
SE Illinois News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Hamilton County Community Unit School District 10 Board of Education met March 21

Hamilton County Community Unit School District 10 Board of Education met March 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Hamilton County Community Unit District No. 10 met in regular session on the evening of March 21, 2023 at 7:00 p.m., in the Unit Office.

The meeting was called to order by Board President Dennis Lynch. Roll Call was as follows: Present – Steve Becker, Bob Gray, Jeff Lueke, Tim Millenbine, Justin Woodrow, and Dennis Lynch. Absent – Clint Ragan.

Motion by Woodrow, second by Becker to approve the following items under the Consent Agenda: The minutes from the February 21, 2023 Regular Board Meeting, Treasurer’s Report, Budget reports, District bill listing, and the destruction of Executive Session Audio Recordings older than 18 months per Code, Out of state trips: East Side 5th Grade Class to St. Louis, Mo to St. Louis Zoo on May 3, 2023, East Side 6th Grade Class to Evansville, IN to USS LST-325 WWII Landing Ship on May 17, 2023. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow, Becker, Lueke, Gray, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion carried.


VISITORS/Public Comment – Civic students were present for a classroom assignment. Rhonda Tracy with the Fox Fire Trap Team was present to thank the board for the additional funds they received this year.


Mr. McCollum updated the Board on the following: State Disbursements owed: $5,744.48; School Improvement updates; IAR testing; District curriculum updates.



Motion by Lueke, second by Woodrow to set the high school graduation for Friday, May 12, 2023 at 7 p.m. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Becker, second by Lueke to approve the tentative RIF/Recall List as presented. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Lueke, second by Woodrow to authorize the Superintendent to submit for any state or federal grants that may become available to the district. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Gray, second by Becker to convene in executive session at 7:15 p.m. to discuss appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of a specific employee(s) or office of the public body, and pending litigation pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1&2). Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Gray, Becker, Woodrow, Lueke, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Gray, second by Woodrow to come out of executive session at 8:46 p.m. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Gray, Woodrow, Becker, Lueke, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Lueke, second by Gray to approve the minutes from executive session. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Gray, second by Woodrow, to accept the letter of resignation from Leah Lorenz, High School Cheerleading Coach, effective March 13, 2023. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Gray, second by Woodrow, to accept the letter of resignation from Kristin Rodgers, Preschool for All Teacher, effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Gray, second by Woodrow, to accept the letter of resignation from Jayce Wellen, Part-time Childcare Worker, effective March 31, 2023. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Gray, second by Woodrow, to accept the letter of resignation from Felica Brown, EOC Aide, effective March 20, 2023. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Gray, second by Woodrow, to accept the letter of resignation from Amy Hamson, Jr. High English Language Arts Teacher and Jr. High Softball Coach, effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Lueke, second by Becker, to approve family medical leave for a certified employee beginning August 10, 2023 through August 18, 2023. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Lueke, second by Becker, to approve family medical leave for a certified employee beginning August 9, 2023 through October 6, 2023. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Lueke, second by Gray, to reassign Connie Lueke as the Jr./Sr. High School Principal and approve a 12 month (240 day) employment contract, effective July 1, 2023. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Lueke, Gray, Becker, Woodrow, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Becker, second by Gray, to reassign Bethany Moore as the District Instructional Coach, effective with the start of the 2023-2024 school year. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Becker, Gray, Lueke, Woodrow, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Lueke, second by Woodrow, to employ Hanna Cooley as an hourly, part-time 5.5 hour tutor, assigned to East Side, contingent upon successful completion of necessary paperwork, effective March 22, 2023. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Lueke, Woodrow, Becker, Millenbine, Gray, and Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Woodrow, second by Becker, to employ Heather Lynch as a High School Social Studies Teacher, contingent upon successful completion of a background check and completion of necessary paperwork, effective with the start of the 2023-2024 school year. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow, Becker, Millenbine, Gray, and Lueke. Abstain Voting – Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Woodrow, second by Becker, to employ Jessica Johnson as a Preschool for All Teacher, contingent upon obtaining a provisional license prior to the start of the 2023-2024 school year, successful completion of a background check, completion of necessary paperwork, and obtaining proper licensure by May of 2026, effective with the start of the 2023-2024 school year. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow, Becker, Gray, Millenbine, Lueke, and Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Lueke, second by Becker, to place the following first year teachers on second year probationary status for the 2023-2024 school year: Caleb Smothers, Garrett Craddock, Hannah Hart, Iloany Eber-Ochoa, Katye Roper, Lisa Shelton, Megan Rubenacker, and Whitney Hopfinger. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Lueke, Becker, Woodrow, Millenbine, Gray, and Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Becker, second by Millenbine, to place the following second year teacher on third year probationary status for the 2023-2024 school year: Erica Harris, Rhet Vaughan, Sydney Williams, and Taylie Gray. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Becker, Millenbine, Woodrow, Gray, Lueke, and Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Woodrow, second by Gray, to move the following third year teacher to tenure status under the current PERA laws for the 2023-2024 school year: Marlene Cunico. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow, Gray, Becker, Millenbine, Lueke, and Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Becker, second by Woodrow, to place the following third year teacher on fourth year probationary status for the 2023-2024 school year: Jessica Partain. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Becker, Woodrow, Millenbine, Gray, Lueke, and Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Gray, second by Becker, to move the following fourth year teacher to tenure status for the 2023-2024 school year: Alison Burke. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Gray, Becker, Lueke, Woodrow, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Becker, second by Woodrow, to approve a 10 ½ month employment contract to Christina Epperson, Preschool Principal/Special Education Coordinator/District Testing Coordinator/Title IX Appeals Decision Maker for 1 additional year for the 2023-2024 school year. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Becker, Woodrow, Millenbine, Gray, Lueke, and Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Becker, second by Woodrow, to approve a 11 month employment contract to Stephanie Lasswell, East Side Elementary School Principal/Non-Discrimination Coordinator (Sex Equity/Harassment) for 1 additional year for the 2023-2024 school year. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Becker, Woodrow, Millenbine, Gray, Lueke, and Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Becker, second by Woodrow, to approve a 10 ½ month employment contract to Jay Lentz, Dahlgren Elementary Principal/District Cafeteria Director/Title IX Coordinator/District 504 Coordinator/Title IX Investigator/Transportation Coordinator for 1 additional year for the 2023-2024 school year. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Becker, Woodrow, Millenbine, Gray, Lueke, and Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Becker, second by Woodrow to approve a 12 month employment contract to Connie Lueke, Jr./Sr. High School Principal/IHSA Representative for 1 additional year for the 2023-2024 school year. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Becker, Woodrow, Millenbine, Lueke, and Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Becker, second by Woodrow, to approve a 9 month employment contract to Doug Miller, Part-time Athletic Director/Part-time teaching duties as per salary schedule for 1 additional year for the 2023-2024 school year. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Becker, Woodrow, Millenbine, Gray, Lueke, and Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Becker, second by Woodrow, to approve a 10 month employment contract to Clint Winemiller, Part-time Athletic Director/Part-time teaching duties as per salary schedule for 1 additional year for the 2023-2024 school year. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Becker, Woodrow, Millenbine, Gray, Lueke, and Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Lueke, second by Gray to approve a 5% salary increase for the following district administrators: Christina Epperson, and Jay Lentz. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Lueke, Gray, Becker, Woodrow, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Lueke, second by Becker to approve a 5% salary increase for the following district office employees for the 2023-2024 school year: Paula Jackson, Sandra Carr, and Bryan Warren. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Lueke, Becker, Woodrow, Millenbine, Gray, and Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Woodrow, second by Gray, to approve the Superintendent’s employment contract. Roll call vote – Voting Yes – Woodrow, Gray, Lueke, Becker, Millenbine, and Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Gray, second by Becker to approve a $5,000.00 salary increase for Bill Blake, District Transportation Director, effective for the 2023-2024 school year. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Gray, Becker, Woodrow, Millenbine, Lueke, and Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Gray, second by Woodrow to approve a $2,500.00 salary increase for the following district office employees for the 2023-2024 school year: Angela McMahon, Shaunna Scott, and Dana Rubenacker. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Gray, Woodrow, Becker, Millenbine, Lueke, and Lynch. Motion Carried.

Motion by Millenbine, second by Woodrow, to post for K-12 Summer School Instructors, funded by the ESSER Grant. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Millenbine, second by Woodrow, to post for a High School Cheerleading Coach. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Millenbine, second by Woodrow, to post for an Elementary Teacher. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Millenbine, second by Woodrow, to post for an Elementary Music Teacher. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Millenbine, second by Woodrow, to post for a Jr. High English Languages Art Teacher. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Millenbine, second by Woodrow, to post for part-time Child Care Worker. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Millenbine, second by Woodrow, to post for an Assistant Jr./Sr. High School Assistant Principal. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Millenbine, second by Woodrow, to post for the following 2023 summer hourly positions: Summer Maintenance Workers and Paint Crew. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Becker, second by Gray to adjourn. Vote was taken by voice, motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
