Harrisburg Community Unit School District No. 3 Board of Education met July 19.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The regular meeting of the Board of Education of Harrisburg Community Unit School District #3, Saline County, Illinois, was held at 5:00 p.m. as announced by posted public notice and by mail. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Chris Penrod, Mr. Kevin Dowdy (arrived at 5:25 p.m.), Mr. Ryan Lambert, Mr. Billy Smith (left meeting at 6:19 p.m.), Mr. Brandon Henshaw. Mr. Jonathan Russell, and Mr. Chris Street were absent.
The following administrators were present: Eric Witges, Natalie Fry, Alesha Allen, and Pam Rizkallah. The following Unit #3 staff members were present: Keri Holland, Lori McClusky, Scott Isaacs, Bart Schiff, Jaime Questelle, Tiffany Kielhorn, Libby Arredondo, and Glenda Hall. The following members of the public were present: Mike Wagner, Eric Burtis, Jim Rann, and the Jeremy Palmer family.
With a quorum of the members of the Board being present, President Penrod called the meeting to order and declared the Board to be in session for the transaction of business.
President Penrod led the Board, staff and attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance
Mr. Lambert moved and Mr. Henshaw seconded the motion to enter into Executive Session to review Executive Session Minutes, to discuss retirements, resignations, the possible employment, appointment, compensation and discipline of employees of the Board of Education or complaints against employees of the Board, district finance and budget concerns. Upon a call of the President for a vote to be taken, it was determined the results of said motion carried.
Board entered into Closed Session at 5:02 p.m.
Mr. Lambert moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to reconvene in open session at 5:35 p.m. Upon a call of the President for a voice vote to be taken, it was determined the results of said motion carried.
Jeremy Palmer addressed the Board regarding Home School students being allowed to participate in sports.
Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the June 21, 2022 Regular Board Meeting. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the July 6, 2022 Special Board Meeting. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Henshaw seconded the motion to approve the Bills Due and Payable. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Lambert seconded the motion to approve the Expenditure and Revenue Reports. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
The Board of Education reviewed the monthly Activity Fund Summaries from each building.
Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to approve the HHS Athletic Handbook changes. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to approve the HHS referee/officials pay schedule for the 22-23 school year. On a call of the roll, Mr. Smith, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Dowdy, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Henshaw abstained. Motion carried.
Mr. Lambert moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to approve the HMS referee/officials pay schedule for the 22-23 school year. On a call of the roll, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Henshaw abstained. Motion carried.
Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Henshaw seconded the motion to approve the Egyptian Health Dept. Contract. On a call of the roll, Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith, Mr. Lambert voted yea. Mr. Penrod abstained. Motion carried.
Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to approve the Superintendent to develop the 22-23 Budget. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to approve the School Improvement Plans for Title 1003A. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Lambert seconded the motion to approve the West Side Handbook. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to approve the Pest and Trash Bids. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Lambert moved and Mr. Henshaw seconded the motion to approve moving to Williams and Associates Health Insurance for 22-23 school year. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Lambert seconded the motion to approve the Executive Session Minutes of the June 21, 2022 Regular Board Meeting. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Lambert moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to approve the Executive Session Minutes of the July 6, 2022 Special Board Meeting. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Lambert seconded the motion to hire Kim Huelsmann for WS 2nd Grade. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Lambert seconded the motion to hire Victoria Gross for Kindergarten at WSfor the 22-23 school year pending Illinois certification. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Lambert moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to hire Sara DeNeal as HMS Drama. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Lambert seconded the motion to hire Hayley Marks as WS Paraprofessional. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Henshaw seconded the motion to hire Haley Goolsby as ES Paraprofessional, pending certification. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Henshaw seconded the motion to hire Sheyanne McMahon as ES Paraprofessional, pending certification. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Lambert moved and Mr. Henshaw seconded the motion to hire Erin Moss as ES Paraprofessional, pending certification. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Lambert moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to hire Alysha McGowen as ES Secretary. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Lambert seconded the motion to hire Seth Martineau as day shift custodian at WS. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Henshaw moved and Mr. Lambert seconded the motion to hire Clarence Farmer as 2nd Shift custodian at HHS. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Lambert moved and Mr. Henshaw seconded the motion to hire Bart Schiff as 2nd Shift custodian at HHS. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Lambert seconded the motion to approve the HHS Dean of Students contract. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Lambert moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to approve the Volunteer Coaches. As presented. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Lambert moved and Mr. Henshaw seconded the motion to post the following positions. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
▪ 6 hour cook (float between HHS/BELA)
▪ Secretary at HMS
Mr. Lambert moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. Upon a call of the President for a voice vote to be taken, it was determined the result of said motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.