
SE Illinois News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Carrier Mills-Stonefort Community Unit School District #2 Board of Education met May 1

Carrier Mills-Stonefort Community Unit School District #2 Board of Education met May 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I) Call to Order by: Mr. Scott Figg at 6:38 p.m.

II) Roll Call by: Mr. Clay Nolen

Present: Charles Burnham, Issac Craig, Rhonda Felty, Scott Figg, Ryan Lewis, Clay Nolen.

Absent: Kassi Reeves.

III) Recognition of Visitors: Samantha Craig, Derek Field, and Katie Whiting.

IV) Review results of Board Election April 4, 2023:

The Saline County Clerk and Williamson County Clerk canvassed the Election results from the April 4, 2023 as follows:

Receiving votes and being elected:

Charles Burnham - 119

Issac Craig - 221

Derek Field - 225

Clay Nolen - 179

Kassi Reeves - 113

Katie Whiting - 173

V) To appoint Superintendent Bryce K. Jerrell as president pro tem:

Motion by Mr. Nolen, 2nd by Mr. Lewis.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen

Aye: Mr. Burnham, Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen.

Nay: None.

Absent: Mrs. Reeves.

VI) To appoint Mr. Clay Nolen as secretary pro tem:

Motion by Mr. Craig, 2nd by Mrs. Felty.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen

Aye: Mr. Burnham, Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis.

Nay: None.

Abstain: Mr. Nolen.

Absent: Mrs. Reeves.

VII) To adjourn sine die:

Motion by Mr. Burnham, 2nd by Mr. Lewis.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen

Aye: Mr. Burnham, Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen.

Nay: None.

Absent: Mrs. Reeves.

I) Meeting of the new board called to order by president pro tem Bryce K. Jerrell:

II) Roll Call by secretary pro tem: Mr. Clay Nolen

Present: Issac Craig, Rhonda Felty, Derek Field, Scott Figg, Ryan Lewis, Clay Nolen, Katie Whiting.

Absent: None.

III) Recognition of Visitors: Samantha Craig.

IV) Election of President of the Board:

Mr. Jerrell opened the floor for nominations for Board president, asking several times. Mr. Issac Craig, Mrs. Rhonda Felty, and Mr. Ryan Lewis nominated Mr. Scott Figg and he accepted the nomination. No other nominations were made. A motion was made to close the nominations for Board President.

Motion by Mr. Field, 2nd by Mr. Nolen.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen

Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Field, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Whiting.

Nay: None.

Absent: None.

Show of Hands in Favor of Mr. Scott Figg as President: 6 votes in favor.

V) Election of Vice President of the Board:

Mr. Figg opened the floor for nominations for Board vice president, asking several times. Mrs. Katie Whiting nominated Mr. Issac Craig and he accepted the nomination. Mr. Clay Nolen nominated Mrs. Rhonda Felty and she accepted the nomination. No other nominations were made. A motion was made to close the nominations for Board Vice President.

Motion by Mr. Field, 2nd by Mr. Lewis.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen

Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Field, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Whiting.

Nay: None.

Absent: None.

Show of Hands in Favor of Mr. Issac Craig as Vice President: 3 votes in favor.

Show of Hands in Favor of Mrs. Rhonda Felty as Vice President: 2 votes in favor.

VI) Election of Secretary of the Board:

Mr. Figg opened the floor for nominations for Board secretary, asking several times. Mr. Scott Figg nominated Mr. Clay Nolen. No other nominations were made. A motion was made to close the nominations for Board Secretary.

Motion by Mr. Lewis, 2nd by Mr. Field.

Show of Hands in Favor of Mr. Clay Nolen as Secretary: 6 votes in favor.

VII) President administered oath of office to board members.

Mr. Craig, Mr. Field, Mr. Nolen, and Mrs. Whiting all recited the Oath of Office.

VIII) Adjourn

Motion: To Adjourn at 6:51 p.m. by Mr. Nolen, 2nd by Mr. Lewis.

Voice Vote: All Approved Motion Passed
