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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Wabash Community Unit School District #348 Board of Education met Feb. 27

Wabash Community Unit School District #348 Board of Education met Feb. 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Wabash Community Unit School District #348, Wabash County, met for Regular Session on Monday, February 27, 2023 in Cafetorium of Mt. Carmel Grade School.

President Tim Schuler called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Secretary Janice Alka called the roll. In addition to the secretary, those present were Tim Schuler, Ryan Peter, Kyle Peach, Neil Earnest, and Theresa Hocking. Susan Wood was absent.

Also present were Superintendent Dr. Chuck Bleyer, MCJSH Principal Andrew Shelby, MCJSH COO Steve Holt,MCGS Principal Brianne Foster, MCES Principal Jake Newkirk, Kevin Madden –WSJD, Corey Woolsey –Mt. Carmel Register, Dawn Drone –WCEA, Kristi Perry –WCTA, Jamie McCorkle, Jon Miller –Parent, Julie Herman –Teacher, Tracee Bleyer –Social Media Administrator, Sarah Turner –WGH, Trevor Kennard –WGH , and District Secretary Kim Zimmer.

President Schuler led the pledge of allegiance to the flag.

Consent Agenda

a. Minutes of Past Board Meetings

-2023 01 23 Regular Board Meeting

b. Monthly Bills

-Invoices Paid January 2023

-Bills Payable February 2023

c. Financial Reports

Cash Deposits $ 1,010,418.81

Investments $ 12,593,559.01

4 Fund $ 8,948,341.00

5 Fund $ 9,760,745.00

Breakfast/Lunch $ -2,926.10

d. Correspondence

-Tim Willis retiring as MCHS Head Girls’ Basketball Coach effective the end of the 2022-2023 season

-Danielle Ewald retiring as MCGS 4th Grade Teacher effective the end of the 2026-2027 school year

-Sarah Morris resigning as MCJH Social Worker effective the end of the 2022-2023 school year

Approved by the Board of Education on March 20, 2023

-Logan Crum resigning as MCHS Head Wrestling Coach effective February 17, 2023

-Joseph Vargo resigning as MCHS Cross Country Coach effective February 16, 2023

e. Administrative Reports

-Mt. Carmel Junior High/High School Chief Operations Officer Steve Holt

-District Curriculum/Grant Coordinator Michael Brewer

-Mt. Carmel Elementary School Principal Jake Newkirk

-Mt. Carmel Grade School Principal Brianne Foster

-Mt. Carmel Junior Senior High Principal Andrew Shelby

-Superintendent Dr. Chuck Bleyer

A motion to approve the consent agenda was made by Hocking and seconded by Peach. A roll call vote was taken and all present voted AYE. Motion Carried. Susan Wood was absent.

Superintendent’s Comments

Dr. Bleyer noted that the tiling and carpeting replacement due to flooding at the grade school was completed. He also asked the Board to let him know their thoughts regarding whether to close school or not on April 8, 2024 due to the total solar eclipse. Tracee Bleyer was commended for her work on the Stadium Brick Markers as well as her work in getting Skyward implemented in District 348.

Trevor Kennard –Strength and Conditioning Program

Mr. Kennard gave a power point presentation regarding his work with the student athletes in the district.

Public Comments

There were no public comments.

Executive Session pursuant to Section 2 (C)(1) of the Open Meetings Act: “The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees”.

At 7:18 p.m. a motion to go into closed session was made by Alka and seconded by Peter. All present voted AYE. Motion Carried. Susan Wood was absent.

At 8:07 p.m. a motion to return to open session was made by Hocking and seconded by Alka. All present voted AYE. Motion Carried. Susan Wood was absent.

A motion to approve the minutes as read in closed session was made by Alka and seconded by Hocking. All present voted AYE. Motion Carried. Susan Wood was absent.

Approved by the Board of Education on March 20, 2023

New Business

Employment of Personnel

A motion to approve the following employment recommendations was made by Peach and seconded by Earnest:


Teresa Urfer -MCHS Individual Assistant starting February 2, 2023

Kristina James -MCES RtI Reading Assistant beginning January 24, 2023


Kristina Kelsey -MCHS Assistant Girls’ Track Coach starting February 27, 2023

Abbey Carpenter -MCJHS Boys’ Golf Coach starting February 27, 2023

Meagan Steckler -MCJHS Girls’ Track Coach starting February 4, 2023

Trevor Kennard -MCHS Assistant Boys’ Track Coach starting February 27, 2023

Luke Laws -MCHS Head Boys’ Tennis Coach starting February 27, 2023


Kim Winters -MCJHS Volleyball Assistant starting February 4, 2023

Kenley Drone -MCJHS Volleyball Assistant starting February 4, 2023

All present voted AYE. Motion Carried. A roll call vote was taken and all present voted AYE. Motion Carried. Susan Wood was absent.


A motion to adjourn was made by Peter and seconded by Alka. All present voted

AYE. Motion Carried. Susan Wood was absent. Meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m.