Carrier Mills-Stonefort Unit #2 Board of Education met July 19.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
I) Call to Order by: Mr. Scott Figg at 6:48 p.m.
II) Roll Call by: Mr. Clay Nolen
Present: Issac Craig, Rhonda Felty, Scott Figg, Ryan Lewis, Clay Nolen, and Zach Rister.
Absent: Kassi Reeves.
III) Recognition of Visitors: None.
IV) Approve Consent Agenda:
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda by Mr. Lewis, 2nd by Mr. Figg.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Absent: Mrs. Reeves.
V) Reports
High School Principal Report – Mr. Bryce K. Jerrell
Mr. Jerrell reported that as of July 12, the custodians have completed cleaning the Grade School. All four custodians have now moved to the High School. The Grade School Gym floor has been repainted and sealed. The dropped ceiling project at the High School is almost complete. Mrs. Kuhlmann’s office, Mrs. Moore’s office, the teachers’ workroom, Mr. DeNeal’s classroom, and Mr. Ryan’s classroom still need to be completed. Mr. Kenny Myers will be here at the end of July to seal the gym floor at the High School. Mr. Steve Venable will be here in August to reseal the Grade School parking lot and repaint the parking spaces.
Mr. Jerrell also reported that Mrs. Burgess, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Kidd, Mr. Eisenhauer, Mrs. Horn, Mr. Hughes, Mrs. Mathews, Mrs. Pulley, Mrs. Stone, Mr. Wasson, Mrs. Williams, and Mr. Ryan have all been paid as teachers for Summer School. Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Ryan, Mrs. Schmook, and Mr. Absher have all been hired as paraprofessionals for Summer School. Ms. Fugate, Mrs. Ratliff, Ms. Sullivan, and Mrs. Cowger have all been paid as cooks for Summer School. Mr. Kerley, Mrs. Kuhlmann, and Mrs. McGuire have all been paid for their time as administrators during Summer School. It cost around $36,250 to offer summer school this year.
Also, Coach Austin Ferrell and Justin Austin have held several open gyms for the basketball team over the past two weeks. Mrs. Pappenfuss and the cheerleaders have held several practices in June and July. Coach Stone has held several open gyms for the volleyball team.
Grade School Principals Report - Mrs. Chellie McGuire
Mrs. McGuire reported that the Kindergarten Jump Start Program started on July 19 and will end August 12. She also reported that the Grade School will be used to offer GED classes to the community.
VI) Action Items
A) Consider Handbook Changes for 2021-2022.
Mr. Jerrell reported that the High School Handbook has now been updated to match PRESS policy changes. Also, he reported that the No Pass/No Play Policy will be changed to the following: Students participating in any extracurricular activity must be passing a minimum of 6 classes, not failing more than two classes, and maintains at least a 2.25 cumulative grade point average. Grades are checked weekly and students who do not meet the guidelines are suspended from participation for a minimum of one week or until a regular weekly check shows that the grades have improved to the acceptable level. Grades issued at the end of each semester must meet the same overall guidelines for the student to eligible for the following semester.
Mrs. McGuire reported that the Grade School Handbook has been updated to reflect any PRESS policy changes. Also, the grading scale will now be a 10-point scale (90% A, 80% B, 70% C, 60% D) and the Retention Policy will change to reflect the new writing course for ELA.
Motion: To approve the Handbook Changes for 2021-2022.
Motion by Mr. Lewis, 2nd by Mr. Craig.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Absent: Mrs. Reeves.
B) Consider December, January February, April, and June Board Meeting Dates.
Mr. Jerrell explained that our Board meetings are scheduled for the third Monday of each month. The third Monday in December is the 20th, but we will be on Christmas Break, so school is not in session. The third Monday in January is January 17th, but it is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and school will not be in session. The February 21st, date is Presidents’ Day and school will not be in session. Spring Break is April 18th, so school will not be in session for Spring Break. For the June 20th date, we always move the June Board meeting to the last Monday in order to accommodate all of our revenue and expenditures for the amended budget
Motion: To approve the December 13, 2021, January 24, 2022, February 28, 2022, April 25, 2022, and June 27, 2022 School Board Meeting Dates.
Motion by Mr. Nolen, 2nd by Mr. Lewis.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Absent: Mrs. Reeves.
C) Semi Annual Review of Closed Session Minutes.
Mr. Jerrell has reviewed the Closed Session Minutes from the following Board Meetings: January 25, 2021, February 22, 2021, March 15, 2021, April 19, 2021, May 17, 2021, and June 28, 2021. He recommend we leave all of these minutes closed because during these meetings we discussed students with IEP’s, student discipline issues, and truant students.
Motion: To keep the Closed Session Minutes for January 25, February 22, March 15, April 19, May 17, and June 28, 2021 closed.
Motion by Mr. Figg, 2nd by Mr. Lewis.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Absent: Mrs. Reeves.
D) Consider Bread Bids for 2021-2022.
Mr. Jerrell reported that Lewis Bakery has placed a bread bid for the 2021-2022 school year.
Motion: To accept the Bread Bid for Lewis Bakery for 2021-2022.
Motion by Mr. Craig, 2nd by Mr. Lewis.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Absent: Mrs. Reeves.
E) Consider Resolution to Affirm Local Control for COVID-19 Mitigation Measures.
Mr. Jerrell presented a resolution that over 200 superintendents have approved for the 2021-2022 school year. This resolution asks the governor to allow local school boards, in cooperation with local health departments and the CDC and IDPH, to make local decisions in regards to COVID-19 mitigations.
Motion: To approve the Resolution Affirming Local Control for COVID-19 Mitigation Measures.
Motion by Mr. Figg, 2nd by Mr. Craig.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Absent: Mrs. Reeves.
VII) Non Action Items
First Day of School is Monday, August 16, 2021.
Mr. Jerrell reported that the Teacher In-Service day is scheduled for Monday, August 16, and the students will report on Tuesday, August 17 from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. He then went through his recommendation for the District, High School, and Grade School Back-to-School plans. Mr. Jerrell’s recommendation was the following:
1) All students will be In-Person Learners.
2) In order to be approved as a Remote Learner, students must complete a medical form (these forms may be picked up at either building) .
3) The School Day: Breakfast will be served from 7:45-8:00 in the Pre-K through 2nd grade classrooms and the 9th-12th grade classrooms, breakfast will be served in the cafeteria for all 3rd-8th grade students, lunch will be served in the lunchroom (grab-and-go at the High School), instruction will occur from 8:00-3:00, student dismissal will occur at 3:00, and teachers will be dismissed at 3:15.
4) Anyone entering the buildings will be required to wear a mask at all times. The only exceptions will be any students, parents/guardians, staff, faculty, and administration that have been vaccinated for COVID-19.
5) Signs will be posted at the entrances, in the hallways, and in the classrooms about PPE, Social Distancing, and Hand Washing/Hand Sanitizer.
6) Hand Sanitizer will be placed in every room.
7) We will have to teach the students the rules on hand washing and social distancing over the first two weeks of school.
8) We will have a designated area for sick students and employees at both buildings (nurse’s office at the Grade School and room 101B at the High School).
9) No unvaccinated visitors will be allowed into the school building (only the office if necessary).
10) Playground equipment will be available for use.
11) Students will be at least 3-feet apart in the classrooms.
12) All bus drivers and riders must wear masks while on the bus.
B) Next Board Meeting is Monday, August 16, 2021 at 6:45 pm.
Mr. Jerrell reminded the Board that the next meeting will be held on the third Monday in August.
VIII) Closed Session
Closed Session
Motion to move to closed session at 7:07 pm for #1, 2, 9, 10, and 14 from the closed meetings act (see attached) by Mr. Rister, 2nd by Mr. Lewis.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Nolen, Mr. Lewis, and Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Absent: Mrs. Reeves.
Move to Closed Session Minutes
Motion to return to open session at 7:52 pm by Mr. Lewis, 2nd by Mr. Craig.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Nolen, Mr. Lewis, and Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Absent: Mrs. Reeves.
Motion to approve the closed meeting minutes as read by Mr. Rister, 2nd by Mr. Lewis.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Nolen, Mr. Lewis, and Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Absent: Mrs. Reeves.
IX) Action on Closed Session Items
A) Motion: To accept the resignation of Mrs. Tabatha Sherrells as Full Time Aide.
Motion by Mr. Nolen, 2nd by Mr. Lewis.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Nolen, Mr. Lewis, and Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Absent: Mrs. Reeves.
B) Motion: To hire Mrs. Courtney Hillburn as a Full Time Grade School Paraprofessional.
Motion by Mr. Lewis, 2nd by Mr. Nolen.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Nolen, Mr. Lewis, and Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Absent: Mrs. Reeves.
C) Motion: To hire Mr. Justin Austin as a High School JV Basketball Coach for the 2021-2022 School Year.
Motion by Mr. Rister, 2nd by Mr. Nolen.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Nolen, and Mr. Rister.
Nay: Mr. Lewis.
Absent: Mrs. Reeves.
D) Motion: To accept the resignation of Ms. McKenzie Sullivan as the Jr. High Softball Coach.
Motion by Mr. Rister, 2nd by Mr. Craig.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Nolen, Mr. Lewis, and Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Absent: Mrs. Reeves.
E) Motion: To accept the resignation of Mr. Scott Figg as the High School Softball Coach.
Motion by Mr. Lewis, 2nd by Mr. Nolen.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Nolen, and Mr. Lewis.
Nay: Mr. Rister
Present: Mr. Figg.
Absent: Mrs. Reeves.
F) Motion: To hire Mr. Scott Figg as the Jr. High Softball Coach.
Motion by Mr. Lewis, 2nd by Mr. Nolen.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Nolen, Mr. Lewis, and Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Present: Mr. Figg.
Absent: Mrs. Reeves.
G) Motion: To hire Ms. McKenzie Sullivan as the High School Softball Coach.
Motion by Mr. Lewis, 2nd by Mr. Figg.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Nolen, Mr. Lewis, and Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Absent: Mrs. Reeves.
H) Motion: To approve Mr. Marc Hutchison, Ms. Sienna Figg, Mr. Jerry Choat, Mr. David Betz, Mrs. Randi Layman, Mrs. Frances Edwards, Mrs. Mary Miller, Ms. Jordan Burnham, Mrs. Tara Hadley, and Mrs. Shayla Ferrell as Athletic Assistants for Fall Sports.
Motion by Mr. Figg, 2nd by Mr. Lewis.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Nolen, Mr. Lewis, and Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Absent: Mrs. Reeves.
I) Motion: To approve the Back-to-School Plan for the 2021-2022 School Year, with the Board changing Superintendent Jerrell’s recommendation of requiring masks for all unvaccinated students, faculty, and staff to making masks optional for all students, faculty, and staff.
Motion by Mr. Craig, 2nd by Mr. Rister.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Nolen, Mr. Lewis, and Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Absent: Mrs. Reeves.
J) Motion: To accept the resignation of Mr. Jimmy Switcher as a teacher and coach.
Motion by Mr. Rister, 2nd by Mr. Lewis.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Nolen, Mr. Lewis, and Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Absent: Mrs. Reeves.
K) Motion: To hire Ms. Jordan Fly as a Full Time High School Paraprofessional.
Motion by Mr. Rister, 2nd by Mr. Lewis.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Nolen, Mr. Lewis, and Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Absent: Mrs. Reeves.
L) Motion: To hire Mrs. Melissa Thompson as a Full Time Cook.
Motion by Mr. Rister, 2nd by Mr. Lewis.
Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen
Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Nolen, Mr. Lewis, and Mr. Rister.
Nay: None.
Absent: Mrs. Reeves.
X) Adjourn
Motion: To Adjourn at 8:23 p.m. by Mr. Craig, 2nd by Mr. Nolen.