
SE Illinois News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Norris City-Omaha-Enfield Community Unit School District #3 Board of Education met Jan. 18

Norris City-Omaha-Enfield Community Unit School District #3 Board of Education met Jan. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Norris City-Omaha-Enfield Community Unit School District #3 of White, Hamilton and Gallatin Counties, Illinois, was called to order by Vice President Lincoln Hobbs at 7:00 p.m. in the Superintendent's office on Wednesday, January 15, 2023. All members had been previously notified and those answering roll call: Matt McArthy, Frank Graves, Lincoln Hobbs, Heath Rush, Mike Hite, and Paul Black. Joe Lane was absent. Also attending: Matt Vollman, Carla Carter, David Reavis, Brad Wehlermann, Jessica Jackson, Kathy Sands (The Villager's Voice), Skip Land.

Lincoln Hobbs made the motion to accept the minutes as presented. Frank Graves seconded. A unanimous vote followed.

The bills were approved on a motion by Matt McArthy and a second by Mike Hite. Roll Call Vote: Matt McArthy, Aye; Frank Graves, Aye; Lincoln Hobbs, Aye; Heath Rush, Aye; Mike Hite, Aye; and Paul Black, Aye. Motion Carried.

During the Treasurer's Report, Mr. Vollman stated that funds looked good overall. The district has received most of the property tax money.

The Booth Trust report was approved on a motion by Lincoln Hobbs and seconded by Heath Rush. The balance is $34,911.22. Roll Call Vote: Matt McArthy, Aye; Frank Graves, Aye; Lincoln Hobbs, Aye; Heath Rush, Aye; Mike Hite, Aye; and Paul Black, Aye. Motion Carried.

Principal Reports:

Booth: Mrs. Carter stated staff had CPR training January 2nd. Courtney McArthy provided training and demonstration on the AED machine. BCS has been in the building starting on security updates. PTO will be hosting bingo soon.

NCO: Mr. Reavis stated attendance was 91.1%. Jr. High basketball regionals are next Tuesday at Fairfield. The first jr high volleyball home game is January 31. Vision screenings will be starting for the elementary students.

High School: Mr. Wehlermann stated attendance was 88.7%. Basketball is doing well and on a 5-game winning streak. The GEC tournament is next week and is hosted by NCOE at SIC. February 7 is the homecoming basketball game and due to scheduling conflicts, the homecoming dance will be February 11. Drama Club will be presenting a musical on March 10 and 11.

Joe Lane entered at 7:31 pm.

The Board received one fuel bid from Wabash Valley FS. The Board approved the firm 1 year bid from Wabash Valley FS of $2.697 for gasoline (base price) and $3.278 for diesel (base price) from February 1, 2023, to January 31, 2024. Motion was made by Matt McArthy and seconded by Lincoln Hobbs. Roll Call Vote: Matt McArthy, Aye;

Frank Graves, Aye; Lincoln Hobbs, Aye; Heath Rush, Aye; Mike Hite, Aye; Joe Lane, Aye; and Paul Black, Aye. Motion Carried.

The board held the second reading of updated board policies release #110. Matt McArthy made the motion to approve the board policies as presented and Joe Lane seconded. A unanimous vote followed.

Mrs. Carter, Mr. Reavis and Mr. Wehlermann gave the board curriculum updates. They discussed strengths and weaknesses, potential trainings, grading scale, and what each individual building is doing to improve in areas.

Lincoln Hobbs made the motion to accept the resignation of Jordan Johnson as golf coach effective at the end of this school year. Heath Rush seconded. A unanimous vote followed.

Paul Black made the motion to accept the resignation letter from Becky Lewis as high school softball coach effective immediately. Mike Hite seconded. Motion passed with 6 in favor and 1 against.

The meeting adjourned at 9:58 p.m. on a motion by Joe Lane and seconded by Lincoln Hobbs. A unanimous vote followed.
