
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Harrisburg City Council met May 19

City of Harrisburg City Council met May 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Harrisburg City Council met at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Room of City Hall, Harrisburg, IL.

Mayor John McPeek called the meeting to order. Mayor John McPeek presided over the meeting with Commissioners Raymond Gunning, Roger Angelly, Rupert Johnson and Ron Morse answering roll call.

Pastor Jerry Wells, Dorrisville Social Brethren Church led the group in prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to approve the consent agenda.

Regular Meeting Minutes – May 05, 2022

Brown & Roberts, Inc – Mill St./O’Gara St. - $339.13 - #2021-149

Summit Environmental Services, Inc. - $4,9250.00 - #41360 – Business District

Kay & Vicki Jackson – Relinquish Lake Lot – 2nd Addition, Block 2, Lot 1

Bill & Mary Fugate – Petition Lake Lot – 2nd Addition, Block 2, Lot 1

Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Citizen David Peckinpaugh discussed some cemetery concerns with council. He stated there was too much weed spray used around the headstones. He encouraged the employees to use weed eaters instead of killing the grass. Commissioner Rupert Johnson said he will address the issue with his workers and that weed spray will only be used sparingly.

Citizen Sharon Vandenburg thanked Mayor John McPeek for finding someone who could install the railing on her front porch.

Mayor John McPeek opened the only sealed bid for 22 W. Walnut Street. Danielle Camp submitted a sealed bid for $150.00. Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to accept the sealed bid from Danielle Camp for $150.00 on 22 W. Walnut Street as is. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek opened two sealed bids for the garbage service. The first bid was from PSD at the monthly rate of $1235.00 and a sealed bid from Republic Services at the monthly rate of $1810.00 per month. Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to accept the sealed bid from PSD in the amount of $1235.00 per month for garbage service for the City of Harrisburg. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek opened the two sealed bid for 2011 Ford Crown Victoria retired squad car. Emergency Remarketing submitted a sealed bid for $689.18 and Ringwood Motors submitted a sealed bid for $680.00. Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to accept the sealed bid from Emergency Remarketing for $689.19 on 2011 Ford Crown Victoria retired squad car. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek opened the only sealed bid for 2004 Ford Explorer retired squad vehicle. Paula Thaxton submitted a sealed bid for $350.00. Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to accept the sealed bid from Paula Thaxton for $350.00 on the 2004 Ford Explorer. Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to authorize Mayor John McPeek to sign the amended purchase agreement with Casey’s General Store. Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

A council discussion was had regarding whether or not to allow chickens within city limits. Commissioner Rupert Johnson is in favor of the idea due to the food shortage. Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated some of the surrounding neighbors are concerns the idea could hinder the resale of property. Commissioner Roger Angelly is not in favor of it because it could possibly lead to other citizens wanting other farm animals to be included in the ordinance. He believes farm animals should be outside city limits. Mayor John McPeek said council needs to think about the it further and if an ordinance is established it will need requirements such as a limit on number of chickens, no roosters, etc. This topic will be addressed at a later council meeting.

Superintendent Jason Haney presented the Consumer Confidence Report from his department. This report will be published, posted on the city website and posted in the City Clerk’s Office for review.

Alex Watkins discussed the COPS Funding grant. This grant is offered by the Department of Justice. It allows the city to employee additional police officers for a four-year period. The first three years consist of the city share at $43,750 and the Department of Justice share is $131,250. The fourth year of the grant consist of the city to be responsible for 100% of the cost. Once the grant ends, the program will be over and the city can decide not to keep the police officer(s). Alex Watkins reminded council there is no guarantee the City of Harrisburg will be awarded this grant. He will submit the application and keep council up-to-date on the grant status. Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to approve Resolution 22-0519 COPS Funding Grant. Seconded by Commissioner Ron Morse. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Ron Morse announced Mach 1 has changed the way they do business. It would be more efficient if each city vehicle had a Mach 1 gas card. Treasurer Alex Jackson has reached out to Mach 1 and discussed this with each department. Commissioner Ron Morse made the motion to approve the City Treasurer to obtain gas cards from Mach 1 for each city vehicle. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to hire Ashton Stanley as a Police Officer at the starting rate of $24.67 effective June 01, 2022 pending the passing of her physical and drug screen. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek swore in Ashton Stanley as a new police officer for the City of Harrisburg.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to approve the yearly salary of $75,000 for Nathan Moore effective June 01, 2022 when he becomes Chief of Police. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Roger Angelly stated the old Malan Junior High property looks great.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson discussed vacating an alley. A public hearing will be held on June 16, 2022 at 5:45 p.m. in Council Chambers before the regularly scheduled council meeting.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson made the motion to authorize the City Clerk to advertise a public hearing to vacate the alley located between Saline Street and Land Street and Barnett Street and Longley Street. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson made the motion to authorize the City Clerk to advertise for sealed timber bids. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

For specifications, please contact Superintendent Kenny Mayhall at 618-252-4302 extension #3. Sealed bids must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than June 19, 2022 by 3:00 p.m. Sealed bids will be opened during the regularly scheduled council meeting on June 19, 2022.

Mayor John McPeek announced the following:

Memorial Day Service on May 30, 2022 starts at 10:00 a.m.

Memorial Monument has been put in place and hopefully the bricks will be laid soon. Thank you to Jason Weirauch for the time/work put into the monument and bricks. Please stop littering.

Commissioner Ron Morse made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Adjourn: 6:27 p.m.
