
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

New Hope Consolidated Community School District #6 Board of Education met June 20

New Hope Consolidated Community School District #6 Board of Education met June 20.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Call to Order and Roll Call 

II. Motion to Approve Minutes of Regular May Meeting 

III. Opportunity for Visitors to Speak 

IV. Motion to Approve Treasurer's Report 

V. Motion to Approve Bills 

VI. President's Prerogative 

1. Committee Reports 

VII. Superintendent's Report 

1. IAR Scores 

2. Summer Learning Loss Grant - Ukulele Club & Library cards 

3. Baseball Cooperative Team Request from Geff School 

4. School Board Conference Registration 

5. Supt. vacation - June 28 - July 7 

6. Board Goals 

7. 5 Essentials Survey Results 

8. School Registration - July 18th 

VIII. New Business 

1. Motion to Approve Press Policy Issue 112 Updates 

2. Motion to Abolish Working Cash Fund 

3. Motion to Accept Pavement Bid 

4. Motion to Approve Handbook Changes for 2023-2024 

5. Motion to Renew Intergovernmental Agreement with Jasper for SLP Services 

6. Motion to Hire Hillary Goodman as Speech/Language Pathologist 

7. Motion to Hire Tori Toombs as Individual Paraprofessional 

8. Motion to Approve Extra Curricular Pay 

9. Motion to Approve Wages for Non-Certified Staff for 2023-2024 

IX. Executive Session for Personnel Hiring & Compensation 

X. Right to Revert to Prior Order 

XI. Adjourn 
