
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

New Hope Community Consolidated School District 6 Board of Education met Sept. 20

New Hope Community Consolidated School District 6 Board of Education met Sept. 20.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:


I. Meeting Called to Order and Roll Call 

II. Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Hearing 

III. Adjourn 


IV. Roll Call 

V. Motion to Approve Minutes of Regular August Meeting 

VI. Opportunity for Visitors to Speak 

VII. Motion to Approve Treasurer's Report 

VIII. Motion to Approve Bills 

IX. President's Prerogative 

1. Committee Reports - Transportation 

X. Superintendent's Report 

1. First day to circulate board petitions (today) - Smothers, Green, Duckworth 

2. FNB donation 

3. Building projects update - roof, gym, canopy 

4. Tutoring Grant 

5. Transportation 

6. Electric buses grant 

7. Maintenance grant 

8. Property tax rates lowered 9. CEP 

XI. Unfinished Business 

XII. New Business 

1. Motion to Approve FY 22 Annual Financial Report as Presented by Kemper 

2. Motion to Approve Fiscal Year 2023 Budget 

3. Motion to Purchase Two Used Buses from North Wayne #100 for $1,500 Each 

XIII. Executive Session for Personnel Matters 

XIV. Adjourn 
