
SE Illinois News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

New Hope Consolidated Community School District #6 Board of Education met Feb. 21

New Hope Consolidated Community School District #6 Board of Education met Feb. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The New Hope Board of Education met on February 21, 2023 at 6:00 P.M. in the work room of the school.

President Nate Carter called the meeting to order at 6:02 P.M.

Roll Call: Present: Jason Simpson

Derek Smothers

Nate Carter

Ryan Green

Ryan Duckworth

Jeremy Gray

Absent: Jeremy Vaughan

Also Present: Julie Harrelson, Superintendent

Melanie Hill Tylar McKitrick

Katie Liston Jarrod Pruitt

Jason Simpson made a motion to approve the January 17, 2023 regular meeting minutes with no corrections noted. Second by Derek Smothers.

Voice Vote: Yea: Jason Simpson, Derek Smothers, Ryan Duckworth, Nate Carter, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray

Nay: None Carried

Superintendent Julie Harrelson presented the Treasurer’s Report and current financial information. Bank balances as of January 31, 2023:

Fairfield National Bank Checking: $1,296,094.28

IPTIP: $966.82

Fairfield National Bank Money Market: $497,861.61

Fairfield National Bank CD: $500,000.00

Ryan Green made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Second by Jason Simpson.

Voice Vote: Yea: Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jason Simpson, Derek Smothers, Ryan Duckworth, Nate Carter

Nay: None Carried

Jeremy Gray made a motion to pay the bills with no additions or exclusions noted. Second by Derek Smothers.

Voice Vote: Yea: Jeremy Gray, Jason Simpson, Derek Smothers, Ryan Duckworth, Nate Carter, Ryan Green

Nay: None Carried

Mrs. Harrelson presented the Superintendent’s Report. We recently had our annual building inspection. The only finding was door closures needed in the upstairs office that Ms. Liston uses. The teachers have decided to create their own health curriculum using online resources. Brain Games, previously Team Quest, competitions are taking place this week. We have received the maintenance grant for pavement and basement concrete work. Before health, life, safety funds can be used on pavement, all prior violations must be fixed. The basement drainage issue will be fixed on the south side of the building. Our recent compliance visit resulted in no findings. The student recognition breakfast coming up will recognize two of our 8th grade students. This year Carly Fleener and Skylar Bladel were chosen to attend.

New Business:

1. Jason Simpson made a motion to set graduation date for May 12th at 6:00 P.M. Second by Ryan Green.

Voice Vote: Yea: Jason Simpson, Derek Smothers, Ryan Duckworth, Nate Carter, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray

Nay: None Carried

2. Derek Smothers made a motion to approve 2023-2024 school calendar. Second by Ryan Green.

Voice Vote: Yea: Derek Smothers, Ryan Duckworth, Nate Carter, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jason Simpson

Nay: None Carried

3. Jason Simpson made a motion to advertise for LP gas bids for fiscal year 2024. Second by Jeremy Gray.

Voice Vote: Yea: Ryan Duckworth, Nate Carter, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jason Simpson, Derek Smothers

Nay: None Carried

Ryan Green made a motion to enter executive session at 6:12 P.M. for student discipline, individual student matters, and personnel employment and compensation. Second by Ryan Duckworth.

Voice Vote: Yea: Nate Carter, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jason Simpson, Derek Smothers, Ryan Duckworth

Nay: None Carried

Jeremy Vaughan arrived at 6:55 P.M.

Jason Simpson made a motion to return to open session at 7:07 P.M. Second by Ryan Duckworth.

Voice Vote: Yea: Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jason Simpson, Jeremy Vaughan, Derek Smothers, Ryan Duckworth, Nate Carter

Nay: None Carried

4. Jason Simpson made a motion to hire MaKenna Kelly as teacher for the 2023-2024 school year. Second by Derek Smothers.

Voice Vote: Yea: Jeremy Gray, Jason Simpson, Derek Smothers, Ryan Duckworth, Nate Carter, Ryan Green,

Jeremy Vaughan

Nay: None Carried

5. Derek Smothers made a motion to pay maintenance grant stipend to Julie Harrelson. Second by Jeremy Vaughan.

Voice Vote: Yea: Jason Simpson, Derek Smothers, Ryan Duckworth, Nate Carter, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan

Nay: None Carried

6. Ryan Green made a motion to rehire Julie Harrelson as superintendent/principal for fiscal year 2024. Second by Jason Simpson.

Voice Vote: Yea: Derek Smothers, Ryan Duckworth, Nate Carter, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan, Jason Simpson

Nay: None Carried

Jason Simpson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:13 P.M. Second by Jeremy Vaughan.

Voice Vote: Yea: Ryan Duckworth, Nate Carter, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan, Jason Simpson, Derek Smothers

Nay: None Carried
