
SE Illinois News

Friday, June 28, 2024

Galatia Community Unit School District No. 1 Board of Education met June 30

Galatia Community Unit School District No. 1 Board of Education met June 30.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Galatia Community Unit School District No. 1 Board was held in the boardroom at the Annex. Roll call was taken, and those present were Tim Pribble, Joy Richey, Elaine Jackson, and Holly Murphy. B.J Pigg, Bryan McCabe, and Aaron Allen were absent. Four (4) members present and Three (3) members absent. Board President, Tim Pribble called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Also present: Superintendent, Shain Crank, HS Principal, Ashley Launius, and Recording Secretary, Michele Hankins.


There were no visitors.


Diesel Fuel Contract


1. A motion was made by Richey and seconded by Jackson to approve the regular meeting minutes of May 26, 2022, and special meeting on June 2, 2022. Jackson-aye, Murphy-aye, Pribble-aye, and Richey-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.

2. A motion was made by Richey and seconded by Murphy to approve the bills and payroll as presented with the additional bills presented in a total of $326,703.99 received on June 29, 2022, for building projects. Murphy-aye, Pribble-aye, Jackson-aye, and Richey-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.


3. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Richey to enter Executive Session at 7:07 p.m. to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; matters of student discipline or review executive session minutes. Jackson-aye, Murphy-aye, Pribble-aye, and Richey-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.

4. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Murphy to end Executive Session at 9:10 p.m. Jackson aye, Murphy-aye, Pribble-aye, and Richey-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.

5. A motion was made by Richey and seconded by Murphy to approve the Executive Session minutes. Murphy-aye, Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, and Jackson-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.


6. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Richey to approve the treasurer's report and co-mingled account as presented. Jackson-aye, Murphy-aye, Pribble-aye, and Richey-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.


FY21 Audit

Donohoo, McCalley & Associates were unable to complete the FY21 audit in a timely matter due to Covid issues. We hired Beussink, Hey, Roe & Stroder, LLC to complete our FY21 audit. It was completed in June 2022. We had been put on the state watch list due to our audit being submitted late. Our financial rating went from 3.65 (FY20) to a perfect 4.0 (FY21). There were three significant audit findings that have all been corrected.

• Internal Control over Financial Reporting-segregation of duties. Recommendation: that the duties of recording, authorizing, and custody be segregated as much as possible. This finding is due to the small staff in accounting. Corrective Action: We are aware of the risks and will try to segregate these duties as much as possible.

• Internal Controls over Compliance with Procurement, Suspension, and Debarment. Recommendation: The District will check the Excluded Parties List System for any vendor that the District expects to pay more than $25,000 for the year. Corrective Action: We will check the Excluded Parties List System for vendors for who we pay more than $25,000 for the year.

• Internal Controls over Federal Policies and Procedures. Recommendation: The District develop written policies and procedures related to cash management, cost allowability, procurement, and conflict of interest provisions for the federal funds it receives. Corrective Action: We adopted the Federal Financial Internal Controls and Procedures Policy on May 26, 2022.

7. A motion was made by Jackson and seconded by Richey to approve the FY 20/21 annual audit as presented. Murphy-aye, Richey-aye, Jackson-aye, and Pribble-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.


Diesel Fuel Contract

Mr. Crank spoke with Andy White from Southern FS about contracting diesel fuel for the upcoming school year. Mr. White suggested going ahead and locking in a diesel price now since fuel is a little lower now. The market does not look good for the coming months.

FY22 Amended Budget

The board discussed the 2021/2022 final amended budget in the budget hearing meeting, which took place before the regular board meeting on June 30, 2022.

8. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Richey to adopt the FY21/22 amended budget. Murphy aye, Richey-aye, Jackson-aye, and Pribble-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.

Accept bids for commodities, bread, and milk Mrs. Michele Hankins presented the bids for commodities, bread, and milk. Three companies were contacted for a bid for food, bread, and milk, Kohl's, CRS, and US Foods. CRS and US Foods declined to bid. Prairie Farms was the only company to provide a milk bid. Due to market conditions and supply chain uncertainty, Kohl's reserves the right to adjust pricing based on "Acts of God”, changes to Government regulations, such as tariffs, or any other unforeseen changes. Prairie Farms pricing was based on June's current price; they have an escalator/de-escalator pricing according to raw milk pricing. Since last year the milk per pint has increased by .04 cents.

9. A motion was made by Richey and seconded by Jackson to accept the food commodities and bread bid from Kohl's Wholesale as presented, for the 2022/2023 school year. Murphy-aye, Richey-aye, Jackson aye, and Pribble-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.

10. A motion was made by Richey and seconded by Murphy to accept the milk bid from Prairie Farms as presented, for the 2022/2023 school year. Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, Murphy-aye, and Jackson-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.

Seal Executive Session Minutes

11. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Richey to seal July 2021 to December 2021 Executive Session Minutes. Murphy-aye, Richey-aye, Jackson-aye, and Pribble-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.

Destroy Executive Session Tapes older than 18 months

12. A motion was made by Murphy and seconded by Richey to destroy Executive Session tapes older than eighteen months. Murphy-aye, Richey-aye, Jackson-aye, and Pribble-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.

Second Policy Reading

13. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Jackson to approve the second policy reading of the 5 year review for policy numbers: #3:70; 5:140; 5:240; 5:70; 6:140; 6:330; 6:70. Draft updates: 2:230; 4:70; 5:80; 6:290; 6:80; 7:15; 7:270. Draft update rewritten #7:285. Richey-aye, Jackson-aye, Pribble-aye, and Murphy-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.

Resolution for Abatement of Working Cash Fund to Bld/Maintenance Fund

14. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Jackson to approve the Abatement resolution to move $330,000 from Working Cash Fund to Bld/Maintenance Fund to pay for the High School's new roof and related invoices. Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, Murphy-aye, and Jackson-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.

School Resource Officer

There was a discussion on a school resource officer along with other measures to ensure the safety of our school. This was tabled until next month to gather more information.


15. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Richey to increase the weekly mowing from $300 per week to $325.00 per week. Murphy-aye, Richey-aye, Jackson-aye, and Pribble-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.

Bus Lot Fence

Redbird Machinery Repair, LLC quoted a fence to go around the perimeter of the bus lot at a cost of $23,363.53. There was discussion on the fence perimeter, to make sure that there would still be enough room for the construction of a future bus barn.

16. A motion was made by Richey and seconded by Pribble to accept Redbird Machinery Repair, LLC quote to construct a perimeter fence around the bus lot at the high school. All materials and labor will cost $23,363.53 and will be paid with the Sales Tax fund. Richey-aye, Jackson-aye, Pribble-aye, and Murphy aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.

Softball Dugouts

The softball dugouts at the high school are in dire need of repair. The estimated cost of wood and materials would be approximately $3,400.00. The labor will be donated.

17. A motion was made by Murphy and seconded by Pribble to repair the softball dugouts at the high school at a cost of $3,400. It will be paid from the Sales Tax fund. Richey-aye, Jackson-aye, Pribble-aye, and Murphy-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.

High School Dishwasher Repair

The high school dishwasher booster heater is in poor condition. Yukon has proposed a new booster heater with installation at a cost of $4,293.06.

18. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Richey to accept Yukon's proposal to replace the booster heater for the high school dishwasher at a cost of $4,293.06. Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, Murphy-aye, and Jackson-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.



The new activity bus will be here in the fall.


HS Roof: Trusses are being set.

HS Gym Floor: The floor is almost finished; we have come in under budget. We are getting prices on new wall mats. Our old mats are in poor shape.

HVAC: Installation at the high school/junior high has been completed, except they are waiting on thermostats. Duct work has been started at the elementary gymnasium.

Summer maintenance is in full swing. The JH interior has been painted, and extra lockers will be installed.


Mr. Griffin Groves has started his duties as the athletic director.


Mr. Crank presented a list of district accomplishments for the past five years. Some items have been purchased with grant money. To name a few:

• Two teachers in every grade level at the grade school.

• Two High School English Teachers.

• Creation of the middle school model.

• Assistant Principal/Dean of Students position.

• New grade school curriculum for grades K-2.

• Writing by design curriculum K-8. . Chromebooks for all students.

• All new HVAC in both Elementary and JH/HS.

• Remodeled grade school gym.

• Remodeling of Pre-K for district offices.

• New bleachers at the high school.

• New high school gym floor. New high school roof.

• Elementary handi-cap bathroom in nurse's office and remodel.

• New phone system and Apptegy (all call emergency).

• New parking lots at the grade school, high school, and new bus parking lot with fuel tanks.

• New road built around high school ball fields.

• New playground and retaining wall at the elementary.

• Multiple IT infrastructure upgrades, and parking lot internet access at both schools.

• Multiple security upgrades (additional cameras, new intercom system, window tinting, and panic system).

• Three new activity buses, two new full-size buses, and one new yellow mini bus.

• Upgraded kitchen equipment.

Teacher Tuition Reimbursement: Mr. Crank discussed the possibility of some tuition and book reimbursement for teachers that are willing to go back and get certification is areas of teaching needs. Teachers would sign an agreement to stay with us for a period of time. This would have to be agreed upon by the union, but it is something we should look at.

Asbestos and Health/Life/Safety inspections: Inspections will be occurring this summer.

Implement practices around trauma informed schools: This is an area we can grow in over the next few years. There are many goals around trauma informed practices, but it ultimately seeks to not look at just behavior issues, but to recognize and address issues causing behaviors. Mrs. Stephanie Plumlee and Mrs. Nyla Ruccia have had training for this program.


Nlinois Tutoring Initiative Project: This is a very large grant through the state housed with Illinois State University. Our local agency would be Southeastern Illinois College. An MOU has been signed with SIC to provide extra tutoring for students in grades 3-8. This can be done with outside tutors during the school day or with our staff after school. There is online training the tutors have to do over the summer. The grant will pay $50/hr. for the tutors. There will be some reporting we have to share with them since it is a grant, and they will need that for their grant evaluation. Our aides would be eligible to tutor.

New Teacher Orientation: Will be scheduled before the school year starts for all new teachers.

Southeastern Nlinois College: Dr. Jonah Rice, Ph.D., President of SIC, sent the district a letter congratulating us for the outstanding results we had from the graduating class of 2021. SIC has been involved in a multi-year project whereby they analyze where each graduating high school senior goes after graduation, whether it be into high education (SIC, other CC, or university), the military, or nowhere (some with jobs, some not). This past year Galatia High School had outstanding results! In the fall of 2021, out of 23 graduates, 15 attended SIC, 2 went to another community college, 3 attended a University, did not attend school, and 1 was nowhere.



19. A motion was made by Richey and seconded by Murphy to accept Paige Morris's resignation at the end of the 2021/2022 school year. Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, Murphy-aye, and Jackson-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.


20. A motion was made by Jackson and seconded by Murphy to accept Kelsi Love's resignation at the end of the 2021/2022 school year. Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, Murphy-aye, and Jackson-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.


21. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Murphy to accept Darilyn William's resignation at the end of the 2021/2022 school year. Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, Murphy-aye, and Jackson-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.

High School Basketball Coach

22. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Jackson to employ Dominic Sriwichian as high school boys' basketball coach for the 2022/2023 school year. Murphy-aye, Richey-aye, Jackson-aye, and Pribble aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.

Superintendent Contract

23. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Murphy to continue Shain Crank as the Superintendent with a 5-year contract as presented for school years FY23-FY27. Jackson-aye, Murphy-aye, Richey-aye, and Pribble-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.

Middle School Teacher

24. A motion was made by Richey and seconded by Murphy to employ Tracy Studer as a middle school teacher for the 2022/2023 school year, per salary schedule and background check. Pribble-aye, Richey aye, Murphy-aye, and Allen-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.

Driver's Ed/Health Teacher

25. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Richey to employ Zach Essex as a high school driver's education health teacher for the 2022/2023 school year, per salary schedule and background check. Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, Jackson, and Murphy-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.


26. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Jackson to adjourn at 10:03 p.m. Jackson-aye, Murphy aye, Pribble-aye, and Richey-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.



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