe-aye, Richey-aye, Allen-aye, and Pribble-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
HS Softball Coach
29. A motion was made by Allen and seconded by McCabe to employ Melissa Shelton for the high school softball coach for the FY21/22 school year. McCabe-aye, Murphy-abstain, Richey-nay, Allen-aye, and Pribble-nay. Two (2) ayes, motion failed. Tabled until the June meeting.
HS Baseball Coach Tabled until the June meeting.
HS Boys Baseball Co-op with Thompsonville
30. A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Allen to approve the intergovernmental agreement (co op) for high school baseball with Thompsonville School District for school years FY21/22 and FY22/23. Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, Murphy-aye, McCabe-aye, and Allen-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
PRINCIPAL REPORT: Dual Credit Classes: We have enough students enrolled in each of the dual math levels to offer all three levels for school year 2021/2022. This is great as it meets all these students' needs based on what they plan to do after school.
Graduations: We have been able to take the ticket requirement off for graduation.
Summer School: We have approximately 15 high school students and 30 to 40 elementary students that plan on attending summer school.
SUPERINTENDENT REPORT: Dual Credit Classes: Recently we found out that some of the dual credit classes that we offer students through Southeastern Illinois College (SIC) were not approved. We have been able to go back and find the students who may have been unintentionally misled on dual credit classes. SIC will let us pay them $70 for a class. This can be applied to any class offered at SIC. Mr. Crank proposed we offer the $70 class to students who were affected by the mistake. The $70 will be put on their account at SIC and will only be available for students that attend SIC. Mrs. Launius and Mrs. Love (school counselor) will confirm with SIC which classes we will be able to offer for the 2021/2022 school year.
Non-Certified Staff: The board packet included a wage comparison of all our conference schools in regards to the non-certified staff. We are in comparison close to the other schools based on the number of years of service and wage. Due to the minimum wage increase, everyone is in the same place with how to increase those non-certified staff wages in regards to years of service.
School Year 2021/2022: As of today, we do not have guidance on what the next school year will look like as far as masks, social distancing, etc. The CDC has lifted some restrictions on mask-wearing, but we do not know how this will affect Illinois schools. At this point, the plan is to have school five days a week, all day. We will have to offer some remote learning, but we will be able to limit remote students to those who have a doctor's note excluding them for some reason.
Intent to Retire Mr. Crank informed the board of Cheryl Disney Walrack's intent to retire in four years, at the end of the 2024 2025 school year.
31. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Murphy to accept Cheryl Disney Walrack's intent to retire at the end of the 2024/2025 school year subject to TRS approval, and confirmation that the district will not receive a penalty from TRS. Richey-aye, Allen-aye, Pribble-aye, Murphy-aye, and McCabe-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
There was no Executive Session.
32. A motion was made by Allen and seconded by McCabe to adjourn at 9:30 p.m. Murphy-aye, Pribble-aye,