
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Hamilton County Board met Sept. 20

Hamilton County Board met Sept. 20.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Pledge to the Flag 

2. Attendance (Roll Call) 

3. Approve the Minutes of the August 15th, 2022 Regular Hamilton County Board Meeting and the September 1st, 2022 Special Hamilton County Board  meeting as circulated. 

4. Acknowledgement of guest. 

5. Department Reports: 

A) Sheriff Lakin, Sheriff Department Report; 

B) Nathan Taylor, EMA Director, EMA Report: 

C) Dorothy Smith, ETSB Board report 

D) Health Department Report : Review Request submitted by Nicole  Schoenborn. 

E) Animal Control; Invoice received from the City of McLeansboro 

F) Ambulance Committee Update : Discussion of Contract / Agreement  renewal with the Hamilton County Ambulance Service. 

G) Bellwether, LLC: Administrative Services Report. 

Discussion FY2023 Budget Preparations 


1. Accept checks from the Hamilton County Health Department for the month of August 2022. Salaries: $8,153.00 Fringes: $852.58 and Insurance: $1,131.86 Unemployment $0.00. 

2. Accept check # 6007201 in the amount of $394,945.48 from Hamilton County Coal,  LLC. Product of Lease dated 11-01-2008 and Review the Recoupment Statement  dated for 08-18-2022 for the lease dated 12-01-2007. Recoupment ending balance is  $12,466.40. 

3. Accept check ___________ in the amount of $4,166.67 from the City of   McLeansboro per the Central Dispatching agreement for the month of  September 2022. 

4. Review the Hamilton County Unit #10 1% school facilities tax schedule amount  received is $57,915.67 

5. Review the Hamilton County Public Safety Tax Payment received in the amount of  $58,116.46. This is liability MO- June 2022, Collected MO- July 2022 Vouchered  Mo- September 2022. 


1. Jeremy Conrad representative of Window World of Paduach :  Update on window installation. 

2. Josh Kunce with Kunce Computer service: Discuss / Approve agreement with  Kunce Computer service for IT Services. 

3. Review / Approve the 3rd quarter FY 2022 claim submitted by Dr. Beth Rister,  Regional Superintendent of Schools, District #20 in the amount of $5,701.71 Roll Call Vote: 


4. Approve the re-appointment of Alecia Storey to the Hamilton County Board of  Health for a (3) year term effective September 1st, 2022 expiring August 31st,  2025. 

5. Approve the FY2022 -2024 Election Judge List. 

6. Approve the FY23 Courthouse Holiday Calendar .

7. Discuss Surplus Auction : October 15th, 2022 

8. Discuss / Approve the Claims List, Late Claims and Highway Claims with  signatures of approval. 

9. Discuss / Approve: Payment to Fender Mender for repairs to squad that needed  repairs. Possible payment out of Liability Insurance fund. 


10. Discuss / Approve agreement with Richard Coronado as the new Hamilton County  Highway Engineer 

11. Discussion: 2013 Dodge Pickup for Aaron 


