
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

New Hope Consolidated Community School District #6 Board of Education met March 21

New Hope Consolidated Community School District #6 Board of Education met March 21.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Meeting Called to Order and Roll Call 

II. Motion to Approve Minutes of Regular February Meeting 

III. Opportunity for Visitors to Speak 

1. Eric & Lori Stewart 

IV. Motion to Approve Treasurer's Report 

V. Motion to Approve Bills 

VI. President's Prerogative 

1. Committee Reports 

VII. Superintendent's Report 

1. FOIA Request - IRTA 

2. Brain Games 

3. Pavement & Basement - Costs 

4. Legislation update 

5. Election Day - Tues., April 4th 

VIII. New Business 

1. Motion to Accept Amy Fleener's Resignation as Cheer Coach 

2. Motion to Advertise for Cheerleading Coach 

3. Motion to Hire Jade Brooks as Individual Aide 

4. Motion to Rehire Katie Liston for 2023-2024 

5. Motion to Rehire Tylar McKitrick for 2023-2024 

6. Motion to Rehire Sara Wise for 2023-2024 

7. Motion to Rehire Katelyn Rodgers for 2023-2024 

8. Motion to Grant Tenure to Amy Fleener 

9. Motion to Rehire Chris Wise as Baseball Coach for 2023-2024 

10. Motion to Rehire Rob Edwards as Softball Coach for 2023-2024 

11. Motion to Rehire Cody Attebery as Boys Basketball Coach for 2023-2024 

12. Motion to Rehire Rob Edwards as Girls Basketball Coach for 2023-2024 

13. Motion to Rehire Cody Attebery as Boys Peewee Coach for 2023-2024 

14. Motion to Rehire Rob Edwards as Girls Peewee Coach for 2023-2024 

15. Motion to Rehire Ashley Siedler as Volleyball Coach for 2023-2024 

16. Motion to Rehire Cody Attebery as Track Coach for 2023-2024 

IX. Executive Session for Student Discipline, Individual Student Matters, and Personnel Hiring, Employment, Compensation, & Dismissal 

X. Adjourn 
