
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Grayville Community Unit School District #1 Board of Education met Oct. 26

Grayville Community Unit School District #1 Board of Education met Oct. 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


A regular meeting was called to order at 6:00p.m. by Stephanie Hatcher.


AB Browning

x Hatcher

x Risley

x Campbell

AB Kleinschmidt

x Hall

x Rhinehart

Others Present:

x Fetcho

x Harrelson

x Johnson

Guests in attendance included: Sandy Cline, Travis Thompson


● Wednesday, September 21, 2022 - Regular Meeting Minutes

● Monday, October 3, 2022 - Special Meeting Minutes

● Destroy Closed Session Audio Tapes Older Than 18 Months

● Financial Reports – Bills

Financial Reports

Transportation Report

● Resignations- Bailey Green as HS Softball Asst. Coach

Carsyn Robinson as JH Volleyball Coach

Motion by Risley, second by Hall to approve the consent agenda.

Roll Call:

x Risley

x Hatcher

x Campbell

AB Browning

AB Kleinschmidt

x Hall

x Rhinehart

There being 5 yeas and 0 nays, the motion carried


A. Recognition of Visitors / Public Comments:

B. Board Members

C. Staff

D. Administrative Reports:

Mr. Fetcho: Upon leaving the Egyptian Trust, participating certified staff will be under a new plan starting December 1, 2022. The new PPO plan will be the Illinois Educator Risk Management Program through USI Insurance Broker. Open enrollment will begin in November. Bids from HSC Pavement and E.T. Simonds were received and reviewed with the board and will be considered later in the meeting. TIF funds may be available to help with cost. The Early Childhood Grant has been submitted. Kathy Bishop helped supply the data needed to complete the grant application. Pre-Bids for the solar contractors are due tomorrow. Our district was given the Softball Lights from Rent One Park in Marion Illinois. With support from volunteers such as Tim Walker, Lewis Brothers at Lewis Scrap Metal, and Melvin Harrelson the lights will be delivered within the next two weeks.

Mr. Johnson: Ameren has installed lights at the basketball court. Discussion was had about installing lights at the new elementary parking lot. Martin Bennett with TeacherEase had a presentation with teachers and support staff about the company's student data system with intentions to replace the Specialized Data System we are currently using. Grayville teamed up with Mt. Carmel for a Pink Out game in Mt. Carmel. Grayville School Student Council helped collect local and personal donations. Part of the money raised by Mt. Carmel and Grayville Schools helped Grayville resident Devon Fewkes. She is currently battling cancer. P/T Conferences were held October 18 & 19th with a 95% attendance of parents at the elementary. The JR/SR High teachers reported having a steady flow of meetings. The increase of parent involvement has increased over the past few years. School Spirit is improving as well. Incentives for attending athletic events along with theme nights have been successful. Planning has begun for a JH & HS Pep Rally. Kicks for Kids were here again this year. Qualifying students received a pair of shoes. The FFA will be attending the FFA National Convention in Indianapolis from October 26-Saturday 29th. December 9, 2022 is Homecoming Night with the Mike Garbo Dedication.

Mrs. Harrelson: Mrs. Harrelson reported on Commendable Schools Designations. Lots of growth has been made but the chronic absences are really high. The ROE has implemented Attendance Incentives at the grade school level. With board approval in September, Mr. Reid chose an Exmark lawn mower for $11,000. School Board petitions are ready with 3 board seats available. The Synchronous Classroom has been installed in the guidance room. No courses have been set for the 2nd Semester yet. The High School Halloween Dance & Hayride sponsored by the Student Council will be this Friday, October 28th. Iconik will start the process of preserving the graduation photos from 1914 to the present date in January or possibly February. Rough cost of project will be $100 per year plus the price of the display frames. First Bank was here to discuss CD Rates with Higher Interest Rates.

IV. Unfinished Business

1. Motion to Hire Macy Stockton for Assistant High School Softball Coach

Motion by Risley, second by Campbell to hire Macy Stockton for Assistant High School Softball Coach as presented.

Roll Call:

x Rhinehart

x Campbell

AB Kleinschmidt

x Risley

x Hall

x Browning (arrived @6:02p) x Hatcher

There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the motion carried.

V. New Business

1. Motion to Approve Risk Management Plan

Motion by Risley, second by Campbell to approve the Risk Management Plan as presented.

Roll Call:

x Browning

x Hatcher x Risley

x Campbell

AB Kleinschmidt

x Hall

x Rhinehart

There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the motion carried.

2. Motion to Approve Maintenance Grant Application & Reserve $50,000 Local Matching funds

Motion by Hall, second by Browning to Approve Maintenance Grant Application & Reserve $50,000 Local Matching funds as presented.

Roll Call:

x Risley

x Hall

x Rhinehart

x Browning

x Hatcher

x Campbell

AB Kleinschmidt

There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the motion carried.

3. Motion to Accept Pavement Bid from E.T. Simonds

Motion by Risley, second by Browning to Accept Pavement Bid as presented.

Roll Call:

x Rhinehart

x Campbell

AB Kleinschmidt

x Risley

x Hall

x Browning

x Hatcher

There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the motion carried.

VI. CLOSED SESSION: Matters relating to:

1. Personnel Employment, Appointment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal

2. Student Discipline

Motion Hall, second by Risley to enter into closed session at 7:05p.m.

Roll Call:

x Hatcher

x Risley

x Hall

AB Kleinschmidt

x Browning

x Rhinehart

x Campbell

There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the motion carried.

Motion by Risley, second by Browning that the Board return to open session at 8:25pm. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.


4. Motion to Approve Release & Settlement Agreement

Motion by Hall, second by Risley to Approve Release & Settlement Agreement as presented.

Roll Call:

AB Kleinschmidt

x Browning x Hatcher

x Rhinehart

x Campbell

x Risley

x Hall

There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the motion carried.

5. Motion to Hire Chuck Turner as Junior High Volleyball Coach

Motion by Risley, second by Hall to hire Chuck Turner as Junior High Volleyball Coach as presented.

Roll Call:

AB Kleinschmidt

x Browning

x Hatcher

x Rhinehart

x Campbell

x Risley

x Hall

There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the motion carried.

6. Motion to Hire Kaelyn Worley as Junior High Assistant Volleyball Coach

Motion by Risley, second by Rhinehart to hire Kaelyn Worley as Junior High Assistant Volleyball Coach Kaelyn Worley as presented.

Roll Call:

x Hatcher

x Risley

x Hall

AB Kleinschmidt

x Browning

x Rhinehart

x Campbell

There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the motion carried.

7. Motion to Dismiss an Employee-TABLED


Motion by Hall, second by Risley to adjourn the meeting at 8:27pm. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.
